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新华网&CGTN 2024-03-05 124次


全国政协十四届二次会议副秘书长 邹加怡


Ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, good afternoon. The press conference of the 2nd session of the 14th CPC National Committee now begins. A spokesperson is a Mr Liu Jie, deputy Secretary General and a spokesperson of the 2nd session of the 14th CPPC National Committee. I am Zojiai, deputy Secretary General of the 2nd session of the 14th CPPC National Committee. I will be moderating today s press conference. On the further left, it's mr Zhoubeichuan, director of the Information department of the CPC National Committee. He will help take questions from the floor. I now invite Mr Lu Jie to brief you on the arrangements of the 2nd session of the 14th CPC National Committee, and then open the floor for questions.


Ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media. Good afternoon. Thank you for covering the 2nd session of the 14th CPC National committee. It is such a pleasure to see you all. I was told that over 3000 Chinese and foreign journalists have applied to cover this year s two sessions. Thank you for your interest in the CPPC session. The press service team of the Secretariat is ready to support your work.


2023 is the 1st year to fully implement the guiding principles of the 20th Party Congress. And also when the 14 CPC National Committee began discharging its duties over the past year, guided by Xi Jinping, thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for the new era, and keenly aware of the significance of two establishings, the CPPC has enhanced consciousness on four fronts, increased confidence in four aspects, and delivered on the two upholds. We've earnestly acted on the decisions of the CPC Central Committee, leveraged our role as the specialized consultative institution, and carried out in depth research, consultation and democratic oversight. All our work has gotten off to a good start, with new contributions to the cause of the party and the country.


This year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People s Republic of China and the founding of the CPPCC. The success of these years session is of great importance, entrusted by the secretary. I will brief you on this is agenda. The 2nd session of the 14 CPC National Committee will open at 03:00 p.m. tomorrow at the Great Hall of the People and close on the morning of March the 10th, lasting six days. The agenda items include to hear and deliberate on the work report of descending committee of the CPPC National Committee, and report on proposals to sit in on the 2nd session of the 14th National People Congress to here and deliberate on the government work report and other related reports, to deliberate and adopt the political resolution on the 2nd session of the 14th CPC National Committee, the resolution on the work report of the standing committee, the resolution on proposals since the 1st session of the 14 CPC National Committee, and the report on the review of proposals for the 2nd session of deforting the cyppcs in National Committee. The session will summarize last year's work of the National Committee and make plans for this year. The CPPC will carry forward. Is fine tradition. Uphold its political responsibilities, focus on the central and overall tasks. Enhance theoretical and political guidance. Vigorously, make recommendations, build consensus, strengthen capacity building and open up new facts for its work in the new era.


During the session, there will be opening and closing meetings and to conference addresses. Joint group meetings and multiple sector specific meetings will be held at the hotels where members are staying. Some sectors will each hold one conservative meeting. The opening and closing meetings will be open to foreign envoys in China.


The preparations have now been completed according to relevant arrangements. In addition to today s press conference, there will be three CPPC members passage interview events. Weve set up virtual interview rooms at the hotels where the members are staying. A press service team and staff based at the hotels will be ready to help you. Please follow the press center of the CPPC official website for relevant arrangements, documents and other information of the session. You are most welcome to cover the session through interviews on site, online, by video link or by phone.


Now, I'm ready to take your questions on this year s session, and CPPC s work will open the floor for questions.



THEQA session will last about an hour. Please identify your media outlet of asking your questions, and please ask no more than one question. The floor is now open.



The 14 cppc C National Committee started performing duty last year to better harness its role as a specialized consultative body. What has the National Committee done in breaking new ground, enhancing quality and effectiveness and strengthening capacity building? What are the highlights? Thank you.



Thank you for your question. 2023 is the 1st year for the 14 CPPCS National Committee to discharge its duties under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee. With Comrade Xi Jinping at his call, guided by Xi Jinping thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for the new era, The National Committee delivered on the guiding principles of the 20th Party Congress and the 2nd plan of the 20 CPC Central Committee, as they committed to unity and democracy, to the nature of the cppc C and to advancing our work in light of the larger priorities of the party and the country. By breaking new ground and forging ahead in unity, we have gotten off to a good start.


