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连载(六)Don't make me smile

王悦 2012-10-11 天之聪教育 327次

喜欢Barbara Park的作品,不仅因为她作为成年人,能够以孩童的视角洞察被大人忽略的情感,还因为作品中充满童趣。当然,英文表达比较简单,也是重要原因之一。下面这段摘自她的“Don't make me smile"一书,是讲述一个十一的岁男孩父母离婚以后,心里成长过程。试着将其翻译过来,权当练手,希望没把韩老师教的忘光,也欢迎各位同学指正。

STAYING HOME from school never turns out to be as much fun as I think it will. Usually I get so bored, I end up wishing I had gone in the first place.

The next day, I decided to go back to class. When I got to my room, I was very proud of MaryAnn Brady. Just as I predicted, everyone already knew about the divorce.

The first person to mention it to me was my teacher, Mrs. Fensel. She walked over to my desk and lowered her voice.

“MaryAnn told me about your problem at home, Charles,” she said softly. “If there’s anything I can do to help you, please let me know.”
It made me feel embarrassed. “Yeah, sure…. Okay…thanks a lot,” I mumbled.

At lunchtime, I hurried to find the table where MaryAnn was sitting and slid in next to her.

“Congratulations, MaryAnn,” I said dryly. “You really did a great job yesterday.”

“Congratulations for what?” she asked.

“For being such a big blabbermouth,” I said. “Thanks to you, the whole school knows about the divorce.”

MaryAnn looked at me a second. Then she said exactly what every single blabbermouth in the whole world always says right after they finish blabbing a secret.

“I didn’t tell anyone. I swear,” she said.
“Yes, you did, MaryAnn,” I said angrily. “You know you did. Why can’t you just learn to keep your big trap shut?”

I wanted to make sure that she thought I was really mad about it. Blabbermouths only like to tell secrets if they’re not supposed to. If MaryAnn Brady ever found out that I actually wanted her to blab some of the stuff I told her, she’d stop doing it. And like I said before, sometimes she can come in handy.

“I didn’t tell, Charlie. I didn’t,” she insisted.

“Well then, how come about a thousand people came up to me this morning and told me that they knew all about the divorce?” I asked. “And how come they all said it was you who told them? How do you explain that, Blabbo?”

“Anyone who told you that is a big fat liar,” said MaryAnn.

“Oh really, MaryAnn?” I said. “Gee. I’m sure Mrs. Fensel will be glad to know that you think she’s a big fat liar. Because when I got to school today, Mrs. Fensel told me she knew all about my ‘problem.’ And she also told me that she got the news from you.”

I got up from the table. “Excuse me for a minute, Blabbette,” I said. “I think I’ll go tell Mrs. Fensel that you think she’s a big fat liar.”

MaryAnn’s face turned pale as a ghost’s.

I walked over to the table where Mrs. Fensel was eating lunch. MaryAnn watched me as I tapped my teacher on the shoulder. Then I whispered something in her ear and pointed to where MaryAnn was sitting.

You should have seen MaryAnn squirm. She packed up her things and ran out of the lunchroom.

I didn’t see her for a while after that. But someone told me that she had run into the bathroom and started to cry.

I don’t know what she was crying about. All I had done was show Mrs. Fensel where I was sitting and ask her if I could have a few extra minutes to eat my lunch. I told her I was having a hard time swallowing.

It wasn’t a lie, exactly. Being upset always makes it hard for me to swallow.

Of course, lately, I hadn’t had to worry too much about swallowing when I was home. After Dad left, the meals that my mother made were so terrible that I didn’t even want to go to the table.

I probably should have reported her to the health department or something. I think there’s a law to make mothers feed their children good dinners. If there’s not a law, there ought to be.

The first week that my father was gone was the worst. I remember when Mom called me to supper the first night. I was really getting hungry. I had spent the whole day in my room thinking about how ruined my life was. For lunch I had only been able to eat half an apple. I wanted more, but I just couldn’t get it down.

Anyhow, when I went to the table that night, I thought that I had made a mistake. Maybe it wasn’t dinnertime, after all. The only thing on my plate was a hard-boiled egg and two slices of bread.

“Didn’t you just call me to supper?” I asked Mom.

“Yes,” she answered. “Sit down and make yourself an egg sandwich.”

The thought of eating a dried-up egg sandwich made me sick. I’d rather eat a frog.

“Don’t we have any soup?” I said.

“Listen, Charles,” said my mother. “Don’t give me a hard time, okay? Please, just eat your sandwich and drink a glass of milk. I’ll make you a better dinner tomorrow night.”

She kept her word, too. The next night, she made one of those macaroni and cheese dinners out of the box… and the next night…. And the next night…As a matter of fact, my mother cooked macaroni and cheese dinner four nights in a row.

I used to like macaroni and cheese a lot. Now I can’t stand the stuff. It’s just one more thing that this divorce has ruined for me.

The whole idea that my mother wasn’t cooking anymore really bothered me. It’s not that I wanted to eat. In fact, usually I didn’t feel much like eating at all. It’s just that I thought she could have tried a little harder. When she didn’t try, it made me feel like she didn’t care.

The fifth night she served macaroni and cheese. I finally told her how I felt.

“What are we having for dinner tonight?” I asked, as if I didn’t know.

Mom stirred it in the pot. “I’m heating up that leftover macaroni and cheese.” She said.

“Don’t we have any soup yet?” I asked.

“I told you before, Charles. I’ll get some next week,” she said. “I just haven’t felt much like going to the grocery store. And besides, I thought you loved macaroni and cheese.”

“ I used to,” I said. “But that was before I ate three million macaroni in a row. Come on, Mom. Can’t we just go to the store and get some chicken soup?”

“No, we can’t,” she said. “Not tonight.” Then she plopped a big spoonful of macaroni and cheese on my plate.

    I pushed it away. “No, thank you,” I said. “If I put on more little macaroni in my mouth, I’ll gag.”

I felt myself getting mad.

“I’m not a pig, you know, Mother,” I said.

“What in the world are you talking about?” she asked. “I never said you were a pig.”

“I mean I’m not a pig, and you can’t just throw some slop at me and expect me to eat it.”

My mother got furious. Mothers really hate for their dinners to be called “slop.”

    “Go to your room!” she snapped.

I stormed out of the kitchen and hurried to my bedroom.

By then, I was in the worst mood ever.

Angrily, I gathered some of my things together and stuffed them in an old shoe box. I would have stuffed them in my old gym bag, but it got broken at Harold Stengler’s spend-the-night party. Harold and another kid were trying to zip me inside it when the sides busted.

I spotted my dumb helicopter beanie hanging on my bulletin board. My father had bought it for me at the state fair a couple of years ago. It’s probably the corniest thing I own, but for some reason it always makes me laugh.

I snatched it off the bulletin board and stuck it on my head.

I figured if I ever needed a good laugh, it was now.

Then I picked up the shoe box, opened my window, and left.

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