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天之聪教育 2012-06-19 未知 973次


全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试(China Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters -- CATTI)是受国家人力资源和社会保障部委托,由中国外文出版发行事业局(China Foreign Languages Publishing Administration)负责实施与管理的一项国家级职业资格考试,已纳入国家职业资格证书制度,是一项在全国实行的、统一的、面向全社会的翻译专业资格(水平)认证,是对参试人员口译或笔译方面双语互译能力和水平的评价与认定。
户口      registered permanent residence
民生    people’s wellbeing
团购    group buying
乡长      township head
城管      urban management officers
恶搞      video spoof
房奴     mortgage slave
黑车      unlicensed cab
毕婚族   marry-upon-graduation
安家费    settling-in allowance
代排族    hired queuers
短租房     short-term housing/accommodation
二手房     pre-owned house; second-hand house
封口费      hush money
个体户      the self-employed
公务车       state-financed vehicle
公务员        civil/public servant
假文凭        fake diplomas
开瓶费        corkage fee
两限房                   house of two limits; house with limited price and habitable area
廉租房                   low-rent housing
农民工                   migrant worker
农业税                   agricultural tax
泡网吧                   hit the Internet bar
双休日                   two-day weekend
双职工                   working couple
群租客                   tenant groups
入住率                   occupancy rate
潜规则                   casting couch
闪跳族                   habitual job hopper
筒子楼                   tube-shaped apartment building
学区房                   school-nearby house
暂住证                   temporary residence permit
安居工程                 Comfortable/Affordable Housing Project
城市补丁                 run-down neighborhoods
低保制度                 subsistence security system
恶性循环                 vicious circle
法治政府                 law-based government
(非法)传销             pyramid schemes; multi-level marketing
非法收入                 illegal earnings; illicit income
福利彩票                 welfare lottery
改革攻坚                 further reform in difficult areas;  tackle hard issues in the reform
改革试点                 pilot reform program
公共参与                 public/communal participation
和谐社会                 harmonious society
黑恶势力                 Mafia-like gangs
基层社区                 grassroots community
减员增效                 downsize the staff to improve efficiency
空巢家庭                 empty-nest/childless family
就业指导                 employment guidance
面子工程                 vanity/image project
民族团结                 ethnic unity
南水北调                 South-to-North water diversion
贫富差距                 disparity in wealth distribution
贫困人口                 impoverished people
权力下放                 shift of power to the grassroots; delegate power to the lower levels
社会结构                 social structure
市政工程                 municipal/public works
数字鸿沟                 digital divide
天灾人祸                 natural calamities and man-made misfortunes
同城待遇                 identical treatment
无偿献血                 unpaid blood donation
五好家庭                 Five-Virtues Family
下岗职工                 unemployed workers and staff; laid-off employees
乡镇企业                 township enterprises
学生减负                 reduce students’ study load
严打斗争                 strike-hard operation/campaign to crack down crimes
总体规划                 overall plan
引进人才                 bring in needed personnel
优抚安置                 provide special assistance to entitled groups
创新型国家               innovation-oriented nation
低收入家庭               low-income household/family
服务型政府               service-oriented government
高层次人才               high-caliber personnel
高技能人才               highly skilled personnel
公用互联网               public Internet
固定电话网               fixed-line telephone network
简易过渡房               makeshift shelter
经济适用房               affordable housing
开放型经济               an open economy
科学发展观               scientific outlook on development
人口功能区               functional population zone
三八红旗手               March 8 Red Flag Bearer
下基层锻炼               temper oneself in a grassroots unit
移动通信网               mobile communication network
自觉排队日               Queuing-up Day
地方保护主义             regional protectionism
城市低收入者             low-income city dwellers
爱国统一战线             patriotic united front
坚持基本纲领             uphold the basic program
抗灾救灾工作             efforts to combat disasters and provide relief
平房改造工程             renovation project of shanty dwellings
人事制度改革             reform of personnel system
社会保障工作             social security work
社会保障体制             social security system
社会利益格局             interest of different social groups
 社会信用体系             social credit system
社会转型时期             period of social transition
社会组织形式             the way society if organized
特色优势产业             industries with local advantages
贴小广告的人             bill sticker
增强道德观念             enhance one’s moral awareness
重复建设项目             overlapping/ redundant project
住房制度改革             reform of housing system
自主创新能力             capacity for independent innovation
最低生活保障             subsistence allowance
农村富余劳动力           surplus rural labor
社会主义荣辱观           Socialist Concept of Honor and Disgrace
西部大开发战略           western development strategy
保障和改善民生           ensure the wellbeing of the people and improve their lives
粗放性增长方式           extensive mode of growth; inefficient model of growth
城乡社会救助体系         urban and rural emergency aid system
留守女士/留守男士        grass widow/widower
农村合作医疗制度         system of rural cooperative medical care
城乡公共就业与服务       urban and rural systems for providing public employment services
加强和改善宏观调控       improve macro control
社会主义核心价值观       core socialist values
《国家发展规划纲要》     Outline of the National Development Program
(农村)劳动力转移就业   (rural workers) find work in nonagricultural sectors
城镇职工基本养老保险制度 basic old-age insurance system for urban workers

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