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天之聪教育 2020-03-09 国新办 5356次


Hu Kaihong:


Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. Welcome to this press conference held by the State Council Information Office (SCIO). Today, we are joined by Ma Zhaoxu, vice minister of foreign affairs; Guo Yezhou, vice minister of the International Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China; and Zeng Yixin, vice minister of the National Health Commission. They will brief you about international cooperation in response to COVID-19 and will also take questions.


First, I will give the floor to Mr. Ma. 


Ma Zhaoxu:


Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. I'm very glad to be here and take the opportunity of this SCIO press conference to exchange information on international cooperation in regards to the prevention and control of COVID-19.


COVID-19 poses a major threat to the lives and health of Chinese people and is a serious challenge for global public health. Under the leadership of General Secretary Xi Jinping, we have given full play to the advantages of our system and mobilized national resources with concerted efforts. With a responsibility to the people in China, as well as the rest of the world, we have adopted the most comprehensive, rigorous and thorough prevention and control measures. Chinese people have been working together to fight the epidemic. Currently, we have seen much progress in the containment of COVID-19.  


Since the outbreak of the epidemic, President Xi Jinping has attached great importance to international cooperation for epidemic prevention and control. He issued important instructions on many occasions in strengthening communication and coordination with different countries and the World Health Organization (WHO). General Secretary Xi is also very concerned about the protection of Chinese citizens overseas. The instructions of General Secretary Xi gave us direction in how to handle international cooperation in response to COVID-19. President Xi Jinping also conducted phone conversations at the invitation of leaders from more than 10 countries and held meetings with the Prime Minister of Cambodia, President of Mongolia, and WHO director-general during their special visits to China. President Xi Jinping pointed out that upholding the spirit of a community with a shared future for mankind, China has not only been doing its best to protect the lives and health of its own people, but has also made positive contributions to safeguarding global public health security. These words convey a clear message that China will undoubtedly win the battle against the epidemic by mobilizing all resources, and blocking the spread of the virus. WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said on many occasions that President Xi's personal guidance and deployment show his great leadership capability. Leaders around the world also voiced confidence that under President Xi Jinping's leadership, the Chinese people will surely win the final victory over the epidemic.


China is standing at the forefront of the epidemic prevention and control work, and our contribution to global public health has won international recognition. Just as WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus noted, China's forceful actions have been protecting not only its own people, but also the rest of the world, and bought time for the global epidemic response. UN Secretary-General António Guterres said, under the personal direction of President Xi Jinping, China has mobilized the whole nation to meet the grave challenge. With huge sacrifices, the country has made a great contribution to all mankind. China's concrete actions have won wide endorsement and appreciation from across the world, and demonstrated its sense of responsibility as a major country as well as its firm commitment to the building of a community with a shared future for mankind. As leaders of various countries have said, the determination of the Chinese people to win the fight against the epidemic is awe-inspiring and the speed and scope of China's response to the epidemic is something that is rarely seen in the world. China's speed, scope and efficiency in this fight have demonstrated the institutional advantages of China's system of governance. 


"A friend in need is a friend indeed": China is by no means alone in its fight against the epidemic. The international community has given us much valuable support. Leaders of over 170 countries and heads of more than 40 international and regional organizations have sent messages of sympathy and support to China. The United Nations, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, BRICS, Association of Southeast Asian Nations, African Union, Arab League, Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, and the G77 have issued statements specifically expressing their confidence in and support for China. Many countries, international organizations and NGOs have also lent a helping hand by donating medical supplies to China, which has played an important role in battling the epidemic.


This fight is a great opportunity to put into practice the important concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind proposed by President Xi Jinping. Guided by the vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind, China will share weal and woe with the international community to jointly fight the epidemic. In a spirit of openness and transparency, China has provided timely updates on the epidemic, actively responded to various concerns, and worked hard to strengthen cooperation with the international community. We have communicated epidemic-related information to the WHO in a timely manner and shared the genetic sequencing of the virus. The international community, including the WHO, has spoken highly of China's actions. Recently, a joint expert team consisting of specialists from China and the WHO concluded a nine-day field inspection in Beijing, and Guangdong, Sichuan and Hubei provinces. The expert team acknowledged China's prevention and control measures as comprehensive, concrete and fruitful. They stated that China's efforts have won valuable time for the world and provided lessons for other countries. As COVID-19 spreads across the globe, China will continue to strengthen its cooperation with the WHO and contribute its share to the global epidemic prevention and control work. 


Confronted by this sudden outbreak, the Chinese government has been resolute in protecting the security and interests of our citizens abroad. In response to overreactions by certain countries, we have stated our position at the earliest opportunity in line with rules and recommendations of the WHO. We are also in daily communication and consultation with various countries to reduce the impact on personnel and economic exchanges as much as possible. All our diplomatic and consular missions actively contacted Chinese nationals from Wuhan city and Hubei province who had been stranded overseas. We have brought back over 1,300 Chinese nationals stranded overseas. The Chinese embassy in Japan and the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region have assisted Hong Kong government in bringing back residents of Hong Kong and Macao from the Diamond Princess cruise ship docked in Japan. With the people's interests in mind, our diplomatic and consular missions are working around the clock in the fight against the epidemic. 


The virus is merciless. The Chinese government attaches great importance to the safety, health and livelihood of foreign nationals in China. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is working hard alongside local governments to solve their problems. The ministry has held three briefings on the prevention and control of the epidemic, and opened a special service hotline for embassies and consulates in China. Various local authorities have launched multilingual information services for foreigners in China through different channels, and made every effort to ensure their livelihoods, epidemic prevention and medical needs. We are also particularly concerned about the life and health of foreign students in China, and are taking care of them as if they were our own to ensure they feel at ease in the country.


