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国新办&CGTN 2023-09-26 537次



Shou Xiaoli:


Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon. Welcome to this press conference held by the State Council Information Office. Recently, the State Council issued a plan for the Shenzhen park of the Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone (HTCZ ). Today, we have invited Mr. Guo Lanfeng, a member of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Leadership Group of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC); Mr. Sun Yuning, vice minister of the General Administration of Customs of China (GACC); Mr. Sun Zhiyang, vice governor of the People's Government of Guangdong Province; Mr. Chan Kwok-ki, chief secretary for administration of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) Government; Mr. Qin Weizhong, deputy secretary of the CPC Shenzhen Municipal Committee and mayor of the Shenzhen Municipal People's Government; and Ms. Lin Xin, a member of the CPC Leadership Group of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) and secretary-general of the MOST, to brief you on the plan and take your questions.


Now, I'll give the floor to Mr. Guo Lanfeng for a brief introduction.


Guo Lanfeng:


Good afternoon, friends from the media. Thank you very much for your interest in and support for the HTCZ. The cooperation zone plays a crucial role in the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA). I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to all those from various sectors of society who care about and support the development of the GBA.

以习近平同志为核心的党中央高度重视河套深港科技创新合作区建设。2017年7月1日,习近平总书记亲自见证了国家发展改革委和粤港澳三地签署了《深化粤港澳合作 推进大湾区建设框架协议》,其中明确要共同开发建设河套合作区。2020年10月14日,习近平总书记在深圳经济特区40周年庆祝大会上发表重要讲话,明确指出要规划建设好河套合作区。党中央、国务院印发的《粤港澳大湾区发展规划纲要》对深港协同开发河套提出了明确的要求。

The CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has attached great attention to the construction of the HTCZ. On July 1, 2017, General Secretary Xi Jinping witnessed the signing of the Framework Agreement on Deepening Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Cooperation in the Development of the GBA between the NDRC and the governments of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, which explicitly called for the joint development and construction of the HTCZ. On Oct. 14, 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, clearly stating the need to plan and build the HTCZ. The Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao GBA issued by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council also made specific requirements for the coordinated development of Hetao by Shenzhen and Hong Kong.


In recent years, in accordance with the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, we have worked together with Guangdong province, the Hong Kong SAR, Shenzhen city, and relevant departments to study and formulate the plan for the Shenzhen park of the HTCZ. A few days ago, this plan was officially released by the State Council.


The plan serves as a foundational document for advancing the development and construction of the HTCZ. I will provide you with a brief interpretation. Its main content can be summarized as: three key positionings, two-stage objectives, four dimensions of layout, four major tasks, and various safeguard measures.


The three key positionings are: serving as a pioneering zone for Shenzhen-Hong Kong science and technology innovation and cooperation, serving as a testing ground for international advanced science and technology innovation rules, and acting as a hub for pilot-scale tests and transformation in the GBA.


The two-stage objectives are set for the years 2025 and 2035, concerning the scientific and technological innovation system and the flow of innovative elements, among others.


The four dimensions of layout are: regional coordination, spatial layout within the zone, regional supervision, and the layout of major infrastructure.


The four major tasks are mainly as follows. First, promoting international scientific and technological innovation in coordination with Hong Kong. Specifically, promoting the coordinated development of the Shenzhen and Hong Kong parks, supporting the elevation of Hong Kong and Macao universities' strengths in key disciplines, and jointly establishing world-class scientific and technological innovation platforms. Second, building an internationally competitive base for industrial pilot-scale tests and transformation, with a focus on advancing breakthroughs in the new generation of information technology industries, supporting innovative applications in advanced biomedicine technology, and accelerating the development of cutting-edge fields in artificial intelligence and the digital economy. Third, constructing an international scientific and technological innovation system and mechanism. To be specific, facilitating the movement of researchers, implementing segmented management of goods, supervising the cross-border flow of research-related funds in an innovative way, exploring the safe and orderly cross-border flow of international internet data, accelerating the establishment of a higher-level intellectual property protection system, creating a tax environment aligned with Hong Kong, implementing international employment and social security policies, harmonizing with global research management systems and mechanisms, and establishing a highly convenient market access system. Fourth, creating a scientific and technological cooperation platform that attracts global talent, with a focus on deepening international exchanges and cooperation, building an international talent hub for innovation, enhancing comprehensive research services, and shaping an international, high-quality research community.


The introduction of the plan will enable Shenzhen to innovate in its management mechanisms for science and technology, align its policies with internationally accepted innovation rules, initiate internationally coordinated innovation, and transform itself into a modern, international, and innovative city. Furthermore, it will facilitate the in-depth alignment of Hong Kong's advantages in scientific and technological innovation and financial openness with the comprehensive industrial chains of the Pearl River Delta. This will advance Hong Kong's efforts in building an international innovation and technology center and aid in the planning and development of Hong Kong's Northern Metropolis. Additionally, it will enrich the practice of "one country, two systems," assisting Hong Kong in integrating into China's overall development, fostering the high-quality development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao GBA, and creating world-class innovation platforms and growth areas.


Next, we will rigorously implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council. Alongside relevant departments, we will enhance communication and coordination and provide diligent follow-up services. We remain committed to supporting Guangdong province and Shenzhen city in partnership with Hong Kong SAR. This collaboration aims at proficiently rolling out the plan and ensuring the steady and sustained advancement of the HTCZ's development and construction.


