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经济学家 2012-10-18 经济学家 705次

New film: “Skyfall”

Full circle

HALF a century has passed since the release of “Dr No”, and our favourite spy has travelled all over the globe; to underwater lairs, desert hideouts, even space. But in “Skyfall”, his latest mission takes him somewhere unexpected: home. This is an unusually British Bond film, with sweeping shots of the London skyline, chase scenes on the tube and revelations about MI6 that test 007's loyalties.


Following the theft of a hard drive containing the true identities of secret agents, Her Majesty's secret service finds itself under cyber attack on home turf. Bond (Daniel Craig) is missing, presumed dead, after an electrifying pre-credits pursuit across the rooftops of Istanbul's Grand Bazaar. He returns to England world-weary, unfit and sporting a greying beard. But back at MI6 HQ he soon shapes up before rendezvousing with some more bad guys.

在内含大量秘密特工真实身份信息的硬盘遭窃后,英国情报机构在本土遭受网络袭击。片首序幕里,邦德(丹尼尔·克雷格饰,Daniel Craig)在伊斯坦布尔的大巴扎屋顶上方演出了一场扣人心弦的追逐戏,之后他就失去踪影,外界认为他已死亡。当他回到英格兰时身体憔悴、心神俱疲,就连胡须都已斑白。但在回到军情六处后不久他就开始恢复往日状态,再次和恶人们正面交锋。

In contrast to the relentlessly bleak “Quantum of Solace”, Sam Mendes, the director, has taken the bold step of reintroducing humour, with the occasional joke worthy of Roger Moore. Luckily, Mr Craig seems just as comfortable delivering puns as he is digging shrapnel from his chest.

和极为压抑的《量子危机》一片不同,这次的导演山姆·曼德斯(Sam Mendes)进行了大胆的尝试,在片中重新引入幽默元素,有些地方的笑话质量不亚于罗杰·摩尔(Roger Moore)担纲007的时代。幸运的是,克雷格对于俏皮话的运用,和他从自己胸口取弹片的技术一样娴熟

Elegantly choreographed action sequences showcase Mr Mendes's artistic skill, including one particularly stunning fistfight in a Shanghai skyscraper shot entirely in silhouette, backlit by neon. Javier Bardem, with peroxide-blond hair, is deliciously creepy as the villain Raoul Silva. One homoerotically charged interrogation scene between Bond and Silva moves so deftly between menacing and playful, it feels like a dance of death.

精心编排的动作戏展示了曼德斯导演的艺术技巧。片中有一场惊心动魄的格斗是在上海一座摩天大楼内进行的,这一幕完全是用霓虹灯做背景光,以剪影效果拍摄。头发染成金色的哈维尔·巴登(Javier Bardem)扮演反角劳尔·席尔瓦,这个角色充满魅力的同时也让人不寒而栗。片中有一幕审讯场景充满了同性情欲的张力,邦德和席尔瓦之间的对峙在凶险和戏谑之间巧妙地来回摆动,让人感觉就好像是一出死亡之舞。

“Skyfall” nudges the Bond narrative forward but it is respectful of its elders. The Aston Martin DB5 first seen in "Goldfinger" makes an appearance, as does an updated Walther PPK, Bond's long-time weapon of choice. As the new Q, an anorak-wearing Ben Whishaw gently mocks Goldeneye's exploding pen. But Q's very presence—returning after his absence from the last two films—is an homage to these quirky contraptions. Perhaps we are no less finished with gadgets than we are with jokes.

《天降杀机》将邦德的故事向前推进,但它同时也向前几部邦德电影致敬。最早在《金手指》里出现的阿斯顿·马丁DB5在片中出现,邦德一直以来最喜爱的武器瓦尔特PPK手枪经过少许改进后也在片中亮相。新片中的Q先生则是由身穿皮夹克的本·威士肖(Ben Whishaw)扮演,他还在片中对《黄金眼》中那支钢笔手榴弹表示了些许不屑。不过,片中特别设定了Q先生的出场(他在前两部电影中都没有登场)本身就是在对这些稀奇古怪的装置表达一种敬意。也许对我们来说,007片中的装置就像笑话一样未曾过时。

If this thrilling film has a fault it is the blandness of the Bond girls, Serverin (Bérénice Marlohe) and Eve (Naomie Harris). But then M is the real Bond girl here. Nobody plays it better than Judi Dench. As head of MI6, her relationship with her favourite secret agent is a strong, if at times overly-sentimental, narrative force as she helps us delve further into Bond's past.

要说这部刺激影片有什么不足,那就出在片中的两名邦女郎赛维林(贝纳尼丝·玛尔洛饰,Bérénice Marlohe)以及伊芙(娜奥米·哈里斯饰,Naomie Harris)身上,她们在片中苍白无力。但本片中真正的邦女郎其实要数M。朱迪·丹奇(Judi Dench)是全片最出彩的演员。作为军情六处的负责人,在她帮助观众更好地了解邦德过去的过程中,她和自己最宠爱的下属之间的关系强有力地推动了故事的发展(偶尔这种关系会让人感觉过于感情用事)。

A clumsy third act gives way to a satisfyingly nostalgic ending which brings the franchise full circle. In some ways, to quote the lyrics of Adele's theme song, this is the end. Too much detail would spoil the fun, but let's just say it also feels like a beginning.


“Skyfall” will be out in Britain on October 26th and in America on November 9th
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