1)大坝工程造成了沿河流域可耕地的土质肥力持续下降。大坝建成前,尼罗河下游地区的农业得益于河水的季节性变化,每年雨季来临时泛滥的河水在耕地上覆盖 了大量肥沃的泥沙,周期性地为土壤补充肥力和水分。可是,在大坝建成后,虽然通过引水灌溉可以保证农作物不受干早威胁。但由于泥沙被阻于库区上游,下游灌 区的土地得不到营养补允。所以土地肥力不断下降。
2)修建大坝后沿尼罗河两岸出现了土壤盐硷化。由于河水不再泛滥,也就不再有雨季的大量河水带走土壤中的盐分, 而不断的灌溉又使地下水位上升,把深层土壤内的盐分带到地表,再加上灌溉水中的盐分和各种化学残留物的高含量,导致了土壤盐硷化。
The project causes the soil of the riverside farmland to be less fertile. Before the building of the dam, the lower course of the river had its flow changing seasonally.看不懂 In rainy seasons, large amounts of nutrient sediments carried by the flood were deposited onto the land nearby. In this way, water supply and fertility of the soil got 口语bothrenewed 搭配periodically. This used to benefit agriculture greatly. After the project was finished, however, although the reservoir behind the dam successfully protects the crops from droughts by continuously providing water for irrigation, 句子结构,头重脚轻it traps those sediments at the same time. Thus, the soil downstream can no longer obtain nutrient supplement, and its fertility decreases constantly as a result.多数句子比较生硬
After the building of the dam, the soil along the River Nile becomes salinized. The reasons are multiple. First of all, the river does not flood any more in rainy seasons to carry away the salt in the soil. Frequent irrigation, on the other hand, results in the rising of the water table, bringing the salt in deeper layer of the soil up to the earth’s surface. Meanwhile, the irrigation water itself contains considerable amount of salt and chemical residues.
The quality of the water in the reservoir and the lower course deteriorates, threatening the health of the residents who live off the River Nile. A major cause for this phenomenon is that the water in the reservoir evaporates massively. Moreover, as the soil itself is less fertile, farmers have to use large amounts of chemical fertilizers. The residues were drained into the River Nile and make it eutrophic, increasing the average density of the phytoplankton in the lower course from 160mg/l to 250mg/l. In addition, the salinized soil pollutes the ground water and again increases the salt level of the river. Such changes dramatically affect the survival of the aquatic species and the irrigation of nearby lands, and furthermore, contaminate the drinking water of the residents living in the lower course.