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天之聪教育 2019-02-23 国新办 3164次


Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area




The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Greater Bay Area) consists of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), the Macao Special Administrative Region (Macao SAR) as well as the municipalities of Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Foshan, Huizhou, Dongguan, Zhongshan, Jiangmen and Zhaoqing in Guangdong Province (hereinafter referred to as “the nine Pearl River Delta (PRD) municipalities”), covering a total area of 56 000 square kilometres with a combined population of approximately 70 million at the end of 2017. As one of the most open and economically vibrant regions in China, the Greater Bay Area plays a significant strategic role in the overall development of the country. The development of the Greater Bay Area is not only a new attempt to break new ground in pursuing opening up on all fronts in a new era, but also a further step in taking forward the practice of “one country, two systems”. The Outline Development Plan (“the Plan”) has been formulated to fully put the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China into practice; fully and accurately implement the principle of “one country, two systems”; fully leverage the composite advantages of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao; deepen cooperation among the Mainland, Hong Kong and Macao; further enhance the Greater Bay Area’s supporting and leading role in the country’s economic development and opening up; support the integration of Hong Kong and Macao into the development of the country; enhance the well-being of Hong Kong and Macao compatriots; maintain the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong and Macao; and enable compatriots in Hong Kong and Macao to share with the people in the motherland both the historic responsibility of national rejuvenation and the pride of a strong and prosperous motherland.


This Plan is an important outline document guiding the current and future cooperation and development of the Greater Bay Area. The Plan covers the period from now to 2022 in the immediate term and extends to 2035 in the long term.

第一章 规划背景

Chapter One Background of the Plan


Ever since the reform and opening up of China, especially the return of Hong Kong and Macao to the motherland, cooperation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao has continuously deepened and become more concrete. The Greater Bay Area, with a marked increase in its economic strength and regional competitiveness, already possesses the fundamental conditions for developing into an international first-class bay area and a world-class city cluster.

第一节 发展基础

Section 1 Foundation of Development


Distinctive geographical advantages. Located at the forefront of China’s opening up along the coast and with the Pan-PRD Region as its vast hinterland for development, the Greater Bay Area plays an important role in the Belt and Road Initiative. The Greater Bay Area is a highly developed transport hub. With Hong Kong as an international maritime centre, major ports such as Guangzhou and Shenzhen with throughputs among the highest in the world, and Hong Kong, Guangzhou and Shenzhen being important international aviation hubs, a modern and comprehensive transport system that is both convenient and highly efficient is rapidly taking shape.


Robust economic strength. The Greater Bay Area leads the country in terms of its level of economic development. It has a comprehensive industry system, with a distinctive cluster advantage and strong economic complementarity. Hong Kong and Macao have highly developed service sectors, whereas the nine PRD municipalities have initially developed an industrial structure driven by strategic emerging industries as the pilot and supported by advanced manufacturing and modern service industries as the mainstay. In 2017, the gross domestic product of the Greater Bay Area stood at around RMB 10 trillion.


High concentration of key factors of innovation. The Greater Bay Area has intensely implemented a development strategy which is innovation-driven, with pilot measures of comprehensive innovation and reform in Guangdong well underway. The development of national innovation demonstration zones has been expedited. Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao have outstanding capabilities in scientific research and development (R&D) and commercial application, and are home to numerous universities, scientific research institutes, high-tech enterprises and large-scale national scientific projects that have important national and even global influence. The Greater Bay Area is well-placed to attract various key factors of innovation, and has an excellent foundation for the development of an international innovation and technology hub.


Advanced level of internationalisation. As international financial, transportation and trade centres, as well as an international aviation hub, Hong Kong offers a business environment that is highly internationalised and based on the rule of law. It also has a global business network and is among the freest economies in the world. Macao’s roles as a global tourism and leisure centre, as well as an economic and trade cooperation platform between China and Lusophone countries have been strengthened, further demonstrating its position in facilitating multi-cultural exchanges. As the economic region with the highest degree of external connection on the Mainland and an important window for opening up to the world, the nine PRD municipalities have significant functions and an important role to play in accelerating the establishment of a new system of open economy in the country.


Solid cooperation foundations. Hong Kong, Macao and the nine PRD municipalities share the same cultural roots. Their people also have close ties and similar customs. The cities complement one another. Strengthened cooperation in recent years among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in areas such as infrastructural development, investment and trade, financial services, technology education, leisure and tourism, ecological and environmental protection, and social services has yielded remarkable results. A pattern of multi-level and comprehensive cooperation has been established.

第二节 机遇挑战

Section 2 Opportunities and Challenges


The present world is fast becoming multipolar, economically globalised, information-oriented and culturally diverse. The global governance system and the international order have been changing at a faster pace. As countries worldwide have become more interconnected and interdependent, the trend of peaceful development is irreversible. A new wave of technological revolution and industrial transformation is set to begin. The Belt and Road Initiative is being pursued in earnest. These developments will help enhance the international competitiveness of the Greater Bay Area and expand the scope of the Greater Bay Area’s participation in international cooperation and competition at a higher level. Following the new vision of development, China takes forward supply-side structural reform and other reforms aiming at better quality, higher efficiency, and more robust drivers of economic growth, bringing new impetus to the transformative and innovative development of the Greater Bay Area. Major breakthroughs have been made in the comprehensive deepening of reform. The modernisation of China’s system and capacity for governance has been substantially enhanced. These developments provide new opportunities for the Greater Bay Area to develop an institution and mechanism for, and to solve prominent problems encountered in, cooperation and development.


Meanwhile, the development of the Greater Bay Area faces many challenges. The global economy is beset with uncertainty and instability as well as the rise of protectionism. The economic development of the Greater Bay Area also confronts issues such as overcapacity and the imbalance and mismatch of the supply and demand structure. The endogenous impetus for economic growth has to be strengthened. Under “one country, two systems”, Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao have different social systems and legal systems. They are separate customs territories. Market connectivity needs to be further improved and an efficient flow of factors of production has yet to be attained. There remains a relatively wide development gap within the Greater Bay Area and coordination and compatibility will need to be strengthened. Homogeneous competition and mismatch of resources exist in certain regions and sectors. Continuous economic growth in Hong Kong lacks sustainable and stable support. The economic structure of Macao is relatively homogeneous with limited resources for development. The market economy structure in the nine PRD municipalities calls for improvement. Regional development faces various bottlenecks, including growing constraints on resources and energy supplies, escalating pressure on ecology and the environment, and a gradual reduction in the demographic dividend.

第三节 重大意义

Section 3 Significance of the Plan


The development of the Greater Bay Area and of a world-class city cluster will facilitate the enrichment of the implementation of “one country, two systems” and foster closer cooperation between the Mainland and the two SARs, thereby creating more opportunities for the socio-economic development of the two SARs and for Hong Kong and Macao compatriots wishing to develop careers on the Mainland, as well as maintaining the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong and Macao. It will facilitate the implementation of the new vision of development; the stepping up of supply-side structural reform; the accelerated development of new economic drivers; and the early realisation of innovation-driven development to support the continued growth in innovation capability and competitiveness of the Chinese economy. It will facilitate the further deepening of reform and further opening up; the building of a new system of open economy in line with international standards; and the development of a new platform for high-level international cooperation. It will facilitate the advancement of the Belt and Road Initiative. By means of two-way opening up, the Greater Bay Area will develop into an important support area for the convergence of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.

第二章 总体要求

Chapter Two Overall Requirements

第一节 指导思想

Section 1 Guiding Ideology


To fully apply Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, coordinate the implementation of the “Five-sphere Integrated Plan” and the “Four-pronged Comprehensive Strategy”, fully and faithfully implement the principle of “one country, two systems” under which the people of Hong Kong govern Hong Kong, the people of Macao govern Macao with a high degree of autonomy, act in strict adherence to the Constitution and the Basic Laws, remain committed to the new vision of development, fully understand and utilise the systemic strengths of “one country, two systems”, the unique strengths of Hong Kong and Macao, as well as the strengths of early and pilot implementation of reform and opening up in Guangdong, emancipate the mind and explore boldly, continuously deepen mutually beneficial cooperation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, further establish a mutually beneficial relationship in regional cooperation, promote coordinated regional economic development, give new impetus to the development of Hong Kong and Macao, provide support for national supply-side structural reform, the implementation of the innovation-driven development strategy and the building of a new system of an open economy, develop a vibrant and internationally competitive first-class bay area and world-class city cluster, and build a role model of high-quality development.

第二节 基本原则

Section 2 Basic Principles


To be driven by innovation and led by reform. To implement the innovation-driven development strategy, improve the regional synergistic innovation system, pool together international innovation resources, and develop an internationally competitive innovation development area. To comprehensively deepen reform, encourage new breakthroughs in reform in key areas and core fields, reap the dividends of reform, and foster the convenient flow and optimal distribution of various factors within the Greater Bay Area.


To coordinate development and plan holistically. To implement the coordinated regional development strategy, fully leverage the comparative advantages of different areas, strengthen policy coordination and planning interface, improve the positioning of different places in the region, promote coordinated development of urban and rural areas in the region, and continuously enhance the holistic nature of development.


To pursue green development and ecological conservation. To vigorously take forward ecological conservation, establish the approach of green development, uphold state policies on saving resources and protecting the environment, implement the most rigorous ecological protection system, adhere to the most rigorous farmland protection system and the most economical land use system, promote the adoption of green and low-carbon production methods and lifestyles as well as modes of urban development and operation, provide a good ecological environment for residents, and facilitate sustainable development of the Greater Bay Area.


To open up and cooperate and achieve a win-win outcome. To adopt the Belt and Road Initiative as an important focal point, develop a new system for an open economy, create a high-level platform for opening up, converge with high-standard trade and investment rules, and accelerate the development of new edges in international cooperation and competition. To fully leverage the unique advantages of Hong Kong and Macao, create and improve the open cooperation systems and mechanisms in various fields, and deepen mutually beneficial cooperation between the Mainland and Hong Kong and Macao.


To share the benefits of development and improve people’s livelihood. To uphold the philosophy of people-centred development, and enable all people to enjoy more benefits of reform in a more equal manner. To better protect and improve people’s livelihood, increase the supply of quality public goods and services, continuously promote social equality and justice, and afford people living in the Greater Bay Area a fuller, more protected and more sustainable sense of fulfilment, well-being and security.


To adhere to “one country, two systems” and act in accordance with the law. To integrate the adherence to the “one country” principle and the respect for the differences of the “two systems”, stay committed to the basis of “one country”, and leverage the benefits of “two systems”. To integrate the upholding of the Central Government’s overall jurisdiction and the safeguarding of a high degree of autonomy in the special administrative regions, respect the rule of law, and act strictly in accordance with the Constitution and the Basic Laws. To integrate the needs of the country with the strengths of Hong Kong and Macao, fully leverage the market-driven mechanism, foster complementarity among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, and achieve joint development.

第三节 战略定位

Section 3 Strategic Positioning


A vibrant world-class city cluster. To leverage the advantages of Hong Kong and Macao as free and open economies and of Guangdong as the pioneer of reform and opening up, continue deepening reform and further opening up, lead nationally and set an example in developing institutions and mechanisms for high-quality economic development, expedite institutional innovation as well as early and pilot implementation, develop a modern economic system, better integrate into the global market system, build a global base of emerging industries, advanced manufacturing and modern service industries, and develop an internationally competitive world-class city cluster.


A globally influential international innovation and technology hub. To target the most advanced technologies and industries in the world, strengthen the development of innovation platforms, vigorously develop new technologies, industries, as well as types and models of business, accelerate the process of developing an economic system mainly driven and supported by innovation; to steadfastly take forward the trial of comprehensive innovative reform, fully leverage the strengths of scientific R&D and industrial innovation of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, remove bottlenecks and constraints impeding the free flow of innovation factors, further stimulate various innovation entities, and build the Greater Bay Area into a hub of global technological innovation and an important source of emerging industries.


An important support pillar for the Belt and Road Initiative. To better leverage the roles and functions of Hong Kong and Macao in the opening up of China, enhance the development of an open economy in the nine PRD municipalities, facilitate the effective connection between domestic and international markets as well as resources, participate in international economic cooperation and competition at a higher level, and develop an influential international transport and logistics hub as well as an international cultural exchange centre.


A showcase for in-depth cooperation between the Mainland and Hong Kong and Macao. To rely on the good foundation for cooperation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, fully leverage the functions of the key cooperation platforms in Qianhai of Shenzhen, Nansha of Guangzhou and Hengqin of Zhuhai, explore new modes of coordinated and synergistic development, enhance comprehensive and practical cooperation between the nine PRD municipalities and Hong Kong and Macao, facilitate the efficient and orderly flow of people, goods, capital and information, give new impetus to the development of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, and set an example of closer cooperation between the Mainland and Hong Kong and Macao.