The current global epidemic situation is changing rapidly. As we do our best in domestic prevention and control, we will continue to actively carry out international cooperation to combat the epidemic in an open, transparent and highly responsible manner; to share our experiences and practices in prevention and control measures, diagnosis and treatments; and to explore joint prevention and medical practice. We are also exploring further joint prevention measures with other countries; strengthening communication and coordination; exchanging epidemic information; exchanging control experiences and technologies; and carrying out cooperation in areas such as treatment programs, as well as drug and vaccine research and development.


I would like to stress that we will never forget the help provided by the international community, and we are ready to provide help within our capacity to countries in need. The virus knows no borders and the epidemic is the common enemy of mankind. The fight against COVID-19 once again shows that in an era of globalization, countries are more closely linked and are now inseparable. In the face of the epidemic, all countries must work together to build a community of shared future for mankind.


The Chinese nation has experienced many hardships but has never been crushed. Under the leadership of President Xi Jinping and with the strong support of the international community, the Chinese people will work in unity to achieve the final victory against the epidemic and to safeguard global public health and well-being. Thank you.


Hu Kaihong:


Thank you, Mr. Ma. I would now like to invite Mr. Guo to make an introduction.


Guo Yezhou:


Thank you. Friends from the media, since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, the International Department of the CPC Central Committee, as the core agency directly responsible for the Communist Party of China's foreign affairs, has resolutely implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's instructions as well as the decisions and policies of the CPC Central Committee, given full play to the characteristics of the Party's foreign work and advantages, and taken the initiative to strengthen communication with foreign political parties and organizations. We have comprehensively introduced the strictest, most comprehensive and most thorough measures in epidemic prevention and control by leveraging the capabilities of the whole Party, entire armed forces, and people of all nationalities under the leadership of General Secretary Xi Jinping, with one heart and one mind. We have also shared information on our cooperation with the WHO and the international community, promotion of social and economic development, and are providing assistance within our capacity to other countries and regions where the epidemic has spread. 


Political parties in many countries have fully affirmed and actively supported China's epidemic prevention and control work. So far, more than 300 political parties and political organizations in 120 countries have sent over 500 letters of condolence to General Secretary Xi Jinping and the CPC Central Committee, expressing their support for fighting the battle against the epidemic by mobilizing all resources, and blocking the spread of the virus under the leadership of the CPC. 


The support from the political parties and organizations in different countries bears the following three major characteristics: The first is high concern. The leaders of major political parties across Asia, Africa, Latin America, Europe and Oceania, for example, sent messages or letters to express their sympathy and support immediately after the outbreak of the epidemic, and they have since voiced more support for China. The second is broad representation. The political parties and organizations span the spectrum. They include political parties with different ideologies, whether left, right or center, whether in power or opposition; international organizations of political parties and coalitions of regional political parties are also involved. Multiple political parties of some countries sent joint messages or letters of support to General Secretary Xi Jinping. The third aspect is their diversified forms. Apart from sending messages or letters, the leaders of political parties in some countries have specially made videos seeking to cheer up the Chinese people, or published statements or articles in their domestic media to express their support for the Chinese people in combating the epidemic.  


In their messages and letters to China, various political parties in different countries widely recognized the vital role played by the wise leadership of General Secretary Xi Jinping in China's fight against the epidemic. Political leaders in many countries believe General Secretary Xi Jinping's personal decision-making, deployment and command are the most critical factors in guiding all Chinese regions to promptly adopt various measures to effectively prevent the outbreak from spreading and worsening. They spoke highly of General Secretary Xi Jinping's accurate judgment, sound arrangements and strong leadership in China's anti-epidemic battle, saying that Xi's consideration and decisions showcase the fact that he always puts people's safety and health first, the spirit of wholeheartedly serving the people and his strong sense of responsibility towards the rest of the world. They also said that they believe China, under the strong leadership of General Secretary Xi Jinping, will win the battle against the epidemic at an early date. 


In the messages and letters sent to China by the political parties in different countries, it is widely recognized that the strong mobilizing and organizing abilities of the Communist Party of China (CPC) have served as the backbone of the anti-epidemic fight. They believe the CPC has led the Chinese people to take unprecedented containment measures, and conducted efficient and all-round mobilization and organization in such a way that Party committees and governments at all levels are active in their work and all grassroots-level Party members play a pioneering and exemplary role on the frontline. The concerted efforts have formed a strong power to combat the epidemic, fully demonstrating that the CPC is the backbone of the Chinese people, as well as the core of the leadership in various undertakings of China.  


It is also widely recognized that the prominent advantages of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics offer a strong guarantee for victory in the battle against the epidemic. Leaders of the political parties in many countries said that, other than China, it's hard to imagine any other country being able to effectively mobilize all available manpower and resources at home in such a short time. The Chinese strength, Chinese spirit and Chinese efficiency in the country's anti-epidemic fight is highly appreciated by the international community, and showcases the unique advantage of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics in "mobilizing resources for major undertakings."


In addition, political parties from many countries have fully affirmed that China won time and gained experience for the world in its fight against the epidemic, which reflected General Secretary Xi Jinping's concerns for the whole world. They also affirmed the prospect for China's social and economic development. Many of them helped to put down rumors and misinformation spread by certain politicians and media. In this way, these objective and fair voices have become the mainstream of international opinion. This demonstrates once again the concept of building a community of a shared future for mankind put forth by General Secretary Xi Jinping has won support among the people. It also showcases the common aspiration that political parties from all the countries help each other and work together to fight the epidemic. At the same time, it also shows that the CPC upholds the principles of mutual respect, mutual learning and seeking common ground while transcending differences to promote to build a new form of party-to-party relations. It is certain that we have won and will have more supporters worldwide. 


It is known that most countries are led by political parties, that is to say, political parties are the main body of a country. Political parties are key in making national decisions, represent the will of their people, lead public opinion, and summarize the common benefits of the people. The CPC strives for both the well-being of the Chinese people and the cause of human progress, and takes as its mission to make new and greater contributions to mankind. The CPC's party diplomacy is an important task of the Party, an essential part in the state's overall diplomatic work and an important feature of major country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics. 