1st upholding CPC S leadership of the CPC s work on all France. The CPPC is an organization for the Chinese People s Patriotic United Front, an important CPC led institute for multi party cooperation and political consultation, and an important channel and specialized conservative institution for socialist conservative democracy. Keenly aware of the political nature of the CPC system and organization, we have state committed to the CPC s leadership. Throughout our work in planning, discharge of duties and capacity building, we have made it our primary political responsibility to act on General Secretary Sees instructions and decisions of the CPC Central Committee. We have improved the inspection mechanism and revealed our implementation of the important instructions of General Secretary C and the important documents of the CPC Central Committee on the cpc's work since the 18th Party Congress, to make sure that they are all implemented in letter and in spirit, with putting place the top agenda item system when meetings of the leading Party members group and of the chairperson s council or made their top agenda item to study the latest remarks by General Secretary c and the decisions of the CPC Central Committee, and work out ways to implement those decisions, e.g. on studying and delivering guiding principles of the National Conference on Equal environment Protection. Central Financial Work Conference and the Central Economic Work Conference. Over 60 work plans were formulated. The system of seeking instructions and submitting reports has been strictly enforced to ensure the CPCS all round systemic and holistic leadership of the cppc.


2ND, enhancing the man s political competence and capacity to deliver. The National Committee has taken xi Jinping thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for the new era. As the overall guide made solid progress in the theme education campaign and cemented the theoretical political foundation. We've carried out regular political training and reading activities for greater theoretical studies, study sessions for new members, for directors of special committees and on specific subjects, were held to study and deliver xi Jinping thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for the new era, and the principles of the th Party Congress and General Secretary is important thinking on promoting the parties united front in the new era, and on strengthening the work of the cppc C. Weve improved the members's reading program, which enhanced their political competence, knowledge and capacity to deliver and make recommendations through their reading and exchanges, we've wrote out opinions on improving the in theoretical research and deepened research on major theoretical and practical issues, which spurred further learning. Through intense training and regular theoretical studies, the members have gained a deep sense of the tremendous strength of xi Jinping thought or socialism with Chinese characteristics. For the new era. They have put what they learned into practice, fully acted on General Secretary she Is important remarks and the decisions of the CPC Central committee translated their theoretical studies into greater competence for political consultation, democratic oversight and participation in state affairs.


3rd making recommendations for Chinese modernization. To help achieve Chinese modernization, consultative activities were held on such topics as fostering a new development paradigm, implementing the innovation driven development strategy, fully advancing rural revitalization, improving the environment of the private sector, building a beautiful China, promoting the Chinese civilizations influence and improving the political system supporting childbirth. Many suggestions and proposals have become policies for economic and social development. We stressed the fundamental role of research in supporting consultation, and carried out a hundred and 38 research and inspection activities, e.g. to ensure a successful subject specific meeting of the Standing Committee on fostering a new development paradigm and promoting Chinese modernization. We conducted eight specific studies on advancing high quality development of the private sector and high standard opening up before the meeting, which eventually produced over 160 interventions. We have set up a subject specific research system where special research teams led by Vice CPPC chairpersons, conduct in depth research and make proposals on important subjects, such as development of the Yangtze River economic belt and treatment of new pollutants.


4th improving the institutions, standards and procedures of the CPPC. The National Committee earnestly delivered on the decisions of went to the Party Congress on improving the CPPC institutions, standards and procedures, formulated and abandoned and amended. 87 working mechanisms in training, research, consultation, inspection exchanges, media messaging, reading programs for the members and capacity building. We have acted on General Secretary seize emphasis on the importance of knowing the cpp's role of consultation and the deliberation of compliance with discipline and rules. End of integrity. We have enhanced members competence and conduct so as to ensure more concrete and effective discharge of duties and fend off pointless formalities and bureaucratism. We ve set up the members contact mechanism to provide better service to them, to build the CPPC into a stronger political institution. We've held a seminar of CPCC bodies and eleven seminars of CPC officials advocated the pursuit of excellence in our work, ensured sound education and management of our teams, and worked to build a model institution recognized by the party and people and enabled better discharge of duties by the National Committee.