A quality living circle for living, working and travelling. To firmly adopt the people-centred development philosophy, put into practice ideas on ecological conservation, make full use of modern information technology, achieve the smart management of city clusters, accord priority to livelihood projects, bring more convenience to the lives of people in the Greater Bay Area, raise the quality of living of residents, provide more convenience for Hong Kong and Macao residents studying, working, starting businesses and living on the Mainland, strengthen exchange and integration across different cultures, and build a beautiful bay area that is ecologically safe, environmentally attractive, socially stable and culturally vibrant.

第四节 发展目标

Section 4 Development Objectives


By 2022, the combined strength of the Greater Bay Area should increase substantially, the cooperation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao should be deepened and broadened, the internal driving forces for development should be further enhanced in the region, and the framework for an international first-class bay area and world-class city cluster that is vibrant and highly innovative with an optimised industrial structure, a smooth flow of various factors and a pleasant ecological environment should essentially be formed.


─Regional development should become more coordinated, and a city cluster which has a reasonable division of labour, complementary functions and coordinated development should basically be established;


─ The environment for coordinated innovative development should be enhanced, the aggregation of factors of innovation should be accelerated, and the innovation capacities regarding new technologies and the commercial application of scientific and technological achievements should be significantly enhanced;


─Supply-side structural reform should be further deepened, the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries should be accelerated, the core competitiveness of emerging and manufacturing industries should continuously increase, the digital economy should see rapid growth, and the development of modern service industries such as financial service should be expedited;


─Infrastructural support and protection, such as transport, energy, information and water resources, should be further strengthened, and urban development and management should be further enhanced;


─A green, intelligent, energy-saving and low-carbon way of production and lifestyle, as well as mode of urban development and management, should be established initially, and the lives of residents should become more convenient and happier;


─There should be accelerated development of the new system of an open economy, greater connectivity among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao markets, more effective and efficient flow of various resources and factors of production, and more vibrant cultural exchanges.


By 2035, the Greater Bay Area should become an economic system and mode of development mainly supported by innovation, with its economic and technological strengths vastly increased and its international competitiveness and influence further strengthened; the markets within the Greater Bay Area should basically be highly connected, with very effective and efficient flow of various resources and factors of production; the coordination of regional development should remarkably improve, with the influence on neighbouring regions further strengthened; the people should become wealthier; the level of social civility should reach new heights, with cultural soft power demonstrably strengthened, Chinese cultural influence broadened and deepened, and exchange and integration between different cultures further enhanced; the levels of conservation and efficient use of resources should be significantly improved, the ecological environment should be effectively protected, and an international first-class bay area for living, working and travelling should be fully developed.

第三章 空间布局

Chapter Three Spatial Layout


To maintain an approach that is driven by poles, supported by axes and radiating to nearby areas, promote a rational division of labour and complementary positioning among large, medium-sized and small cities, further enhance coordination in regional development, facilitate the integrated development of urban and rural areas, and build a scientifically structured, compact and highly efficient bay area development framework.

第一节 构建极点带动、轴带支撑网络化空间格局

Section 1 Building a Spatial Network Driven by Poles and Supported by Axes


Driven by poles. To leverage the leading roles of the strong combinations of Hong Kong-Shenzhen, Guangzhou-Foshan and Macao-Zhuhai, deepen cooperation between Hong Kong and Shenzhen, as well as Macao and Zhuhai, expedite the integrated development of Guangzhou and Foshan, enhance their overall strength and global influence, and lead the Greater Bay Area in participating in international cooperation in great intensity.


Supported by axes. To rely on a rapid transport network involving mainly high-speed rails, intercity railways and high-grade motorways, as well as port and airport clusters, build regional economic development axes, and form an efficiently connected spatial network of major cities. To better utilise the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, speed up the construction of key transport infrastructures such as the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge and the Shenzhen-Maoming Railway, enhance the level of development on the west bank of the Pearl River, and foster development synergy between the east and west banks of the Pearl River.

第二节 完善城市群和城镇发展体系

Section 2 Improving the Development System of the City Cluster and Towns


To improve the core cities. To build on the four core cities of Hong Kong, Macao, Guangzhou and Shenzhen as core engines for regional development, continue leveraging their comparative advantages in striving for excellence and achievements, and strengthen the radiating effect in leading the development of nearby regions.


–Hong Kong. To consolidate and enhance Hong Kong’s status as international financial, transportation and trade centres as well as an international aviation hub, strengthen its status as a global offshore Renminbi (RMB) business hub and its role as an international asset management centre and a risk management centre, promote the development of high-end and high value-added financial, commercial and trading, logistics and professional services, etc., make great efforts to develop the innovation and technology industries, nurture emerging industries, establish itself as the centre for international legal and dispute resolution services in the Asia-Pacific region, and develop into an international metropolis with enhanced competitiveness.


–Macao. To develop into a world-class tourism and leisure centre and a commerce and trade cooperation service platform between China and Lusophone countries, promote an appropriate level of diversified economic development, and develop into a base for exchange and cooperation where Chinese culture is the mainstream and diverse cultures coexist.


–Guangzhou. To fully leverage its leading function as a national core city and an integrated gateway city, comprehensively strengthen its functions as an international commerce and industry centre and integrated transport hub, enhance its function as technological, educational and cultural centres, and develop into a global metropolis.


–Shenzhen. To leverage its leading role as a special economic zone, a national economic core city and a national innovation city, expedite its transformation into a modern and international city, and strive to become a capital of innovation and creativity with global influence.


To develop the key node cities. To support Zhuhai, Foshan, Huizhou, Dongguan, Zhongshan, Jiangmen and Zhaoqing in fully leveraging their strengths, deepen reform and innovation, enhance the composite strengths of the cities, and form key node cities with distinct characteristics, complementary positioning and strong competitiveness. To enhance coordination in development, strengthen interaction and cooperation with core cities, drive the development of towns nearby with distinct characteristics, and jointly raise the development quality of the city cluster.


To develop towns with distinct characteristics. To fully leverage the advantage of the nine PRD municipalities in having numerous large and sizeable towns with distinct characteristics, nurture towns with charm and distinct characteristics, improve municipal infrastructure and public services and facilities, develop specialty industries, pass on traditional culture, and form a strong support for enhancing the regional development layout. To develop smart towns, commence experiments in the application of smart technology, promote innovation in institutions and mechanisms, and explore the model of developing future cities. To accelerate administrative system reform in large towns, and continuously expand the functions of extra-large towns on the basis of reducing administrative costs and increasing administrative efficiency.


To promote integrated development of urban and rural areas. To establish a holistic system and policy framework for integrated development of urban and rural areas, promote integrated urban-rural development in the nine PRD municipalities, raise the quality and level of urbanisation, and develop liveable urban-rural areas with Lingnan characteristics. To strengthen guidance on classification, rationally delineate areas with different functions, improve spatial layout, and foster compact urban-rural development. To enhance the level of integration regarding infrastructural development in urban-rural areas, promote urban renewal based on local conditions, redevelop villages in cities and combine small villages, step up the development of ancillary facilities, and improve living conditions for urban and rural residents.

第三节 辐射带动泛珠三角区域发展

Section 3 Radiating the Development to the Pan-Pearl River Delta Region


To leverage the radiating and leading function of the Greater Bay Area, coordinate the productivity layout of the nine PRD municipalities and eastern, western and northern Guangdong, and foster development in nearby areas at a faster pace. To develop a key economic support zone with the Greater Bay Area as its vanguard and the Pearl River-Xijiang economic zone as its hinterland, propel development in South Central China and Southwest China as well as Southeast and Southern Asia. To improve the transport network from the Greater Bay Area to other provinces and regions in the Pan-PRD region, enhance regional cooperation, progressively develop “enclave economies”, facilitate the flow of factors of production and relocation of industries in the Pan-PRD region, and establish a stratified and complementary industrial cooperation system with a reasonable division of labour. To rely on coastal railways, high-grade motorways and major ports, and achieve synergistic development between the Greater Bay Area and the Western Taiwan Strait as well as the Beibu Bay city clusters. To rely on transport routes such as high-speed rails, mainline railways and motorways, deepen cooperation and exchange between the Greater Bay Area and the South Central Region and the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, and strengthen the radiating and driving effect of the Greater Bay Area on the Southwest Region.

第四章 建设国际科技创新中心

Chapter Four Developing an International Innovation and Technology Hub


To implement the innovation-driven development strategy in great intensity, deepen innovation cooperation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, build an open community for coordinated innovation in the region that encompasses integrated development, pool together international innovation resources, enhance the innovation system and policy environment, focus on enhancing the capability for the commercial application of technological achievements, and develop a focused area of global technological innovation and a major source of emerging industries.

第一节 构建开放型区域协同创新共同体

Section 1 Building an Open Community for Coordinated Innovation in the Region


To strengthen cooperation in innovation and technology. To better leverage the functions of the Mainland/Hong Kong and Mainland/Macao Science and Technology Co-operation Committees, and promote the integration of Hong Kong and Macao into the national innovation system thereby enabling them to play more important roles. To fully leverage the technological and industrial strengths of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, actively attract and connect global innovation resources, and develop an open and interconnected system with reasonable layout for regional innovation. To pursue the development of the “Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong-Macao” innovation and technology corridor, explore policy measures to facilitate the cross-boundary and regional flow of innovation elements such as talents, capital, information and technologies, and jointly develop a Greater Bay Area big data centre as well as platforms for international innovation. To expedite the development of national innovation demonstration zones, demonstration bases for entrepreneurship and innovation as well as co-working space, support the establishment of mechanisms for their innovation and entrepreneurship exchanges with Hong Kong and Macao, share innovation and entrepreneurship resources, jointly improve the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem, and provide more opportunities and better conditions for young people from Hong Kong and Macao to innovate and set up businesses. To encourage Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao enterprises and scientific research institutes to participate in international innovation and technology cooperation, jointly organise events on innovation and technology, support enterprises in setting up R&D institutes and bases for innovation incubation overseas, and encourage domestic and foreign investors to set up R&D institutes and innovation platforms in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. To support the establishment of the Belt and Road Life Science and Technology Advancement Alliance by relying on the China National GeneBank in Shenzhen. To encourage higher education institutions, R&D institutes and enterprises from other regions to participate in events on innovation and technology in the Greater Bay Area.


To enhance building of basic innovation capacity. To support the development of major technological infrastructure facilities, R&D institutes as well as innovation platforms in the Greater Bay Area. To progressively open up to Hong Kong and Macao the major national R&D infrastructure facilities and large-scale national R&D equipment located in Guangdong. To support relevant institutes in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao to proactively participate in national technological programmes (special projects, funding, etc.). To strengthen applied basic research, and broaden the implementation of major national technological projects. To support the incorporation of measures of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in relation to deepening the reform of innovation systems and mechanisms into the pilot scheme of comprehensive innovation reform.


To enhance the in-depth integration of industries, academia and research. To develop a system of technological innovation built up primarily by enterprises, led by market forces and with an in-depth integration of industries, academia and research, support Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao enterprises, higher education institutions and R&D institutes in jointly developing quality collaborative platforms for coordinated innovation, and promote the commercial application of technological achievements. To implement the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao collaboration programme in innovation and technology and the Guangdong-Hong Kong Technology Cooperation Funding Scheme, and support the establishment of an innovation alliance of industries, academia and research in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao.

第二节 打造高水平科技创新载体和平台

Section 2 Developing Quality Innovation and Technology Carriers and Platforms


To accelerate the development of major technological infrastructure facilities, platforms of cross-study as well as emerging frontier researches in the Greater Bay Area, and focus on raising the standards of basic research. To optimise the allocation of resources for innovation, and develop and nurture a batch of platforms for technological innovation for industries, manufacturing innovation centres and enterprise technological centres. To take forward the development of national innovation demonstration zones, progressively commence the expansion of national high-tech industrial development zones, and develop high-tech industrial development zones into regional nodes of innovation and key bases for the high-end development of industries. To take forward military-civilian integration in innovation development in the nine PRD municipalities, and support the establishment of a demonstration zone of military-civilian integration in innovation development. To support the development of major carriers for innovation such as the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park and the Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City, the innovation and technology base in Qingsheng of Nansha, the Traditional Chinese Medicine Science and Technology Industrial Park of Cooperation between Guangdong and Macao in Hengqin. To support the development of the five Hong Kong R&D Centres respectively for Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech, Textiles and Apparel, Information and Communications Technologies, Automotive Parts and Accessory Systems, and Nano and Advanced Materials, as well as the development of the Hong Kong Science Park and the Hong Kong Cyberport. To support the setting up of a platform for developing the traditional Chinese medicine science and technology industries in Macao. To take forward the development of Partner State Key Laboratories in Hong Kong and Macao.

