Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to this pressconference held by the State Council's inter-agency task force. Today, we arejoined by Mr. Xu Nanping, vice minister of science and technology; Mr. ZengYixin, vice minister of the National Health Commission, and director of thevaccine R&D working group under the State Council's inter-agency taskforce; Mr. Chen Shifei, deputy commissioner of the National Medical ProductsAdministration; Mr. Shen Bo, a person in charge of the Department of InternationalOrganizations and Conferences of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Mr. MaoJunfeng, a person in charge of the Consumer Products Industry Department of theMinistry of Industry and Information Technology; Mr. Zheng Zhongwei, a leaderof the vaccine R&D working group under the State Council's inter-agencytask force; and Mr. Wu Yonglin, president of China National Biotec Group (CNBG)affiliated with China National Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. (Sinopharm). Theywill brief you on the conditional marketing approval for the COVID-19 vaccineand other related work in progress, and answer your questions. First, let'sgive the floor to Mr. Xu.
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. On Dec. 30, the BeijingBiological Products Institute Co., Ltd. announced the interim results of itsphase-3 clinical trials for the COVID-19 inactivated vaccine meeting thestandards of the World Health Organization and our National Medical ProductsAdministration (NMPA). The achievement did not come easily. It embodies thewisdom and hard work of China's scientific community. This has received strongsupport and cooperation from all partners. I hereby would like to express mywarm congratulations and heartfelt appreciation to all the institutes andworkers participating in R&D of the vaccines.
General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to vaccineR&D, and has issued important instructions accordingly on a number ofoccasions. These have been implemented resolutely by the vaccine R&Dworking group. In accordance with the decisions and arrangements of the CPCCentral Committee and the State Council, the working group has given toppriority to vaccine R&D, starting work immediately on one of the five majortasks of scientific research. Taking a people-centered approach throughout, theworking group has always put safety first, and is committed to developing safe,effective, and accessible vaccines. Based on science, the working group hasbeen simultaneously working on five technological approaches including inactivatedvaccines, recombinant protein vaccines, adenovirus vector vaccines, vaccinesusing attenuated influenza viruses as vectors, and nucleic acid vaccines, so asto maximize the success rate of vaccine R&D. Always adhering to building acommunity with a shared future for humanity, the working group has cooperatedwith 16 countries such as the United Arab Emirates and Brazil to carry outinternational and multi-centered phase-3 clinical trials for COVID-19 vaccines,promoting R&D cooperation among research institutes and companies both inand outside China. Always adhering to collaboration between different parties,the working group has pooled resources from enterprises, universities, andresearch institutes. Top research groups from around the nation have beengalvanized to work on these tasks. The working group has also coordinated theR&D and examination efforts, and strived to speed up the progress ofvaccine R&D without reducing procedures and lowering standards, whilealways ensuring safety. As of now, 14 kinds of vaccines developed in these fivetechnological approaches have entered clinical trials, among which five kindsof vaccines of three technological approaches have entered phase-3 clinicaltrials.下一步,我们将继续全力以赴,加快疫苗研发,一刻也不放松。一是,要加快推进Ⅲ期临床试验,提供更多不同技术路线的疫苗产品。二是,密切关注全球病毒变异和相关发展情况,科学应对,确保疫苗使用不受影响。三是,持续加大疫苗相关基础研究力度,打造国家战略科技力量,为疫情防控提供坚实的科技支撑。谢谢。
Looking forward, we will continue to do our best to speed upvaccine R&D while sparing no efforts. First, we will facilitate phase-3clinical trials at an accelerated pace, providing more vaccine products ofdifferent technological approaches. Second, we will pay close attention to themutation of the coronavirus and related situation, and respond in a scientificway, making sure the use of vaccines is not affected. Third, we will continueto make greater efforts on the basic R&D front, building China's strategicscientific capacity and providing firm scientific and technological support forepidemic prevention and control. Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Xu. Next, let's give the floor to Mr. Zeng.
