纽约时报 2012-09-28 纽约时报 496次
If you want to know what the future of the American economy looks like — when the unemployment rate will return to below 6 percent, or when annual growth will climb back above 3 percent — it’s helpful to stop thinking for a moment about those families in serious financial distress. That’s because the future of the U.S. economy relies, in large part, on another group of people living in fear: the millions of Americans who have a little disposable income.
The decisions that the twitchy class faces may not be the most challenging, but they are, from a purely economic perspective, perhaps the most important. Imagine a couple in their 30s, living in the starter home that they bought eight years ago. Their kids have outgrown that tiny shared bedroom, and the den is crowded with toys. The couple are eager to buy a bigger place — they have paid down their debts and built up their savings — but they’re not quite over the terror of the financial crisis and sluggish recovery. Even though they can afford it, they worry that now isn’t the best time to splurge. What if one of them loses a job? What if the other doesn’t get a raise for years? The agita still comes easily.
Though it doesn’t always seem true, times actually have changed. During the worst of the recession, people were just plain broke. Their debts were at historic highs, and their savings were at record lows. That’s no longer the case. American households have reduced much of that debt and built up some savings. They’re just not spending it yet. So whereas the Federal Reserve was once tasked with performing life support on the financial sector, it’s new challenge is more subtle but nearly as complicated. It needs to convince consumers that they can trust the economy again, that now really is the time to jump back into the stock market or buy that bigger house.
实际上,目前的情况已经好转了,虽然看上去并不一定如此。在经济衰退最严重的时期,人们是真的穷。他们的负债达到历史最高,储蓄则降到历史最低点。现在已经不是这种情况了。美国的家庭已经偿还了很多债务,并积累起一些储蓄。他们只不过是尚未进行消费。因此,曾经以对金融部门提供生命保障为使命的美联储(Federal Reserve),如今面临的新挑战同样很复杂,而且更加微妙。美联储需要说服消费者们,让他们恢复对经济的信心,相信现在真的是重返股票市场,或购买更大房子的时候了。
To that end, the Federal Reserve chairman, Ben Bernanke, has announced a third round of what’s called quantitative easing, the controversial strategy that the Japanese first experimented with in 2001. Then as now, quantitative easing has a fairly simple goal (to unstick a stagnant economy, that is), but like nearly everything that the Fed does, it’s also shrouded in confusing language and technical details. And it’s not exactly the most direct stimulus either.
为此,美联储主席本·伯南克(Ben Bernanke)宣布实行第三轮所谓的量化宽松举措(简称QE3)。这种有争议的策略是2001年由日本第一次尝试的。当时和现在一样,量化宽松有一个相当简单的目标,即激活停滞的经济。就像美联储所做的几乎每一件事一样,这一举措也同样笼罩在令人困惑的措辞和技术细节之中。同样,它也并不是最直接的经济刺激举措。
As the only institution that can invent new dollars with a few keystrokes, the Fed has pledged to buy $40 billion in mortgage-backed securities every month. Its goal is to force banks and investors to take on more risk. Some mortgage-backed securities were among the worst financial products sold during the housing bubble, but most, now, are backed by the U.S. government and about as safe as an investment can get. And in the Fed’s eyes, that’s the problem. Banks — much like a still-traumatized family — are so terrified of taking any risks that they’re helping keep the economy in this morass. Too much risk creates crises, but too little prevents economic growth. Quantitative easing allows the Fed to take away those mortgage-backed securities and force banks to do something riskier with their money, like offer competitive loans to riskier people. Once everyone is putting his money into slightly less safe, and slightly more productive, investments, the economy will take off. That’s the theory, anyway.
作为唯一一家敲几下键盘就能造出新钱的机构,美联储已经承诺,每个月购买400亿美元的抵押贷款担保证券(mortgage-backed securities)。其目的就是迫使银行和投资者承担更多风险。在房地产泡沫时期出售的金融产品中,某些抵押贷款担保证券属于最坏的投资产品,然而目前,大多数抵押贷款担保证券都有美国政府担保,几乎是最安全的投资项目。在美联储看来,这正是问题的所在。与财政遭受重创的家庭一样,银行也十分害怕再去承担任何风险,于是,它们的不作为就使经济继续在泥潭中挣扎。过度承担风险会制造危机,而太过保守则会抑制经济增长。通过量化宽松,美联储可以拿走这些抵押贷款担保证券,迫使银行用手中的资金去做一些风险更大的事,比如为更敢于冒险的人提供有竞争力的贷款。一旦每个人都把自己的资金用于安全系数较低,而收益率较高的投资,经济就会起飞。至少理论上是这样。
Is $40 billion per month enough to transform the $10 trillion U.S. mortgage market? Probably not on its own, but Q.E. 3, as it is commonly known (distinguishing it from two earlier, tamer efforts, Q.E. 1 and Q.E. 2), has an even more subtle and important mission. Its real goal, through indirect psychological pressure, is to kick-start the consumption and investment machine that makes up 85 percent of the U.S. economy. When Bernanke announced that the Fed would be investing in the mortgage market indefinitely, he signaled that he’s had it with short-term fixes. His Fed is committed, he said, to taking extraordinary measures until unemployment goes down. In Fed-speak, Q.E. 3 is a clear message to banks, investors and private companies that the economy is going to grow, and the riskiest thing they can do is to hold on to their cash and riskless securities and watch their competitors profit.