第三节 优化区域创新环境

Section 3 Enhancing the Environment for Innovation in the Region


To deepen reform of innovation systems and mechanisms in the region. To study policies and measures to implement facilitation relating to immigration and customs clearance, working, living as well as the flow of goods within the Greater Bay Area, and encourage interaction and exchanges between technological and academic talents. To allow eligible higher education institutions and R&D institutes in Hong Kong and Macao to apply for Mainland technology projects, and use relevant funding on the Mainland as well as in Hong Kong and Macao according to the regulations. To support the setting up of special funding schemes for joint innovation projects by Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, commence cooperation in major R&D projects, and allow the cross-boundary use of related funds in the Greater Bay Area. To study and formulate a specialised plan to enhance the management of the cross-boundary use of medical data and bio-samples such as blood necessary for R&D cooperation projects in designated higher education institutions, R&D institutes and laboratories in the Greater Bay Area, and foster the research and development of clinical medicine. To enable Hong Kong and Macao R&D institutes in Guangdong to enjoy the same treatment as other Mainland R&D institutes, enjoy various national and provincial (Guangdong) policies in support of innovation, and encourage as well as support them to participate in Guangdong technology programmes. To initiate pilot projects for the securitisation of intellectual property (IP).


To promote the commercial application of technological achievements.To innovate the system as well as improve the environment, and develop the Greater Bay Area into a base for the commercial application of technological achievements with international competitiveness. To support Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in establishing in-depth collaboration in areas such as entrepreneurship and incubation, financial technologies,commercial application of technological achievements, international technology transfer and the technology services industry, and jointly develop platforms for the commercial application of achievements such as national level bases for the incubation of technological achievements and bases for start-up businesses and employment for young people from Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao.To develop a number of Hong Kong and Macao-oriented incubators of technology enterprises in the nine PRD municipalities, and provide convenience to higher education institutions and R&D institutes in Hong Kong and Macao to transfer and apply their advanced technological achievements. To support the setting up of a national demonstration zone for the transfer and commercial application of technological achievements in the nine PRD municipalities. To fully leverage the roles of capital markets and financial services of Hong Kong, Macao, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, etc., and join hands in developing a diversified, international and cross-regional system for innovation and technology investment and financing.To make great efforts in broadening channels of direct financing, rely on the regional equity trading market, and develop a supporting platform for technology, innovation and financial services. To support the engagement of Hong Kong’s private equity funds in the financing of innovation and technology enterprises in the Greater Bay Area, allow eligible innovation and technology enterprises to secure listing in Hong Kong for capital financing, and develop Hong Kong into a financing centre for high-tech industries in the Greater Bay Area.


To step up the protection and exploitation of IP. To capitalise on the IP collaboration mechanisms of Hong Kong/Guangdong, Macao/Guangdong and the Pan-PRD region, and strengthen cooperation in areas such as IP protection and training of IP professionals in a comprehensive manner in the Greater Bay Area. To step up IP administrative law enforcement and judicial protection, better leverage the roles of institutions such as the Guangzhou Intellectual Property Court, and strengthen law enforcement actions in key fields and sectors such as e-commerce as well as import and export. To strengthen international cooperation in areas such as IP creation, exploitation, protection and trading, and establish a comprehensive cooperation mechanism for cross-boundary IP cases. To capitalise on existing trading venues, promote IP transactions, and foster a reasonable and effective flow of IP. To launch market publicity on the regulatory regimes for IP protection and take forward the “No Fakes Pledge” Scheme. To leverage the radiating function of zones with a concentration of the IP services industry, promote the integrated development of high-end IP services and industries in the region, and promote alternative dispute resolution (including arbitration, mediation and consultation) as a means to resolve IP disputes. To fully leverage the advantages of Hong Kong in IP protection and related professional services, and support the development of Hong Kong as a regional IP trading centre. To continuously enrich, develop and improve the IP protection system that is conducive to stimulating innovation. To develop a mechanism and platform for the exchange and sharing of IP-related information in the Greater Bay Area.

第五章 加快基础设施互联互通

Chapter Five Expediting Infrastructural Connectivity


To strengthen infrastructural development, enhance external and internal connectivity, take forward the establishment of an infrastructural network with a rational layout, comprehensive functions, smooth connections and efficient operations, and provide solid support for socio-economic development in the Greater Bay Area.

第一节 构建现代化的综合交通运输体系

Section 1 Building a Modern Comprehensive Transport System


To enhance the international competitiveness of the PRD port cluster. To consolidate and enhance Hong Kong’s status as an international maritime centre, support Hong Kong’s development of high-end maritime services such as ship management and leasing, ship finance, marine insurance as well as maritime law and dispute resolution services, and provide such services to Mainland and Macao enterprises. To increase the overall capacity of international shipping services of Guangzhou and Shenzhen, further enhance the service capacity of infrastructural facilities including ports and fairways, form a complementary and mutually beneficial system of port, shipping, logistics and ancillary services with Hong Kong, and strengthen the port cluster’s overall international competitiveness. To focus on major coastal ports, and improve the cargo distribution and transport network of inland waterways, port railway lines and motorways, etc..


To develop a world-class airport cluster. To consolidate and enhance Hong Kong’s status as an international aviation hub, strengthen its role as an aviation management training centre, raise the competiveness of Guangzhou’s and Shenzhen’s airports as international hubs, strengthen the functions of airports such as those in Macao and Zhuhai, and pursue differential development and positive interaction of airports in the Greater Bay Area. To support the construction of the Three-Runway System at the Hong Kong International Airport as well as the reconstruction and expansion of Macao’s airport, carry out reconstruction and expansion works at the airports in Guangzhou, Shenzhen, etc., commence a preliminary study for the construction of a new airport in Guangzhou, and study the development of a batch of feeder airports and general aviation airports. To further expand the Greater Bay Area’s domestic and international aviation networks, and proactively take forward inter-modal code sharing service. To leverage Hong Kong’s strengths in financial and logistics services, and develop high value-added freight, aircraft leasing and aviation financing services, etc.. To support Macao’s airport in developing regional business aircraft services. To strengthen airspace coordination and air traffic management collaboration, optimise airspace structure, enhance the efficiency of the utilisation of airspace resources, and enhance air traffic management capacity.To deepen management reform in low-altitude airspace, expedite the development of general aviation, steadily develop cross-boundary helicopter services, and set up general aviation demonstration zones in Shenzhen and Zhuhai.To proceed with the setting up of airport economy zones in Guangzhou and Shenzhen.


To ensure the smooth flow of comprehensive external transport links. To improve comprehensive transport links connecting the Greater Bay Area with nearby provinces and regions via eastern, western and northern Guangdong. To take forward the construction of railway projects including those between Ganzhou and Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Shanwei, Shenzhen and Maoming as well as Cenxi and Luoding, take forward the preliminary work of regional routes including the railway between Guangzhou and Hai’an via Maoming and Zhanjiang as well as the railway between Liuzhou and Zhaoqing at appropriate junctures, and study the feasibility of further extending the railway between Guangzhou and Qingyuan. To progressively carry out expansion and modification works for busy sections of national motorways such as the Shenyang-Haikou Expressway (G15) and the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway (G4). To speed up the construction of major international land routes connecting the Pan-PRD region and countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations with Guangdong’s outbound motorways, the high-speed rails and express railway lines as the backbone, as well as Guangzhou and Shenzhen as the hubs.


To build a rapid transport network in the Greater Bay Area. To focus on connecting the Mainland with Hong Kong and Macao, as well as connecting the east and west banks of the Pearl River Estuary, build a rapid inter-city transport network mainly involving high-speed rails, inter-city railway links and high-grade motorways, and strive for reducing travelling time among major cities within the Greater Bay Area to one hour or less. To draw up a development plan for inter-city railway links in the Greater Bay Area, improve the backbone railway networks of the Greater Bay Area, speed up the construction of inter-city railways, and progressively plan urban railway transit projects in major cities of the PRD. To accelerate the construction of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge and the Second Humen Bridge cross-river link. To adopt new models for clearance procedures with a view to making better use of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link and the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge. To take forward the planning and construction of new boundary crossings such as the Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point, the new Guangdong-Macao border access (Qingmao Boundary Control Point), Hengqin Port (exploring the relocation of the Cotai Frontier Port of Macao) and West Kowloon Station of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link. To strengthen Hong Kong’s and Macao’s transport connections with the Mainland, pursue the effective connection of various modes of transport including urban railway transit, develop a safe and efficient interchange system, enhance the handling capacity and clearance facilitation of control points in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, and promote an efficient and convenient flow of people and goods.


To raise the standards of passenger and cargo transport services. To pursue the objective of seamless passenger interchange and cargo movements, improve the layout of major transport facilities, proactively connect railway trunk lines, inter-city railway lines and urban/suburban railway lines with airports, and enhance the cargo distribution and transport capacity of airports. To speed up the development of a Guangzhou-Shenzhen international integrated transport hub. To pursue public inter-city passenger transport service operations in the Greater Bay Area, and promote the use of a single ticket for all connecting trips and a single card for all modes of transport. To develop modern freight and logistics systems, and expedite the provision of railway-water, motorway-railway, air-railway and river-sea inter-modal transport, as well as “single cargo manifest” services. To accelerate the development of a smart transport system, and pursue an innovative integrated application of information technology, such as the Internet of Things, cloud computing and big data, in the field of transport.

第二节 优化提升信息基础设施

Section 2 Enhancing and Upgrading Information Infrastructure


To develop a new generation of information infrastructure. To expand the bandwidth capacity of broadband internet among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, make comprehensive planning for the next generation network based on Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6), and take forward the IPv6 upgrading and transformation of backbone network, metropolitan area network, access network, internet data centre and support systems. To speed up the expansion of bandwidth capacities of international internet communication gateways, and enhance overall traffic handling capabilities. To promote the development of wireless broadband systems in the PRD city cluster, and achieve full coverage of free high-speed wireless local area network in hotspots and along main transport routes within the Greater Bay Area. To achieve full fibre access for the provision of fixed broadband services in cities. To develop an ultra-high-definition interactive digital family network.


To build smart city clusters. To take forward new smart city pilot demonstrations as well as the development of a national big data integrated pilot zone in the PRD, strengthen cooperation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao on smart cities, explore the establishment of common standards, open up data ports, develop interconnected public application platforms, develop information infrastructure facilities including a comprehensive sensor network with full coverage and ubiquitous internet, a smart city spatiotemporal cloud platform and a spatial information service platform, and devote great efforts to develop smart transport, smart energy, smart municipal management and smart communities. To take forward the mutual recognition of electronic signature certificates, and promote the use of electronic signature certificates in fields such as public services, finance as well as trade and commerce. To jointly promote connections between electronic payment systems in the Greater Bay Area. To enhance the service capabilities of telecommunications enterprises, take various measures to achieve reasonable reductions in telecommunications service fees, facilitate reductions in long-distance and roaming charges for mobile phones among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, proactively launch a feasibility study on removing long-distance and roaming charges for mobile phones among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, and lay the foundations of as well as provide support for the development of smart cities.


To enhance the level of cyber security protection. To strengthen the protection of communication networks, major information systems and data resources, enhance the reliability of information infrastructure, and raise the level of information security protection. To proactively promote the use of advanced technology in cities such as Hong Kong, Macao, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, and facilitate the use of secure communications technology in government departments and financial institutions, etc.. To put in place a sound notification and warning mechanism for cyber and information security matters, step up real-time surveillance, notification and warning as well as emergency response, and establish a comprehensive cybersecurity defence system.

第三节 建设能源安全保障体系

Section 3 Developing an Energy Security Protection System


To enhance the energy supply structure. To vigorously carry out supply-side structural reform in the energy sector, improve the energy structure and network in the Greater Bay Area, and develop a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy supply system. To vigorously develop green and low-carbon energy, expedite the use of natural gas and renewable energy, progressively develop wind power resources, develop solar photovoltaic electricity generation and biomass energy with appropriate modifications in accordance with local conditions, develop the safe and efficient use of nuclear power, vigorously take forward the clean and efficient use of coal, control overall coal consumption, and continuously increase the ratio of clean energy.