Over the past year, the 14th CPPC National Committee has earnestly fulfilled its duties, building on the gains by the previous national committees, we have made new progress and contributed to the cause of the party and the country. Tomorrow, chairman Wang Ping will deliver a detailed work report on the standing committee of the CPPC National Committee. You're most welcome to follow the event. Thank you.



Over the past year, the CPC National Committee contributed to Chinese modernization through high quality consultation and recommendations, which are the key events of consultation and deliberation. How does the National Committee plan to advance its work this year to better serve the overall development of the country? Thank you.



Thank you for your question. The National Committee focused on Chinese modernization and the central work of the party and the country in the new era. We conducted high quality research as the basis of performing our duty. We engaged in in depth consultation and deliberation and contributed our share to Chinese organization with high quality advice.


On the economic front, we held subject based meetings of the standing committee on building a new development paradigm for Chinese modernization, improving side tech innovation system to implement the innovation driven development strategy and other topics. We made recommendations on expanding domestic demand, building modern industrial system, advancing high stand opening up and implementing major decisions in the CYTAC area. Through bi weekly consultations, we discussed and gave targeted advice on high quality development of smes R and D of core agricultural breeding resources, and ensuring food security with high standard arable land.


We held quarterly symposium on macro economy..On the political front, we had consultations on handling proposals relating to developing consultative democracy in all respects, actively enhancing democracy at the grass root level, consolidating and developing the most extensive patriotic United front, and improving the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics to ensure sustained progress.We had consultations and made proposals on ethic and religious affairs and on Hong Kong Taiwan and foreign related issues.


On a cultural front, we had index consultations on enhancing Chinese civilizations, appeal and influence, moving faster to build digital museums, to preserve China s fine traditional culture, and promoting the study of the origin of the Chinese civilization and the transformation and publicity of its outcome. We provided recommendations on how the Chinese culture can further go global, and how to boost cultural self confidence.


On the social front, we deliberated on topics that the public has great interest in, including integrating development of urban and rural areas and rural revitalization, putting in place a policy system supporting childbirth, increasing quality medical resources and their balanced distribution, and accelerating elderly oriented adaptation.


We contributed to addressing these challenges and followed a people centered development approach on ecological conservation. We focused on stepping up equal environment protection and building a beautiful China, building a recycling system of resources of new energy industries at a faster pace, and establishing a value realization mechanism of equal products, among others, contributing our wisdom to building a beautiful China.


This year, the CPC National Committee will continue to focus on the goals of Chinese modernization and perform our duty in alignment with the CPC Central committee s major decisions, major national strategies and key issues in development. In January, we had by weekly consultation on promoting high quality development and finance. We will hold subject based meetings at the Sending Committee, special consultation meetings by weekly consultation meetings and tele consultations on building highly developed socialist market economy system underpinning Chinese modernization with high quality development of population and other topics.As a specialized consultative body, we will make new and greater contribution to building a great, modern, socialist country and advancing the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through Chinese modernization.



We have noted that China recorded a 5.2% year on year GDP growth last year, beating the targets set for the whole year, and achieving high quality development..We are also seeing, recently, leading indicators have engaged the economy performance. It indicates resilience and vigor of the Chinese economy. However, there are still views that China s recovery is facing headwinds. How do you see it? What has the CPPC done in boosting China s economic development? Thank you. Thank you.



Over the past few days, many CPCC members from different parts of China came to Beijing for this session, and we shared are views with each other that tourism and consumption boom during the Spring festival was quite notable. Many cities, including Harbin, known as a snow resort, and the ancient city of Kashgar, attracted many tourists. According to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, during the eight day holiday, 474000000 trips were made by tourists, up by 34.3 %. The total travel expenditure reached 632.687 ¥8000000000, up by 7047 .3 %. There was a major increase in both the number of tourists and the money is spent, hitting a record high. This shows that people s demand for a better life entails huge consumption potential and serves as a strong driving force for economic development.


CPPC members follow the economy closely, and the economy has been a priority in our consultation and deliberation. Members or believe that over the past year, under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee, with Comrade Xi Jinping at its call, we withdrew external pressures and conquered difficulties from within the economy, sold a recovery, with major targets of economic and social development accomplished and solid games in high quality development. We have made solid steps forward in building a modern, socialist country in all respects. Going forward, chinese economy enjoys strong resilience, huge potential and great vitality. We have a good foundation and favorable conditions to promote high quality development. The momentum for long term growth will further consolidate with a bright future.