Under the firm leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, the International Department of the CPC Central Committee will maintain its advantages in inter-party relations and introduce to the outside world the achievements made by the Chinese people led by the CPC in fighting the epidemic through our own channels. We will convey the message that China has the confidence to win this battle, and that China's socio-economic development will be stable and grow steadily. We will also help political parties in other countries to continue to play a role in providing political guidance, gather all forces, promote regional and international cooperation in public heath to fight and win this battle against the epidemic and promote the building of a community with shared future for mankind. Thank you.


Hu Kaihong:


Thank you, Mr. Guo. Next, Mr. Zeng will give his introduction.


Zeng Yixin:


Good morning, media friends. Since the COVID-19 outbreak, following the decisions, deployments and guidance of President Xi Jinping, the National Health Commission (NHC) has attached great importance to the prevention and control of the epidemic. We have conducted international and regional cooperation in the fight, reported relevant information in a timely manner, shared our experience in terms of epidemic prevention and control, as well as diagnosis and treatment practices, and also conducted technical exchanges, which have received positive feedback from the international community. Our priorities are represented by the following two aspects:  


First, we have conducted multilateral communication and collaboration, thus being able to achieve global solidarity and consensus. We organized and hosted WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus's visit to China, and President Xi Jinping met and held talks with him. We also talked with the WHO chief on cooperation in epidemic prevention and control. We organized a WHO-China expert team to conduct field inspections in Beijing, Guangdong, Sichuan and Wuhan, to obtain a clearer picture of China's epidemic situation, prevention and control measures, medical treatment, as well as progress of scientific and technological research into the virus. The joint expert team has provided a lot of constructive suggestions to the work of epidemic prevention and control in China and around the world. Officials of the NHC have communicated by various means with the WHO and other international and regional organizations, as well as the health authorities of other countries. The NHC also hosted the visit of Egypt's Health Minister Hala Zayed. They have offered sympathy and support to the Chinese government and Chinese people in fighting the outbreak. At a press conference of the WHO-China joint expert team, the WHO experts spoke highly of the contribution China has made to upholding global public health security.  


Second, we have shared epidemic information and strengthened our global technical collaboration. The NHC has shared epidemic information with the WHO and other international and regional organizations in a timely manner. After we identified the pathogenic nature of the virus, we shared its full genome sequence, primers and probes with the international community at the earliest possible date. We also shared many technical documents, including our epidemic prevention and control measures, as well as diagnosis and treatment plans, with more than 100 countries around the world and over 10 international and regional organizations. We held more than 20 expert seminars and remote meetings with the WHO, ASEAN, EU, APEC, African Union, CARICOM, SCO and other international and regional organizations, as well as with Japan, South Korea, Russia, Germany, France, the United States and Laos, sharing China's experience and practices in preventing and controlling the epidemic, such as laboratory testing, epidemiology investigation, as well as clinical diagnosis and treatment. 


Diseases do not respect borders, and we should work together to jointly protect people's health around the world. Looking ahead, we will earnestly implement the decisions and deployments made by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council. In line with the International Health Regulations (IHR) and the health cooperation protocols with relevant countries, we will continue to conduct efficient cooperation with the WHO, and share with the international community our experience and information in epidemic prevention and control, as well as coordinate the measures being undertaken, so as to prevent the coronavirus being imported into China on the one hand, and do what we can to support other countries and regions with the epidemic outbreaks on the other. We will play our role as a responsible major country, and promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, so that we can jointly safeguard regional and international public health security. Thank you.  


Hu Kaihong:


Thank you, Mr. Zeng. Now, the floor is open for questions. Please identify your media outlet before asking your question.




Since the outbreak of the epidemic, what kind of assistance has China received from the international community? At present, some countries are facing increasing pressure in the fight against COVID-19. Will China provide relevant assistance to other countries? What lessons could the international community learn in their fight against the epidemic? Thank you.


Ma Zhaoxu:


As I mentioned in my introduction earlier, since the outbreak of COVID-19, the international community – including foreign governments, people from all walks of life and international organizations – have provided large amounts of material assistance to China. We are very grateful for all the support. By the end of March 2, a total of 62 countries and seven international organizations have sent urgently needed materials such as face masks and protective suits for the epidemic prevention and control work in China. Behind these numbers are lots of touching stories. For example, Myanmar's government helped us with rice; the Sri Lankan government provided us with black tea; the Mongolian government donated 30,000 goats; and the Pakistani government sent all their stocks of face masks from the country's hospitals to China. This timely help embodies the phrase "A friend in need is a friend indeed." We will not forget this.


Maybe you have already heard of one touching story involving a 10-year-old Mongolian girl studying in China who donated 333 yuan (US$48) to Hubei province and another two Chinese places respectively, expressing her wish that the outbreak would be over quickly. She did so because the pronunciation of the number "three" and the word "disperse" sound similar in Chinese. We were all deeply moved by her story. Another example is Kang Seung-seok, the new consul general of the Republic of Korea (ROK) in Wuhan, who arrived in the epicenter when most people were leaving. There are numerous examples like this, which demonstrate the good will of the international community standing beside China to fight the epidemic together. 


We have mainly relied on ourselves in the fight against COVID-19, while also expressing gratitude to all the sincere assistance from the international community. As we said, the epidemic will be temporary, but friendship and cooperation are long-lasting. The Chinese people will never forget all the kind sympathy and support from the international community. 


At present, although China has made remarkable progress in the prevention and control of the epidemic, our work fighting COVID-19 is still at a critical stage and we cannot relax at all. Currently, confirmed cases of COVID-19 have been reported in many countries, and the number is growing fast. In some countries, the situation is getting worse. Under such circumstances, China has done what we can to lend a hand. We have provided test kits to Pakistan, Japan and the African Union (AU), and shared treatment methods with many countries. The Chinese government, Red Cross Society of China and a range of Chinese enterprises have also donated test kits to Iran and countries in Africa, whilst Red Cross Society of China has sent a team of volunteer experts to Iran. Based on the changing situation of COVID-19, we will continue to work on the prevention and control of the epidemic in China. At the same time, we will also continue to deepen international cooperation with other countries, and provide support to foreign countries to the best of our abilities. 