Friends from the media, since the outbreak of the COVID-19pandemic, the vaccine R&D working group has simultaneously worked on fivetechnological approaches under the strong leadership of the CPC CentralCommittee and the unified deployment of the State Council's inter-agency taskforce. Relevant vaccine developing companies, scientific research facilities,medical institutes, epidemic control centers, research centers for animaltesting, and vaccine regulatory agencies have prioritized people's well-beingand leveraged the strength of China's own system. We have made joint effortsand put forward innovative working models, greatly contributing to the COVID-19vaccine R&D.
The world's first inactivated vaccine, developed by China, wasapproved for phase-1 and phase-2 clinical trials on April 2. On June 23, Chinawas also the first to carry out phase-3 clinical trials. Then, on June 24,China approved the emergency use of vaccines with strict procedures and inaccordance with laws. Since July, many of China's vaccines have been undergoingphase-3 clinical trials outside China. And today, China has granted conditionalmarketing authorization for our first self-developed COVID-19 vaccine. Chinahas always held a leading position in regard to vaccine R&D in the world.We have also prioritized the safety and efficacy of vaccines during the R&Dprocess.
As a pandemic unseen in a century, COVID-19 still poses a seriouschallenge to the world. Despite the strategic achievements in controlling thevirus in China, we continue to face enormous pressure in guarding againstimported cases and preventing a resurgence of the outbreak at home. As youknow, we have seen newly reported sporadic cases in China. To protect thehigh-risk population, since June, starting from a small range of people andunder the principle of volunteer participation and informed consent, we haveprudently conducted emergency vaccination, while closely monitoring any adverseeffects and preparing for emergency treatment. By the end of November, we hadadministered more than 1.5 million doses, involving approximately 60,000 recipientswho then travelled abroad to work in high-risk areas. There have been noreports of serious infection among them. This has proven that the vaccine isboth safe and effective.
As we know, the winter and spring are seasons of frequentinfectious disease transmission. To guard against new COVID-19 outbreaks andprotect the high-risk population, we have started vaccination of key groups ofpeople working in cold-chain logistics, customs, medical services, publictransportation systems, as well as agricultural products and sea food markets.We formally started COVID-19 vaccinations among key groups in China on Dec. 15.In the past 15 days, we have administered over 3 million doses of vaccines.During the vaccination process, we have established mechanisms to buildstandardized vaccination facilities, provide appropriate training for medicalworkers, screen recipients' overall health, closely monitor adverse effects,and provide emergency treatment and medical consultations for recipientssuffering from serious effects. Altogether, the 4.5 million doses of COVID-19vaccines given to recipients have proven that our vaccine is safe.
Of course, we have seen some adverse effects among recipients. Theincidence is similar to other inactivated vaccines, like injection site painand swelling. Less than 0.1% recipients have had mild fever, and about two in amillion showed allergic reactions and other relatively serious adverse effects.Those people have all been taken good care of, with timely treatment. So, it'simportant to ask the recipients if they have any serious allergies beforevaccination and prepare for sufficient medical services in case of any problemsduring the vaccination process. Moreover, we should also prepare forcoincidental events and psychogenic responses, namely adverse effects caused bypsychological factors like nervousness. Coincidental events are adverse effectsthat are correlated with some certain diseases or accidents. Therefore, we needto remain on high alert during the vaccination process and offer timelyprofessional treatment where necessary.
Inthe next step, as the vaccine has been granted conditional marketingauthorization and as production capacity increases, we will comprehensivelyvaccinate the high-risk population like senior citizens and people withunderlying conditions, and then the general public in an orderly manner. Atpresent, the immunization expert advisory committee has established a unifiedplan that will fully cover the population who need to be vaccinated so as toestablish a strong shield gradually to stop the spread of coronavirus and bringit under total control. Thank you.
Please welcome Chen Shifei, deputy head of the National MedicalProducts Administration (NMPA) for his opening remarks.
