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连载(五)Don't make me smile

王悦 2012-10-08 天之聪教育 684次

 喜欢Barbara Park的作品,不仅因为她作为成年人,能够以孩童的视角洞察被大人忽略的情感,还因为作品中充满童趣。当然,英文表达比较简单,也是重要原因之一。下面这段摘自她的“Don't make me smile"一书,是讲述一个十一的岁男孩父母离婚以后,心里成长过程。试着将其翻译过来,权当练手,希望没把韩老师教的忘光,也欢迎各位同学指正。

THE REASON that I didn’t want to go to school was simple. I didn’t want to have to tell my friends that my parents were getting a divorce. I just didn’t want to do it, that’s all.

But refusing to go to school is a lot like mowing the lawn. If your parents really want you to go, they can usually figure out a way to make you. So while I was lying there in bed, I tried to think of what I would say to my friends if my parents made me go.

One thing was for sure. I didn’t want to have to go around saying it a million times. I wanted to say it once and get it over with.

I wondered if our principal, Mr. Kabinski, would let me use the school intercom. The intercom would be perfect, I thought.

May I have your attention, please? This is Charles Hickle speaking.
I would like to inform everyone that last night, at approximately 8:15 P.M., my father came into my room and told me that he and my mother are planning to get a divorce.

Now I know that some of you have already been through this sort of thing, and it didn’t really bother you. But I also know that different people react to bad news in different ways.      And as for me…I have gone nuts.

I hope this will explain why some of you saw my mother dragging me to school today. And I also hope it will explain why I am still wearing my pajamas.

I played it over and over in my head. It sounded pretty good, actually. But I knew I would probable never get to use it.

In the first place, I didn’t think that my mother was strong enough to drag me to school all by herself. And even if she did, I was pretty sure that Mr. Kabinski would never let some idiot in his pajamas make an announcement over the intercom.

That’s why I decided to try and think of another way to handle it. I mean, maybe I didn’t have to be totally honest with my friends about the divorce. Maybe I could just tell them that my father had gone away on a business trip.

The trouble was, sooner or later, I knew someone would say, “Wow, your dad sure has been gone a long time. How long does this business trip last, anyway?”

Then I would have to say, “Oh, he’s on one of those business trips where he never actually comes back.”

And even though my friends seem pretty dopey sometimes, they’re still smart enough to figure out that no one stays on a business trip forever.

Finally, there was only one thing left to do. I got out of bed and went into the kitchen to call MaryAnn Brady.

MaryAnn Brady lives next door. I don’t like her very much, but sometimes she comes in handy. MaryAnn Brady is one of those people you can always count on to blab around your secrets. Like if you tell MaryAnn something totally private in the morning, she’ll have it spread all over the school by lunchtime. Good old MaryAnn. It’s nice to have someone you can count on like that.

After two rings, MaryAnn answered the phone. I figured she would still be home. MaryAnn doesn’t take the bus. Her father drives her to school. I think she likes to stay home extra long in the mornings, just in case anyone wants to call with last-minute gossip.

“Hello,” she said.

“Hi, MaryAnn. It’s Charles,” I said.

MaryAnn is also one of those people who doesn’t say hi after you tell her your name. All she does is breathe.

“Listen, MaryAnn,” I said. “I’m just calling to tell you that I’m not going to school today.”

“So?” she said.

“So, I just wanted to tell you why I’m not going to be there, that’s all.” I said. “ It’s a big secret, though. I don’t want anyone else to know.”

I could almost see MaryAnn’s eyes light up.

“What’s it, Charles?” she said. “Tell me.”

“Okay,” I said. “But first you have to promise not to tell anyone. Not even your mother and father.”

“I promise. I promise. Now tell me,” she begged.

“Well, the reason that I won’t be going to school today,” I said, “ is that last night my parents told me they’re getting a divorce.”

MaryAnn got so excited, she almost dropped the phone.

“What?’ She said. “You’re kidding? Your parents are getting a divorce? Oh my gosh, Charles! That’s so terrible. A DIVORCE! Wow!”

Already I was sure that her parents had heard the news. Man, what a big mouth.  

“I know, MaryAnn, “I said. “But remember. You promised not to tell anyone.”

MaryAnn didn’t hear that part. She had already said good-bye. I guess she needed to hurry if she was going to tell the whole school by lunchtime.

As soon as I hung up, I headed back to my room.

Unfortunately, just as I started down the hall, my father walked in the front door. My mother must have called him to come help with my behavior.

“Charlie?” he said. “What’s this I hear about you refusing to go to school today?”

I just looked at him.

Dad snapped his fingers. “Go get your clothes on, now,” he ordered.

I don’t know why, but when my father says to do something, it always sounds more meaningful than when Mom says it. And the funny part is, he doesn’t even have to shout.

I went to my room and got dressed. At least now, if they dragged me to school I wouldn’t be in my pajamas.

After I was ready, my father came in and sat down on my bed.

He put his arm around my shoulder. “Why are you acting like this, Charlie?” he asked. “This isn’t like you. You’re always so reasonable and easy talk to.”

I shrugged.

“What are you thinking?” said Dad. “Talk to me. I can’t help you if I don’t know what you’re thinking.”

I stared into space.

“Do you think that your mother and I don’t care about you?” he asked. “ Is that what you think? Do you think that we don’t love you anymore?”

I shrugged again.

“Well, if that’s what you think, you’re wrong,” said my father.” Your mother and I love you very, very much.”

Suddenly, I couldn’t be quiet for one more second.

“Do you call ruining my life loving me?” I asked. “Huh, Dad? Is that what you call it?”

“We’re not going to ruin your life, Charlie,” he said. “It’s not going to be like that at all. We’re just changing things a little bit.”

Now I was fuming.

“Changing things a little bit?” I yelled. “Do you call wrecking our whole family, changing things a little bit?”

My voice cracked, but I kept right on yelling.

“Do you call not having a father around anymore a little change? Or maybe you think that just because I’m a kid I’m too stupid to know what divorce really means. Maybe you guys think I’m too dumb to know that my whole life is wrecked.”

My father shook his head. “Charlie,no. We’ve never thought that you were stupid.”

“Well then, why do you go around asking me stupid questions, like whether I’m okay or not?” I asked. “Because for your information, I am not okay. I’ll never be okay again.”

I flopped back on the bed and buried my face in my pillow.

My father didn’t do anything for a while. He just kept sitting there.

Finally, he told me I didn’t have to go to school. He asked if there was anything that he could do for me.

I raised up a little. My throat ached from holding back the tears.

“Yeah,” I said. “You can move back in with Mom and me.”

He closed his eyes a second, then left.



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