Thank you!


Shou Xiaoli:


Thank you. Now, the floor is open for questions. Please identify your news outlet before raising a question.




We have seen that in recent years, the CPC Central Committee has issued a series of supporting policies and initiatives concerning major cooperation platforms among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, such as Hengqin, Qianhai and Nansha. As mentioned, specific arrangements have been made concerning the development of the HTCZ. What are the differences in the functions and positions of these four platforms? What are the considerations when developing the key tasks in the plan? Thank you.


Guo Lanfeng:


I will answer your questions. When we develop regional policies, we always emphasize leveraging the respective strengths and local features of different regions, and provide targeted support to empower them in specific domains. The reporter just now asked very good questions. Let me give a brief introduction about the characteristics of the major platforms, including Hengqin, Qianhai, Nansha, and Hetao, along with some supporting policies.


Over the years, the CPC Central Committee has issued the General Plan for Building the Guangdong-Macao In-depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin. As you all know, Hengqin Cooperation Zone is located in Hengqin, Zhuhai city, and covers an area of 106 square kilometers. The CPC Central Committee has issued the Plan for Comprehensively Deepening Reform and Opening-up for the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone. Qianhai cooperation zone is situated in Shenzhen, which has grown expansively from its initial 15 square kilometers to now encompass 120 square kilometers. Furthermore, the State Council has issued the Master Plan of Guangzhou Nansha on Deepening Comprehensive Cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao with a Global Perspective. Each of these plans has made specific arrangements for the construction of major cooperation platforms. Now, the State Council has issued the plan for the Shenzhen park of the HTCZ. The framework for the system of major cooperation platforms focusing on Hengqin, Qianhai, Nansha, and Hetao in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao GBA has been further refined and improved.


Based on the names of the four platforms, you can figure out their primary areas of focus. In terms of strategic position, these four platforms have distinctive focuses and distinct features.


For example, the cooperation zone in Hengqin focuses on the original goal of promoting the moderately diversified economic development of Macao. It's positioned to serve Macao and promote the integrated development of both Hengqin and Macao. The cooperative mechanism of mutual discussion, joint construction, joint administration, and shared benefits between Guangdong and Macao is a major breakthrough. In other words, the 106 square kilometers of Hengqin Cooperation Zone mainly serve the moderately diversified development of Macao's economy. Surely, there is a major institutional breakthrough, known as the mutual discussion, joint construction, joint administration and shared benefits, which we refer to as the "four joints" in our operations.


Qianhai Cooperation Zone, on the other hand, centers on the modern service sector – a prominent industry in Hong Kong. It bolsters the deepened collaboration between Shenzhen and Hong Kong in Qianhai, aiming jointly to pioneer a testing ground for thorough reform and innovation and a portal for high-level opening-up. That is to say, Qianhai Cooperation Zone mainly cooperates with Hong Kong to develop the modern service industry.


Nansha Cooperation Zone has a relatively broad space, focusing on two key points: "comprehensive cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao" and a "global perspective." We have developed a batch of industrial programs cooperating with Hong Kong and Macao. We have also established public service facilities serving Hong Kong and Macao and worked together with both regions to expand opening up.


HTCZ is the smallest platform among the four, covering an area of 3.89 square kilometers across two industrial parks in Shenzhen and Hong Kong. However, it boasts distinctive scientific and technological innovation features. It has strengths in straddling the boundaries between Shenzhen and Hong Kong, with its "one zone, two parks" consisting of two portions in Shenzhen and Hong Kong. The area of the Hong Kong section is smaller. It houses an array of Shenzhen-Hong Kong tech innovation resources. It is pivotal in fostering a collaborative innovation hub and robustly supporting the building of the GBA into an international center for technology and innovation.


Based on the distinct missions of these four platforms, we have also implemented differentiated designs in the research, planning, task arrangement and policy measures. It can be said that we have tailored our approach specifically for each platform. For instance, as mentioned earlier, during the development of the plan for the Shenzhen park of the HTCZ, we have consistently adhered to "three commitments."


First, we are committed to giving importance to both technological and institutional innovation. On one hand, we have clearly implemented the "first sub-line" area and "second sub-line" area management for the flow of personnel and goods in customs supervision areas with specific closed management to promote the efficient and convenient flow of innovative elements and create a highly interconnected research and institutional environment with Hong Kong and the international community. On the other hand, we have supported interdisciplinary basic research and technological breakthroughs in the Shenzhen-Hong Kong cooperation zone, continuously generating a series of technological innovations and industrial achievements.


Second, we are committed to the coordinated development of the Shenzhen and Hong Kong parks. We have supported the strengthening of connectivity between the development timelines, key areas and major projects of the Shenzhen and Hong Kong parks. This includes promoting infrastructure interconnectivity, sharing of services and fostering collaborative innovation. By doing so, we have actively supported Hong Kong's strategy for technological innovation development and provided strong support for the planning and construction of Hong Kong's northern Metropolis.