Good morning, everyone. I would like to announce some good news:the NMPA has granted conditional marketing authorization for the inactivatedCOVID-19 vaccine developed by the Beijing Biological Products Institute Co.,Ltd. under the China National Biotec Group (CNBG), which is affiliated withSinopharm.
NMPA has been implementing General Secretary Xi Jinping's thoughtof putting people first. Under the strong leadership of the CPC CentralCommittee and the State Council as well as the coordination of the StateCouncil's inter-agency task force, we established a mechanism for research anddevelopment of vaccines and drugs as well as emergency evaluation and approvalsystem in the early stage of the epidemic. We have been taking a science-basedapproach, following legal procedures, and prioritizing the safety and efficacyof the vaccine. We reached out to R&D institutes, adopted a rolling reviewprocedure, and made parallel progress in review, verification and testing toincrease our efficiency in facilitating the marketing of a safe and effectivevaccine.
Up to now, we have conducted over 5,500 discussions, consultationsand research meetings with our R&D teams and expert panels in thedevelopment of vaccines and drugs. As Mr. Zeng has just said, we have authorized14 vaccines to enter clinical trials. Five of them are now in Phase 3 clinicaltrials, including Sinopharm's inactivated vaccine. We are also facilitatingseveral drugs in the pre-clinical trial stage.
As we all know, vaccines are an important weapon againstepidemics, but their safety and effectiveness are always top priority. Afterthe coronavirus outbreak, the National Medical Products Administration (NMPA)cooperated closely with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the medicalproducts administrators of other countries, and exchanged information onvaccine research and development (R&D) and coordinated the standards ofsafety and effectiveness with them. On this basis, the Center for DrugEvaluation of the NMPA specially formulated five standards including technicalguidelines for R&D of preventive vaccines against COVID-19, and made clearthe technical standards for market access application and conditional marketapproval of vaccines against COVID-19, offering relevant references to the R&Dand evaluation of China's vaccines against COVID-19.
In addition, the standards for COVID-19 vaccines are basically thesame as those of the WHO and other countries, providing scientific support forChina's vaccines to become a global public good. The Beijing Institute ofBiological Products of China National Biotech Group on Dec. 23 formallysubmitted a registration application to the Center for Drug Evaluation of theNMPA for conditioned market access of its vaccine based on preliminary rollingsubmissions of research data. The center accepted it immediately. Its expertteam conducted a comprehensive and detailed review of the safety, effectivenessand quality reliability, as well as other submitted research documents and databased on preliminary rolling reviews. The review covered pharmacological andtoxicological research, phase I and II clinical trials, phase III clinicaltrials carried out overseas, and the Beijing Institute's pharmaceuticalresearch data on large-scale production and quality control. The center alsoinspected the sites of domestic R&D activities and phase I and II clinicaltrials; however, we are unable to send experts overseas for on-site inspectionsof phase III clinical trials there due to the pandemic. It is mainly theresearch organizations that assume major responsibility in ensuring theintegrity, authenticity and reliability of the research data. Our druginspection institution also carried out trial remote inspections, a work thatis never before carried out. We undertook remote inspections in response toinaccessible sites existing amid the pandemic.
Besides, the Center for Food and Drug Inspection of NMPA inspectedthe production sites of the Beijing Institute in accordance with the law. TheBeijing Municipal Medical Products Administration reviewed its quality controlpractices in drug production. The National Institutes for Food and Drug Controlconducted laboratory tests on and reexamined the quality of vaccine samplesproduced by the Beijing Institute in trial production. It also thoroughlyreviewed the data of vaccine efficacy (79.34%) submitted and unveiled by theBeijing Institute according to interim results of the phase III clinical trialsbased on large-scale double-blind placebo-controlled analysis. It consulted athird-party expert team for their evaluation and suggestions on conditionalmarket access, and the expert consultation meeting of the Center for DrugEvaluation for further opinions. After a series of rigorous inspections,examinations, evaluations, reviews, and data analysis in accordance with lawsand procedures, we concluded that the known and potential benefits of theinactivated vaccine against COVID-19 of the Beijing Institute of BiologicalProducts of China National Biotech Group were greater than the known andpotential risks, completely meeting preset standards for conditional marketaccess.
