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天之聪教育 2012-09-03 天之聪教育 670次


My Fellow Singaporeans,

1. We celebrate National Day amidst an unsettled world. Europe and the US face serious economic problems. Asia is doing better than other regions, but China and India are slowing down and tensions are simmering in the South China Sea.

2. Against this backdrop, Singapore is doing quite well. Our economy grew 1.7% in the first half of 2012 and we are on track for 1.5-2.5% growth for the year. Internationally, Singapore’s standing is high, whether with emerging countries like India and China or advanced nations like the US. Domestically, we are clearing the backlog of applicants for HDB flats, building more MRT lines and upgrading our bus services. Our GST Vouchers and U-Save rebates will help lower-income households cope with inflation.

3. Today Singapore is a success story, but the world is not standing still. The next two decades will be very different. The emerging economies in Asia are advancing rapidly. Breakthroughs in science and technology will transform our lives. Singapore will encounter many new challenges and opportunities.

4. We must ask ourselves some fundamental questions: What future do we see for Singapore? What kind of home do we want for our children? I believe all of us want to be proud to be Singaporeans, and to live in a successful country that meets our aspirations. What does this mean?

5. First, Singapore must always offer hope of a better future. We must always be a fair and just society which creates opportunities for all. A nurturing and open environment which gives every citizen the chance to pursue his dreams. A forward-looking community where each generation improves on what they have inherited and hands a better Singapore over to their children. This is the way to root able and enterprising Singaporeans here, and inspire all of us to keep on improving Singapore.

6. Singaporeans all want the best education, to fulfill their potential and be better people. We will equip them with skills and knowledge to thrive in an uncertain world. We must work with parents to bring their children to more equal starting points for primary school, through good and affordable childcare and kindergartens. We will open up more pathways in our education system, to fulfill the diverse aspirations of our young. Let us prepare every child for the test of life, not just a life of tests.

7. Second, Singapore must be an inclusive society with a heart. We uphold meritocracy, to motivate everyone to try their best. But individual achievement must be tempered with a mutual obligation. The successful ones have a duty to contribute back more to society. We need to treat one another with dignity and respect, and to share the fruits of success widely, so that no Singaporean is left out.

8. We have strived for such an inclusive Singapore for many years. Our home ownership programme gives every citizen, rich or poor, a stake in our nation. Our universal and almost free education system equips every child with the tools to succeed in life. Our healthcare system provides every Singaporean with good quality and affordable care.

9. But as new needs have emerged over time, we have enhanced our social safety nets. We introduced ComCare to help the needy, and Workfare for low-income workers. Low- and middle-income couples now get Additional Housing Grants to buy HDB flats. In schools, Opportunity Funds enable less well-off students to participate fully in enrichment programmes and study trips.

10. This year’s Budget was a further major step. We introduced new programmes. The Silver Housing Bonus is benefiting our ageing population. Increased subsidies for home-based care are helping more families with elderly parents. These are not one-off gestures, but a carefully designed package which lays the basis for stronger safety nets for the future.

11. We will build on these initiatives in a sustainable way. The Government will do more but it cannot do everything. Every Singaporean must play his part in creating an inclusive Singapore. This is how we can nurture a united community, and do the best for ourselves and one another.

12. Third, Singapore must be a home that all of us love. We have built a unique home on our little island, striking a balance between preserving the old and embracing the new. Let us make it even better. A beautiful home with green spaces, blue skies and clear waters, just like here in Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park. A cherished home where we build treasured memories and lifelong friendships. A safe home which we will defend.

13. This feeling of belonging and identity is especially important for an open society in a globalised world. But it is also harder to nurture when we have new immigrants and foreign workers. We are managing the inflow to minimise the strains on our infrastructure and society. But Singaporeans must remain confident and open, and welcome those who will strengthen our team and help us and our children do better. For their part, new immigrants must make the effort to integrate into our community. They must acquire our social values, our cultural values, adopt our social norms and commit their loyalty and love to Singapore.