Third, we are committed to the global leverage of world-class scientific and technological innovation resources. We aim to build a more open innovation ecosystem, promote the sharing of scientific and technological resources, and attract top global talent for research collaboration. We have fully leveraged Hong Kong's role as a "super-connector" to establish internationally leading clusters of scientific research facilities, actively integrating into the global innovation network.


Next, in accordance with the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, we will work with relevant departments and local authorities to support major platforms such as the HTCZ in exploring and accumulating experience in key areas and critical aspects. This will lead and drive comprehensive deepening of cooperation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. Thank you.


Shenzhen Special Zone Daily:


The plan for the Shezhen park of the HTCZ explicitly states that the Shenzhen park should collaborate with Hong Kong to promote international technological innovation and the construction of an internationally competitive base for industrial pilot-scale tests and transformation. What measures has MOST taken in promoting collaborative technological innovation with Hong Kong, and what achievements has it made? Thank you.


Lin Xin:


Thank you for the question, and for your interest in the field of science and technology. Hong Kong possesses strong scientific and technological capabilities, which serve as a foundation for its prosperous development and are an essential component of the national strategic technological force. MOST attaches great importance to scientific and technological cooperation between the mainland and Hong Kong. Since 2004, the two sides have established the Science and Technology Co-operation Committee mechanism to conduct joint research and consultations. A series of practical measures have been adopted in terms of scientific and technological policy convergence and scientific and technological projects.


First, we have supported the integration of Hong Kong's scientific and technological strength into the national innovation system. 23 fundamental and frontier research projects under the National Key R&D Program and the Excellent Young Scientists Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation are available to Hong Kong. Support has been provided to Hong Kong in establishing several national key laboratories in disciplines and fields where it has strengths. Additionally, a number of scientific and technological cooperation platforms have been planned in key places such as Qianhai, Hetao and Xili Lake, to reinforce cooperation among industries, universities, and research institutes between Hong Kong and the mainland.


Second, we have promoted the introduction of policies to facilitate scientific and technological cooperation between Shenzhen and Hong Kong. Central government funding for scientific and technological research has been transited to support technological development in Hong Kong. Pilot programs have been implemented to facilitate the transit of human genetic resources to Hong Kong for the purposes of scientific research. Efforts have been made to facilitate the sharing of over 130,000 large-scale scientific research instruments and equipment with Hong Kong.


Third, we have carried out personnel exchanges between the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong in the field of science and technology. Support has been provided for scientists in Hong Kong to participate in national science and technology policies, planning, consultations and project reviews. Currently, more than 1,000 scientific experts from Hong Kong have been included in relevant expert databases. Activities such as the Mainland Exchange Program of Hong Kong Youth Entrepreneurship have also been organized, providing a platform for outstanding scientific and technological personnel from Hong Kong to make innovations and start their own businesses.


Moving forward and seizing the plan's release as an opportunity, the MOST will implement the plan and arrangements and beef up efforts to support the cooperation zone to boost overall regional sci-tech innovation. Focusing on the country's needs and giving full play to the advantages of Hong Kong and Shenzhen, the ministry will support them to develop in-depth cooperation in sci-tech projects, talent cultivation, startup incubation, sci-tech finance, international technology transfer, and other aspects. We will introduce major sci-tech projects and achievements to the zone and encourage high-level scientific research institutions and their members to work there. We will support scientific research in fundamental and cutting-edge areas, as well as in major industries, and work to create a cradle of new technologies that are original, innovative, and significant. We will spearhead the implementation of sci-tech policies and act on preferential policies issued by the central government for Hong Kong. We will eliminate bottlenecks and impediments that restrict the flow of sci-tech factors, ensuring that our guidelines are aligned with both Hong Kong's standards and globally advanced scientific research rules to create a policy environment friendly to sci-tech innovation. We will construct a more open innovation system, focus on first-class global sci-tech resources, pool top global sci-tech talent, create a more global-oriented research environment, and strive to build a world hub for sci-tech innovation. With these efforts, we will provide vigorous sci-tech support for the high-quality development of Shenzhen and Hong Kong, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao GBA, and our country.


Thank you.


Shenzhen Satellite TV:


Since taking office, John Lee Ka-chiu, chief executive of the Hong Kong SAR, has paid great attention to sci-tech and innovation-related work. What efforts have been made by Hong Kong in promoting the development of the Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone? As this zone continues to develop, what will be Hong Kong's next steps to advance sci-tech cooperation with Shenzhen? Thank you.


Chan Kwok-ki:


Thank you for your questions. The Hong Kong SAR government has expressed its enthusiasm regarding the release of the Plan on Promoting High-Quality Development of the Shenzhen Park of the Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone . In its 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025), China has set targets to make itself a country of innovators and build greater scientific and technological strength. Part of this vision involves transforming the GBA into an international innovation and technology center. In addition to giving support to Hong Kong to develop an international innovation and technology hub, the 14th Five-Year Plan has also included the Hetao zone in the GBA's four primary cooperation platforms.


The Hong Kong SAR government is very thankful for the strong support from the central government and the Shenzhen Municipal People's Government for developing the Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone. The zone is located on both sides of the Shenzhen River and was built under the concepts of "one river, two banks" and "one zone, two parks." It includes the Shenzhen park, covering an area of approximately 300 hectares, and the Hong Kong park, 87 hectares.