Focusing on Chinese modernization, the National Committee has conducted consultations and deliberations on macro economy and important economy issues, making concrete and effective efforts to promote economic development.


1st, we studied and followed closely the economic situation and provided reference for science based and democratic decision making. The National Committee focused on the growth target of the year and invited members and experts for seminars to analyze economic indicators and understand changes in economic development. We made targeted advice on stepping up and improving macro adjustment, and produced special reports. We held quarterly symposium Economy and had index discussions on study economic cooperation, fiscal, monetary and employment policies and economic issues in a spotlight, providing suggestions on stabilizing market expectations and boosting confidence for development.


2nd Our efforts were centered on the country's priority and people's concerns, and contributed to high quality development. E.g. we held by weekly consultations on promoting high quality development of finance and promoting steady and sound development of the real estate market. We made proposals on for stalling and diffusing risks and stabilizing market sentiments. We reported information on qualitatively new productive forces and high quality development, which were valued or adopted by relevant departments.


3RD Our research was problem oriented to help solve difficulties, blocking points and challenges in economic development. We carried out special research on high quality development of the private sector, digital transformation of smes and resilient and secure industrial and supply chains, among others, and applied our research outcomes in various forms to address risks facing small and medium sized financial institutions. We visited some small and medium banks, invited companies to exchange views, and made high quality erence for implementing the spirit of the central financial work. We conducted democratic oversight research on improving business environment for foreign investors to help ensure that policies for a better environment to attract more foreign investment were delivered.


This year, the National Committee will continue to contribute to economic recovery, engage in consultation and deliberation in various forms on important issues of the economy, actively make suggestions and build the consensus across sectors, thus contributing to high quality development.



consultative democracy is an important pathway to delivering whole process people s democracy. What has the CPC done on this? As a specialized consultative body? Thank you.



Thank you for your question. The CPPC is an important way to advocate socialist democracy and practice who process people's democracy in china's political life, and an important channel and specialized conservative body for socialist conservative democracy. National Committee has acted on the important remarks of General Secretary c and 20th Party Congress on whole process. People s democracy. Diversified forms of consultation. Enhance this quality, made the most of the conservative oversight and advanced lected in political consultation, democratic oversight and participation in state affairs.


1st we diversified the forms of consultation. We have improved the structure of consultation, led by national committee planners, with subject specific meetings of the standing committee and special conservative meetings as important components. By weekly consultations remote conservative sessions. Consultations on proposals by different sectors, with party and government departments, with experts and on major issues are held regularly. By increasing the frequency of consultations and a scope of participation, we have enhanced the Caalibur and representation of Sypopuccity members. Since last year, session, 94 consultations have been held, which involved 5087 participants and 1602 interventions lecting the views and suggestions of the public.


2nd, we enhance the quality of consultation. We have made the consultation more in depth and more problem oriented, selected topics based on the country's fundamental interests and people's concerns, and made consultations more targeted. Stressing that research become before consultation. We have made in depth research the basis of high quality consultation, encouraged the members to go to the communities and people for various forms of research. A lot of the research delved deep into the communities and countryside for firsthand information from the residents and farmers. Some research stayed focused on one subject, with annual reviews conducted to facilitate follow up. We ve also turned our research into concrete results by submitting such reports as cppc's information and CPPC research, so that our recommendations can truly contribute to state governance.


3rd, we made the most of conservative oversight. With formulated opinions on strengthening and improving democratic oversight. Carried out special democratic oversight on the key issues in implementing the 14th five year plan. Produced special oversight reports and helped implement the decisions of the CPC Central Committee. E.g., the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Affairs conducted oversight on strengthening rural sewage treatment for livable and beautiful countryside. Its main suggestions were adopted by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment. It has also contributed to the opinions on promoting rural domestic sewage treatment.



