中国外文局 2021-08-26 4481次
1.党内政治生活 political activities within the Party intra-Party political activities 例句:要贯彻落实新形势下党内政治生活的若干准则,让党员、干部在党内政治生活中经常接受政治体检,打扫政治灰尘,净化政治灵魂,增强政治免疫力。 ——摘自习近平在主持中共十九届中央政治局第六次集体学习时的讲话,2018年6月29日 译文:Party members and officials must act in accordance with the Regulations for Political Activities Within the Party in the New Era, and have regular political “health checks” through intra-Party activities. We can thereby “sweep off the dust”, keep our souls wholesome, and boost our immune system in the political realm. – from the speech at the sixth group study session of the Political Bureau of the 19th CPC Central Committee, June 29, 2018 2.政治纪律和政治规矩 political discipline and rules 例句:要严格遵守政治纪律和政治规矩,全面执行党内政治生活准则,确保党中央政令畅通,确保局部服从全局,确保各项工作坚持正确政治方向。 ——摘自习近平在中共十九届一中全会上的讲话,2017年10月25日 译文:We must abide by political discipline and rules, fully observe the regulations on intra-Party political activities, ensure the implementation of the Central Committee’s policies and decisions, make sure local interests submit to overall interests, and guarantee the right political orientation in all our work. – from the speech at the First Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, October 25, 2017 3.正确政绩观 a sound/correct attitude towards performance (in our work) the right approach to our job performance 例句:中央政治局的同志必须带头树立正确政绩观,始终做老实人、说老实话、干老实事,自觉反对形式主义、官僚主义。 ——摘自习近平在主持中共中央政治局民主生活会时的讲话要点,2017年12月25日—26日 译文:Members of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee must take the lead in having a correct attitude towards performance in our work; they must always be honest and do solid work, and conscientiously oppose the practice of favoring form over substance and bureaucratism. – from the speech at a meeting of criticism and self-criticism among members of the Political Bureau of the 19th CPC Central Committee, December 25-26, 2017 4.“四风” the Four Malfeasances 释义:“四风”,指形式主义、官僚主义、享乐主义和奢靡之风。 译文:The Four Malfeasances refer to favoring form over substance, bureaucratism, hedonism, and extravagance. 例句1:“四风”问题具有顽固性反复性,纠正“四风”不能止步,作风建设永远在路上。 ——摘自习近平在主持中共中央政治局民主生活会时的讲话要点,2017年12月25日—26日 译文:The Four Malfeasances are difficult to eradicate. Therefore, we should never slacken our efforts in rectifying these problems, and there is no end to the task of improving our conduct. – from the speech at a meeting of criticism and self-criticism among members of the Political Bureau of the 19th CPC Central Committee, December 25-26, 2017 例句2:要加强作风建设,坚决纠正“四风”特别是形式主义、官僚主义。 ——摘自习近平在全国宣传思想工作会议上的讲话要点,2018年8月21日 译文:We must improve our conduct, and oppose the practice of favoring form over substance, bureaucratism, hedonism, and extravagance, the first two in particular. – from main points of the speech at the National Conference on Public Communication, August 21, 2018 5.“四大考验”“四种危险” the Four Tests and Four Risks 释义1:“四大考验”,指执政考验、改革开放考验、市场经济考验、外部环境考验。 译文:The Four Tests refer to exercising governance, carrying out reform and opening up, developing the market economy and responding to external development. 释义2:“四种危险”,指精神懈怠危险、能力不足危险、脱离群众危险、消极腐败危险。 译文:The Four Risks refer to lack of drive, incompetence, disengagement from the people, and inaction and corruption. 例句:我们要经受住“四大考验”、抵御住“四种危险”,必须立足当前、着眼长远,深刻认识共产主义远大理想和中国特色社会主义共同理想的辩证关系,既不能离开发展中国特色社会主义事业、实现民族复兴的现实工作而空谈远大理想,也不能因为实现共产主义是一个漫长的历史过程就讳言甚至丢掉远大理想。 ——摘自习近平在中共十九届中央纪委二次全会上的讲话,2018年1月11日 译文:We must withstand the Four Tests, and overcome the Four Risks. We should take account of today’s realities to plan for the future. We should have a deep understanding of the dialectical relationship between the long-term goal of communism and the common ideal of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. The communist ideals would be no more than empty talk without our current efforts to develop Chinese socialism and to rejuvenate the Chinese nation. But we should not avoid talking about these ideals or abandon them simply because they will take a long time to achieve. – from the speech at the Second Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, January 11, 2018 6.党内监督 intra-Party oversight scrutiny within the Party 例句:构建党统一指挥、全面覆盖、权威高效的监督体系,把党内监督同国家机关监督、民主监督、司法监督、群众监督、舆论监督贯通起来,增强监督合力。 ——摘自习近平在中国共产党第十九次全国代表大会上的报告,2017年10月18日 译文:We will establish an authoritative, efficient oversight system with complete coverage under the Party’s unified command; and integrate intra-Party oversight with oversight by state organs, democratic oversight, judicial oversight, public oversight, and oversight through public opinion. All this will create a powerful synergy for conducting oversight. – from the Report to the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, October 18, 2017 7.