Amid the pandemic, over 80 million cases have been reported aroundthe world, and a large number of patients are being hospitalized and many arepassing away every day. There is no wonder drug against the virus available inthe world yet. China is facing pressure from both potential local transmissionand imported cases, so national medical products administrators can approveregistration applications for conditional market access of the vaccinesurgently needed in response to major public health emergencies in accordancewith the Vaccine Administration Law of the People's Republic of China and thePharmaceutical Administration Law of the People's Republic of China. Therefore,the NMPA approved conditional market access of the Beijing Institute's vaccineon Dec. 30. The NMPA is encouraging the company to continue its phase IIIclinical trials as planned in accordance with laws and regulations, completethem and other post-approval research with quality and quantity guaranteed,update and supplement vaccine instructions and labels in time based on researchprogress, data and results obtained, and absorbing study of abnormal reactionsafter inoculation, and apply to us for approval or filing in accordance withregulations.
TheNMPA is engaged in a race against time in emergency evaluation and approval ofvaccines and drugs and in proceeding with their R&D, while adhering toscience-based principles and the premise of safety and effectiveness. We willensure that the vaccines and drugs approved for emergency use by us are safe,effective, and reliable in quality, and make due contributions to the ultimatevictory over the virus. Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Chen. Now the floor is open to questions. Pleaseidentify your news outlet before raising questions.
What regulatory measures will the authorities take to ensure thequality and safety of COVID-19 vaccines conditionally allowed to enter themarket? Should the supervision be stricter and more regulated in terms ofconditional market entry?
Thank you for your question. The National Medical ProductsAdministration (NMPA) has always adhered to the "four strictestrequirements" in regard to drug safety, and has fully implemented thesupervisory tasks for drug quality and safety, including those of vaccines.Vaccines are intended for healthy people. Therefore, we attach great importanceto ensuring their quality and safety. Following conditional marketingauthorization for COVID-19 vaccines, we have strengthened our supervision inregard to the following aspects to ensure that every vaccine meets qualityrequirements.
First, quality comes from adequate arrangement and guidance. Asearly as the research and development stage of vaccines, we actively makearrangements and provide guidelines to the technical institutions directlyunder the NMPA and provincial drug regulatory authorities, in order to trackand guide the relevant work. During the construction of production facilities,we have selected and dispatched competent technicians to provide on-siteguidance to the enterprises involved. On the premise of not reducing proceduresor lowering the standards, we have issued drug production licenses in a timelyway to vaccine manufacturers that meet the required standards. We have ensuredthat vaccine manufacturers have relevant technologies and management capacityby strictly enforcing the issuing rules of drug production licenses.
Second, in the process of production supervision, the NMPA hasacted in accordance with relevant laws, regulations and standards including theVaccine Management Law, the Pharmaceutical Administration Law and the GoodManufacturing Practice (GMP) of Medical Products. We have intensifiedsupervision over the COVID-19 vaccines' quality together with provincial drugregulatory departments. So far, we have carried out many audits and inspectionsof the quality and safety of the production sites of the Beijing BiologicalProducts Institute Co., Ltd. under the China National Biotec Group (CNBG)affiliated with Sinopharm. The drug regulator in the locality where theenterprise is located has stepped up its efforts in regard to dailysupervision, posted capable professionals to the enterprise for oversight, inorder to ensure its compliance in the vaccine production process so that thevaccines are qualified. In addition, we also organized the National Center forVaccine Inspection to conduct regular inspections on vaccine manufacturers andrandom checks on vaccines at irregular intervals. What's more, we arranged forthe Center for Drug Reevaluation to cooperate with health departments to do agood job in monitoring the suspected adverse reactions to the vaccination.Through these measures, we have supervised enterprises so they earnestlyfulfill their primary responsibility for products quality and safety, andorganize production in strict accordance with the approved productiontechniques and quality standards. For each batch of vaccines that leaves thefactory, their lot release will be carried out by the drug regulatoryauthorities. Earlier this year, we began to enhance our lot release capacity toaccommodate the production increase following the vaccines' market entry. Afterstrict examination and comprehensive assessment, we have now authorized drugregulatory and inspection institutions in Beijing and Hubei province toundertake the lot release task of COVID-19 vaccines. Therefore, after thevaccines enter the market conditionally, the lot release agencies will carryout strict data review and laboratory tests on each batch of vaccines followingrelevant regulations and management measures for biological products lotrelease, so as to ensure that each and every vaccine is qualified.