To strengthen the energy storage and transport system. To step up the construction of the main grid that transmits electricity to the Greater Bay Area from peripheral areas as well as among cities in the Greater Bay Area, improve electricity transmission and distribution networks in towns, and enhance the transmission capacity and risk resistance capacity of electricity networks. To expedite the construction of large petroleum reserve bases in the PRD, facilitate the coordinated construction of new liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals and the upgrading of the storage and regasification capacities of existing LNG terminals, plan the construction of feeder pipelines based on the national natural gas backbone network, expand the coverage of oil and gas pipelines, and increase oil and gas storage and supply capacities. To pursue the construction of national coal reserve bases in Guangzhou and Zhuhai, and put in place a cascade system of coal reception, transit and storage. To explore ways to improve the electricity transmission networks and gas pipelines from Guangdong to Hong Kong and Macao, and ensure the safe and stable supply of energy to Hong Kong and Macao.

第四节 强化水资源安全保障

Section 4 Strengthening Protection for the Security of Water Resources


To improve water infrastructure. To uphold the priority of

water conservation, and vigorously pursue works projects for saving and conserving water such as the utilisation of rainwater and floodwater resources. To enforce the most stringent system of water resource management, accelerate the enactment of legislation for the regulation of water volume of the Pearl River, and rigorously enforce the unified regulation and management of water resources of the Pearl River. To expedite the PRD water resource allocation project and the fourth Macao water supply pipeline works, step up construction works relating to the safety standard compliance of potable and emergency water sources and the prevention and control of environmental risks, and ensure the safe supply of water in the PRD as well as Hong Kong and Macao. To enhance cooperation and exchanges in water technology and resources among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao.


To improve flood prevention and mitigation systems. To actively pursue major infrastructure works including the strengthening of seawalls and river banks of the Pearl River and its tributaries, and strive to improve the integrated prevention and mitigation systems for floods and typhoons. To strengthen the integrated management and protection of the Pearl River Estuary, and take forward the management of the system of rivers and lakes in the PRD. To enhance the internal drainage systems and water holding capacity in cities, develop and improve the flood and storm surge prevention as well as drainage systems in Macao, Zhuhai, Zhongshan, etc., and effectively solve the problem of urban flooding. To pursue reinforcement works for high-risk reservoirs and sluices, and comprehensively remove safety hazards. To step up hydrological and water resource monitoring at the Pearl River Estuary, jointly develop a system for disaster monitoring and warning, collaborative prevention and control as well as emergency response, and increase the ability to respond to disasters such as floods and storm surges.

第六章 构建具有国际竞争力的现代产业体系

Chapter Six Building a Globally Competitive Modern Industrial System


To deepen supply-side structural reform, strive to nurture new industries, new types and new models of businesses, support the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, expedite the development of advanced manufacturing and modern service industries, raise industries’ levels of development to advanced international standards, promote the complementarity, close cooperation and interconnected development of industries, and nurture the development of a number of world-class industry clusters.

第一节 加快发展先进制造业

Section 1 Expediting the Development of the Advanced Manufacturing Industry


To enhance the core competitiveness of the manufacturing industry. To concentrate efforts in expediting the development of the country into a leading manufacturing power, and enhance the ecosystem of innovation development for the manufacturing industry in the PRD. To actively promote in-depth integration of the internet, big data and artificial intelligence with the real economy, vigorously pursue the transformation, upgrading and optimised development of the manufacturing industry, strengthen the division of labour and collaboration among different industries, enhance in-depth cooperation between upstream and downstream industries along the industry chain, and develop an advanced manufacturing base with international competitiveness.


To optimise the layout of the manufacturing industry. To raise the development level of the national demonstration bases for new industrialisation, develop an industrial belt for advanced equipment manufacturing on the west bank of the Pearl River spearheaded by Zhuhai and Foshan, and develop a globally influential and competitive cluster of world-class high-end manufacturing industries, such as electronic communications, on the east bank of the Pearl River with Shenzhen and Dongguan as its core. To leverage the strengths of Hong Kong, Macao, Guangzhou and Shenzhen in innovation and R&D as well as their high concentration of headquarters bases for enterprises, together with the advantages of having complete industry chains in Zhuhai, Foshan, Huizhou, Dongguan, Zhongshan, Jiangmen, Zhaoqing, etc., enhance collaboration and connectivity among industries in the Greater Bay Area, and raise the level of coordinated development. To support municipalities such as Dongguan in transforming and upgrading traditional industries, and support Foshan in launching pilot projects for integrated reform in manufacturing transformation and upgrading. To support Hong Kong’s efforts in exploring “re-industrialisation” in sectors where it enjoys advantages.


To expedite the structural adjustment of the manufacturing industry. To pursue smart development of the manufacturing industry, focus on robotics and related key components, high-speed and high-precision processing equipment as well as intelligent equipment sets, vigorously develop intelligent manufacturing equipment and products, and nurture backbone enterprises for intelligent manufacturing which have strong capabilities in system integration, intelligent equipment development and the R&D and production of key components. To support the strengthening and refinement of industries with competitive advantages such as equipment manufacturing, automobile, petrochemicals, home appliances and electronic information, and give an impetus to the manufacturing industry for branching out from processing and production to R&D, design, branding, marketing, and recycling, etc.. To accelerate the green transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry, emphasise the promotion of the green upgrading of traditional manufacturing industries as well as the development of green products, and create a green supply chain. To vigorously develop the remanufacturing industry.

第二节 培育壮大战略性新兴产业

Section 2 Nurturing and Strengthening Strategic Emerging Industries


To leverage the rich scientific research resources and solid foundations in new and hi-tech industries of core cities such as Hong Kong, Macao, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, fully leverage the roles of state-level new areas, national innovation demonstration zones and national high-tech industrial development zones as platforms where high-end production factors aggregate, jointly develop strategic emerging industry clusters which are well-supported by a comprehensive production chain, highly radiative for driving the development of other areas and globally competitive, and augment new impetus for economic development. To pursue the development and growth of new pillar industries including new-generation information technology, biotechnology, high-end equipment manufacturing and new materials, and nurture major industry projects such as new display systems, new-generation communications technologies, 5G and mobile internet, biopharmaceuticals such as protein, high-end medical diagnostic equipment, genetic testing, modern Chinese medicine, intelligent robots, 3D printing and applications of BeiDou satellite navigation system. To centre on key areas and their critical components such as information consumption, new healthcare technologies, marine engineering equipment, hi-tech service industry and high-performance integrated circuit, and launch major projects involving strategic emerging industries. To nurture and develop industries such as new energy, energy conservation and environmental protection, and new energy vehicles, and form a belt of industry aggregation with R&D of energy conservation and environmental protection technologies as well as the development of headquarters and bases as its core. To leverage the leading position of major enterprises, proactively pursue the development of a digital economy and a sharing economy, and promote economic transformation and upgrading as well as social development. To promote regional cooperation in digital and creative industries such as animation, comics and games, internet culture, digital culture and devices, digital art and display, and promote the application of digital creativity in areas such as convention and exhibition, e-commerce, medical and healthcare, education services, tourism and leisure.

第三节 加快发展现代服务业

Section 3 Expediting the Development of Modern Service Industries


To develop an international financial hub. To leverage Hong Kong’s leading position in the financial services sector, consolidate and enhance Hong Kong’s status as an international financial centre, and establish a platform for investment and financing serving the Belt and Road Initiative. To support Guangzhou in further improving its modern financial services regimes, develop a regional private equity trading market, establish a regional centre for equity and commodity trading, and augment the level of internationalisation. To support Shenzhen in developing a capital market with the Shenzhen Stock Exchange as its core in accordance with relevant regulations, and expedite the process of financial liberalisation and innovation. To support Macao in developing a China-Lusophone countries platform for financial services, establish an export credit insurance system, develop as an RMB clearing centre for Lusophone countries, leverage Macao’s strengths as the headquarters of the China-Portuguese-speaking Countries Cooperation and Development Fund, and take up financial cooperation services between China and Lusophone countries. To study and explore the development of a Macao-Zhuhai cross-boundary financial cooperation demonstration zone.


To vigorously develop special financial products and services. To support the development of Hong Kong into a green finance centre in the Greater Bay Area, and set up an internationally recognised green bond certification institution. To support Guangzhou in developing a pilot zone for green finance reform and innovation, and study the establishment of an innovative futures exchange that takes carbon emission as its first trading commodity. To support Macao in developing special financial products and services such as leasing, explore Macao’s development taking account of complementarity with nearby regions, and study the feasibility of establishing in Macao a securities market denominated and cleared in RMB, a green finance platform and a Sino-Lusophone countries financial services platform. To support Shenzhen in developing a pilot zone for development in insurance innovation, further enhance the level of connectivity between Hong Kong and Shenzhen markets and promote cooperation between Macao and Shenzhen with respect to special financial products, launch TechFin pilot projects, and boost the development of FinTech carriers. To support municipalities such as Zhuhai to leverage their own strengths, and develop financial products with distinct characteristics. Subject to compliance with the statutory and supervisory requirements, to support insurance institutions in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao to jointly develop innovative cross-boundary motor vehicle and medical insurance products, and provide facilitation services for cross-boundary policy holders in areas such as underwriting, investigation and claims.


To progressively promote mutual financial markets access. To progressively expand the scale and scope of the cross-boundary use of RMB in the Greater Bay Area. Banking institutions in the Greater Bay Area may launch, in accordance with relevant regulations, cross-boundary RMB interbank lending, RMB foreign exchange spot and forward businesses, related RMB derivative products and cross distribution of wealth management products. Enterprises in the Greater Bay Area may issue cross-boundary RMB bonds in accordance with relevant regulations.To widen the scope for cross-boundary investment by Hong Kong and Mainland residents and institutions, and steadily expand the channels for Mainland and Hong Kong residents to invest in financial products in each other’s market. Subject to compliance with laws and regulations, to progressively promote cross-boundary transactions of financial products such as funds and insurance within the Greater Bay Area, continue expanding the types of investment products and investment channels, and establish a mechanism for mutual access to capital and products.To support Hong Kong’s institutional investors in raising RMB funds in accordance with the relevant regulations in the Greater Bay Area for investment in the capital markets of Hong Kong, and in participating in the investment of domestic private equity funds and venture capital funds. To support Hong Kong in developing more offshore RMB, commodity and other risk management tools. To support Mainland, Hong Kong and Macao insurance institutions in developing cross-boundary RMB reinsurance business. To continue enhancing the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect, Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect and Bond Connect. To support eligible Hong Kong and Macao banks and insurance institutions in setting up operations in Qianhai of Shenzhen, Nansha of Guangzhou, and Hengqin of Zhuhai. To establish a Greater Bay Area coordination and communication mechanism for financial regulation, and strengthen cooperation in the monitoring of financial institutions as well as the monitoring and analysis of cross-boundary capital flows. To enhance the mechanism for supervision, cooperation and information exchange relating to anti-money laundering, counter-terrorist financing and anti-tax evasion in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. To set up and improve a mechanism for the early warning, prevention and resolution of systemic risks, and jointly safeguard the security of the financial system.


To develop a system of modern service industries. To focus on the key sectors and weaknesses in development of the service industries, promote specialisation and progression towards the high end of the value chain for producer services such as business services and distribution services, refine and improve the quality for consumer services such as healthcare services and family services, focus on maritime and logistics services, travel services, cultural and creative industries, human resources services, convention and exhibition and other professional services, etc., and develop a system of modern services which promotes coordinated development, complementarity and cooperation. To promote the cooperative development of logistics services among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, vigorously pursue the development of third-party logistics and cold chain logistics, raise the level of supply chain management, and develop an international logistics hub. To support the efforts of Macao in expediting the development of a food trading and distribution hub for Lusophone countries. To deepen cooperation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in industrial design, and facilitate the commercialisation of industrial design achievements. To deepen cooperation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in the cultural and creative industries, and progressively open up the market. To fully leverage the strengths and expertise of Hong Kong talents in the film and television industries, promote cooperation among the film and television industries in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, strengthen film investment and cooperation and exchanges among talents, and support Hong Kong in its development into an exposition hub for television and film. To consolidate and enhance Hong Kong’s status as an international high-end convention, exhibition and sourcing centre, and support Macao in nurturing renowned convention and exhibition brand names with global influence. To deepen the implementation of liberalisation measures for service sectors of Hong Kong and Macao under the respective Closer Economic Partnership Arrangements (CEPAs) with the Mainland, encourage Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao to work together in establishing professional services institutions, and further the development of professional services such as accounting and auditing, legal and dispute resolution services, management consultancy, testing and certification, IP, construction and related engineering works. To support Greater Bay Area enterprises in using services of Hong Kong such as testing and certification.