4th We advanced institution building. We have put in place different kinds of institutions, standards, steps and rules according to the different forms of consultation. Improved the mechanism for proposing topics, organizing activities, adopting it all comes and giving feedbacks, and created an interconnected operation process of reasonable procedures. Views and proposals were pulled through standardized institutional arrangements to enable science based and democratic decision making and support the role of the CPPC as a specialized consultative institution. The cppc C will continue to act on the decisions of the CPC Central Committee, to promote whole process people s democracy, build a stronger, specialized consultative body, strengthen the system of extensive discussions, make more positive contributions to whole process, people s democracy and ensuring people are the masters of the country.



Market News International Every year, employment raises. Concerns young people and recent graduates are facing strong competition in the job market. At the same time, some companies are reporting difficulties with regard to recruitment, especially for skilled labor. How can the CPPC improve the employment situation? Do you have any comments or insight on this matter?



Thank you for your question. Employment matters to everyone..Employment of the young people, especially the fresh graduates, is of great interest to the people. The CPC Central Committee and the State Council have put employment front and center and have taken a host of specific steps. The various localities and departments have taken multiple measures to stabilize and expand the job market in 2023. Funding provided by governments at all levels to directly support jobs and startups exceeded ¥300000000000. Targeted measures were taken to support jobs for college graduates and urban and rural residents living in difficulties. Altogether, 12.44 million new urban jobs were added last year. This is a hard one result. It also laid a solid foundation for providing sound policies in support of employment and sustaining the good momentum in the job market. The National Committee has worked to help stabilize and promote employment.


The CPCC members and relevant departments conducted in depth research on promoting high quality employment, analyzed trends in the job market, and put forth targeted proposals for promoting jobs and entrepreneurship for college graduates, strengthening institution safeguard for flexible employment, spurring job creation through digital economy and fostering a more equal job market. And a lot of targeted and vision of proposals have been made on all the France, 91 proposals have been made, a lot of which were adopted as policies by party and government bodies to resolve problems on the ground regarding the difficulties facing both the fresh graduates and employers.


Targeted proposals for an interconnected mechanism between universities and industries to help university graduates. Fine jobs were put forth and adopted by competent authority, contributing to the implementation of relevant policies Through the program of serving the people. Some CPCC members have engaged in the initiative to bring their businesses to the campus and helped the students with counseling and career planning, and provided internship and job opportunities for the students based on the needs of the companies.


Contributing to the implementation of employment policies in response to structural difficulties in both job seeking and hiring, both, such as the shortage of skilled workers. The CPPCC members have worked with representatives of relevant sectors and departments on subjects, including setting up an incentive mechanism for workers with innovative skills, held conservative seminars and offered recommendations for improving which distribution mechanism for skilled talents, enhancing the training of such talents, enforcing the tiered system of vocational skills and fostering high standard vocational education.


In 2024, the National Committee will take further steps on stabilizing and expanding employment, e.g. conduct research on improving the system in support of a stable employment of college graduates, and have consultations on improving the lifelong vocational skills training system to resolve structural job issues, thus contributing our share to implementing the employment 1st policy and improving people s well being.



China, put forward the concept of building a community with the shared future for mankind, educate a go And since then has carried out successful practice of jointly building the Belt and Road Initiative. E.g., china Pakistan Economic Corridor, a pilot project of Belt and Road Initiative, has changed socioeconomic landscape in Pakistan. What were has cpp CC National Committee done in this regard in the past year? And what are the plans for 20 Wonderful. Thank you.



Last year marked the 10th anniversary of both the vision of a community with a shared future for mankind and the Belt and Road Initiative, put forth by General Secretary Seating King. The past decade has shown that building a community with the shared future for mankind is consistent with the trends of human progress and the interests of all peoples.


It has charged the course for a world at a crossroads, and has been widely recognized as an important platform for building a community with a shared future for mankind. High quality built and road corporation has provided great opportunities for partner countries in achieving common development and improving people's well being.