Finally, we have improved the whole-chain supervision of vaccines.The NMPA, together with the National Health Commission, has established aninformation technology-based traceability system for vaccines, basicallyrealizing whole-process traceability management of vaccines entering themarket. Currently, domestically produced and imported vaccines are trackedduring the entire process through self-developed traceability systems orthird-party platforms. Thank you.
ChinaNational Radio:
We would like to know, compared with foreign vaccines, what arethe advantages of Chinese vaccines in terms of safety, efficacy andaccessibility? How do we evaluate a vaccine comprehensively? Thank you.
Thank you for your question. Recently, I have noted that peopleare very concerned about the safety, efficacy and data published by the mediain regard to the vaccines. There are many indicators for vaccine evaluation,and I think the very important ones include safety, efficacy, accessibility andaffordability, among which safety and efficacy are the most important, asprevious speakers have introduced. The safety of vaccines generally refers towhether there will be any adverse reactions and the severity of these aftervaccination. The vaccines are considered safe if people don't experienceadverse reactions, if they do, they aren't serious, or the probability ofexperiencing serious adverse reactions is quite low. As we all know, vaccinesare special products for healthy people, so their safety is the first priority,which is the fundamental principle we have followed in advancing the researchand development of vaccines.
Vaccine efficacy refers to whether people will be infected, or thelevel of severity of the infection if they are exposed to the pathogen aftergetting vaccinated. We consider the vaccine to be effective if the personvaccinated remains free from infection, or the infection is relatively mild.Therefore, some may find that when releasing efficacy data, some companies willalso release a protection rate for severely ill patients. This is how weexplain vaccine efficacy.
In the vaccine development process, we have tested the safety andefficacy of the vaccines on animals and humans on differing scales, based onanimal tests, and phase I, phase II, and phase III clinical trials. As theintroductions of speakers about China's vaccine research and development, atotal of 14 vaccine candidates currently are undergoing clinical trials withfive entering phase III clinical trials. These have been proved to be safe inthe animal tests, and phase I and phase II clinical trials. Some of them havepublished the results in top medical journals around the world, and highlycommended by the WHO. Besides safety and efficacy, accessibility andaffordability of vaccines are also of prime concern. Only if a vaccine is safeand effective, and at the same time accessible and affordable, can the vaccinetruly become a public good.
Talking about which vaccine is better, or comparing Chineseself-developed vaccines and foreign vaccines, I don't think we can draw anysimple conclusions. The reason why we laid out the five technical routes invaccine development is because each of them has its own advantages. Only bycomprehensively reviewing the safety, efficacy, accessibility, andaffordability of each vaccine can we achieve a scientific evaluation. Forexample, inactivated vaccines and recombinant protein vaccines, whose researchand development are currently being advanced, have undergone tests by billionsor even tens of billions of people for many years. Their safety, efficacy, andaccessibility have stood the test of time and been proven through scientificmethods. However, with the development of science and technology and of humansociety, there will be new vaccines developed using new technologies andmethods in the future, which are better in terms of safety, efficacy,accessibility and other aspects.
TheCOVID-19 pandemic has made us more aware that humanity is a community with ashared future, and a community of health for all. In the process of advancingvaccine research and development, Chinese vaccine companies and teams have onlyone enemy, which is the virus. We are racing against the advance of the virus.Throughout the research and development process, we fully respect the laws andprinciples of science. China was the first country to launch clinical trialsincluding phase III ones. In the process, we are strictly following relevantscientific principles, and will never compromise these principles in a rush toseek first place. This is our basic principle in the process of advancingvaccine research and development. Thank you all!
