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天之聪网校整理 2023-11-06 2710次



Section 1: English-Chinese Translation (50 points)

Translate the following two passages into Chinese.

Passage One

Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world. Providing women and girls with equal access to education, health care, decent work, and representation in political and economic decision-making processes will fuel sustainable economies and benefit societies and humanity at large. Therefore, gender equality and women’s empowerment are one of the overarching priorities of UNESCO.

This is a strategy for making women’s as well as men’s concerns and experiences an integral dimension of the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies and programmes in all political, economic and societal spheres so that women and men benefit equally and inequality is not perpetuated. The ultimate goal is to achieve gender equality.

Increasing attention is being placed on gender equality issues globally, buoyed by several legal and normative instruments, conventions and declarations. Chief among these are the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. The latter, which was the outcome of the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women, in 1995, emphasizes the key role of media to promote gender equality in all spheres; all stake-holders are called to join forces to combat “stereotyping of women and inequality in women’s access to and participation in all communication systems, especially in the media”. UNESCO’s commitment and strategy to this end is pursued through a two-fold approach: (i) gender-specific programming and (ii) taking gender-focused actions in all of UNESCO’s fields of work.

UNESCO’s Communication and Information Sector has fully embraced this commitment and has engaged globally in a wide range of gender-specific initiatives across its divisions and main actions. Equality between women and men working in the media, and equality in news reporting on women and men, are of equal importance and are being stridently pursued. In cooperation with the International Federation of Journalists and many other partners, UNESCO has adopted this global framework of Gender-Sensitive Indicators for Media (GSIM). These indicators have been developed to enable effective assessment of related development in the media.

In order to further enrich the GSIM resource, and as a fundamental step for its completion, a second round of consultation was carried out online with UNESCO media partners globally. Broadcasting and print associations contributed comments, suggestions and insights to further enhance the document. The consultation with these associations was essential because it enables UNESCO to embed into the GSIM the perspectives of these key partners. This enables us to stress that use of the GSIM is not an attempt to limit freedom of expression and the independence of media, but to voluntarily enrich these underlying characteristics.  UNESCO is confident that, if fully implemented, the GSIM will produce an impact in both qualitative and quantitative terms.

Passage Two

When rainfall is measured in feet, not inches, we are witnessing climate change bearing down on us. Catastrophic destruction tied to the Atlantic hurricane season, monsoon rains in Mumbai, and downpours in Niger are just a few of the many extreme weather events that are being intensified by global warming. While the rise of a few degrees in temperature may not be enough for a person to run a fever, that change is enough to radically impact the earth’s climate. By way of comparison, the earth was once rendered largely uninhabitable by a one to two-degree Celsius drop in temperature—an era now referred to as the Little Ice Age. In response to the threat posed by global climate change, most nations have committed to significant mitigation efforts, through the Paris Agreement, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

But will these collective efforts be enough? Some scientists are trying another approach, exploring new tools to deliberately alter the global climate system. These discrete and diverse technologies are often grouped under the all-encompassing and poorly defined rubric of “climate engineering” or “geoengineering.” These radically different approaches aim to either halt the process of global warming by removing greenhouse gases from the atmosphere or to counteract warming already under way.

The problem is, while several tools seem to be gaining ground in computer models, laboratories, and even real-world experiments, public discussion has not kept pace with their advancement. To date, there has been too little transparency and international dialogue around the progress, feasibility, risks and benefits of these efforts. Climate engineering and current mitigation and adaptation efforts are not mutually exclusive. Experts generally agree that these new technological approaches alone are unlikely to provide adequate protection from the dangers posed by rising global temperatures.

In 1965, the Science Advisory Committee raised concerns about manmade climate change and warned that “man is unwittingly conducting a vast geophysical experiment.” More than 50 years later, the field of climate engineering remains largely unknown, especially to policymakers and the public.

There are real risks to using or rejecting climate engineering. While it is tempting to be for or against climate engineering, what decision makers need to do now is to gather scientific facts and ask as many questions as possible about what the deployment of these technologies might mean for individuals, societies, nations and regions.

Section 2: Chinese-English Translation  (50 points)

Translate the following two passages into English.

Passage One

琴心和小核桃是两个出生在2016年的“萌妹子”。在卧龙国家级自然保护区(National Nature Reserve)进行了两年的野化培训后,2018年12月27日,它们在龙溪-虹口国家级自然保护区被放归。当时两只熊猫接受了体检,它们的生长发育和各项生理指标均正常。



Passage Two


生态环境问题本质上是高资源消耗、高污染排放的经济发展方式造成的。所以我们必须提高资源开发利用效率,减少资源消耗,并将生态文明(ecological conservation)的要求融入到经济建设中,加快形成节约资源和保护环境的产业结构、生产方式、生活方式。我们要加快建立健全五大生态文明体系,即生态文化体系、生态经济体系、目标责任体系、生态文明制度体系和生态安全体系等。这些体系的建立有助于我们从根本上解决生态环境问题。


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