And notable progress has been made, just as you mentioned in your question, as an important pioneering project of the Bri Sea Pack has brought tangible benefits to Pakistan s development and regional connectivity. Examples abound, e.g. the Puraf Support. It's now the largest port of the Mediterranean Sea. After cooperating with Chinese companies, many tourists take the China allows railway for cross border tourism, turning Laos from a landlocked country into a land link to one The Jakarta bent on high speed rail has led the Indonesian people into the era of high speed rail. Livelihood projects help people in Africa, asia, south Pacific, latin America and the Caribbean to get access electricity and drinking water, improve health care infrastructure and reduce rural poverty. In the past decade, the Chinese government signed 240 plus cooperation documents with over 150 countries and 30 international organizations, which led to many corporation projects, making BRI the largest international cooperation platform, and creating broad prospects for high quality built and road cooperation.


To build consensus for a community with a short future for mankind is the focus of CPC national committee s external work. The CPPC has coordinated public people to people and think tank diplomacy. In the past year, we interacted with over 200 agencies from 50 countries, both new connections with 41 foreign think tanks and twelve social groups. Invited diplomatic envoys and senior visiting scholars to the cpc C, established the 14th CPPC China Africa Friendship Group, supported the China Economic and Social Forum by China Economic and Social Council on building a community with a shared future for mankind, featuring openness, development and civilization to promote the outcomes of the 3rd BRF.


Among the diplomats invited to the CPPC, one ambassador said that in a world of unprecedented changes, we need bridges, not walls. We need more understanding and creation, not estrangement or confrontation. The BRI is a bridge for mutual benefit. Indeed, more peoples in different countries have benefited from policy, infrastructure, trade, financial and people to people connectivity through high quality belt and road corporation, and realized that a community with a shared future for mankind provides not just an idea, but also tangible results. The CPCC National Committee also hosted by weekly consultation meetings on building a high quality new international lancy trade corridor, conducted theoretical research on building a community with a shared future for mankind.


Is a vivid example for integrating Marxism with Chinas realities and its traditional culture, and on the relevance and significance of belt and Road Corporation carried out in depth research on and provided suggestions for green and sustainable development, and unity and cooperation between China and other countries, and thus contributing to high quality built in road cooperation and a building community with a shared future for mankind.


In 2024, the CPPC will continue to seek steady progress in great new ground, carry out extensive and indepth foreign exchanges to make more and more good friends, so that the world will know both China and the CPPC National Committee well. Contributing to building a community with a shared future for mankind.



Since the implementation of policies that allow northbound travel for Hong Kong and car vehicles, there has been a substantial increase in the number of passenger vehicles traveling into the mainland through the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macau Bridge. Traveling to the mainland for consumption has become trendy among Hong Kong and Macau residents. The 1 h Living Circle in the Greater Bay Area is quickly taking shape. My question is, what has the CPC National Committee done in promoting integration and coordinated development of the Greater Bay Area? Thank you.



Before answering your question, I'd like to 1st share with you some numbers. During this spring festival, about 2.52 million trips were made by mainland residents to Hong Kong and Macau. And around 2.49 million trips were made by Hong Kong and Macau residents to the mainland. The Hong Kong drew him a cowbridge port saw a record passenger and vehicle volume. These numbers show vividly how residents of Hong Kong Macau and the mainland are visiting each other, and the easy travel, closer exchanges and robust economy of the Guangdong. Hong Kong Macau Greater Bay Area.


The spring football is a golden period for Hong Kong and Macau residents to travel and visit families and friends in the mainland. Thanks to the policy of Northbond travel from macal and Hong Kong vehicles, it was easier for people from Hong Kong and Macau to travel to the mainland. Families can drought can drive to the mainland for celebrations like the flower market, new Year shopping and family and friend reunion to fill the hustle and bustle during the festival, mainland tourists went to Hong Kong and Macau for fireworks show, float parade and other celebrations. According to Hong Kong Tourism Association, 80% of hotel rooms in Hong Kong were taken during the Chinese New Year. In the Great Bay Area, line dance is a popular New Year activity. This year, lion dance teams from Hong Kong and Macau came to zhuhai and danced a Bay Area line together with the Drew High Line Dance Team. In carrying forward the traditions, residents of the Great Bay Area developed a stronger bond of affinity and promoted the integrated development of the area.


Among members of the 14th CPC National Committee, over 230 are from Hong Kong and Macau. Convenient road networks and efficient customer services have enabled an 1 h S life circle in the Greater Bay Area, making their life and work easier. One of them traveling from Hong Kong to Guangzhou and Shenzhen during the holiday. Rightly described the areas development with the idiom 1000 MI in a day. The Greater Bay Area is a significant national strategy that General Secretary is inping personally plan and.