第四节 大力发展海洋经济

Section 4 Vigorously Developing the Marine Economy


To adhere to land-sea coordination and scientific exploration, strengthen cooperation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, widen the scope of the blue economy, and jointly develop a base for modern marine industries. To strengthen capabilities in marine observation, augment monitoring, forecasting as well as disaster prevention and mitigation, and raise the level of exploration and utilisation of marine resources. To optimise the spatial layout for marine development, align with marine functional zonings and overall land use planning, coordinate in a scientific manner the utilisation of coastal belts (including island regions), coastal waters, and deep-sea areas. To develop a modern marine industry system, optimise and upgrade industries with traditional comparative advantages such as marine fishery, sea transport and shipping, nurture and strengthen the development of emerging industries such as marine biomedicine, ocean engineering equipment manufacturing and integrated seawater utilisation, pursue the concentrated and intensive development of port industries such as the petrochemical and energy industries, expedite the development of maritime services such as port and logistics, coastal tourism and marine information services, strengthen the development of a platform for marine technology innovation, and foster marine technology innovation and effective commercial application of achievements. To support Hong Kong in leveraging its strengths in innovation and research in foundation areas of the marine economy. On the premise that flood discharge and tidal waves at the Pearl River Estuary are managed in a safe manner, to support Macao in scientifically devising and implementing a medium- and long-term marine development plan, and further develop industries such as marine tourism, marine technology and marine biology. To support Shenzhen in developing into a key global marine city. To support taking forward the development of the marine economy through enhanced financial cooperation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, explore the issuance of corporate bonds for marine development both domestically and externally, encourage industrial (equity) investment funds to invest in enterprises and projects related to integrated marine development, ride on Hong Kong’s strengths in high value-added maritime and financial services, and develop specialised financial services such as marine insurance, reinsurance and ship finance.

第七章 推进生态文明建设

Chapter Seven Taking Forward Ecological Conservation


To firmly establish and act on the belief that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets, cherish the environment as we cherish our own lives, and implement the strictest possible systems for protecting the environment. To act on the principles of prioritising resource conservation, environmental protection and letting nature restore itself, be led by the development of a beautiful bay area, devote efforts to improving ecological and environmental quality, develop spatial layouts, industrial structures as well as ways of work and life that help conserve resources and protect the environment, put into practice green, low-carbon and circular development, and make the Greater Bay Area a place with bluer skies, greener mountains, clearer water and a better environment.

第一节 打造生态防护屏障

Section 1 Establishing Ecological Protection Barriers


To implement major conservation and restoration projects relating to ecosystems, develop ecological corridors and biodiversity protection networks, and enhance the quality and stability of ecosystems. To delineate and strictly safeguard ecological conservation redlines, and strengthen control over the use of natural ecological space. To step up the protection of mountains, hills as well as forest ecosystems in the vicinity of the PRD, and develop an ecological barrier with a continuous line of forested mountains in the north. To enhance the protection and regulation of coastlines, strengthen the protection of shoreline resources as well as the conservation of their natural properties, and establish a sound and comprehensive mechanism for the dynamic monitoring of coastlines. To enhance the protection and restoration of near-shore marine ecosystems, launch programmes for ranching and population enhancement of aquatic species, and promote the establishment and management of important marine natural reserves as well as fisheries protection areas for species and stock conservation. To take forward “Blue Bay” remediation action plans, conserve coastal mangroves, and establish a coastal ecological belt. To step up cooperation in ecological and environmental protection among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, and enhance ecological and environmental systems in a concerted manner. To strengthen the protection and restoration of wetlands, comprehensively protect key wetlands of international and national importance in the region, and join hands to introduce measures to protect cross-boundary coastal wetlands.

第二节 加强环境保护和治理

Section 2 Strengthening Environmental Protection and Management


To take forward cooperation in the management of water resources, water environment and water-related projects in the Pearl River Estuary region, focus on rectifying polluted areas along the east and west banks of the Pearl River, regulate the siting of outfalls for pollution discharges into rivers (or the sea), and strengthen the management of projects concerning land-based pollution discharge, water-related projects as well as the environment of coastlines and beaches. To enhance the conservation of marine resources and environment, attach greater importance to determining land by the sea, and expedite the development of a regime for controlling the overall amount of pollutants discharged into the sea as well as a system for the real-time online monitoring of the marine environment. To control the total discharge of pollutants into Dongjiang, Xijiang and the river network area of the PRD, and ensure that the water quality of water functional zones is up to standard. To enhance conservation of the water environment and aquatic ecological resources of major rivers such as Dongjiang, Xijiang and Beijiang, step up efforts in remediating heavily-polluted river systems including Shenzhen River, implement comprehensive environmental remediation actions on black and odorous water bodies in urban areas, link up water networks of the PRD, and develop a green aquatic ecological network across the entire region. To strengthen joint prevention and control of air pollution in the region, implement more stringent clean shipping policies, make concerted and coordinated efforts in reducing the emission of various pollutants, and take coordinated preventive and control measures against pollution caused by ozone and fine suspended particulates (PM2.5). To implement the management of target-based air quality control in the nine PRD municipalities. To enhance capacity building for regional cooperation in the handling and disposal of hazardous waste, exercise stronger control over the cross-boundary transfer of waste, and improve levels of detoxifying, reducing as well as recovering resources from solid wastes. To take forward technical exchanges and cooperation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in soil remediation, proactively pursue the demonstration of the remediation of contaminated soils, strengthen the safe use of contaminated farmland and land plots, prevent and control agricultural non-point source pollution, and safeguard the quality of agricultural produce and the safety of the living environment. To establish a “blacklist” system for environmental pollution, and improve mechanisms for areas such as environmental credit ratings, mandatory information disclosure as well as severe punishments and penalties. To focus on solving historical environmental protection-related issues of concern to the people.

第三节 创新绿色低碳发展模式

Section 3 Adopting an Innovative, Green and Low-carbon Development Model


To explore the potential of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, adopt proactive measures, and actively adapt to climate change. To strengthen exchanges and cooperation in low-carbon development as well as energy saving and environmental protection technologies, and further promote clean production technologies. To take forward pilot low-carbon demonstration projects, implement near-zero carbon emission demonstration projects, and accelerate R&D in low-carbon technologies. To take forward the evaluation of green and low-carbon development in the Greater Bay Area, aim at achieving the early peaking of carbon emissions, and develop a green development demonstration zone. To promote the intelligent and green development of the manufacturing industry, transform and upgrade traditional industries with the adoption of advanced and appropriate energy-saving, low-carbon and environmental-friendly technologies, and accelerate the development of a green industrial system. To take forward the revolution in energy production and consumption, and build an energy sector that is clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient. To encourage conservation across the board and promote recycling, take action to get everyone conserving water, cut consumption of energy and materials, and establish circular linkages between the use of resources and materials in industrial production and in everyday life. To implement an extended producer responsibility system, and ensure manufacturing enterprises take up responsibilities for recycling discarded products.To cultivate and develop new services, and accelerate the integration of energy conservation and environmental protection with big data, the Internet and the Internet of Things. To extensively launch green living campaigns, and encourage residents to adopt green, low-carbon, civilised and healthy ways of living in terms of clothing, food, housing, travelling, sightseeing, etc.. To step up the construction of walking infrastructure for the public such as urban greenways and pedestrian walkways in forests and marshes, and promote low-carbon travelling. To promote the pilot experience of the carbon reduction incentives scheme (Tanpuhui), and take forward studies and demonstrations of the mutual recognition mechanism for carbon labelling across Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao.

第八章 建设宜居宜业宜游的优质生活圈

Chapter Eight Developing a Quality Living Circle for Living, Working and Travelling


To uphold the philosophy of people-centred development, proactively expand cooperation in such fields as education, culture, tourism and social security in the Greater Bay Area, and jointly develop a quality living circle with excellent public services for living, working and travelling.

第一节 打造教育和人才高地

Section 1 Developing an Education and Talents Hub


To promote cooperation and development in education. To support higher education institutions from Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in jointly operating education institutions, and encourage the joint development of academic programmes, laboratories and research centres in fields where they have a competitive edge. To fully leverage the function of the Guangdong-Hong-Kong-Macao University Alliance, and encourage higher education institutions of the three places to explore cooperation and exchange in the mutual recognition of academic credits of specified courses, the implementation of more flexible arrangements for exchange students, the sharing and conversion of results of scientific research, etc.. To support the development of the Greater Bay Area into an international demonstration zone for education, bring in world-renowned universities and specialised colleges, and pursue the establishment of world-class universities and academic programmes. To encourage young people from Hong Kong and Macao to study in Mainland schools, and apply to Hong Kong and Macao students studying on the Mainland and holding Mainland Travel Permits for Hong Kong and Macao Residents concessionary policies applicable to Mainland students such as transport and admission to tourist attractions. To promote cooperation in vocational education in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in areas such as student admissions, employment, training and development, exchanges of teachers and students as well as skills competitions, innovate ways for the Mainland and Hong Kong and Macao to collaborate in establishing schools, support exchanges and cooperation among various training bases for vocational education, and jointly develop a number of vocational training parks with distinct characteristics. To support Macao in establishing a training base for bilingual talents proficient in Chinese and Portuguese, leverage the experiences and strengths of Macao in training and education in tourism and in developing its tourism industry, and develop a Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area tourism education and training base. To enhance exchanges and cooperation in basic education, encourage primary and secondary schools of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao to link up as “sister schools”, and set up schools or provide specific classes for the admission of Hong Kong and Macao children in Guangdong with boarding services. To study and explore the feasibility of linking up kindergartens in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao as “sister kindergartens”. To consider allowing kindergarten, primary school and secondary school teachers from Hong Kong and Macao to teach in Guangdong upon obtaining the required qualifications. To enhance school infrastructure, expand the supply of school places, further improve the schooling policies for children accompanying parents who take up cross-regional employment, implement the policy of providing students with equal access to pre-primary, compulsory and senior secondary education, and ensure that accompanying children who meet eligibility requirements will be able to take university entrance examinations smoothly at their places of residence. To consider allowing eligible children of Hong Kong and Macao residents who are working and living in the nine PRD municipalities to enjoy the same rights as Mainland residents regarding compulsory education and senior secondary education. To support the training of and exchanges among education talents of different levels and categories.


To develop a talent pool. To support the nine PRD municipalities in drawing experience from and modelling on the practices of Hong Kong and Macao with respect to attracting high-end international talents, create a more attractive environment for bringing in talents, implement a more proactive, open and effective policy for bringing in talents, and expedite the development of a Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao demonstration zone for cooperation in talents. To introduce the early and pilot implementation of measures for the admission of skilled immigrants, and launch a pilot scheme to offer national treatment to foreign innovation talents setting up technology enterprises. To support the establishment of a national-level human resources services industrial park in the Greater Bay Area. To establish a system for identifying talents in short supply, regularly promulgate information on talents in demand, and broaden channels of international talent recruitment. To improve criteria for the determination of high-end foreign talents, provide market channels for talents to apply for permanent residency, and provide greater conveniences to high-end foreign talents working and living in China. To improve the model for nurturing internationalised talents, strengthen international talent exchanges and cooperation, and promote the international mutual recognition of professional qualifications. To improve the incentive system for talents, strengthen the mechanism for the two-way flow of talents, provide conveniences and the right conditions for the inter-regional, inter-professional and inter-organisational flow of talents, and fully stimulate the vitality of talents. To support Macao in enhancing efforts in introducing innovative talents and talents in the professional services, and further improving its structure of talents. To explore means such as the establishment of statutory organisations and appointment, and vigorously bringing in high-level international talents to participate in the development and management of the Greater Bay Area.

第二节 共建人文湾区

Section 2 Jointly Developing a Cultured Bay Area


To shape the Greater Bay Area’s cultural values. To strengthen cultural confidence, jointly take forward the transmission and development of the fine traditions of Chinese culture, leverage the advantages of the geographical proximity and cultural kinship of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, jointly launch cross-boundary programmes to protect key cultural heritage sites, co-organise different types of cultural heritage exhibitions and performances, protect, promote and make good use of the rich cultural relics and monuments, world cultural heritage and intangible cultural heritage of the Greater Bay Area, support the promotion of Lingnan culture as represented by Cantonese opera, dragon boat racing, martial arts, lion dance, etc., and showcase the Greater Bay Area’s unique cultural appeal. To strengthen the cultural soft power of the Greater Bay Area, further enhance residents’ cultural sophistication as well as the degree of social civility, and jointly shape and enrich the substance of a cultured bay area. To absorb the essence of the fine traditions of Chinese culture, vigorously promote a culture of incorruptibility, probity, industry and responsibility, create a good social environment that values integrity, jointly defend a sense of righteousness based on kindness and self-improvement, establish a new type of cordial and clean relationship between government and business, and promote incorruptibility as a widely accepted social custom.


