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天之聪教育 2012-09-11 天之聪教育 782次


Before the invention of the digital camera, every family owned some photo albums, which recorded the growth of family members. Nowadays, only those photos with special memories, such as wedding dress photos, will be developed. Printing photos is falling out of favor, with people choosing to store images on laptops, get them on disks and share them on social networking websites. Photo albums also are no longer part of our everyday life.

Dialing directory enquiries to look up phone numbers and consulting dictionaries rarely occur now as people are more likely to turn to the search engine for help. Most people nowadays have a strong reliance on search engines because they’re quick and easy, which has led to a sharp decline in the number of people who work things out for themselves. An online survey shows 78.6% people search answers on the Internet in the first instance when running into a problem, while only 8% of them choose to think about the problem on their own before turning to other ways.
Speaking of calling someone, the first tool which comes to mind may be the mobile phone. There was a time when we always kept some changes in case we needed to use a pay phone. The popularity of mobiles makes public phone booths standing along the sides of the road “familiar strangers” to us.

Those who were born around the 1980s are probably no stranger to phone books, and have several phone numbers known by heart. The changing numbers in the phone book reflect changes in people’s lives. Those who frequently change jobs have many crossed-out office numbers, those who get married will have another home phone number and the expansion of work will add many new members to the phone book. People now use the contacts feature on mobile phones to replace the traditional paper phone book, and few can remember the phone numbers of close friends.

Before the days of the Internet, family members and friends living far apart could only write handwritten letters or telephone one another to keep in touch. For family members traveling far away, the value of a letter from home is beyond measure. “The beacon fire has gone higher and higher. Words from home are worth their weight in gold”, says a famous Chinese poem. People nowadays prefer to choose text messages, e-mails, and microblogs over handwritten letters. Can you recall the last time you wrote a letter?

People used to record TV shows they missed on videocassette using a Video Cassette Recorder so that the shows could be played back at a convenient time. These days almost all programs are updated on the Internet, and can be watched at any time. Therefore, sitting right in front of the TV and waiting to watch programs at the time they are shown is a very unpopular activity now.

Thinking of a self-guide driving tour? Checking the route before your journey was not enough. You also had to remember to bring a map with you for reference while driving. But now the use of GPS, automotive navigation systems and electronic maps when traveling saves the effort of checking a map before or during a car journey. Many prefer to use map Apps on their phones or search on the Internet.

Cooking too much was really troublesome in the past. Leftovers were recycled into new meals on the stove, and the taste was far from delicious. Put the leftovers in the microwave, and wait for a few minutes for a hot meal with much of its flavor retained. Warm milk for breakfast also becomes much simpler using a microwave. Once the heating time has been set, you are free to do other things. Never moving a step from the stove so you can keep an eye on the heating is now history.

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