We are willing to strengthen health care cooperation with related countries, especially those hit hard by the virus as well as the WHO, and stand closely together to combat the epidemic. I want to emphasize one more point: In the age of globalization, the future of all countries is closely intertwined. Society has become a community with a shared future where our interests are closely tied together. In the face of the outbreak, no country can stay immune. In the face of global challenges like public health security, should we stand closely together, or abandon our neighbors? Should we fight side-by-side, or adopt a "wait-and-see" attitude? Should we offer timely support, or add insult to injury? The answers are self-evident. Just as WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said, the virus has attacked us and humanity must join hands to fight it; it is a threat to all of us and we must unite as one. The idea of building a community with a shared future for humanity, put forward by President Xi Jinping, calls on all countries to rise above differences in social systems, history, culture and development stage. The vision highlights the common pursuit of human values, embraces historical trends, and faces up to the world's most important and pressing issues.  


Major public health security incidents are one of the greatest challenges facing humanity today. In the global battle against the epidemic, the international community should stand closely together, support each other and fight side-by-side. We will promote the building of a community with a shared future for humanity, strengthen international coordination and cooperation, and work with other countries in combatting the epidemic. We will advance international cooperation in public health, and boost international health development.


Xinhua News Agency:


The report by the WHO-China Joint Mission has recently been unveiled, which includes recommendations on prevention and control work in China and the international community. What are the next steps for China and the WHO to promote international cooperation in prevention and control of the COVID-19 outbreak? Thank you.  


Zeng Yixin:


Disease knows no borders, and the COVID-19 outbreak is a common challenge facing mankind. There is still a long way to go before we can fully understand the origin, pathogenic mechanism and transmission mechanism of COVID-19. In this age of globalization, the disease could spread at an unprecedented rate. As Mr. Ma just mentioned, no country can stay immune in the face of the severe outbreak and we should join hands to meet challenges. In this regard, the WHO has played a very important and irreplaceable role. I guess many people have read the WHO-China joint report. As the report pointed out, in the face of a previously unknown virus, China has rolled out perhaps the most ambitious, agile and aggressive disease containment effort in history. This has averted or at least delayed hundreds of thousands of COVID-19 cases in the country. The report also said that China has played a significant role in creating a stronger first line of defense against international spread. Containing this outbreak, however, has come at great cost and sacrifice by China and its people, in both human and material terms.


I notice that the Joint Mission has offered very specific and constructive recommendations on what the international community could learn from China in terms of epidemic prevention and control. It is also mentioned in the report that China's rapid return to full productivity and economic output is vital, since the world needs access to China's experience in responding to COVID-19. I have also noticed what team leader Dr. Bruce Aylward said during the press conference, "It's so important that we recognize that, to the people of Wuhan, it is recognized that the world is in your debt and when this disease finishes, hopefully we'll have a chance to thank the people of Wuhan for the role that they played in it." I think the WHO-China Joint Mission, which is made up of world-famous experts with conscience, has delivered very important messages to the world. These have played a significant role in helping the international community understand the efforts China has been making in epidemic control and prevention. 


The team has also pointed out what needs to be improved in our work and given some very concrete advice. As such, I want to say that the WHO has played a guiding and coordinating role in epidemic control and prevention. In the future, we will maintain close communication with the WHO and ensure the timely notification of information on the epidemic. We will also carry out the suggestions made by the team and the International Health Regulations Emergency Committee, and develop technical cooperation under the WHO framework. We are preparing to recommend some relevant organizations to become WHO reference laboratories for COVID-19 and to share China's technical solutions for diagnosis, treatment, and epidemic control and prevention. We will encourage more R&D institutions and experts to take part in the international cooperation led by the WHO and provide technical support to countries affected by the epidemic via the WHO platform. By adhering to the principles of openness and transparency, we will communicate closely with the WHO, enhance technical exchanges and share our experience and solutions, making all-out efforts in fighting the epidemic globally. Thank you. 


Ma Zhaoxu:


I have one thing to add. Since the COVID-19 outbreak, the WHO – as the most authoritative specialized international organization in the field of international health care – has done great work to mobilize the international community in creating scientific countermeasures and taking control and prevention actions including research and development cooperation. This is fully recognized and highly appreciated by China.


You might have noticed that since the outbreak, China has established close contact with the WHO from the outset and has been cooperating effectively with the organization in a timely manner. As Mr. Zeng said just now, WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus visited China at the most critical time of the epidemic and met with President Xi Jinping. Recently, we have also received a team of experts from the WHO and helped provide them with first-hand information on the outbreak. The advice they offered is highly valued, and is being studied and implemented. What I would like to say is that the WHO's task is tougher as the epidemic spreads around the world. We hope that the WHO can further promote international cooperation, especially providing more help and aid to developing countries with weak protection capacities, including African countries. In this respect, China will not be absent. We will do our best to enhance cooperation with the WHO and make efforts to help severely affected countries in urgent need.


Workers' Daily:


Many foreign political parties supporting China's fight against the epidemic are ideologically different from the Communist Party of China. Their countries also have big differences with China in terms of their social systems. How do the leaders of foreign political parties view the role of China's political system in the epidemic? Thank you.