To jointly promote vibrant cultural development. To improve the systems of public cultural services as well as the cultural and creative industries in the Greater Bay Area, nurture cultural talents, produce fine cultural works, encourage the vibrant development of the cultural market, and enrich the cultural lives of residents. To promote the development of the media, publishing, radio, film and television industries in the Greater Bay Area; to strengthen the development of a national base for the music industry, and promote the development of the music industry. To promote exchanges among arts organisations and groups, schools for performing arts as well as cultural institutions and museums in the Greater Bay Area, support the co-planning and staging of events by museums, and facilitate cross-boundary performances by arts organisations and groups in the Greater Bay Area. To support major new cultural projects such as the Hong Kong Palace Museum and the Xiqu Centre in the West Kowloon Cultural District, and enhance the cultural charm of Hong Kong as a city where “East meets West”. To support Hong Kong in attracting creative talents and consolidating its position as a creative capital by leveraging its world-renowned events such as the Hong Kong International Film & TV Market, the Hong Kong Book Fair and the Business of Design Week. To support Shenzhen in bringing in international high-end creative and design resources, and vigorously developing its modern cultural industries. To support Hong Kong, Macao, Guangzhou and Foshan (Shunde) in promoting their characteristic culinary cultures, and jointly developing a global culinary capital. To jointly take forward the development of sports and sports-related industries in the Greater Bay Area, and jointly organise a number of international and regional sports events. To further the development of equestrian sports and related industries, and strengthen cooperation between Hong Kong and the Mainland in areas such as cross-boundary inspection, quarantine and customs clearance of horses, forage grass and fodder, veterinary medicine, biological products, etc..


To strengthen exchanges among the youth of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. To support the implementation of key projects such as “Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Youth Cultural Exchange Tour”, the “Funding Scheme for Youth Exchange in the Mainland” of Hong Kong and the “Thousand Talents Programme” of Macao, and foster exchanges and cooperation among the youth of the Greater Bay Area. To provide entrepreneurship, employment, internship and voluntary work opportunities in the Greater Bay Area for young people, encourage young people to socialise, exchange, talk and mingle with one another, and support the integration of the youth of Hong Kong and Macao into the country and their participation in the country’s development. To strengthen national education among the youth of the Mainland, Hong Kong and Macao, strengthen education and promotion efforts relating to the Constitution and the Basic Laws, the history of the country as well as the culture of the nation. To promote cooperation in youth study tours, and jointly develop demonstration bases for study tours. To encourage the organisation of Greater Bay Area youth summits.


To promote the exchange and mutual learning between Chinese and other cultures. To leverage the advantages of the Greater Bay Area as a place where Chinese and Western cultures have interacted and coexisted for a long time, promote exchanges and cooperation between Chinese and other cultures, innovate new forms of people-to-people exchange, enrich the substance of cultural exchange, and raise the level of cultural exchange. To support Guangzhou in developing into the centre of Lingnan culture and a gateway for external cultural exchange, and enhance the influence and radial effect of Lingnan culture. To actively support Zhongshan in unearthing and promoting cultural resources related to Sun Yat-sen. To support Jiangmen in developing into an important cultural exchange and cooperation platform for overseas Chinese. To support Macao in leveraging its distinctive characteristics as a place where diverse cultures from both East and West have long integrated and co-existed, expedite the development of cultural industries and cultural tourism, and develop a cultural exchange centre between China and Lusophone countries. To encourage Hong Kong to serve as a platform for cultural exchange between East and West, and promote the fine traditions of Chinese culture.

第三节 构筑休闲湾区

Section 3 Building a Bay Area for Leisure


To promote the development of tourism in the Greater Bay Area, leverage the characteristic advantages of the Greater Bay Area and Hong Kong’s status as an international transportation centre, develop a system with diverse tourism products including culture and history, leisure and vacation, healthcare and well-being as well as cruise and yacht travel, enrich boutique travel itineraries for Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, develop multi-destination high-speed railway tourism products, and establish the Greater Bay Area as a world-class tourism destination. To optimise the “144-hour Facilitation Visa” policy in the PRD region, and facilitate foreigners’ sightseeing in the Greater Bay Area. To support Hong Kong in developing into an international tourism hub and a core demonstration zone for multi-destination tourism, and develop a diverse tourism platform. To support Macao in developing into a world-class tourism and leisure centre, set up in Macao a cooperation alliance in tourism for cities in the Greater Bay Area, pursue the sharing of regional tourism resources among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, establish the Greater Bay Area tourism brand, develop creative tourism products, jointly expand tourism source markets, and improve the quality of tourism and leisure. To progressively promote the development of international cruise terminals in Hong Kong, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, further increase the number of international liner routes, and explore streamlining immigration clearance procedures for cruise ships, yachts and passengers. To gradually streamline and relax travel document arrangements for Mainland cruise passengers, study and explore allowing Mainland cruise passengers to enjoy transit arrangements when heading for Hong Kong to join full cruise itineraries. To push forward the effective implementation of a Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao individual yacht travel scheme, expedite the improvement of facilities in terms of both hardware and software, and jointly develop high-end tourism projects. To explore suitable regions for developing a free port for international yacht tourism. To support Macao and its neighbouring cities in exploring the feasibility of developing international yacht tourism, jointly develop cross-boundary tourism products, and develop cruise markets targeted at international markets. To support PRD cities in forming a national integrated tourism demonstration zone. To promote the high-quality development of coastal tourism, accelerate the multi-dimensional development of “ocean-island-coast” tourism, and improve coastal tourism infrastructure as well as the public service system. To explore ways to holistically develop uninhabited islands by establishing service industries including tourism as their main function. To construct a scenic coastal drive that extends from Chaozhou to Zhanjiang as well as links with Hong Kong and Macao, promote the formation of a coastal tourism development axis which connects with Hong Kong and Macao, and develop small towns featuring coastal characteristics. To explore tourism itineraries involving Macao with neighbouring cities and islands, and explore opening up a Hong Kong-Shenzhen-Huizhou-Shanwei sea travel route.

第四节 拓展就业创业空间

Section 4 Expanding the Scope for Employment and Entrepreneurship


To improve the system of regional public employment services, establish an integrated platform for public employment services, improve policy measures to facilitate Hong Kong and Macao residents, especially students from Hong Kong and Macao graduating from Mainland schools, to live and work in the nine PRD municipalities, and expand the scope for employment and entrepreneurship for Hong Kong and Macao residents. To encourage Hong Kong and Macao residents who are Chinese nationals to take up positions at state enterprises/agencies on the Mainland in accordance with the law, and study the possibility of Hong Kong and Macao residents who are Chinese nationals to apply for public service positions in accordance with the law. To establish experimental zones for entrepreneurship and employment for Hong Kong and Macao in Qianhai of Shenzhen, Nansha of Guangzhou and Hengqin of Zhuhai, allow on a trial basis enterprises and professionals that have obtained the corresponding qualifications for providing construction and related engineering consultation services in Hong Kong and Macao to provide Mainland market entities with direct services, and introduce more pilot projects and opening up measures gradually. To support young people and micro, small and medium enterprises from Hong Kong and Macao to realise their development potential on the Mainland, extend local entrepreneurship subsidies and support to cover eligible entrepreneurs from Hong Kong and Macao, proactively take forward the development of youth entrepreneurship and employment bases for Hong Kong and Macao, such as the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Youth Innovation Entrepreneurship Base, the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Youth Innovation and Entrepreneur Hub, the Nansha Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao (International) Youth Entrepreneur Hub, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao youth innovation and entrepreneurial cooperation platform in Zhongshan, the innovation and entrepreneurial bases for overseas Chinese in Jiangmen and Zengcheng, the Hong Kong-Macao youth innovation and entrepreneurial base in Dongguan Eco-Industrial Park at Songshan Lake, the Hong Kong-Macao youth entrepreneurial base in Zhongkai of Huizhou. To implement the Guangdong-Hong Kong Summer Internship Programme, the Guangdong-Macao Summer Internship Programme as well as the Macao Youth for Internship and Work in Shenzhen Project, and encourage young people from Hong Kong and Macao to take up internships as well as employment in Guangdong. To support Hong Kong in helping Hong Kong youth to start businesses or seek employment in the Greater Bay Area through means such as the Youth Development Fund. To support Macao in developing into an exchange centre for innovation and entrepreneurship for the youth from China and Lusophone countries. To support the organisation of Guangdong-Hong Kong and Guangdong-Macao Exchange Meetings and Training Programmes on Labour Inspection and Law Enforcement.

第五节 塑造健康湾区

Section 5 Shaping a Healthy Bay Area


To step up cooperation in medical and healthcare services. To foster close cooperation in quality medical and healthcare resources, support medical and healthcare service providers from Hong Kong and Macao to set up healthcare facilities through sole proprietorship, joint-venture, cooperation, etc. in the nine PRD municipalities in accordance with regulations, and develop a regional healthcare cluster as well as regional medical centres. To support Zhongshan to take forward innovation in biomedical technologies. To deepen cooperation in the field of Chinese medicine, support Macao and Hong Kong to leverage their advantages of having a partnering laboratory of the State Key Laboratory of Quality Research in Chinese Medicines and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government Chinese Medicines Testing Institute respectively, establish an internationally-recognised reference standard for Chinese medicine products together with Mainland science and research organisations, and take forward the standardisation and internationalisation of Chinese medicine. To support the Traditional Chinese Medicine Science and Technology Industrial Park of Cooperation between Guangdong and Macao to take forward the development of a public service platform for the overseas registration of Chinese medicine products, develop healthcare industries, provide quality medical and healthcare services, and take forward the development of Chinese medicine overseas. To strengthen the joint nurturing of and exchanges among medical and healthcare talents, take forward joint consultations on infectious diseases, and encourage medical and healthcare professionals from Hong Kong and Macao to visit the nine PRD municipalities for academic exchanges and short-term private practice. To study the provision of land-based cross-boundary transfer services for non-emergency and non-critically ill patients, and explore rolling out a pilot cooperation scheme for cross-boundary referral of patients between designated public hospitals. To improve the linkage mechanism for emergency medical rescue services. To take forward the development of healthy cities, villages and towns.


To enhance cooperation in food and edible agricultural product safety. To improve the traceability system for the origins of food among Hong Kong, Macao and the Mainland, and raise the level of informatisation with regard to food safety monitoring in the Greater Bay Area. To strengthen Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao cooperation in food safety, raise the level of food safety and security in the region, establish sound mechanisms for information sharing for the investigation of food safety incidents as well as joint action against food safety emergencies, and establish a system for the exchange and dissemination of information on food safety risks. To ensure food supplied by the Mainland to Hong Kong and Macao is safe, support Hong Kong and Macao to participate in the development of Guangdong’s national demonstration zones for the quality and safety of exported food and agricultural products as well as its “accredited farms”, and develop a high-level production and supply base for Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao green agricultural products in Huizhou as well as a distribution base for green agricultural by-products in Zhaoqing (Huaiji).

第六节 促进社会保障和社会治理合作

Section 6 Fostering Cooperation in Social Security and Social Governance


To foster cooperation in social security. To explore allowing Hong Kong and Macao residents who are working and living in Guangdong to enjoy the same treatment as that for Mainland residents in areas of livelihood such as education, medical care, elderly care, housing and transport. To enhance the dovetailing of cross-boundary public services and social security, explore the cross-boundary application of Macao’s social insurance schemes in the Greater Bay Area, and enhance the portability of Hong Kong’s social security programmes for the elderly. To examine the establishment of a cross-boundary information system for social assistance among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, and take forward cooperation in social welfare and charitable activities. To encourage enhanced cooperation among the social welfare sectors of Hong Kong, Macao and the Mainland, take forward the mutual recognition of social work professional qualifications, and strengthen professional training and exchange of social workers from Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. To deepen collaboration in elderly services, support Hong Kong and Macao investors in establishing social service institutions, for example elderly care institutions, through sole proprietorship, joint-venture, cooperation, etc. in the nine PRD municipalities in accordance with regulations, and create an environment favourable for Hong Kong and Macao residents to retire in Guangdong. To promote the integration of medical and elderly care, and develop regional demonstration bases for healthy ageing.