And promoted on 18th February. Five years ago, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued the outline development plan for the Greater Bay Area. Over the past five years, it has become one of the most open regions with the most robust economy in China. Last April, during his inspection in Guangdong, general Secretary Zinping pointed out that the Greater Bay Area should be a strategic forkrom of the new development paradigm and play an exemplary role in high quality development and a leading role in Chinese modernization. Now, the economic output of the area has succeeded ¥13000000000000. Its patent capacity ranks the top among the four bay areas of the world, making it one of the most promising growth poles in the world.


The CPPC National Committee always follows closely economic and social development of Hong Kong and Macau, as well as the Great Bay Area as a whole. We have engaged in consultation and deliberation on the area in various forms. Over the year. Members have made suggestions on accelerating market integration, improving compliance system of cross border flow of financial data, promoting industrial digitalization and establishing a human resource sharing mechanism across the region. This is aimed at promoting index integration and coordinated development of the area. Members from Hong Kong and Macau conducted research in Guangdong, especially corporation platforms such as Hunting, chen Hai and Nansha, to promote the implementation of the development plan. The National Committee will continue to research on topics, including how to leverage the role of Hong Kong with Macau in building a new system of high standard open economy to enhance infrastructure connectivity, rules and systems alignment and people s bond.


The National Committee has vigorously carried out democratic oversight. In this regard, we included the implementation of the Greater Bay Area s development plan and suggestions into the five year plan of the Democratic Oversight. On the 14th five year plan, since 2021, we have sent delegations and research groups to the area for oversight through inspection and meetings, and presented reports to implement the development plan.


During these two sessions, you're welcome to communicate with members from Hong Kong and Macau to see how the two scrs are contributing to the Greater Bay Area and the country s development. We also invite you to visit the area and see for yourselves.



Last year, the central government rode out a raft of policy measures to support the private sector. What progress has been made thus far? What has the CPC National Committee done in promoting high quality development of the private sector? Thank you.



The private sector is an important force promoting Chinese modernization and important foundation for high quality development. It plays an important role in promoting innovation, creating jobs and delivering a better life to our people. The CPC Central Committee attaches great importance to the development of the private sector and stays committed to the two unswervings. Last July, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued the guideline on boosting the growth of the private economy. Local governments and departments rode out supporting policy measures. Accordingly, these have provided a better environment and stronger legal guarantee for the private sector, promoting high quality development of the private economy and healthy development of entrepreneurs.


Many CPPC National Committee members are from the private sector. They have 1st and information and understand how the market is doing. They actively relay people s opinion on private sectors development, and participate in relevant research consultation and deliberation.


They also provide suggestions on the healthy development of the sector and on creating an enabling business environment. Over the past year, they felt that policies promoting development the private sector have addressed real problems and challenges, giving them stronger confidence. As the overall economy is steadily improving, private businesses expect a promising future, and there is much they can accomplish. The National Committee has been following closely the private sector, and it has been a tradition for the CPC to facilitate a thriving private sector. Last year, the National Committee conducted special research a high quality development of the sector. We stayed problem oriented, worked with local CPPC and relevant departments, law Firm, chamber of Commerce and entrepreneurs to pin down the difficulties that private companies faced, including sme financing and access to cytic innovation resources, and made proposals on building an equitable production protection mechanism for private companies. We explored a building a platform for coordinated development of soes and private companies. We invited members from both types of companies to conduct joint research and to see what they have to offer each other to help private companies enhance competitiveness and propel their development and growth. Members made many suggestions on improving business environment for private companies and guiding them in their development, contributing to the introduction of relevant supporting policies.


Earlier this year, at the Macro Economist Symposium held by the CPPC State Council, departments listened to suggestions and communicated with CPCC members. They covered topics including top concerns of private companies and healthy development of the private sector. The National Committee will conduct democratic oversight inspection on improving environment for the private sector, and hold briefings on key concerns, including delayed payments to companies, so as to boost the confidence of these companies and serve the private sector.