Guo Yezhou: 


Infectious diseases are a common challenge for all political parties around the world. A virus does not recognize national boundaries and requires different types of political parties in different countries to work together and deal with it. However, in fighting the virus, mobilizing and organizing social forces to prevent and control the epidemic, different systems will show different performances. The outstanding performance of socialism with Chinese characteristics practiced by the Chinese people under the leadership of the CPC in the epidemic prevention and control has been followed closely and evaluated positively by foreign political parties. Their concerns can be summed up using three keywords: 


The first keyword is "core." Leaders of political parties from many countries have spoken highly of the fact that China has such a strong core of leadership of General Secretary Xi Jinping, a leader who is able to keep a level head and turn things around in the face of sudden challenges. The chairman of one political party in a European country wrote in a letter to us that "The fact that General Secretary Xi Jinping has been personally commanding the efforts to combat the epidemic has set a new benchmark for world leaders. The decisive and swift professional prevention and control measures China has taken to combat the epidemic have become a model worthy of being followed and respected by the other countries in the world." Political party leaders of a number of countries have synonymously said that with General Secretary Xi Jinping personally in command and leading deployment, the Communist Party of China, the Chinese government and people will fight and surely win the battle against the epidemic by mobilizing all resources and blocking the spread of the virus. 


The second keyword is "system". In their phone calls or letters to us, many foreign politicians and leaders of political parties said they had paid close attention to the efforts and achievements of China in building shelter hospitals, improving diagnosis and treatment technology, mobilizing a wide range of social forces for mutual support, and coordinating epidemic control with social and economic development. Amazed by China's abilities of organization, mobilization, and execution, unfolded during its endeavor to concentrate resources to accomplish big things, they believed the advantages of China's whole-nation system were fully displayed. Some of them said that they had been following the live streaming of the building of Huoshenshan Hospital from late January to early February and very much appreciated such program, from which they saw the prominent advantages of the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics.


The third keyword is "CPC members". Many foreign party leaders were impressed by the "battle fortress" role of CPC's local organizations and vanguard and exemplary role of party members. Last week, the International Department of the CPC Central Committee received a foreign party leader who expressed appreciation for way CPC members had led the way during the battle against the epidemic. This guest believed such performance embodied the loyalty and obedience shown by local members to the Party leader and the CPC Central Committee, a great source of strength.


"Not angling for compliments, I'd be content to let my integrity fill the universe." Our confidence in the Party and the system is not simply rooted in the praise of others. However, "peaches and plums do not talk; yet a path is formed beneath them," as the old saying goes. The positive responses from foreign party leaders and politicians testify that it is fortunate for the Chinese people and the Chinese nation to have a leader like General Secretary Xi Jinping at the helm, and it is absolutely right for the people and history to choose CPC leadership. They also verified that the theory and system of socialism with Chinese characteristics initiated by the CPC suit China's national conditions and are highly efficient, and the CPC Central Committee's major decision to uphold and improve the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics and promote the modernization of national governance system and governance capacity was made at a right time. 


Besides, I would like to say a few more words in regard of international aid and cooperation covered in the briefing by the comrade from the Foreign Ministry. Many foreign political parties voiced their political and moral support in their phone calls or letters to us, and there are also many others who had offered specific and concrete aid, donating money and materials and launching various events. Among them, some organized donations within their respective parties; Some made use of their parties' influences and mobilized all kinds of forces such as non-government organizations to support China's battle against the epidemic; Some held a prayer ceremony and organized on-spot donation; and some party leaders who are at very old ages coordinated social donations in person and sent us money and materials such as facial masks and protective suits. 


My colleagues have prepared a very long list for me, while I will not try to read out as we don't have enough time here. However, the key is not about how many materials or the size of funds donated, but rather it is that this support is visible and concrete, as well as political and moral. They show people's hearts, and show the confidence of the international community, especially of many foreign political parties in the CPC and Chinese government. They also show that these parties are willing to work together with China to fight against the epidemic. We are deeply grateful for this and keep it in mind all the time. We have also seen outbreak of the epidemic in some countries, and we feel for them. When the political parties and people in these countries fight the epidemic, China will certainly not be absent. We have shared and will continue to share our experience in fighting the epidemic with political parties of relevant countries. We have provided and will provide assistance and support to foreign political parties and their countries. We will fight the epidemic together and take practical actions to demonstrate the concept of a community of shared future for mankind. Thank you.


Nippon Television:


Now the epidemic situation is increasingly serious in other countries. Under this circumstance, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong province and several other places have taken local restrictive measures. So what kind of restrictions will the Chinese government take?


Ma Zhaoxu:


I know many foreign friends are concerned about this issue. Just now we mentioned that the epidemic is no respecter of national borders. After the outbreak, in order to fight the epidemic and curb its spread, many countries have adopted different restrictions. 


In the current situation, local governments in China have adopted relevant inspection, quarantine and prevention and control measures for people entering China from countries or regions experiencing a severe outbreak in accordance with laws and regulations and in accordance with local epidemic prevention and control needs and the international epidemic situation. Local practices should be determined by local governments as needed, such as measuring body temperature, 14-day medical observation at home or at a government-designated site. These practices are in compliance with Chinese laws and regulations. They are not only necessary for epidemic prevention and control, but also can effectively prevent transnational spread of the epidemic. They are responsible for the safety and health of the Chinese people, as well as for the safety and health of foreign citizens, and they are beneficial for the world's epidemic prevention and control. 


According to the development of the epidemic, local governments in China will, in a timely and dynamic manner, adjust prevention and control measures for foreigners entering the country. In some places, some measures are being gradually introduced and adjusted as necessary. They are made entirely by local governments in accordance with the development of the epidemic and the needs of local prevention and control. I want to emphasize that, in taking these measures, we give equal treatment to foreign citizens and Chinese citizens, and implement corresponding measures without discrimination, and fully take care of reasonable individual concerns and provide them with the necessary protection and assistance. In fact, the measures China has taken so far in response to the epidemic have effectively alleviated the spread of the epidemic and prevented human-to-human transmission of the virus, which have also been highly recognized by the WHO. We hope that people from countries severely affected by the epidemic can fully understand and actively cooperate with the relevant prevention and control measures taken by local governments, and work with the Chinese side to prevent risks associated with the epidemic and safeguard their own health and safety, as well as the health and safety of others.


