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WSJ 2012-11-22 WSJ 774次

Cease-Fire Reached In Gaza

Israel and Hamas agreed to halt eight days of hostilities in a cease-fire that was intended to take effect late Wednesday─a deadline that passed with jubilation in the Gaza Strip, fresh reports of rockets aimed at Israel, and relief tempered by skepticism among many Israelis over whether the truce would hold.
埃及外交部长奥马尔(Mohammed Kamel Amr)在开罗宣布停火协议时说,以色列和控制着加沙地带的巴勒斯坦军事和政治组织哈马斯同意在当地时间周三晚上9点停火。这一消息为一轮紧张的国际外交行动划上了句号。此前,美国国务卿希拉里(Hillary Clinton)曾飞抵该地区,为结束以色列和巴勒斯坦在加沙地带超过一周的武装冲突的努力提供支持。
In a deal announced in Cairo, Egypt Foreign Minister Mohammed Kamel Amr said Israel and Hamas, the Palestinian militant and political group that rules the Gaza Strip, had agreed to cease hostilities at 9 p.m. local time on Wednesday. That capped a furious round of international diplomacy that saw U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton fly to the region to support efforts to end more than a week of fighting between Israel and Palestinians in Gaza.

The deal calls for Israel to stop all hostilities in the territory and for all Palestinian factions to stop attacks from the territory, according to a terse text distributed after the announcement. It comes after days of Egyptian mediation between Israelis and the Gaza Strip's Hamas leadership, and calls on Egypt to be the truce's guarantor.

But several analysts characterized the deal as little more than an understanding that leaves many thorny questions unanswered. It leaves open, for example, a core demand by Hamas that Israel lift its blockade of the Gaza Strip and open border crossings. Such issues would be dealt with after the cease-fire has held for 24 hours, the text says.
特拉维夫大学(Tel Aviv University)战略研究所研究员、前军事规划师布罗姆(shlomo brom)说:这个停火协议最终会像其他所有停火协议一样瓦解,但问题是这会在多长时间后发生,是几个月还是几年。如果是几年,那么这仍是一个巨大的成功。问题是哈马斯受到的打击是否强大到使其不敢不同意停火协议。我们现在还不知道答案。
'Eventually it will collapse like every cease-fire collapses, but the question is how much time it will take for that to happen─a few months or a few years. If it's a few years, it will be a big success,'' said Shlomo Brom, a fellow at Tel Aviv University's Institute for Strategic Studies and a former military planner. 'The issue is whether the blow Hamas got is strong enough to deter from not complying with the cease-fire. We don't know yet.''

在发表证实该协议的电台讲话时,以色列总理内塔尼亚胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)显然意在回应那些要求对哈马斯采取更加强硬路线的人。上周,以色列对哈马斯的火箭弹袭击进行了报复,通过持续一天的袭击摧毁了几个火箭弹发射地点,并打死了哈马斯的最高军事指挥官,双方冲突就此爆发。
In a radio address confirming the deal, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appeared to speak to those who had called for a harder line against Hamas. The conflict had exploded last week when Israel retaliated against Hamas rocket attacks, launching a day of strikes that knocked out several rocket-launch sites and killed Hamas's top military commander.

'It's worthwhile to give a chance to the cease-fire, and that's to try to calm the situation, and to allow Israeli citizens to return to their routine lives,'' said Mr. Netanyahu.

'I understand that there are civilians who expected a more severe military response,' he said. His address, which came less than 30 minutes before the cease-fire was to have taken hold, was cut off by a radio announcer sounding an alert of incoming rockets.

An Israeli police spokesman said Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip launched 12 rockets into Israel during the hour after a cease-fire was announced, Reuters reported, saying they had caused no damage.

根据巴勒斯坦国有通讯社Ma'an报道,随着统治加沙地带的哈马斯和以色列的冲突进入第八天,共有170名巴勒斯坦人遇难,超过1,000人受伤。就在宣布停火协议时,以色列的导弹袭击还导致两名巴勒斯坦人遇难。头天晚上,有七、八枚以色列导弹袭击了哈马斯内政部所在的Abu Khadra办公大楼。
The eighth day of fighting between Hamas, which governs the Gaza Strip, and Israel yielded a total death toll of 170 Palestinians with over 1,000 injured, according to Ma'an, the official Palestinian state news agency. Among the last were two Palestinians killed by Israeli missiles just as the cease-fire was announced. Overnight, 7 or 8 Israeli missiles leveled the Abu Khadra office compound, which houses the Hamas Interior Ministry.

哈马斯领导人马沙尔(Khaled Meshaal)对周三的结果表示欢迎。
Hamas's leader, Khaled Meshaal, hailed Wednesday's outcome.

'They aimed to deter our people but they failed because free people can't be deterred,' he said in Cairo. 'This is a round that will follow by more rounds; the victory brings victory and the defeat brings defeat, and Israel has been defeated in Gaza twice.'

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