I have some questions about the vaccine data. Can you share withus more information on CNBG's vaccine efficacy data? In addition, when will theefficacy data of other vaccines be released? If the data is released later thanforeign countries, will that mean China's vaccines have fallen behind? Inaddition, how can CNBG ensure that its production can meet both domestic andforeign demand? Thank you.
Thank you for your attention and concern for vaccines of the CNBG,affiliated with Sinopharm. We have conducted large-scale phase III clinicaltrials in the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and other countries, involving60,000 volunteers of 125 nationalities. We have completed phased assessment ofthe protection rate and the results have exceeded the clinical research goals.The safety and efficacy exceeded the standards set by the WHO. They meet therequirements of China's conditional approval plan and can help establisheffective immunity in a wide range of public groups. Therefore, on Dec. 9 and13, the UAE and Bahrain respectively reviewed and approved the officialregistration of the CNBG's inactivated vaccine and put it on the market inaccordance with the relevant technical standards of the WHO. Yesterday, Chinaalso granted conditional marketing authorization for the vaccine.
The detailed data will be announced later, and will also bepublished in Chinese and foreign medical journals. Please pay attention to therelease. Thank you.
Media reports say that the COVID-19 virus is mutating. Will thevirus variants affect the vaccine's effectiveness? Will the vaccine that hasbeen granted conditional marketing approval work against the virus variants?Thank you.
This is a very important question. The mutation of the COVID-19virus is a problem that many are concerned about. It is also an importantsubject that our research and development team has focused on. We established aspecial research team at the very beginning of our research to study mutationsof the virus. Currently, we have a database of nearly 300,000 COVID-19 genomicsequence data at the China National Center for Bioinformation and we have kepta close eye on the virus' daily variations which are now within a normal rangeon the whole. The effectiveness of the vaccine on the virus variants issomething that we're very concerned about, especially after the media reported thata new COVID-19 variant detected in the U.K. remarkably improved the virus'transmissibility. Given this, together with our previous research, experts fromthe research and development team have further studied the effects that thevirus variants may have on the effectiveness of the vaccines. The resultsshowed that there is currently no evidence to prove that existing geneticmutations in the novel coronavirus will have a substantial effect on theefficacy of COVID-19 vaccines.
However,we must be vigilant about this issue. The long-term spread of the virus maycause some variants to accumulate, so in this regard, our research anddevelopment team has adopted the principle that "it is always better to beprepared than not." The mutations having no effect on vaccines now doesnot rule out the possibility that they may have an effect in the future.Therefore, we have posed this outcome as an absolute certainty and planned ourresearch accordingly. This is the basic principle of our work. We have alreadymade certain plans and several expert groups have been engaging in studies oncertain tasks such as virus variation, detection reagents, drug development,and vaccine effectiveness. Please trust science and the scientists. We have theconfidence to address the effects that virus variants may have on the efficacyof vaccines. We will ensure the supply of safe, effective, and accessiblevaccines to the people. Thank you.
Phoenix TV:
When will the vaccines be available for all Chinese people? Thankyou.
The eradication of an infectious disease will ultimately depend ona vaccine. We are planning to reach herd immunity through vaccination and havegranted emergency use of COVID-19 vaccines since June. On Dec. 15, we beganvaccinating some priority groups with COVID-19 vaccines. This is the first stepof our vaccination agenda, which aims to ensure that key groups at high risk ofinfection are the first to receive inoculation. Once COVID-19 vaccines areapproved to enter the market and production capacity has increased, we willvaccinate high-risk groups, namely senior adults and people with underlyingconditions, as they are far more likely to suffer severe symptoms afterinfection. After this, we will vaccinate the general public.