A series of measures have been put forward in the Plan on Promoting High-Quality Development of the Shenzhen Park, including advancing international sci-tech and innovation in collaboration with Hong Kong. This move will inject new impetus into and bring about new development for the cooperation between Hong Kong and Shenzhen.


The Hong Kong SAR government will continue to actively cooperate with Shenzhen and promote the advantages of the Hetao zone under the concept of "one zone, two parks" underpinned by the principle of "one country, two systems." These include trying out exclusive cross-border policies to ensure a smooth flow of labor, materials, and data to make the zone a gateway to in-depth innovation and technology cooperation. Meanwhile, we will give full play to Hong Kong's distinctive advantages of enjoying solid support from the motherland and close connection with global markets. In doing so, Hong Kong will contribute its part to the development of the GBA international innovation and technology center.


President Xi Jinping paid a visit to Hong Kong last year when we marked the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland. He reiterated the central government's firm support for Hong Kong to build an international innovation and technology center. He expressed his keen hope for Hong Kong to contribute to national science and technology development. This fully demonstrates that our country attaches great importance to and acknowledges the innovation and technology development of Hong Kong. This has also given us tremendous confidence and greatly inspired us to develop innovation and technology in Hong Kong.


In October 2022, the chief executive of the Hong Kong SAR proposed in his policy address to study expediting the development of the Hong Kong park, namely the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park , of the cooperation zone and optimizing its functions.


Initial planning for the first phase of the park has been completed, covering a total area of 10 million square feet. The park is designed to host various specialized sectors, including life and health technology, industry-academia-research cooperation, artificial intelligence and data science, new technology and advanced manufacturing, as well as accommodation for talent, commercial spaces and other supporting amenities. The goal is to build the park into an ecosystem featuring diversity and establish a lively and environmentally friendly community.


The first three buildings within the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park are on track to be inaugurated by the end of 2024. Meanwhile, we will leverage the market to draw business and investment, enhancing construction quality and speed and establishing high-quality research and industrial facilities.


Over the past several years, Hong Kong and Shenzhen have yielded fruitful results in the development of the Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone . Last year, the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation launched the "GBA InnoExpress " program, providing business development services for innovative and technological enterprises from Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland. In addition, operations at the Hong Kong Science Park Shenzhen Branch have been progressively commencing.


Looking ahead, the Hong Kong SAR will actively integrate itself into the country's overall development and jointly advance the construction of the cooperation zone with Shenzhen. By doing so, we will promote the high-quality growth of innovation and technology in the GBA and build the cooperation zone into a world-class innovation platform. Thank you.


People's Daily:


The Shenzhen park of the HTCZ stands as an essential platform for scientific and technological innovation in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao GBA. Could you shed light on the efforts made in the construction of Shenzhen park so far and their outcomes? Moreover, what future plans have been made to deepen Shenzhen-Hong Kong cooperation using the HTCZ? Thank you.


Qin Weizhong:


Thank you for your questions; I will answer them. You asked about the progress of the work related to Shenzhen Park and its future planning. The plan for the Shenzhen park of the HTCZ issued by the State Council fully demonstrated the care from the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core and its great support for Shenzhen to build itself into a pilot demonstration area of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The CPC Shenzhen Municipal Committee and the Shenzhen Municipal People's Government bear in mind the tasks that General Secretary Xi Jinping has given in the new era. In line with the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, we are pooling the strength of various parties in the city to advance the construction of the cooperation zone. We are supported by the NDRC, the MOST, the GACC, the People's Government of Guangdong Province, and the Hong Kong SAR government.


First, we've amassed a wealth of scientific and technological innovation resources. At present, we have established high-end research institutes such as the Quantum Science Center of the GBA and the BRICS Institute of Future Networks at the Shenzhen park of the HTCZ. Currently, five renowned Hong Kong universities have established 10 innovative R&D platforms in Shenzhen park. The park also hosts research facilities for five Global Fortune 500 companies, and five headquarters and research centers for unicorn companies, gathering 12 domestic and foreign academicians and more than 3,000 research professionals.


Second, a raft of measures for opening-up and innovation have been introduced. The governments of Shenzhen and Hong Kong have jointly launched a package consisting of 28 policies. We have put into action five pilot policies to facilitate the cross-border flow of innovative elements, including simplifying the entry and exit procedures for scientific research samples. The Shenzhen Data Exchange has officially opened, executing the country's first cross-border data transaction. Currently, it leads the country in terms of trading volume.


Third, a group of science and innovation parks have been established. Over the last three years, we have completed 11 specialized projects, such as the Shenzhen-Hong Kong International Science Park and the International Biomedical Industrial Park, offering a total research space of 800,000 square meters. Mr. Chen Guoji noted that the Shenzhen Branch of the Hong Kong Science Park will officially open this Thursday.


Going forward, we will focus on the following key tasks.


First, we will work hard to stimulate the vitality of the cross-border scientific and technological innovation system and mechanism. We will align with the innovation standards of Hong Kong and the international community, and adopt globally advanced scientific research management mechanisms such as the peer review system, the project manager system, and the fund contract system. We will launch global competitions for major scientific and technological issues. Furthermore, we'll introduce a "whitelist" filing management system for scientific research institutions and enterprises and accelerate the development of special channels for international data.