14. Even as we keep our society open to immigrants, we will bring up our own next generation. Singaporeans do want to grow their own families. Many couples do wish to have children, and we will do more to support their family life and parenthood. I am happy that we expect more Dragon babies this year, but our fertility trend is still declining. We must go beyond the Chinese zodiac and tackle the underlying causes of our low birth rates. If we can create more supportive social attitudes and work environments, and lighten the burdens of parenthood, we will help couples to have more kids.

15. Beyond specific issues like immigration and procreation, we need to review our policies more broadly, particularly social and education policies. To still be a shining red dot twenty years from now, we must rethink our approaches, and reinvent ourselves. We must anticipate changes and prepare for what lies ahead. Singaporeans will remain at the heart of all that we do, as we update our policies to best serve our people. Core values such as meritocracy, multi-racialism and financial prudence cannot change. But within these broad principles, we should review what needs to change and where we should act more boldly.

16. I have asked Minister Heng Swee Keat to chair a committee of younger ministers to take a fresh look at what we are doing. We will engage Singaporeans in this review, and build a broad consensus on the way forward. I ask for your support in this exercise.

17. Singapore is our shared home. What Singapore becomes depends on what we make of it. With our resources, our resolve, and our imagination, Singapore is well placed to thrive in a changing world. Let us all work together so that our children can always find here hope of a better future, an inclusive society with a heart, and the best home for ourselves and our families.

18. Happy National Day!



1.  世界局势正处于一个不很稳定的状态。我们今年是在这个背景下庆祝国庆日。欧洲和美国都面对严重的经济问题。亚洲的情形整体上比其他区域好。不过中国和印度的增长也放慢了,而且南中国海的主权争议正加剧。

2.   与其他国家比较,新加坡的状况其实是很不错的。我国经济今年上半年取得1.7% 的增长,全年的增长率应该能够达到预期的1.5%到2.5%。新加坡在国际上享有很崇高的声誉;不论是印度和中国等崛起中的国家,还是美国和其他发达国家,都赞赏我们的成就。我们也很积极处理各种国内的问题,包括缩短等候获配组屋的时间;建造更多的地铁线和改善巴士服务。我们提供的消费税补助券和水电费回扣,能够帮助较低收入家庭应付通货膨胀。

3.  新加坡是个成功的国家,不过其他国家也在努力建设和发展。未来的二十年将是个全然不同的世界,亚洲新兴经济体将快速发展。科学和科技的突破将彻底改变我们的生活。新加坡将面对这些改变所带来新的挑战和机会。

4.  我们在面对未来的时候,应该一起探讨一些基本的问题:未来的新加坡应该是个怎样的国家?我们应该为下一代建设一个怎样的家?我相信,大家都希望能够以身为新加坡人为荣,并且希望能够在一个成功的国家里施展抱负。问题是,我们应该怎么做才能维持一个这样的新加坡?

5.  首先,新加坡必须是个充满希望的地方,不断让人觉得明天会更好。我们应该维持一个公正和公平的社会体制,使人人都有充分的、平等的机会。我们也必须是个开明的、重视教育的社会,使人人都有机会追寻自己的梦想。我们也应该着眼未来,确保每一代人都能承先启后,都能为下一代创造一个更好的国家。唯有这样的一个新加坡,才能鼓励有才干,有魄力的国人在这里落地生根,并且激励全体人民不断地推动国家前进。

6.  新加坡人都希望得到最好的教育,以发挥自己 的潜能,成为更有作为的人。我们将确保人民掌握有用的技术和知识,以便在未来世界里成功立业。我们必须提供优良的、收费低廉的托儿服务和学前教育,与家长配合,使他们的孩子在进入小学时能够处于一个更平等的起点。我们将开拓更多的教育和升学途径,使年轻人各施所长。让我们好好培养每一个孩子,使他们善于应付人生的考验,而不只是懂得应付学校考试的技巧。

7.  其次,新加坡必须成为一个富有爱心和包容的社会。我们采取公平竞争、论功行赏的制度,以激励国人奋发向上。但是,我们不能只强调个人的成就,而忽略同舟共济的精神。成功的人士有责任为社会作出更多贡献。我们必须互相尊重,并分享成功的果实,确保没有人被社会所遗弃。