Regardingthe issue of how many people should be vaccinated to achieve herd immunity, Ishould point out that the rate could vary depending on the populationdistribution of each country. Generally, the inoculation rate needs to be over60 percent to 70 percent to reach herd immunity. The vaccines that we haveapproved are safe and effective, so I would like to call on the public to getvaccinated on the premise of informed consent and without contraindications. Bydoing so, we are protecting ourselves, our families, and others, as well ascontributing to global pandemic prevention and control. Thank you.
What is China's production capacity for COVID-19 vaccines? Thankyou.
Thank you for your question. This question is of great concern tomany people. In fact, we, as a competent department of the industry, askedourselves this question early on. Hence, the MIIT has closely tracked thedevelopment of COVID-19 vaccines and accelerated the industrialization ofvaccines, following in the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's importantinstructions on advancing the integration of vaccine R&D and theindustrialized chain. To this end, we have set up a special work team to ensurethe smooth production of the COVID-19 vaccine via numerous means. These includescheduling key enterprises’ production capacity building on a weekly basis andorganizing industry and information technology departments in relevantprovinces and cities to assign special personnel to contact and serveenterprises so as to accelerate the production capacity building across varioustechnical routes of vaccine development. Meanwhile, the MIIT has also made acomprehensive review of the entire industry and supply chain of COVID-19vaccines, guiding companies to conduct serious research and analysis on thesupply risks of key raw and auxiliary materials, key equipment, consumables,and other important production materials, and make supply and demand connectionsbetween upstream and downstream enterprises to ensure the stability of theproduction supply chain of COVID-19 vaccines.
According to the scheduling, a total of 18 domestic enterpriseshave started to build their production capacity in accordance with their vaccineresearch and development progress. So far, three companies, including theBeijing Biological Products Institute and Wuhan Biological Products Instituteof China National Biotech Group, and Sinovac, have fulfilled their productioncapacity building tasks for this year. Their high-biosafety workshops forinactivated COVID-19 vaccines have passed the inspections by multipledepartments. In particular, the inactivated vaccine developed by the BeijingBiological Products Institute of China National Biotech Group was approved forconditional market launch yesterday. The company has now launched large-scaleproduction.
While these enterprises carry out large-scale production, the MIIThas also been organizing them to simultaneously expand their production capacities.Therefore, the production capacity is a dynamic and continuously increasedprocess. For other technical routes, production capacity expansion areprogressing as scheduled. With the further expansion of the production capacityof the inactivated COVID-19 vaccines as well as the gradual production capacityprogress of enterprises engaged in other technical routes, I believe that ourproduction capacity for COVID-19 vaccines is able to meet the demand of massvaccination in China.
Next,the MIIT will follow the decisions and plans made by the Central Committee ofthe Communist Party of China (CPC) and the State Council to enhancecoordination and cooperation with relevant departments to form policy synergy,further promote expansion of production capacity, and ensure a smooth supplychain for vaccine production to prepare for an organized and guaranteed massproduction of COVID-19 vaccines. Thank you.
Pharmaceutical companies such as U.S. Pfizer and Moderna as wellas the UK's AstraZeneca have announced plans to promote their vaccines. Whatrole will China play in the COVID-19 Vaccine Global Access Facility (COVAX)after the COVID-19 vaccine is launched in the market conditionally? Thank you.
Thank you for your concern about international cooperation onvaccines. The epidemic knows no borders. It is therefore the common aspirationof all countries in the world to unite against the epidemic and promoterecovery through cooperation. China has always been open to internationalcooperation on vaccines and the Chinese government has actively supportedCOVAX. On Oct. 8, China signed an agreement with Gavi to officially join COVAX,marking an important move of China to uphold the vision of the world as aglobal community of health for all and promote vaccines as a global publicgood.
At present, many Chinese COVID-19 vaccines have entered phase Ⅲ clinical trials and manyother vaccines are stepping up their phase I and phase II clinical trials. TheChinese government has actively encouraged and supported Chinese vaccineresearch and development enterprises to join COVAX and cooperate with relevantinitiators to provide vaccines to developing countries. It is understood thatmany Chinese vaccine companies have expressed to COVAX their willingness tojoin the program, and are negotiating with different countries regardingvaccine supply plans. We are looking forward to the inclusion of Chinesevaccines in the COVAX vaccine pool and pre-certification of Chinese vaccines bythe World Health Organization at an early date.