Second, we will connect with the global network of scientific and technological innovation. We'll accelerate the integration of top-notch innovation resources from Hong Kong and beyond. Our goal is to build more than 20 high-level scientific research collaboration platforms between Shenzhen and Hong Kong by 2025 and form more than five international industry and standards organizations.


Third, we will develop emerging industries and create new drivers for growth. We'll concentrate on cutting-edge fields such as next-generation information technology, biomedicine, general artificial intelligence, and the digital economy. We aim to build various R&D service platforms and industrial bases for the trial and application of scientific breakthroughs, with the goal of ensuring that the most advanced and cutting-edge technologies are tested and successfully transformed here.


Fourth, we will promote the coordinated development of "one zone, two parks." We will enhance the planning integration between the two parks, accelerate the rebuilding of the Huanggang Port, and hasten the construction of the international talent community and other infrastructure and public service platform projects. By 2025, more than 1.5 million square meters of science and innovation space will be completed.


In all, Shenzhen will fully implement the plan for the Shenzhen park of the HTCZ, collaborate more closely with Hong Kong, and contribute more and better to building a key node of the international sci-tech innovation center in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao GBA and developing a world-class sci-tech hub. Thank you.


Hong Kong Bauhinia Magazine:


The plan for the Shenzhen park of the HTCZ proposes building special customs systems like the "Administration Divided by Sub-lines " system and clarifies the management positioning of the "first sub-line" area and "second sub-line" area. What specific measures has the GACC taken to better promote the orderly cross-border flow of innovation elements between Shenzhen and Hong Kong? Thanks.


Sun Yuning:


Thank you for your question and your interest in our work. According to the plan, we will implement the "Administration Divided by Sub-lines" management mechanism within the cooperation zone, which is the core of this plan. This is designed to streamline the cross-border movement of scientific research personnel, materials, and transportation methods between the Shenzhen and Hong Kong parks of the HTCZ. In accordance with the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, the GACC has been committed to actively supporting the construction of the HTCZ. The plan specifies that the Shenzhen park of the HTCZ will leverage the existing management facilities and conditions of the Shenzhen Futian Bonded Zone, and introduce a "whitelist" system for specific industries, institutions, and individuals. To further simplify the cross-border movement of individuals and commodities, we will implement both a port management system and a channel management system. These will be applied respectively in the "first sub-line" area (marking the boundary between the customs-supervised area and the Hong Kong SAR) and the "second sub-line" area (delineating the border between the customs-supervised area and the rest of the Chinese mainland).


The plan defines special supervision models of the Shenzhen park, and also puts forward higher requirements for customs work. Before the release of the plan, the GACC focused on promoting orderly cross-border flows of innovation factors between Shenzhen and Hong Kong and guided Shenzhen Customs to develop innovative ideas and models to actively support the construction of the cooperation zone. The work has mainly been carried out in the following aspects: first, we have strengthened information sharing and mutual recognition with relevant regulatory authorities, facilitated the cross-border passage of relevant science and innovation personnel and vehicles, and provided easy access to scientific research personnel and equipment to the cooperation zone. Second, we have continuously improved supervision models for customs oversight and supported the rapid production, research, and development of imported equipment, materials, and accessories of high-tech enterprises. Third, tailored policies for complete sets of equipment have been rolled out to simplify inspections.


In the next step, the GACC will focus on functional orientations of the HTCZ, hear the opinions and suggestions of all sectors, improve existing facilitation measures, continue to improve the business environment, and strengthen collaboration with relevant departments in accordance with requirements of the plan to ensure enhanced compliance oversight, opening-up, and smooth customs clearance.


Currently, the GACC is carrying out the Smart Customs Campaign, which has entered a critical stage. We will take supervision models of the Shenzhen section as an important application scenario for the construction of smart customs, carry out overall planning, and steadily advance. This will help promote orderly cross-border flows of innovation factors and contribute our wisdom and strength to building new heights of scientific and technological innovation and promoting the high-quality development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao GBA. Thank you.


Hong Kong Commercial Daily:


The HTCZ is the fourth cooperation platform deployed by the central government in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao GBA after those in Hengqin, Qianhai, and Nansha. How will Guangdong province strengthen overall planning and accelerate the implementation of the plan for the Shenzhen park of the HTCZ? Thank you.


Sun Zhiyang:


Your question involves Guangdong province, so I will answer it. First of all, thank you for the question. Guangdong province has firmly implemented the decisions and deployments of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the CPC Central Committee. Huang Kunming, secretary of the CPC Guangdong Provincial Committee, and Wang Weizhong, governor of Guangdong province, convened several meetings on studying and accelerating the construction of the HTCZ. Next, we will actively seize opportunities upon the release of the plan, focus on the central task of promoting international scientific and technological innovation in collaboration with Hong Kong, provide qualified resources, offer preferable conditions, build good platforms, and ensure the implementation of various tasks and targets. In my opinion, the work mainly involves three aspects:


First, we will launch campaigns to study, publicize, and implement the plan. We will strengthen organization and leadership and carefully plan province-wide promotion campaigns that combine the study of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speeches during his inspection in Guangdong and his important instructions. Meanwhile, we will also combine accelerating the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao GBA and the Shenzhen Pilot Demonstration Zone for Chinese Socialism and the three major cooperation platforms in Hengqin, Qianhai, and Nansha. We will build a clear understanding of the strategic deployment and intention of the CPC Central Committee, have a profound and accurate understanding of relevant principles and requirements, and concentrate on fully implementing the principles and requirements. We will closely follow, in both thought and action, the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and ensure that we advance all our initiatives in an effective and orderly way.