监督执纪“四种形态” the four forms of oversight over discipline compliance 释义:监督执纪“四种形态”,指经常开展批评和自我批评、约谈函询,让“红红脸、出出汗”成为常态;党纪轻处分、组织调整成为违纪处理的大多数;党纪重处分、重大职务调整的成为少数;严重违纪涉嫌违法立案审查的成为极少数。 译文:The four forms of oversight over discipline compliance are: (1) criticism and self-criticism meetings and oral and written inquiries which are to be conducted regularly, to ensure that those who have committed minor misconduct are made to “flush and sweat”, be embarrassed and ashamed of themselves; (2) light penalties and minor organizational adjustments to official positions, which are to be applied in the majority of cases; (3) heavy penalties and major adjustments to official positions, which are to be applied in a small number of cases; and (4) investigation and prosecution, which are to be undertaken in a very small number of cases involving serious violations of discipline and suspected criminal activity. 例句:这些年,我们总结党的历史经验和从严治党新要求,提出并实践监督执纪“四种形态”,在高压震慑和政策感召下,一些犯错误甚至犯严重错误的干部,主动向组织讲清楚问题,得到宽大处理;一些游走在违纪边缘的干部受到警示,悬崖勒马、迷途知返;还有更多干部受到警醒,知敬畏、存戒惧、守底线,真正体现了党的政策和策略,体现对干部的最大关心和爱护。 ——摘自习近平在中共十九届中央纪委二次全会上的讲话,2018年1月11日 译文:In recent years, we have put forward the four forms of oversight over discipline compliance based on past experience and new requirements for strengthening Party discipline. In response, some officials have confessed on their own initiative their lapses and serious mistakes to the Party organization, and they have been treated leniently. Some others, on the brink of violating discipline, have returned to the right path after receiving warnings and before it was too late. Inspired by these examples, most officials hold discipline in awe and abide by principles. This demonstrates the effect of the Party’s policies and methods and its full concern and care for officials. – from the speech at the Second Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, January 11, 2018 8.批评和自我批评 criticism and self-criticism 例句:领导干部要以上率下,带头深入学习新时代中国特色社会主义思想,带头增强“四个意识”、坚定“四个自信”、做到“两个维护”,带头不忘初心、牢记使命,带头运用批评和自我批评武器,带头坚持真理、修正错误。 ——摘自习近平在主持中共十九届中央政治局第十五次集体学习时的讲话,2019年6月24日 译文:They need to lead by example in studying the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, in strengthening their commitment to the Four Consciousnesses, the Four-sphere Confidence and the Two Upholds, in staying true to our original aspiration and founding mission, in carrying out criticism and self-criticism, and in upholding truth and rectifying errors. – from the speech at the 15th group study session of the Political Bureau of the 19th CPC Central Committee, June 24, 2019 9.新时代党的组织路线 the Party’s organizational line/principle in the new era 例句:新时代党的组织路线是理论的也是实践的,要在推进党的建设新的伟大工程、落实全面从严治党的实践中切实贯彻落实。 ——摘自习近平在全国组织工作会议上的讲话,2018年7月3日 译文:The Party’s organizational line in the new era is both theoretical and applicable; it must be fully implemented in the great new project of strengthening the Party and its self-governance. – from the speech at the CPC’s National Conference on Organizational Work, July 3, 2018 10.“三会一课”制度 the Three Meetings and One Lecture system 例句1:对于“三会一课”制度,我们支部是认真执行的,从中央、从我本人做起,以上率下,要认真地做好这个事情。我们在座的每个人,都是一名普通的共产党员,在党内生活中是平等的。在党内平等地过组织生活,这是遵守党章、做一名合格共产党员的基本要求。 ——摘自习近平以普通党员身份参加所在党支部专题组织生活会时的即席讲话要点,2017年8月13日 译文:As for the Three Meetings and One Lecture system, our Party branch has carried it out thoroughly. We should do it with great care, starting from the Central Committee, and myself, setting a good example. Everyone here today is an ordinary Party member, equal at our organizational activities. It is an essential requirement to observe the Party Constitution and better meet the standards for Party members. – from points raised by Xi Jinping at a Party branch meeting in his capacity as an individual Party member, August 13, 2017 例句2:坚持“三会一课”制度,推进党的基层组织设置和活动方式创新,加强基层党组织带头人队伍建设,扩大基层党组织覆盖面,着力解决一些基层党组织弱化、虚化、边缘化问题。 ——摘自习近平在中国共产党第十九次全国代表大会上的报告,2017年10月18日 译文:We must practice the system of holding Party branch general meetings, meetings of Party branch committees, Party group meetings, and Party lectures. We will develop new ways for setting up primary-level Party organizations and for them to carry out their activities, strengthen the training of their heads, and expand their reach. We must work harder to address the problems that some primary-level Party organizations are weak, ineffective, and marginalized. – from the Report to the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, October 18, 2017
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It is my great pleasure to meet you here on the eve of the 2024 Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC). On behalf of the Chinese government and people, and in the name of my wife and myself, I extend a warm welcome to you all.
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