It’s hard to find unambiguous support for Ben Bernanke these days. Many economists who champion quantitative easing contend that he has waited far too long. Many politicians, economists and market players have argued that Q.E. 3 is fundamentally flawed and dangerous for numerous other reasons. The Fed’s infusion won’t be used for smart investments, they suggest, but will instead spark inflation, especially in crucial commodities like oil. This would slow the economy’s mild recovery even further.
Part of the resistance is undoubtedly the fact that the policy’s core idea is hard for many to embrace. Q.E. 3 is rooted in the theories of John Maynard Keynes, the loved/despised British economic giant of the early 20th century whose ideas are generally, though not exclusively, associated with Democrats. Keynes famously explained the Great Depression, in part, through an economic idea known as the paradox of thrift. In tough economic times, the notion goes, each person might be doing something that seems perfectly sensible, like saving money instead of buying a new house. But the cumulative impact of everyone’s doing the right thing has a very bad outcome. When everyone saves, there’s much less economic activity and much less growth. Oddly, Keynes argued, the best way to make an economy healthy again is to persuade people and businesses to be a bit more reckless with their money.
毫无疑问,存在反对意见的部分原因在于,该政策的核心观点许多人无法接受。QE3的思想根源是约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯(John Maynard Keynes)的理论。这位20世纪初的英国经济学大师既受人尊敬也被人鄙视。他的经济观点常常——尽管并非总是——让人联想到民主党的立场。众所周知,凯恩斯曾经解释过,“大萧条”(Great Depression)的部分原因在于“节俭悖论”。这个观点认为,在经济状况不佳时,每个人可能都会做似乎完全合理的事,如攒钱而不是买新房子。然而所有人都做正确的事,所产生的累积效果,却会造成坏的影响。如果所有人都存钱,经济活动就会显著减少,经济增长也会大大削弱。奇怪的是,凯恩斯认为,让经济状况恢复健康最好的办法是,说服个人和企业,不要对手中的钱那么谨慎。
For many, this is just nuts. How can irresponsibility be the most responsible thing for a central bank to promote during a recovery? But quantitative easing’s champions respond that they know the policy works because they’ve seen it happen. In 2001, Japan looked a bit like the U.S. does now. The bubble that burst in the 1990s was followed by years of slow, stumbling recovery. Desperate economists around the world — including, notably, Ben Bernanke — were pleading with the Bank of Japan to drop its cautious policies in favor of creating money and spending it. Finally, the bank did just that. Soon after, the bold risk-taking led to a recovery. Or it didn’t. Many critics have countered that the economy was already recovering on its own, and that, if anything, the Bank of Japan’s last-ditch efforts had little effect.
在很多人看来,这种观点简直像是抽风了。在经济复苏阶段,中央银行怎么能把一种最不负责任的行为当作最负责任的事情加以推广呢?然而,量化宽松的鼓吹者却回应道,他们知道这种政策会奏效,因为他们见过。2001年,日本的状况与今天美国的状况有些相似。20世纪90年代的经济泡沫破灭,随后就是持续多年缓慢、坎坷的经济复苏。世界各国绝望的经济学家,都求日本银行(Bank of Japan)放弃谨慎的政策,并鼓励其印钱、花钱。值得注意的是,这些经济学家中就包括本·伯南克。最后,日本银行的确采纳了这些建议。之后不久,果敢的冒险精神就推动了经济复苏。但也许不是那样的,许多批评人士反驳说,当时经济本身已经呈现出了复苏态势,而日本银行最后一刻采取的措施即使产生了作用,也没有多大。
No matter when the unemployment rate drops to 6 percent, or annual growth returns to above 3 percent, it’s going to be hard to know definitively whether quantitative easing ever sparked a family to buy a new house. I was thinking about this when New York City banned the sale of large sodas. Over the next few years, it’s quite possible that the city’s obesity rates will indeed drop. And it’s also possible that the soda ban will play a role — either directly by taking soda out of our hands or indirectly by reminding us that obesity is a serious problem. It’s also possible that New Yorkers are losing weight for any number of other reasons too. After all, the ban is a result of lots of hand-wringing about overweight Americans. Maybe obesity was already subsiding. It’s just too hard to say.
Public-health experts have tried for years to persuade us to exercise and eat right, and not much works. All the easy, fairly noncontroversial stuff — nutrition labels, food pyramids — have long since been tried and failed. All that’s left is to ignore the problem or try some weird schemes. That’s the position that Ben Bernanke has found himself in, too. He did the easy stuff years ago. He clearly knows that quantitative easing is filled with risks — financial and political — but he also feels that playing it safe and not doing anything radical may be the biggest risk of all. And he wants us all of us to feel exactly the same way.#p#分页标题#e#
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