Second, we will accelerate the development of the high-standard implementation system. We will sort out relevant reform tasks, construction projects, policies, and measures outlined in the plan, quicken our steps in working out provincial-level key task lists and lists of responsibilities, do our work according to plans, schedules, and requirements, carry out dynamic and close-loop management, and faithfully implement the decisions and arrangements of the central government. Meanwhile, we will guide Shenzhen in accelerating the introduction of implementation plans and special plans related to space, scientific research, transportation, and so on, and actively make our efforts in delegating administrative powers of provinces and cities to lower levels to grant more autonomy in reforms to the cooperation zone. We will also strengthen coordination and communications with state ministries and commissions and make greater efforts to ensure that detailed rules and regulations of major policies related to "whitelists," line-division management, and fiscal and tax incentives can be implemented in Hetao as soon as possible.


Third, we will solidly advance the implementation of a number of landmark cooperation projects. We will take the initiative to enhance coordination in planning and infrastructure alignment with the Hong Kong park, jointly build a cluster of world-class scientific research and experimental facilities, accelerate the overall reconstruction of Huanggang Port and the continued transformation of the Futian Port area, and bring the Shenzhen branch of the Hong Kong Science Park into operation as soon as possible. With a focus on key research and development areas such as information, materials, life science and technology, we will actively introduce and deploy a number of advantageous disciplines and key research projects in universities of Hong Kong and Macao, support scientific research institutions in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao to jointly undertake major national and provincial science and technology special projects and key research and development plans, and jointly build a hub in the GBA for pilot-scale industrial testing and transformation. Efforts will be made to create a highly open international scientific research system environment, support the BRICS Institute of Future Networks and other international scientific and technological organizations to settle in Hetao, and create a scientific and technological cooperation platform that gathers global wisdom. Thank you.


China Daily:


Building an international scientific and technological innovation system and mechanism involves personnel entry and exit, cargo management, the cross-border flow of funds and data, as well as intellectual property protection, and many other fields that touch on deep-seated differences in the legal, institutional, and regulatory aspects between Shenzhen and Hong Kong. What specific arrangements has Shenzhen made in promoting the implementation? In addition, what key projects will be implemented on the Shenzhen side? Thank you.


Qin Weizhong:


Thank you for your questions. As this involves some of the earlier arrangements in Shenzhen and the subsequent key projects, I will answer these questions. The plan for the Shenzhen park of the HTCZ puts forward a set of clear requirements for building an international scientific and technological innovation system and mechanism. Next, with support and guidance from national ministries and commissions such as the NDRC, MOST and GACC, as well as the People's Government of Guangdong Province, we will fully implement the tasks outlined in the plan, continue to free our minds, innovate with courage and strive to accelerate the formation of a flexible, efficient and risk-controllable cross-border scientific and technological innovation system and mechanism. The GACC has just briefed us on the entry and exit of personnel and cargo. To put it simply, administration is divided by sub-lines in the customs supervision area of the Shenzhen park. In the first sub-line, the control of goods will be more flexible, while in the second sub-line control will be effectively implemented. And the goods enjoy free movements within the park. The purpose is to speed up the preparation and opening up of special cross-border ports in the cooperation zone. We have implemented "whitelist" filing management for scientific research institutions and enterprise exploration. In terms of the cross-border flow of scientific research funds, we have devised supportive policies to facilitate the cross-border flow of scientific research funds for enterprises in the Shenzhen park, promoted the establishment of an early-stage dual-currency Fund of Funds(FoF) and a series of sub-funds in the HTCZ, and directed more funding into the field of scientific and technological innovation. In terms of cross-border data flow, we have started construction of dedicated international data channels, and are exploring the construction of international information and communications facilities, including the Administration of International Communications Gateways . In terms of intellectual property protection, we will improve the intellectual property protection system to align with international standards, and build a whole-chain intellectual property protection system that expedites acceptance, authorization, confirmation and rights safeguarding in a timely manner. We are establishing a high-level scientific and technological achievements and intellectual property trading center. This trading center has already been established and is currently located at the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.


Regarding the major project developments that you inquired about, as I just introduced, this Thursday we will hold a contract signing activity for projects in the Shenzhen park of the HTCZ. We have also done some preparatory work in the early stage. Around 40 projects have been signed and are now moving in. In addition, as I also just mentioned, the Shenzhen branch of the Hong Kong Science Park will officially open. Next, we will also step up efforts to build a large number of sci-tech innovation and industry projects such as the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Comprehensive Service Center, the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Open Innovation Center, and the International Collaborative Innovation Zone. These efforts will bring together a cluster of Hong Kong and international key laboratory in advantageous disciplines, as well as high-level research centers and top enterprise R&D centers to create major synergy projects that support each other with the functions of the Hong Kong park and are closely related to the field. This will lift the development and construction of the HTCZ to a new level. Thank you.