China will continue to work with all parties to promote theequitable distribution of global vaccines, facilitate global solidarity in thefight against the epidemic, and protect the lives and health of people aroundthe world. Thank you.
Regarding the COVID-19 vaccine that has been granted conditionalmarketing authorization, how long will the antibody and its efficacy last?Thank you.
Thank you for your question. CNBG under the State-ownedpharmaceutical giant Sinopharm has conducted clinical research of phase I andII at home and phase Ⅲresearch abroad, with constant observation as to the antibodies. The phase Iand II research data shows that the antibody can maintain at a high level forover six months in humans. Countries such as UAE (United Arab Emirates) andBahrain have approved China's homegrown coronavirus vaccine for their ownpublic use in accordance with WHO standards. And the interim analysis ofclinical trials shows its protective effects have realized and passed therequirements for public use. Countries undertaking clinical researches willfurther observe the durability of the antibody. According to China'srequirements for conditional marketing authorization and WHO technologicalstandards, the interim analysis and data monitoring have achieved their dueobjectives in line with the marketing demand. As an innovative vaccine, itsdurability and protective effect will be verified after a longer period ofobservation. However, we still believe that, with the progress of the phase Ⅲ clinical trial, we willgain and publish data showing long-term protection. Thank you!
As has been mentioned, the assessment of a vaccine involves itssafety, effectiveness, accessibility and affordability. So, what will berelevant price range?
The price will be generally decided by the manufacturer. It willfollow two main principles: first, the nature of a public good, second, as apublic good, its price should be based on cost. It is widely known that thecost of a product may vary based on the scale of manufacturing and its usage.We are ready for a large-scale production and the inoculation plan for ourhomegrown vaccine which has been approved for public use. Just as director Zenghas mentioned, we will launch the inoculation plan with a three-step approach:firstly, open to "key groups" or "high-risk groups" andthen inoculation of vulnerable groups before vaccinating the generalpopulation. As the work proceeds smoothly, the cost will be greatly reduced. Webelieve that the price will be affordable and acceptable to the people.
The vaccine is a public good in its nature and the price may varydue to its scale of use. But an important premise is that it will be provided freeof charge to all Chinese people. Thank you!
HongKong Economic Herald:
How many orders has China's vaccine received from overseas? Whatare the preferred exporting plans in the future? Thank you!
Thank you for your question. China remains open to internationalcooperation and actively supports Chinese enterprises' research and productioncooperation with global counterparts to benefit the whole world. Many Chinesevaccine candidates are undergoing phase Ⅲ trials smoothly in countries such as UAE, Bahrain, Argentina,Peru, Brazil, and Indonesia. Among them, UAE and Bahrain have recently approvedregistration and usage of the inactivated vaccine manufactured by Sinopharm.
After China's vaccine moves to public usage, it will be providedglobally at a fair, reasonable price. We will still attach importance to itsaccessibility and affordability in developing countries and will positivelyoffer them in many ways. Donation and non-reimbursable assistance will also beconsidered in terms of different situations in developing countries. We alsocall on the international community to work together to promote fairdistribution of the vaccine, and strive to make the vaccine a public good thatis accessible and affordable to people worldwide. Thank you!
That's all for today's press conference. Thank you all.
外交部 2025-02-19 11:13:56
As the Chinese people celebrate the Spring Festival, I wish to extend, on behalf of the Chinese government and people, and also in the name of my wife and myself, a warm welcome and festive greetings to all the distinguished guests!
新华网 2025-02-12 10:47:34
国新办&CGTN 2025-01-06 14:49:40
Greetings to everybody! Time flies fast, and the new year will be with us shortly. I extend my best wishes to you all from Beijing.
CGTN 2024-12-31 21:46:41