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天之聪教育 2018-05-16 网络 2380次


Keynote Speech by Ambassador Yang Zigang at the Reception Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of China-Eritrea Diplomatic Relations and Inauguration of New Embassy Premises


H.E. Osman Salih, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Eritrea,


H.E. Yemane Gebreab, Head of Political Affairs of PFDJ,


H.E. Hagos Ghebrehiwet, Head of Economic Affairs of PFDJ,


Distinguished Ministers of the Eritrean government,


Distinguished colleagues from diplomatic corp,


Dear representatives from Chinese enterprises and organs in Eritrea,


Ladies and gentlemen,


Good evening!


I am so pleased to gather with you all here in the new premise of Chinese Embassy. There are two purposes of this reception, one is to share with you and celebrate the 25th anniversary of the establishment of China-Eritrea diplomatic relations, the other is to take this opportunity to notify all our friends that after over 3 years of construction, our new embassy compound has been completed and officially inaugurated.


China and Eritrea started diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level as early as May 24, 1993, exactly the day Eritrea achieved official independence. The past 25 years have witnessed healthy and steady development of China-Eritrea friendly cooperative relations.


First, high rank officials from both parties and governments have exchanged frequent visits, and bilateral mutual political trust has consistently stayed at a high level. During the past 25 years, both sides have managed to share their respective experience on governance and development, and have also been able to maintain effective collaboration and firm mutual support on international and regional issues of core interests and major concerns.


Second, China-Eritrea practical cooperation has yielded fruitful outcomes, which brought tangible benefits to both peoples. Bilateral cooperation programs in extensive sectors such as agriculture, infrastructure, mining, trade and investment, education and health care have made remarkable progress. I am very happy to see that a growing number of bilateral cooperation programs including solar street lights, solar power generator, etc. are under smooth implementation.


Third, people-to-people and cultural exchanges between China and Eritrea have been constantly expanded, as a result of which mutual understanding and friendship between the two peoples have been solidified. The scholarship and training programs the Chinese government has offered cover many areas such as agriculture, education, medical care, public management, etc., and therefore have contributed positively to capacity building of Eritrean human resources and its sustainable development. The programs have also played an important role in promoting bilateral exchanges and mutual learning in various fields. So far, the Chinese government has kept sending medical teams to Eritrea for 21 consecutive years, who have provided professional and quality medical service for the local people. Besides, the two countries have taken initiatives to strengthen bilateral cultural and sports exchanges.


All these achievements of our bilateral ties have been accomplished with joint endeavors made by both sides. I'd like to take this chance to express my heart felt gratitude for the valuable, generous and consistent support and assistance from the Eritrean government and people. Let me also highlight that these fruitful outcomes of China-Eritrea friendly cooperation have not only directly benefited our two countries and peoples, but also made positive contribution to peace and development of the Horn of Africa region and the world.


Ladies and gentlemen,


This year marks the 40th anniversary of China's adoption of reform and opening-up. Four decades ago, Mr. Deng Xiaoping announced that China would adopt the reform and opening-up policy, and after that the Chinese people made tremendous efforts with an unyielding spirit, which brought about a China miracle to the world.


Four decades after, not long ago, at the opening of Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference, Chinese President Xi Jinping explicitly uttered in his keynote speech that China's door of opening-up will not be closed and will only open even wider. President Xi solemnly announced that in order to pursue further opening, China would adopt a series of major measures such as broadening market access, creating a more attractive investment environment, strengthening protection of intellectual property rights (IPR) and taking the initiative to expand imports. President Xi also emphasized that China would translate these measures into reality as soon as possible, so as to let the outcomes of China's opening-up endeavors deliver benefits to the enterprises and peoples around the world. This proclamation by President Xi shows to the world again that China, as a responsible major country, will not stop contributing to the world economic development



In October last year, the 19th CPC National Congress outlined a grand blueprint for comprehensively building China into a strong and modernized socialist country, and dictated the diplomatic guidelines for China's foreign policy in the new era. China will hold high the banner of peace, development and win-win cooperation, and promote a new type of state-to-state relations based on mutual respect, fairness and justice, cooperation and mutual benefit. China advocates for making concerted efforts with different peoples to build a shared future of common destiny for mankind and build a world that features on enduring peace, universal security, common prosperity, openness and inclusiveness and clean environment. In this process, China will stay as determined as ever to build world peace, contribute to global prosperity and uphold the international order.


Accordingly, China's cooperation with Africa is based on principles of equality and mutual respect, solidarity and mutual trust and openness and inclusiveness, where the old logic of zero-sum game and cold war mentality has no place.


As China's development has entered a new era and China's opening-up adopts new measures, what does this really mean for the bilateral collaborations between China and Eritrea? My answer to this question is, this has brought new opportunities for China-Eritrea relations and heralded new prospects for our common development. Let me highlight four points to elaborate on this.


First, this September, a new Summit of Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) will be held in Beijing, Chinese and African leaders will formulate new plans for China-Africa cooperation and outline new blueprints. During the past three years, China has implemented a lot of collaborations with African countries under the framework of FOCAC Johannesburg Summit. The practical cooperation projects of roads, railways, ports, airports and telecommunication and so on have improved Africa's economic development environment and enhanced Africa's independent and sustainable development capabilities. Eritrea is China's important cooperation partner in Africa, and I am convinced that this year's summit will offer new momentum for China-Eritrea cooperation and common development.


Second, the Belt and Road Initiative proposed by China five years ago has now become the largest and most open multilateral economic cooperation platform in the globe by significantly advancing world connectivity and promoting trade, investment and economic development. Eritrea is among the countries along the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. There is great potential for China and Eritrea to explore cooperation and development opportunities under the framework of the Belt and Road.


Third, China and Eritrea should work together to make our development dreams come true. China's path of socialism with Chinese characteristics and China's experience of pursuing economic prosperity by reform and opening-up have provided useful inspirations for developing countries. On the other hand, Eritrea has made great achievements in nation building under the leadership of President Isaias and PFDJ since independence. Since my arrival in Asmara 15 months ago, I have visited different regions and cities of Eritrea. I am quite impressed by the great accomplishments of social and economic development in Eritrea, and I am also deeply touched by Eritrean people's noble spirits of strong resilience and self-reliance. China and Eritrea should strengthen experience sharing in governance and development paths, so as to realize the Chinese dream and the Eritrean dream hand in hand.


Fourth, as a major measure for further opening-up, this November, China will hold the first China International Import Expo in Shanghai, the Chinese side sincerely expects Eritrean friends and others to participate and enjoy more benefits of China's opening-up efforts.


Dear friends,


I am so proud to know that this embassy premise is the first one that has been constructed on Eritrean soil since Eritrea's independence. Therefore it really has ground-breaking significance. Maybe some of my colleagues from diplomatic corp have already started thinking about how to follow suit.


Let me highlight that the completion and inauguration of this new embassy premise constitute a milestone in the history of the Chinese embassy in Eritrea as well as that of China-Eritrea relations. It has become a symbol of the high level mutual political trust and deep traditional friendship between our two countries, as well as an embodiment of our constantly growing cooperative relations. I'd like to extend my special gratitude to the Eritrean government for all the friendly support it offered in the construction of this new premise, and particularly my sincere thanks go to the ordinary Chinese and Eritrean constructors of this new embassy.


Finally, I wish China and Eritrea prosperity, our peoples happiness! May the profound friendship between China and Eritrea be everlasting! Wish all the guests present good health and success in all your endeavors!


Thank you!

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