Xinhua News Agency:


The plan puts forward that major issues related to the Shenzhen park should be addressed in a coordinated way under the leadership of the central leading group for coordinated regional development. Could you brief us on this central leading group? Furthermore, what is its connection with the leading group for the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao GBA? Thank you.


Guo Lanfeng:


I'll take these questions. You have noticed the difference, and this perceptive observation suggests that you have carefully reviewed the plan. Thank you for posing these questions.


As we know, since the 18th CPC National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping has personally made development plans, deployments, and decisions regarding major regional strategies. These include the well-known strategies like the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, the ecological conservation and high-quality development in the Yellow River basin, the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao GBA, and the Hainan Free Trade Port, to name just a few. After the 20th CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Committee decided to merge the leading groups responsible for these major strategies into one "central leading group for coordinated regional development." In my opinion, this move aims to ensure the Party's leadership over all endeavors and institutionalize and specify such leadership on regional economic development. The move also helps to make plans for these major regional strategies at a higher level, and with a strategic perspective and a holistic approach, and further coordinate key policies related to these strategies in a systemic manner.


The major function of this central leading group, which, of course, contains those of the leading group for the construction of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao GBA, is to examine key decisions, plans, policies, projects, and annual work arrangements related to major strategies. It will also coordinate efforts to address key issues and oversee the implementation of key tasks. Regarding major issues related to the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao GBA, we have also invited the chief executives of the Hong Kong and Macao SARs to participate. In the meantime, in accordance with major issues and tasks, we have also set up special work teams and inter-departmental joint meeting mechanisms under guidance of the central leading group in a bid to concentrate efforts and carry out specific tasks within defined timeframes. This concludes my response to your first question.


We have all attached great importance to the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao GBA, as it is one of China's three growth drivers, alongside the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and the Yangtze River Delta. General Secretary Xi Jinping has also recognized the significance of this strategy and has delivered a series of significant speeches and instructions accordingly. This year, during an inspection tour in Guangdong, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao GBA should be developed into a strategic hub for the new development pattern, a demonstration zone for high-quality development, and a pioneering area for Chinese modernization. This summarizes General Secretary Xi Jinping's guiding instructions on steering the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao GBA from a holistic and strategic perspective. This also adds new key dimensions to the area's development and sets additional higher requirements for all efforts.


The office of the leading group is set within the NDRC. Members of the leading group office will thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions and the decisions of the CPC Central Committee. In accordance with the arrangement of the leading group, the office will also collaborate with relevant parties, continue implementing major regional strategies such as that relating to the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao GBA, promptly solve difficulties and issues and make concrete efforts to develop the area into a strategic hub for the new development pattern, a demonstration zone for high-quality development, and a pioneering area for Chinese modernization. Thank you.




The HTCZ was under the principle of "one zone, two parks ," as it consists of Shenzhen park and Hong Kong park. As the plan for the Shenzhen park has already been issued, when will the plan for Hong Kong park be released? How will Hong Kong park synchronize its development, construction, and science and technological industrial chain with Shenzhen park? What influence will Shenzhen park's plan have on the other park? Thank you.


Chan Kwok-ki:


Thank you for your questions. The cooperation zone plays a crucial role in Hong Kong's future innovation and technology development. Abiding by the "one country, two systems" principle, the construction of the "one zone, two parks" enables Hong Kong to leverage its advantages of enjoying strong support from the motherland and remaining connected to the world, and helps Hong Kong contribute to the national strategy of building strength in science and technology. The Hong Kong SAR government promulgated the Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Development Blueprint last year to establish a clear development path and formulate systematic strategic planning for Hong Kong's innovation and technology (I&T) development over the next five to 10 years, charting Hong Kong in moving towards the vision of an international I&T center . The blueprint sets out strategies for enhancing the I&T ecosystem, actively integrating it into the national development agenda, and serving as a bridge between the Chinese mainland and the rest of the world . Considering Hong Kong's strategic advantages, the blueprint also suggests focusing on developing life and health scientific technology, artificial intelligence (AI), and data science, as well as advanced manufacturing, new energy technologies, and other industries.


To actively align with national development, the Hong Kong SAR government will make efforts to build the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park . At the same time, it will also actively explore other innovative growth models and accelerate the development of the San Tin Technopole in the Northern Metropolis to provide critical support for promoting the expansion of Hong Kong's science and technology industry.


Upon assuming office last year, Hong Kong SAR Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu prioritized the accelerated development of the Hong Kong park while also emphasizing the optimization of the park's functions. Currently, the first phase of land use planning and layout has been basically completed. The strategies and development directions set out in the Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Development Blueprint indicate that different sections will be dedicated to different industries. We will further advance the development of facilities in the park and release more details in the next few months.


To ensure alignment between Shenzhen park and Hong Kong park, close communication has been maintained between the joint task forces at the government level. Moreover, Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park 's board of directors, which includes members nominated by Shenzhen, has maintained close contact with its Shenzhen Park counterpart, especially on matters concerning park development and industrial chain arrangements. Such contact will continue moving forward.


The plan for the Shenzhen park is about the development orientation of intermediate tests between research achievements and their real-world applications . The plan highlights information technology, biomedicine, AI, and the digital economy, which align with the points set out in the blueprint and industries the Hong Kong park will focus on.