Beijing Youth Daily:


Mr. Ma explained that we have brought back more than 1,300 Chinese citizens who were stranded overseas. There are also many Chinese who are currently in countries where the epidemic has broken out, either working, travelling or visiting relatives. What measures has the Chinese government adopted to protect their safety and health since the outbreak? Thank you.


Ma Zhaoxu:


Since the outbreak occurred, we have made all-out efforts to fight the epidemic. At the same time, we have never forgotten overseas Chinese. We have paid great attention to the difficulties and problems overseas Chinese citizens face due to the epidemic. Since the outbreak, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, civil aviation, commerce, customs, immigration, education, health and other departments have cooperated closely to help overseas Chinese. Moreover, we have guided all overseas embassies and consulates to conscientiously implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and take swift action to fully safeguard the safety, health and rights of overseas Chinese citizens. 


As I mentioned in my opening speech, we have assisted stranded residents of Hubei province return home, and helped the governments of the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions (SARs)bring back residents on the Diamond Princess cruise ship from Japan. A more important task is to help overseas Chinese strengthen self-protection. This is very important. Our embassies and consulates overseas have actively maintained close contact with local Chinese-funded institutions, overseas Chinese communities and overseas Chinese students. During this period, our embassies and consulates have given top priority to assisting the epidemic prevention and control amongst Chinese citizens overseas. We have adopted various measures to assist our citizens, including using websites, WeChat and local media to explain the situation, release alerts, organize lectures, compile handbooks, and guide our citizens to better protect themselves. This is the first thing we did. 


Second, our embassies and consulates are closely following the situation of Chinese citizens abroad who have been either diagnosed with or suspected of having COVID-19, and have provided all necessary assistance to ensure they receive effective treatment from local health departments and medical institutions in a timely manner. As you may know, some Chinese citizens diagnosed with the virus overseas have been discharged after local treatment. During the process, our embassies and consulates have monitored and assisted throughout. For example, many of the passengers of the Diamond Princess cruise ship were infected with COVID-19. After some people were quarantined, the Chinese Embassy in Japan immediately went to the hospital to visit Chinese patients and brought urgently needed medicine for the elderly. Doctors of the hospital said that they treated patients from many countries from the cruise ship, but the Chinese embassy was the first to visit its patients and citizens. 


The Global Emergency Call Center for Consular Protection and Services (12308) has been available 24 hours for overseas Chinese citizens in trouble or soliciting for help. The hotline, receiving calls around an average of 1,100 each day, has enabled timely consultation services for those in need. When a number of discriminative cases have happened to our Chinese citizens in certain countries, our consulates have negotiated, stopped and denounced them promptly. To uphold the rights and interests of the many overseas Chinese students, Chinese consulates, under the guidance of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Education, have kept in touch with local educational institutes to address difficulties that Chinese students have had when starting the new academic semester. In addition, appropriate arrangements have been implemented for those who have failed to return to schools abroad. The assistance to Chinese citizens overseas is comprehensive and holistic. We will continue to closely monitor the development of overseas epidemics and the difficulties encountered by Chinese citizens, and provide timely assistance to put the care of the Party and government into practice.


The Kyunghyang Shinmun:


We have noticed that State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and South Korean Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha spoke on the phone on Feb. 27 and stated that the two sides have cooperated in epidemic prevention, medical treatment, and drug andvaccine research and development. What progress has been made in this regard?

Thank you.


Ma Zhaoxu:


We will never forget the precious assistance and support provided both in official and unofficial ways by South Korea while China has been engaged in the fight against COVID-19. Based on what we have undergone, the epidemic in South Korea greatly concerns us as well. Therefore, we are willing to offer any supplies that are necessary and stand by your side in fight against the epidemic as we take the challenges facing you as our own. The phone call you mentioned between State Councilor Wang Yi and South Korean Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha exemplified the close contact being kept between the two countries, and we are hoping to cooperate in epidemic prevention and control, medical treatment and medicine development. We will continue to keep in close touch with each other.


The Chinese government will soon provide South Korea with a batch of much-needed medical aid. In fact, some Chinese localities and enterprises have already or are preparing to provide assistance to South Korea, especially to areas with severe outbreaks such as Daegu and Gyeongsangbuk-do. We are doing all of this, and we will further increase our efforts.


At the same time, we are also discussing with the South Korean side to establish a joint prevention and control mechanism, because epidemic prevention and control must be done by everyone in order to effectively prevent the cross-border spread of the epidemic. We have also proposed to deepen cooperation with South Korea including strengthening existing information exchanges between counterparts in health, quarantine, customs and immigration. We are also expecting to establish a comprehensive platform to exchange views and information regarding anti-epidemic endeavors between the two sides. Meanwhile, guidelines dedicated to the prevention and control of the epidemic for tourists in China have been sent to South Korea as well. We hope through our cooperated effort, the epidemic can be contained more effectively so that the chances for it to spread across our borders will be much minimized. To this end, we will continue to communicate and negotiate with South Korea to enhance our cooperation.


Zeng Yixin:


Mr. Ma just now introduced the across-the-board cooperation between China and the Republic of Korea (ROK), and I want to add something further in regard to health. China and the ROK have enjoyed a long-term, friendly and practical cooperation on health matters; as the two foreign ministers mentioned in their phone conversation the two countries have maintained close communication and cooperation on epidemic prevention and control and medical treatment since the onset of the COVID-19 outbreak. The heads of the health authorities of the two countries have exchanged messages and maintained close communication on policies. The health authorities and disease control centers of the two countries share epidemic-related information in a timely way, while their experts held technical exchanges during an ASEAN-China-Japan-ROK high-ranking health officials' video meeting on response to the COVID-19 on Feb. 3. The health authorities of China and the ROK also opened an expert hotline and engaged in technical exchanges. China has also shared with the ROK its technical guidelines and plans on epidemic prevention and control through multiple channels. As the epidemic continues in the two countries, their health authorities and technological institutions will further strengthen the cross-border coordination mechanism on epidemic prevention and control, and enhance cooperation through various platforms such as the China-Japan-ROK health ministerial meeting, the mechanism of senior officials' meetings, the Japan-China-Korea Forum on Communicable Disease Control and Prevention, the China-Japan-ROK meeting of directors of centers for disease control and prevention, and the China-ROK hotline of directors of centers for disease control and control. The two countries will work together to promote technological sharing, including sharing experiences in epidemic prevention and control, medical treatment and nursing, and R&D into vaccines and medicines, and safeguard the wellbeing of the two countries, as well as regional and global public health security. Thank you. 