8.  多年来,我们一直努力建设一个让人人受惠的、包容的社会。我们落实了“居者有其屋”的目标: 全体人民,不论贫富,都有自己的住屋。我们也落实了全民教育的目标,提供近乎免费的中小学教育,以确保每一名学童都能掌握谋生的技术和知识。每一位国人也能享有高素质和负担得起的医药服务。

9.  然而,近年来随着社会需求的增加,我们逐步加强了社会安全网。我们推出“关怀基金”,以帮助贫困的家庭;我们为低薪工友提供“就业入息补助”。中低收入的夫妇在购买组屋时可获得额外的购屋津贴。此外,各所学校可以动用“进取基金”帮助家庭环境较差的学生,让他们可以全面参加各种辅助活动和到国外交流学习。

10.  今年的财政预算案在加强社会安全网方面,向前跨出了一大步。我们为乐龄人士提供“乐龄安居花红”,也为居家护理服务提供更多津贴,让必须照顾年老父母的家庭受惠。这不是一次性的措施,而是经过深思熟虑的政策,目的是巩固我国的社会安全网,为社会未来的需要做好准备。

11.  我们将不断地改进这些措施,确保它们持久可行。政府将尽力而为,但是政府能做的毕竟有限。我吁请全体国人鼎力相助,使新加坡变得更温馨,更具包容性。这是我们团结全民之道,并且借此激励人民力求上进,回馈社会。

12.  第三,我们必须使新加坡成为全体人民温暖的家园。我们生活在这个小岛上,它是我们建立起来的独特家园。我们重视历史的保留,但也不断地求新求变。让我们一起努力,把这个家园打造得更完美,使我们随处可见美丽的花草树木,蓝天白云和清澈的流水。这也是我们交朋友,建立持久友谊,拥有美好回忆的理想家园。当然,这应该也是个安全的家,值得我们珍惜和捍卫。

13.  归属感和认同感的培养,对新加坡这个开放的社会来说非常重要,尤其是在这个全球化的时代。加上新移民和外国工人的引入,整个情况显得更为复杂。我们已经节制外国人的流入,以尽量减少对基础设施和社会的冲击。不过,新加坡人应该保持自信,以开放的态度欢迎能够增强我国的实力和潜能的新移民。我也吁请新移民努力融入新加坡社会。他们应该采纳我们的社会价值观,文化价值观和社会规范,并且热爱和效忠新加坡。

14.  我们引进移民,也帮助新加坡人成立家庭,生养孩子。许多夫妇都有养儿育女的意愿。我们将为这些夫妇提供更多援助,使他们可以享受天伦之乐。今年是龙年,预料将有更多宝宝。这令我感到高兴。但是我国的生育率还在下滑。我们不能依赖十二生肖解决问题,而应该寻找更根本的解决方案。如果我们能够创造一个更有利的社会和工作环境,并减轻夫妇生养孩子的负担,我们就能帮助他们生养更多孩子。

15.  移民和生育是我们面对的具体问题。我们在解决这些问题的时候,也应该更全面的检讨各项政策,特别是社会和教育政策。如果我们希望新加坡在20年后仍旧是个发光发亮的小红点,就应该重新思考我们的策略,并且重新打造新加坡。我们应该尽所能预测未来的改变,充分做好应对的准备。我们凡事都以新加坡人的利益为重,任何政策的调整,都是希望为新加坡人提供最好的服务。我们应该捍卫我们治国的基本原则,包括论功行赏,多元种族政策,谨慎节约的理财理念。但是,在这些大原则下,我们应该探讨哪些政策应该改变;在哪些环节上我们应该进行更加果断的调整。

16.  我已经委任王瑞杰部长领导一个由较年轻部长组成的委员会,负责检讨各项现行的政策。他们将征询民众的意见,进而对国家发展的方向建立广泛的共识。我吁请大家积极帮助委员会推展他们的工作。

17.  新加坡是我们共有的家园。它的前途取决于我们的抉择和意愿。我们具备资源,毅力和想象力。因此,无论时代怎么改变,新加坡应该能够继续发光发亮。让我们一起努力,使我们的下一代能够期待一个更灿烂的未来,一个温馨和包容的社会,以及一个属于全民的美好家园。

18.  最后,让我祝大家国庆日愉快!
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