Hong Kong boasts the advantages of international influence and a solid I&T foundation. It's home to five of the world's top 100 universities and testing facilities accredited by both domestic and international institutions. It can pool the innovation resources of the GBA and the world at large. Furthermore, it can provide services in science and technology R&D, intellectual property trading, financing, legal mediation, and other services for the mainland.


Furthermore, a slew of measures favorable to Hong Kong's scientific and technological development have been issued over recent years, facilitating the effective flow of innovation factors between Hong Kong and the mainland. In March, the Hong Kong SAR government signed the Mainland and Hong Kong Arrangement on Accelerating the Development of Hong Kong into the International Innovation and Technology Centre with the MOST. This is a significant stride towards promoting the transformation of Hong Kong into an international I&T center. The Hong Kong SAR government will continue to work with the MOST and other ministries and commissions in policy formulation. This collaboration aims to foster enhanced exchanges between mainland and Hong Kong departments on issues like I&T policies and resources. The objective is to rationalize the policies and arrangements involved. Since personnel, research materials, and funding are important innovation resources, forging deep-rooted exchanges and collaborations is critically important.


In general, in the light of the development plan for the Shenzhen park, the Hong Kong SAR government will continue to maintain close contact and strengthen cooperation with the Shenzhen Municipal People's Government. Particularly, on the basis of the "one zone, two parks ," we will strive to implement measures to promote the cross-border flow of various innovation elements in the software field. This aims to bring together the advantages of both Shenzhen and Hong Kong in the cooperation zone to turn it into a bridgehead for deep cooperation in innovation and technology.


Nanfang Daily:


The plan clarifies that, by 2035, a pattern of collaborative innovation with the Hong Kong park will be fully established to create a world-class scientific research hub, which will strongly support the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao GBA international innovation and technology center and the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong science and technology innovation corridor . So, how will Guangdong province leverage the cooperation zone to promote in-depth cooperation between Guangdong and Hong Kong and better support the development of the GBA international innovation and technology center? Thank you.


Sun Zhiyang:


First of all, thank you for your question. I will take this question. As mentioned earlier in Mr. Guo's introduction, the HTCZ is currently the only major cooperation platform in the GBA with a focus on science and technology innovation. It also plays an important role within the spatial layout of the "two points, two corridors " of the GBA international innovation and technology center. The Shenzhen park and Hong Kong park are adjacent to each other, separated only by a river. The conditions for cross-border cooperation are particularly favorable, fostering a vibrant atmosphere for science and technology innovation. The potential for collaboration between the two parks is huge. Promoting the planning and construction of the HTCZ is beneficial for giving full play to the leading role of the cooperation platform. It is also conducive to building an innovation ecological chain that encompasses the entire process of "basic research + technological breakthroughs + achievement commercialization + scientific and technological finance + talent support." During this process, Guangdong will continue to focus on work in three aspects:


First, in terms of regional collaborative innovation, we will accelerate the establishment of a Shenzhen-Hong Kong pilot area for open cooperation in science and technology innovation. We will use the unique advantages of the Shenzhen park as a "platform" and a "channel," enhance the synergy with the planning of the Hong Kong park, strengthen the overall development and utilization of "one river, two banks " and "one zone, two parks," and jointly foster a number of major collaborative projects with mutually supportive functions and closely related fields. At the same time, we need to establish an efficient Shenzhen-Hong Kong collaborative mechanism for science and technology innovation, carry out high-level cooperation and efficient collaboration, and jointly participate in major international scientific programs and projects. Additionally, we also need to focus on global high-end innovation elements and resources and connect with international science and technology innovation networks. By working collaboratively, we aim to establish a new benchmark for Shenzhen-Hong Kong science and technology innovation cooperation and create an international hub for science and technology innovation.


Second, in terms of institutional and mechanism innovation, we will speed up the building of a pilot zone for international advanced science and technology innovation rules. Under this framework, we will introduce new rules. On the one hand, we will continue to improve the allocation of scientific research resources. In terms of scientific research project evaluation, research funding expenditure, and process management, we should learn from the advanced research management systems of Hong Kong and international sources. We will also speed up the establishment of a flexible, efficient, and risk-controllable cross-border science and technology innovation system and mechanism. In addition, we will promote the implementation of policies such as "line-division customs management " and "whitelists," build a highly open special supervision system, and promote the efficient and convenient cross-border flow of personnel, materials, technology, and data. Furthermore, we will establish an internationally competitive mechanism for attracting talented personnel and creating an international innovative talent port.  


Third, in terms of industrial technology innovation, we will accelerate the development of the intermediate testing and industrial transformation cluster in the GBA. We will continue to adhere to the "four orientations," focus on conducting cutting-edge basic research and original innovation, making breakthroughs in core technologies in key areas, building a world-class intermediate testing service platform, and accelerating efforts to yield a series of science and technology achievements with great leveraging and driving force. In addition, we will strengthen the principal role of enterprises in science and technology innovation and foster more innovative enterprises with independent intellectual property rights and core competitiveness. We will also constantly improve the transformation and industrial application of science and technology achievements, and inject strong impetus into the construction of a modern industrial system with high-quality science and technology supply at the source.


Thank you.


Shou Xiaoli:


Thanks to all the speakers and friends from the media. That's all for today's press conference.

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