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天之聪教育 2014-02-08 中国驻澳大利亚使馆 530次

China is Australia’s Land of Opportunity



On January 31, 2014, the Chinese ambassador to Australia MA Zhaoxu published in The Australian Financial Review a signed article with the title of “China is Australia’s land of opportunity”. The full text is as follows:


Last week China released economic data for 2013, which shows GDP grew by 7.7 per cent, a mid-to-high growth rate in global terms. More than 13 million new urban jobs were created, more than in any previous year. Total imports approached $US2 trillion. Overseas direct investment by Chinese enterprises exceeded $US90 billion. Given the lingering international financial crisis, the unrecovered world economy and China’s effort of economic restructuring, such a “score report” is a hard-won achievement. Moreover, with uncertainties in the global economy and unusual sensitivities of the international market to macro-policy developments in major economies, China’s stable fiscal and monetary policies as well as reasonable liquidity have sent a clear signal of stability to international market expectations. This is an act of responsibility by China in the interest of the world economy.


The figures also mean an upgrading of China’s economic growth and show that huge opportunities may arise for the global and the Australian economy. China’s service sector accounted for 46.1 per cent of the country’s GDP in 2013, up from 44.6 per cent in 2012, outperforming the industrial sector for the first time. The service sector has become a new growth engine, setting economic growth on a healthier, long-term trajectory. China-Australia co-operation in the service sector is moving forward fast. China has been Australia’s largest export market for service products for three years in a row. Our two-way trade in services reached $8.5 billion and Australia exported $6.7 billion worth of service products to China in 2012-2013.

China is Australia’s largest source of international students, second-largest source of inbound tourists as well as the fastest-growing inbound tourism market. Far-sighted Australian enterprises have been capitalising on opportunities provided by the new momentum. ANZ won approval for a sub-branch in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone last November. Andrew Whitford, Westpac’s head of Greater China, said Australian companies should establish themselves in the new zone as there are “enormous opportunities”.


In 2013, the GDP of central and western parts of China was 44 per cent of China’s total, up by 0.2 per cent on the previous year. The per capita net income of rural residents grew by 9.3 per cent in real terms, 2.3 per cent higher than that of urban residents. The income gap between urban and rural residents shrank from 3.10 in 2012 to 3.03. This trend for four consecutive years is a sign that regional development disparity has been easing, unleashing huge market potential for the vast hinterland areas. Australian enterprises have been increasingly active in the development of central and western China, which will help Australia gain a head start in China’s economic restructuring.


Despite a softening of its economy, with 2013 growth the same as 2012, China still has robust demand for Australian energy and resources. China’s economic aggregate is now on a much larger base than before, with a GDP of US$9.18 trillion, the second largest economy for four years running. A larger, better-quality and more stable Chinese economy will bring even more opportunities to the world. The urbanisation rate rose by 1.16 per cent to 53.73 per cent in 2013 which shows China still has a large demand for infrastructure building.


China’s outbound trade and investment will continue to expand with outbound investment expected to reach $US500 billion over five years. This is good news to Australian businesses in energy, resources and agriculture. This year is going to be vital to world economic recovery. It will also be an important year for upgrading China-Australia economic ties. Both nations should work together to seize new opportunities and fully tap co-operation potential.



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