The International Department of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee is the department responsible for the Party's international work, and what jobs has the department done to help fight the epidemic? Thank you.


Guo Yezhou:


Thank you for your question, and for your attention to the work of our department. After the epidemic broke out, the department immediately followed the arrangements of the CPC Central Committee to establish a leading team headed by Song Tao, head of the department, to cope with the epidemic. We earnestly learned and grasped the guiding principles of key speeches made by General Secretary Xi Jinping. While strictly implementing prevention and control measures, we gave full play to the features and advantages of the international communication with foreign parties, actively introduced vigorous measures taken by the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core through Party channels, conveyed the confidence of China in winning the battle against the epidemic, and showed China's attitudes of shouldering responsibilities for the global public health.  


First, we brought into full play the leading role of politics in party exchanges, tried to help foreign parties learn about, understand and support our epidemic prevention and control. We worked hard to keep in close communication with foreign parties through meetings, talks, telephones and letters. A new method we have adopted is running a Wechat official account in English to introduce the important decisions and arrangements made by the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core to foreign parties, and how the Party and government make all-out efforts to guarantee the security of people's health, and foster a better understanding of the community of shared future for humanity promoting global public health cooperation and of the measures on the joint prevention and control taken by all departments across China as well as the effectiveness of the measures. At the same time, we have noticed those touching stories from the front line. Those concrete moves we took have helped consolidate the confidence of the international community in China's victory against the epidemic, and their confidence in prospects of China's economic and social development. 


Second, the International Department of the CPC Central Committee has been working to communicate the support of party dignitaries from foreign countries to the Chinese people. As required by the CPC Central Committee, the International Department has built connections with mainstream media to write news reports in an objective and timely manner about the recognition and support from these party dignitaries in China's battle against COVID-19. Over 30 such news reports have been produced by mainstream media including Xinwen Lianbo (the China Central Television evening news bulletin), People's Daily and Xinhua News Agency. In addition, we have adapted to the changing ways the public accesses information as well as their habits, by publishing a series of articles and short videos on our website and social media accounts to boost confidence and solidarity amid the epidemic. 


Third, the International Department of the CPC Central Committee has been working to promote party-to-party communication and cooperation in a steady manner in accordance with the progress of the COVID-19 prevention and control work. Based on the epidemic situation, the International Department has been carrying out normal exchange activities with political parties from foreign countries, and strengthening information sharing and cooperation with these parties and relevant international organizations regarding epidemic prevention and control, medical care and public health. We will receive senior delegations of foreign political parties in Beijing over the following days. Issues concerning strengthening cooperation amid the epidemic and maintaining normal relations with relevant countries will be discussed to reach consensus. Thank you.


Kyodo News:


According to some news reports, projects under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in some countries such as Pakistan have had to be postponed due to the epidemic. What impact will COVID-19 have on cooperation under the BRI? What measures will China take in this regard? Thank you.


Ma Zhaoxu:


Since the outbreak of COVID-19, many BRI partner countries have actively provided political and material support and assistance to China. They have expressed their willingness in various ways to continue cooperating with China under the BRI. China has also provided emergency medical supplies as much as possible to countries along the BRI route, such as Pakistan. This mutual help reflects the vitality of the BRI. We have both confidence and the capacity to win the battle against COVID-19. We believe that the epidemic's impact on the BRI is only temporary, and are willing to cooperate with all participants to promote the high-quality development of BRI. We have confidence in this regard.


Hong Kong Economic Herald:


According to a report from the WHO, as of March. 4, COVID-19 cases have been reported in 76 countries around the world. As China continues its efforts to prevent and control the epidemic domestically, what kind of technical support will China provide to the rest of the world to jointly contain the spread of COVID-19? Thank you.


Zeng Yixin:


Thank you for your question. As my colleagues have introduced, since the outbreak of COVID-19, many countries have offered assistance to China. In terms of technical support, China has established close communications regarding medical treatment with the WHO, EU, African Union, Caribbean Community, Association of Southeast Asian Nations, and other international organizations. Under this mechanism, we have been sharing information on epidemic prevention and control as well as medical treatment. Next, we will strengthen cooperation and exchanges with the rest of the world in the following aspects to jointly fight COVID-19.


First, we have continued to provide the latest versions of the guidelines for COVID-19 prevention and control and the diagnosis and treatment plan to international and regional organizations as well as related countries in a timely manner. The guidelines for COVID-19 prevention and control have been updated to the fifth version, and the diagnosis and treatment plan has been updated to the seventh version. We will keep making improvements to the documents and sharing the newest editions with all the parties who need them.


Second, we have continued to support Chinese and foreign experts on epidemic control and clinical treatment by sharing related techniques through various means, such as video and telephone conferences. Recently, we held a special press briefing in Wuhan, where Chinese clinical experts working on the frontline shared their opinions and experience in English. 


Third, we have supported public healthcare and medical institutions, including the Red Cross Society of China and Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, in sending expert teams to conduct cooperation and exchanges with technical agencies of related countries, to share information about the epidemic and experience on its prevention and control and to organize various forms of professional training. For example, taking test samples requires training as the process entails a lot of technical skills, such as how to take samples, how to perform tests, and what should be tested -- antigens, viruses, sera, antibodies, or all together. Having gone through such difficulties, we are ready to share our knowledge and experience with relevant countries to enhance the capabilities of their professional personnel on epidemic prevention and control as well as medical treatment. I believe such cooperation will contribute to the global epidemic prevention and control efforts. Thank you.