To deepen cooperation in social governance. To actively take forward governance in accordance with the law, strengthen synergy in the Greater Bay Area’s anti-corruption mechanism, establish a quality, efficient and clean government, and enhance the government’s service efficiency as well as the people’s sense of fulfilment. To expand integrated community service functions in a targeted manner in urban and rural communities across the nine PRD municipalities where Hong Kong and Macao residents are concentrated, and provide timely, efficient and convenient social services to Hong Kong and Macao residents. To act in strict accordance with the Constitution and the Basic Laws, and to strengthen juridical assistance among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao on the basis of respect for one another’s jurisdiction. To establish a cooperation mechanism on public security and social governance, strengthen cooperation in the examination and issuance of early warnings for conflicts and disputes as well as in contingency management of cases, join hands in curbing illegal immigration, make greater efforts to crack down on cross-boundary crimes, and coordinate responses to conventional and unconventional security threats. To improve the mechanism for contingency management, set up a Greater Bay Area coordination platform for contingency response, jointly formulate emergency response plans for major contingencies such as accidents and disasters, natural disasters, public health incidents, and public security incidents, conduct drills for contingency response from time to time, and enhance the cooperative capability of dealing with emergencies.

第九章 紧密合作共同参与“一带一路”建设

Chapter Nine Strengthening Cooperation and Jointly Participating in the Belt and Road Initiative


To deepen cooperation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, further enhance the investment and business environment in the nine PRD municipalities, increase the extent of market integration in the Greater Bay Area, fully align with advanced international market regulatory regimes and standards, expedite the establishment of new institutional arrangements for an open economy, create an environment for opening up, jointly develop new edges in international economic and trade cooperation, and provide solid support for the Belt and Road Initiative.

第一节 打造具有全球竞争力的营商环境

Section 1 Creating a Globally Competitive Business Environment


To leverage the platforms for opening up and the demonstrative functions of Hong Kong and Macao, support the nine PRD municipalities in accelerating the establishment of systems and regulations that are in line with advanced international standards for investment and trade regulation, leverage the decisive role of markets in resource allocation, minimise administrative interference, strengthen integrated market regulation, and create a first-class business environment which is stable, fair, transparent and predictable. To speed up the transformation of the function of the government, deepen reform in delegating powers, enhancing regulation and strengthening public services, refine the pre-establishment national treatment and negative list management approach for foreign investments, deepen the reform in the business system, and strengthen interim and ex-post supervision. To strengthen judicial exchanges and cooperation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, promote the development of a multi-faceted dispute resolution mechanism that is based on wide consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, provide quality, effective and convenient judicial services and protection for the development of the Greater Bay Area, and strive to create a business environment based on the rule of law. To refine the mechanism for international commercial dispute resolution, develop an international arbitration centre, support exchanges and cooperation among arbitration and mediation organisations in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, and provide arbitration and mediation services to the economic and trade activities in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. To create an innovative new service model of “internet + government services”, expedite the reorganisation and integration of separate and individual government information systems, address the problem of “information silos”, and improve the efficiency of administrative services. To explore transferring service management of certain industries to social organisations as appropriate, and establish a sound management structure for industry association legal persons. To fully leverage the constructive roles of industry associations and chambers of commerce in establishing technical standards, regulation within industries, exploring international markets, responding to trade conflicts, etc.. To speed up the establishment of a social credit system in the nine PRD municipalities, make reference to the experiences of Hong Kong and Macao in establishing credit systems, and explore the joint implementation of measures involving incentives and penalties for credit fraud by enterprises in the region in accordance with the law.

第二节 提升市场一体化水平

Section 2 Increasing the Degree of Market Integration


To promote investment facilitation. To implement the Agreements under the respective CEPAs with Hong Kong and Macao, take forward the implementation of special liberalisation measures for Hong Kong and Macao with respect to sectors including finance, education, legal and dispute resolution, maritime transport, logistics, rail transport, telecommunications, Chinese medicine, as well as construction and related engineering, consider further lifting or relaxing investor restrictions on Hong Kong and Macao such as qualification requirements, percentage of shareholding, as well as market access, provide one-stop services in Guangdong to Hong Kong and Macao investors and related practitioners, and better implement liberalisation measures for Hong Kong and Macao within the CEPA framework. To enhance the level of investment facilitation. To consider introducing further liberalisation measures under the CEPA framework, and enable Hong Kong and Macao professionals and enterprises practising, investing and doing business on the Mainland to enjoy national treatment in more sectors.


To promote trade liberalisation. To speed up the establishment of single windows for international trade, and promote information sharing, mutual recognition of regulatory regimes as well as mutual assistance in enforcement among boundary control authorities. To examine improvements in relevant management measures, and further facilitate the expansion of Mainland markets by Hong Kong and Macao enterprises. To support the setting up of a global quality and traceability centre for import and export commodities in Nansha of Guangzhou. To expedite the introduction of pilot programmes on market-based sourcing and trade. To implement the Agreement on Trade in Services under the respective CEPAs between Mainland and Hong Kong and Macao, further reduce restrictions, and continuously enhance the level of liberalisation in the Mainland’s trade in services with Hong Kong and Macao. To progressively promote the formulation of performance standards for the service industry that is in line with international standards, and promote enhanced cooperation in personnel training, mutual recognition of qualifications, standard-setting, etc. in relation to trade in services among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. To expand the scope of the mutual recognition of professional qualifications among the Mainland, Hong Kong and Macao, expand the scope of “one examination, three certifications” (namely, obtaining a vocational qualification at the national, Hong Kong and Macao as well as international levels by sitting one examination), and take forward measures to facilitate cross-boundary practice for Mainland, Hong Kong and Macao persons.


To facilitate the flow of people and goods. To continuously raise the level of convenience in the use of the Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macao residents through such means as digitalisation and informatisation. To explore the provision of more convenient arrangements for exit endorsements for eligible persons from the nine PRD municipalities to travel to Hong Kong and Macao for business, scientific research and professional services, etc.. To coordinate studies on policies and the optimisation of management measures for facilitating foreigners travelling within the Greater Bay Area. To strengthen cooperation among departments of control points of the Mainland, Hong Kong and Macao, expand and improve the functions of control points, adopt more convenient clearance modes at control points in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in accordance with the law, explore increasing the number of automatic clearance channels for inbound and outbound travellers at major land control points as far as conditions permit, and further facilitate the movement of Hong Kong, Macao and Mainland residents. To explore and formulate cross-boundary transport policies for vehicles of Hong Kong, Macao and the Mainland and ancillary traffic management measures, and enhance transport and logistics development. To further improve policy measures to facilitate journeys made to and from Hengqin by single-plate vehicles from Macao, and explore expanding the area on the Mainland which can be accessed by single-plate vehicles from Macao; to explore and formulate policy measures to allow single-plate vehicles from Hong Kong to travel to the Mainland; to enhance management measures of Hong Kong-Guangdong and Macao-Guangdong dual-plate cross-boundary vehicles, and allow dual-plate cross-boundary vehicles to travel via multiple boundary control points.

第三节 携手扩大对外开放

Section 3 Joining Hands to Expand Opening up


To develop an important support area for the pursuit of the Belt and Road Initiative. To support Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in strengthening cooperation, jointly participate in the Belt and Road Initiative, and enhance infrastructural connectivity, economic and trade cooperation as well as people-to-people exchanges with related countries and regions. To sign and implement Arrangements for Advancing Hong Kong’s and Macao’s Full Participation in and Contribution to the Belt and Road Initiative, establish long-term coordination mechanisms, and take forward the implementation of key measures. To strengthen Hong Kong’s status as a global offshore RMB business hub, and support Macao to embark on collaboration with the Silk Road Fund, the Sino-Latin American Production Capacity Cooperation Investment Fund, the China-Africa Production Capacity Fund and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) through appropriate means. To support Hong Kong in becoming a service centre for resolving investment and commercial disputes relating to Belt and Road projects. To support Hong Kong and Macao in holding forums and exhibitions in connection with the Belt and Road Initiative, and develop Hong Kong and Macao as important platforms for jointly participating in the Belt and Road Initiative.


To fully participate in international economic cooperation. To leverage the overseas commercial networks and the advantages brought about by the overseas operational experience of Hong Kong and Macao, take forward Greater Bay Area enterprises’ joint efforts in “going global”, and play a leading role in the international cooperation on production capacity. To proactively encourage overseas Chinese to participate in the development of the Greater Bay Area, better leverage the bonding effect of overseas Chinese and their families as well as Hong Kong and Macao residents, and strengthen the people and cultural exchanges with the relevant countries and regions. To strengthen connections with major economies in the world, attract investment in advanced manufacturing industries, modern service industries and strategic emerging industries from developed countries, and attract multinational companies and international organisations to establish their headquarters in the Greater Bay Area. To expedite and attract international advanced technology, managerial experience and high-quality talents, support multinational companies in setting up global research and development centres, laboratories and open innovation platforms in the Greater Bay Area, and enhance the Greater Bay Area’s ability to allocate global resources. To strengthen international cooperation among ports in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, jointly build port industry zones with relevant countries and regions, and form regional port alliances. To fully leverage the unique status and roles of Hong Kong and Macao in the country’s opening up, support Hong Kong and Macao in entering into free trade agreements with external parties and participating in relevant international organisations in the name of “Hong Kong, China” and “Macao, China” or in other appropriate manners in accordance with the law, support Hong Kong in playing an active role in the operation of the AIIB, support Macao to accede to the AIIB when the conditions are met, and support the Silk Road Fund and related financial institutions to establish subsidiaries in Hong Kong and Macao.


To jointly expand international markets. To fully leverage the functions of Hong Kong and Macao with their extensive external trade connections, and explore a new approach for Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao to jointly expand their scope for international development. To encourage the enterprises of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao to join hands in green field investments, multinational mergers and acquisitions, and development of industrial parks, support enterprises in Hong Kong and Macao in connecting with external economic and trade cooperation zones, jointly expand global markets, and lead the Greater Bay Area’s products, equipment, technologies, standards, testing and certification, and management services etc. to “go global”. To leverage the advantages of Hong Kong and Macao in international professional services such as finance, design, legal and dispute resolution services, management consultancy, project planning, manpower training, maritime services as well as construction and related engineering works, expand and optimise international service networks, and offer consultancy and information support to enterprises. To leverage Hong Kong’s status as an international financial centre, and provide services such as investment, financing as well as consulting to Mainland enterprises “going global”. To support Mainland enterprises in establishing capital operation and corporate treasury centres in Hong Kong for carrying out business operation such as financing and financial management as well as enhancing risk management. To support Hong Kong and Foshan in offshore trade cooperation. To support the development of a shared depository for Belt and Road projects. To enhance information exchange among the overseas offices of the Mainland, Hong Kong and Macao, jointly take forward investment and trade promotion as well as project services, and facilitate Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in jointly taking forward efforts in attracting foreign investment and “going global”. To leverage the strengths of Macao’s ties with Lusophone countries, capitalise on the Commercial and Trade Cooperation Service Platform between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries, ensure the success of the Forum for Economic and Trade Cooperation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries (Macao), better leverage the functions of the China-Portuguese Speaking Countries Cooperation and Development Fund, provide professional services in areas such as finance, law and information for activities including trade and investment, industry and regional cooperation, people and cultural as well as technology exchanges between Mainland and Hong Kong enterprises and Lusophone countries, and jointly tap the markets in Lusophone countries and other regions.

第十章 共建粤港澳合作发展平台

Chapter Ten Jointly Developing Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Cooperation Platforms


To accelerate the development of major platforms such as Qianhai of Shenzhen, Nansha of Guangzhou and Hengqin of Zhuhai, fully leverage their experimental and demonstration functions in deepening reform, expanding the scope of opening up and fostering cooperation, expand the development potential of Hong Kong and Macao, promote collaboration in public services, and spearhead comprehensive cooperation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao.