How with the cpp CC paper? This year marks the 75th anniversary of the CPPC. What role has the CPPC played over the past 75 years? What will be the focus of its work this year? Thank you.



This year marks the 75th anniversary of both the New China and the CPPC. The CPC has played important roles in every historical period throughout its glorious journey of 75 years. In september 1949, the 1st Plenum of the CPC exercised the functions and powers of the National People s Congress, which made full preparations for the founding of New China. After the 1st MPC session in 1954, the CPCC continued to engage extensively in China s political and social activities and friendly interactions with other countries, and made great contributions. Since the 3rd PM of the 11th CPC Central Committee in 1978, the CPPC has been earnestly implementing the party's theories, principles and apologies, mobilizing all positive factors and rallying all forces that can be rallied. Our efforts have contributed a lot to reform. An opening up and socialist modernization.


Socialism with Chinese characteristics, is in a new era. The CPC Central Committee, with Cumbridge Xi Jinping at its core, has laid out major plans for our work. The CPPC National Committee has implemented xi Jinping thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for new era state, true to its nature, fulfilled its role as a specialized conservative body, acted on the five sphere integrated plan. And the £4 comprehensive strategy focused on high quality development and committed itself to the two centenary goals and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on all fronts. Through Chinese modernization, we ve made new contributions to the work and development of the party and the country.




Thank you for the interest of time. Now will take the last question



Last year, the CPPC National Committee initiated a program that has enabled its members to better serve the people. It is widely acclaimed by the people. Could you please share with us the progress made through this program? Thank you.



Stay committed to fulfilling duties in the interests of the country and the people. Members must help provide urgently needed assistance, reduce poverty, clear up misunderstandings, allay grievances and address people s concerns in the sectors they represent. These are what General Secretary Sittingping has entrusted our members to do. The CPPC has implemented this important requirement, Promoted people centered development, committed itself to serving the people, and initiated the series of events for that purpose. Over the past year, we carried out about 2500 such events, actively responded to people s concerns, public opinions, soft most pressing difficulties, and build broad consensus. During the process, we translate the wisdom drawn from the people into concrete actions.


1st, we focused on hot economic and social issues and took practical steps to help people solve problems. E.g. we visited local areas and enterprises to really look into their problems and employment recruitment financing for private companies and helped solve these difficulties. We deeply engaged with people and came up with suggestions and concrete measures for protecting black soil, establishing recycling systems for renewables to boost people s confidence in career advances.


2nd, we focused on small key matters to be accessible to the people, e.g. we helped people in old, revolutionary basis and underdeveloped areas solve problems including lack of development, fund, market information and scientific and technical support. We provided targeted assistance for them. We also worked for people s well being by inviting companies led by CPPC members to campuses and organizing health care, sports, cultural and SNT events at the classroom level.


Last year, eleven CPPC members visited ten cities in four provinces and hosted 28 science lectures on life, science, the mysteries of universe, quantum theories, nano medicine and so on. They explained profound theories with simple language and were very well received. Some students said the CPCC members have made difficult knowledge simple and interesting. Some young scientists said the devotion of scientists members of the cppc C has made me more determined in pursuing my own career in science. Lectures by these members not only promoted science knowledge, but also the spirit of pursuing truth in science, which contributed to improving scientific literacy in China.


3rd we focused on explaining policies and building broad consensus with matters about national development and concerns of our people in mind are members, visited local areas and communities, engaged deeply with people at groceros level, and shared with them the latest achievements of adapting Marxism to the Chinese context and the needs of our times, the major policies and plans of our party and country, and explained the policies and measures to people from all walks of life. Members from Hong Kong and Macau visited more than 300 schools in the region, and shared with the traditional Chinese culture and the development and changes of the mainland. These events helped boost confidence and enhance our common intellectual foundation.


In 2024, the CPPC National committee will continue to focus on major decisions and plans of the CPC and the country, and the concerns of people. Carry on with the program of serving the people, to solve problems and bring tangible benefits for people. Play an active role in improving people s sense of ownership, happiness and security.



This is and of today's press conference. Thank you. MR Leo, thank you. Friends for media. Thank you. Interpreter This is the end of the press conference. See you next time.

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