Ma Zhaoxu:


As the novel coronavirus continues to spread globally, some countries have made requests to China for assistance. Their needs can be divided into four categories: first, test kits for the novel coronavirus; second, protective suits, face masks, thermometers, and other supplies; third, drugs for COVID-19 diagnosis and treatment; fourth, experience in epidemic control, and COVID-19 diagnosis and treatment. We have offered supplies including test kits to some countries, and donated supplies vital for epidemic control to foreign countries through the Red Cross branches, civil organizations, enterprises, and local governments. In addition, we have sent a voluntary team of medical experts to Iran.  


In the next step, we are stepping up efforts to help countries in dire need of assistance, including South Korea, Iraq, Cambodia, Myanmar, and Sri Lanka. Meanwhile, we are considering our response to the WHO's appeal for donations and will release information about our contributions in due course. In fact, among the countries that made requests for assistance, many have made donations to China since the outbreak. So, we are offering aid to these countries in order to help them combat the coronavirus and also to return their favor. There is a Chinese saying: "A favor of a drop of water should be repaid with a surging spring." Of course, we are providing necessary assistance to these countries within China's capacity.


Hu Kaihong:


Due to the time limit, we will now have the last two questions.


China Daily:


Many foreigners are currently living in China, especially in Hubei province. You just mentioned that the Chinese government takes seriously the safety, health and living conditions of foreign nationals living in China. Can you be specific about the measures taken in this regard? Thank you.


Ma Zhaoxu:


I mentioned that the Chinese government pays much attention to the safety and health of Chinese citizens as well as those of foreign nationals. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, the Foreign Ministry, other relevant agencies and local governments have been providing foreign nationals with all sorts of help. When they mentioned difficulties in accessing medical care and in their living situation, we offered support and addressed the problems raised. Another important work was to provide information and consultation services regarding the epidemic, because the foreigners, unlike the Japanese journalist, might not understand Chinese, and it is important to get clear information. We instructed local agencies to provide multi-lingual platforms for information release to offer targeted services to foreigners so they can rest assured, receiving latest updates on the epidemic in no time. Local foreign affairs offices set up hotlines so foreigners can phone in for help with all problems and difficulties they had encountered. We also established contact with foreign embassies in China to help their citizens address any problems they might encounter. Through these efforts, we effectively provided foreign nationals with help and support. As we see, most foreigners are living and working in China, undisturbed, as the result of our efforts.


Other efforts were also helping with the situation. For example, many local governments included foreign nationals into their integrated system for epidemic prevention and control and into the working mechanisms of subdistrict offices and residents' committees of various communities, not treating them as outsiders, but equals of Chinese citizens, and ensuring that their reasonable requirements were met. The Hubei provincial government specially enhanced the anti-epidemic treatment for foreign patients according to the hierarchical medical system, and did a fine job in offering treatment and guidance to foreign patients, with strengthened efforts in grid-based epidemic prevention and control. Foreign nationals living in China have shown their great appreciation for the care and attention they have received from the Chinese government and the Chinese people. Foreign students from Yemen, Pakistan and Cambodia studying in Hubei took to the media, saying "It's safe here, I'm not nervous at all," or "We, the foreign students, have been receiving care and attention from the Chinese government. China, I love you." A Yemeni student from Nanchang University in Jiangxi province, named A Wen, shared his feelings via WeChat Moments, saying "I am a foreigner, but absolutely not an outsider." Sudanese student Da Shan from Anhui University said "I and other foreign students didn't panic, instead, we have felt more warmth since the outbreak of the epidemic." We will continue to look after foreign nationals the same way we do Chinese citizens. You might have seen the news that two foreign doctors, husband and wife, from Pakistan and Mauritius respectively, volunteered to conduct anti-epidemic screening work at checkpoints in Wenzhou city, Zhejiang province. Foreign nationals received care and attention from the Chinese government and proactively participated in the prevention and control of the epidemic, making their own contribution to containing the spread of the epidemic in China and across the world. 


China News Service:


We know that the Communist Party of China (CPC) has maintained good relations with many cross-regional political party organizations around the world. My question is: have these organizations voiced their support for China in its fight against the epidemic? Thank you. 


Guo Yezhou:


Thank you for your question. As you stated, the CPC's circle of friends covers ruling parties, opposition parties and independent parties across the world, as well as governmental and non-governmental organizations. We have carried out vibrant exchanges with a wide range of friends including various political parties active in one nation, coalitions of regional political parties which are influential at the regional level, and international organizations of political parties which hold events and dialogues on a global scale.  


Up to now, we have received messages and letters expressing sympathy and support for the CPC in the anti-epidemic fight from more than 10 international organizations of political parties, including the Socialist International, International Conference of Asian Political Parties (ICAPP), Council of African Political Parties, Christian Democrat Organization of America, and Permanent Conference of Political Parties of Latin America and the Caribbean (COPPPAL), as well as transnational political party organizations and coalitions in Europe. All these organizations have broad representations. For instance, Jose de Venecia, chairman of the ICAPP Standing Committee, expressed his support for China's epidemic fight on behalf of over 350 political parties from 52 Asian countries. In his letter, he voiced confidence that under the outstanding leadership of CPC General Secretary Xi Jinping, the Chinese government and people will definitely overcome the outbreak. Despite the long distance, the COPPPAL and the Sao Paulo Forum, an influential gathering of left-wing political parties and organizations in Latin America, also expressed their deep appreciation and firm support for China's highly responsible attitude towards the safety of people's lives and health, as well as its all-out efforts and achievements in epidemic prevention and control. The understanding and support expressed by these party organizations and regional party coalitions are concrete examples that show all the countries of the world are one family and that mankind shares the same future as a community. Therefore, the CPC will continue to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with such international organizations of political parties. Thank you.


Hu Kaihong:


The press conference concludes here. Thank you to our speakers. Thank you everyone.

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