第一节 优化提升深圳前海深港现代服务业合作区功能

Section 1 Enhancing the Functions of the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone in Qianhai of Shenzhen


To strengthen the role of Qianhai as an engine of cooperation and development. To compile the Overall Planning for the Development of the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone in a timely manner, study the further expansion of Qianhai, and implement in the expanded area the relevant supporting policies for Qianhai. To develop systems for open and innovative industries through links with Hong Kong, and speed up the advance towards the high end of the global value chain. To take forward the opening up and innovative development of the financial sector, expand the functions of offshore accounts (OSA), make reference to the system of free trade accounts (FTA) of the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free-Trade Zone, and proactively explore effective paths to capital account convertibility. To support the Qianhai Mercantile Exchange of the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited in establishing a spot commodities trading platform for serving domestic and foreign clients, and explore a new mode to serve the real economy. To enhance cooperation in green finance and FinTech between Hong Kong and Shenzhen. To build a network service platform for cross-boundary economic and trade cooperation, and help enterprises to go global and tap into international markets. To develop a new type of international trade centre, develop offshore trading, and create a settlement platform for trade in goods. To develop a high-end international maritime service centre, and develop modern maritime services such as ship finance. To build a platform for offshore innovation and entrepreneurship, and allow technology enterprises that register in the zone to operate worldwide. To support the commencement of R&D businesses in suitable bonded Special Customs Supervision Areas. To develop an international cultural and creative base, and explore a new mode of cooperation in cultural and creative industries between Hong Kong and Shenzhen.


To enhance cooperation in legal matters. To make reasonable use of the legislative powers of the Special Economic Zone, speed up the establishment of a legal system that is commensurate with the development of an open economy, and strengthen judicial cooperation and exchanges between Hong Kong and Shenzhen. To expedite the development of the legal services industry, encourage and support legal services organisations in providing services for the Belt and Road Initiative and for Mainland enterprises going global, expand pilot areas for Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao law firms to operate in the form of partnership associations, study matters relating to practice qualification and scope of practice for Hong Kong and Macao legal practitioners in the nine PRD municipalities, set up a multi-faceted dispute resolution mechanism, and collaborate with Hong Kong to develop an international legal services centre and an international commercial dispute resolution centre. To rigorously enforce the protection of IP, strengthen administrative protection of IP, and better leverage the function of the IP court.


To develop a new international city centre. To support the establishment of a boundary control point in Qianhai of Shenzhen, and explore strengthening efficiency and connectivity of infrastructural facilities with Hong Kong. To expand the scope of implementation of Hong Kong’s engineering construction model, and introduce more liberalisation measures for Hong Kong’s construction and related engineering industries. To draw on Hong Kong’s experiences in raising standards for the construction, operation and management of a city, develop a top-tier international forest city, highlight the urban characteristic of water-city integration, and develop a green, smart and ecologically sustainable urban area. To bring in domestic and international high-end education and medical resources, and provide high quality social services that meet international standards. To support international financial institutions to set up branches in Qianhai of Shenzhen.

第二节 打造广州南沙粤港澳全面合作示范区

Section 2 Developing Nansha of Guangzhou into a Demonstration Zone for Comprehensive Cooperation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao


To join hands with Hong Kong and Macao to develop a high-standard gateway for opening up. To fully leverage the benefits of Nansha as a state-level new area and a pilot free trade zone, strengthen comprehensive cooperation with Hong Kong and Macao, expedite the establishment of the Greater Bay Area’s support zone for international shipping, finance as well as innovation and technology functions, and become a high-standard gateway for opening up. To reasonably coordinate solutions regarding the creation of new land to meet the development needs of Nansha of Guangzhou, adjust and optimise the urban layout and spatial structure, strengthen the integrated connection with nearby areas in fields such as urban planning, integrated transport systems as well as public service facilities, and develop a “half-hour transport circle”. To support Nansha of Guangzhou to collaborate with Hong Kong and Macao in developing an integrated service base and an international exchange platform for Chinese enterprises going global, and develop an important window for opening up in southern China.


To jointly develop a demonstration zone for innovative development. To strengthen cooperation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in innovation and technology, jointly develop Nansha of Guangzhou into a focused area for the commercial application of achievements in innovation and technology in southern China, carry out proactive planning for frontier technological areas such as next generation information technology, artificial intelligence, healthcare, marine technology and new materials, and nurture and develop new operational models such as platform economy, sharing economy and experience economy. To support Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, under the principles of joint development and sharing, to plan and develop an industry cooperation zone for in-depth collaboration between Hong Kong and Guangdong in Nansha of Guangzhou, explore the establishment of an industrial park for Lusophone countries under cooperation between Macao and Guangdong, and jointly take forward major issues including the planning, construction and development of the zones. Under the jurisdiction and legal framework of the Mainland, to create a high-standard, international and market-oriented business environment based on the rule of law, provide an environment with public services and social administration that are in line with those in Hong Kong and Macao, and provide new space for the transformation and upgrading of industries from Hong Kong and Macao and for people from these places to work and live.


To develop a key financial service platform. To strengthen the origins of financial services serving the real economy, and devote efforts in developing specialised financial services such as ship finance, financial technologies as well as aircraft and ship leasing. To support cooperation with financial institutions of Hong Kong and Macao, jointly develop offshore financial business in accordance with regulations, and explore the development of a trading platform for innovative insurance elements such as international marine insurance. To explore the establishment of a Greater Bay Area international commercial bank in the China (Guangdong) Pilot Free Trade Zone, and serve the development of the Greater Bay Area. To explore the establishment of an account management system that is conducive to the development of the Greater Bay Area, pursue pilot initiatives in cross-boundary capital management, cross-boundary use of RMB, capital account convertibility etc., and facilitate cross-boundary trade as well as investment and financing settlement.


To develop a quality living circle. To pursue urban planning and development in Nansha of Guangzhou with high standards, strengthen core ecological competitiveness, highlight the features of Lingnan, water village and marine cultures, and develop an international city. To proactively explore policies and mechanisms which are conducive to talent development, and expedite the development of a special zone for international talents. To raise the level of social services, and provide more convenient conditions to residents living in the area.

第三节 推进珠海横琴粤港澳深度合作示范

Section 3 Taking forward the Demonstrative Functions of Hengqin of Zhuhai for In-depth Cooperation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao


To develop a demonstration zone for in-depth cooperation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. To complement Macao’s development into a world tourism and leisure centre, develop Hengqin of Zhuhai into a high-standard international leisure and tourism island, coordinate a study on facilitation measures for visitors travelling between Hengqin and Macao, and allow Macao tourism practitioners to provide relevant services in Hengqin. To support the coordinated development of Hengqin, Zhuhai Free Trade Zone and Hongwan area, and develop a Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao logistics park. To expedite the development of major cooperation projects including the Macao-Hengqin Youth Entrepreneurship Valley (Inno Valley Hengqin) and the Guangdong-Macao Cooperation Industrial Park, and study the development of a Guangdong-Macao information hub. To support the development of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Science and Technology Industrial Park of Cooperation between Guangdong and Macao, explore enhancing cooperation with the national innovation alliance of modern traditional Chinese medicine technology enterprises, and provide guidance on R&D, approval, etc. of new medicine for enterprises at the Traditional Chinese Medicine Science of the Technology Industrial Park of Cooperation between Guangdong and Macao in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. To explore allowing eligible Hong Kong, Macao and foreign medical personnel to practise directly in Hengqin.


To enhance cooperation in livelihood matters. To support Zhuhai and Macao in jointly developing livelihood projects with integrated service including elderly care, living, education and healthcare in Hengqin, and explore the direct application and extension of Macao’s healthcare system and social insurance to such projects. On the premise of meeting the basic requirements of town planning and construction in Hengqin, to explore the implementation of Macao’s planning and project supervision mechanisms under which professionals and enterprises from Macao may participate in the development and management of the projects. To study the establishment of a healthcare fund to offer healthcare protection for Macao residents receiving medical treatment in Hengqin. To consider establishing schools for the admission of Macao children.


To strengthen cooperation in opening up. To support Hengqin and Macao in jointly developing the China-Latin America economic and trade cooperation platform, establish international trade channels between the Mainland and Belt and Road-related countries and regions, and promote innovation in modes of trade in services such as cross-boundary supply, overseas spending, movement of natural persons and commercial presence. To support Hengqin in providing a pivot for Macao’s development of cross-boundary e-commerce industries, and facilitate the convenient entry of products from Lusophone countries into the Mainland market via Macao. To study delegating authority to Hengqin for issuing residence permits to foreigners.

第四节 发展特色合作平台

Section 4 Developing Special Cooperation Platforms


To support the nine PRD municipalities in leveraging their own advantages, jointly develop various types of cooperation zones with Hong Kong and Macao, expand the scope for economic cooperation, and achieve complementarity and mutually beneficial cooperation. To support the development of the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park in the Lok Ma Chau Loop and the adjacent Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Zone, jointly develop an innovation and technology cooperation zone, create an internationalised business environment conducive to innovation in the technology industry, and achieve the convenient and effective flow of innovation elements. To support Jiangmen in establishing the Greater Guanghai Bay economic zone in cooperation with Hong Kong and Macao, and expand the scope of cooperation in areas such as finance, tourism, cultural and creative industries, e-commerce, marine economy, vocational education as well as healthcare. To expedite the development of the Yinhu Bay coastal area of Jiangmen, and form an aggregation area of international corporations in the energy conservation and environmental protection industries as well as an entrepreneurship and innovation platform for attracting investment and talents targeted at residents of Hong Kong and Macao as well as overseas Chinese worldwide. To promote in-depth cooperation between Macao and Zhongshan in economic, social and cultural aspects, etc., and expand the scope of reasonably diversified economic development in Macao. To support Dongguan in cooperating with Hong Kong in the development of the Dongguan Binhaiwan New District, form a cluster of headquarters of high-end manufacturing industries, develop modern service industries, and develop a R&D base for strategic emerging industries. To support Nanhai of Foshan in promoting cooperation in high-end services among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, and build a bridge fostering market connectivity and the flow of economic factors including talents, information and technologies among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao.

第十一章 规划实施

Chapter Eleven Implementation of the Plan

第一节 加强组织领导

Section 1 Strengthening Organisation and Leadership


To enhance coordination and guidance regarding the implementation of the Plan, establish the leading group for the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and examine and resolve major issues concerning policy implementation, project arrangements, breakthroughs in systems and mechanisms as well as the development of cooperation platforms that may arise during the course of the development of the Greater Bay Area. The Government of Guangdong Province and the Governments of the Hong Kong and Macao SARs are to enhance communication and coordination, and steadily implement the objectives and tasks set out in the Framework Agreement on Deepening Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Cooperation in the Development of the Greater Bay Area and this Plan. To encourage various forms of cooperation and exchange among Greater Bay Area cities, and jointly take forward the development of the Greater Bay Area.

第二节 推动重点工作

Section 2 Taking Forward Major Tasks


Relevant central ministries, in the context of their own responsibilities, should concentrate on formulating concrete policies and measures supporting the development of the Greater Bay Area, strengthen communication with the Government of Guangdong Province and the Governments of the Hong Kong and Macao SARs, and uphold the rule of law and market-based approach in coordinating and resolving issues that arise from the development of the Greater Bay Area. The Government of Guangdong Province and the Governments of the Hong Kong and Macao SARs are to proactively coordinate and cooperate among themselves on the basis of mutual respect, and jointly formulate and pursue specific plans or implementation plans in areas including innovation and technology, infrastructure, the development of industries, and ecological and environmental protection. The National Development and Reform Commission and relevant ministries, including the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, are to keep track of the progress of the implementation of this Plan and conduct evaluations and assessments, put forward proposals to refine this Plan having regard to the latest developments and problems, and provide timely reports on major issues to the Central Committee of the Party and the State Council.

第三节 防范化解风险

Section 3 Preventing and Mitigating Risks


To draw up measures to effectively prevent and mitigate major risks, and focus on preventing and controlling financial risks. To strengthen responsibilities for financial risk management, prevent and resolve risks in key areas properly, resolutely crack down on financial activities which are against the law and regulations, strengthen the development of the supervisory mechanism for potential risk areas, and firmly hold the bulwark against systemic financial risks. Guangdong Province is to rigorously implement the relevant provisions of the Budget Law, strengthen the management of debt limits of local governments, and effectively regulate government debt financing; to strengthen fiscal control, and effectively keep in check development projects without repayment ability; to enhance supervision and accountability, and resolutely put a stop to financing guarantees that are against the law and regulations.

第四节 扩大社会参与

Section 4 Broadening Social Participation


To support think tanks on the Mainland to step up cooperation with those in Hong Kong and Macao, and provide intellectual support for the development of the Greater Bay Area. To establish an administrative advisory system, and invite professionals from Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao to offer advice on development of the Greater Bay Area. To support Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao to follow market-based principles in exploring the establishment of joint organisations for investment and development, as well as joint development funds, and jointly participate in the development of the Greater Bay Area. To support sectors such as commerce and industry, labour, professional services and academia of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao to establish liaison mechanisms, and enhance exchanges and cooperation. To broaden public participation in the development of the Greater Bay Area, ensure the smooth flow of channels for the public to express their views, and support the joint participation of various market entities in the development of the Greater Bay Area.

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