US shale oil boom underscores Opec financial divide
Ask two Opec oil ministers about the US shale oil revolution and you are likely to get opposing answers.
In a speech last month, Ali Naimi, Saudi oil minister and de facto leader of the producers’ cartel, went out of his way to welcome increased US oil production. But barely a fortnight later, Diezani Alison-Madueke, his Nigerian counterpart, said the shale oil revolution was “one of the most serious threats” for the group.
在近期的一次讲话中,沙特石油部长阿里•纳伊米(Ali Naimi)郑重表示,乐见美国石油产量增加。纳伊米也是OPEC这个产油国卡特尔组织事实上的领导。不到两周之后,尼日利亚石油部长马杜艾克(Diezani Alison-Madueke)却表示,页岩油革命对于OPEC来说是“最严重的威胁之一”。
This week as Opec, which produces roughly 40 per cent of oil, gathers for its twice-yearly meeting in Vienna, to discuss the health of the oil market. “There is a divide in Opec between the relatively comfortable Gulf producers and the rest,” says Neil Atkinson, director of consultancy Datamonitor Energy.
近日,OPEC在维也纳召开半年一次的会议,讨论石油市场形势。该组织的石油产量大约占全球产量的40%。咨询机构Datamonitor Energy的尼尔•阿特金森(Neil Atkinson)说:“在OPEC中,相对富有的海湾产油国和其他国家之间存在差异。”
The US, the world’s largest oil consumer, imported less than 3m barrels of Opec crude oil a day in February, the first time since January 1994, according to US government data. But, as the shale boom shrinks the US import market, Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states are suffering less than others in Opec, in particular Nigeria and Angola.
While US refiners are replacing low-sulphur west African crude oil with similar high-quality US shale oil, there is no obvious replacement for high-sulphur, viscous Saudi crude. Saudi Arabia also has the advantage of a physical presence in the US. As the co-owner of several large refineries, it has some influence.
The result? Saudi Arabian oil exports to the US last year averaged 1.35m b/d, the highest since the financial crisis of 2008. Meanwhile Nigeria and Angola exported a combined 0.6m b/d to the US in 2012, the lowest in 25 years.
Mr Naimi, on his arrival in Vienna this week, said the current environment was the “best” for the oil market. “Supplies are plentiful, demand is great,” he said.
The uneven impact of the shale revolution is intensifying an existing financial divide within Opec that has in the past soured relations between the haves and have-nots of the group.
While Gulf states with large financial reserves have some capacity to withstand lower oil prices, countries such as Nigeria rely on strong oil revenues to make ends meet. PFC Energy, a Washington-based consultancy, estimates that Nigeria needs an average of $87 per barrel to fund its import bill in 2013. Angola needs $94 per barrel. Saudi Arabia, by contrast, needs just under $70 a barrel, while Brent, the global oil benchmark, is hovering a little above $100 a barrel.
有着巨额财政储备的海湾国家有一定能力应对油价下跌,但诸如尼日利亚这类国家就依赖大量的石油收入来取得收支平衡。华盛顿咨询机构PFC Energy估测,2013年,在平均油价为每桶87美元的情况下,尼日利亚的石油收入能够覆盖其进口支出。对安哥拉来说,达到收支平衡则需要油价维持在每桶94美元。相比之下,沙特则只需要每桶70美元。目前国际基准油价——布伦特原油价格徘徊在略高于每桶100美元的水平。
Ms Alison-Madueke warned that US shale oil could reduce African oil revenues by 25 per cent, crippling the economies of several Opec members.
With demand for oil from fast-growing Asian economies still increasing, the problem for Nigeria and Angola is not so much finding buyers, but agreeing sale terms. US and European refineries tended to buy west African oil in long-term deals but, as those contracts expire, more oil will have to be sold on the spot market, where it will have to be priced competitively against other supplies of crude.
Miswin Mahesh, oil analyst at Barclays, says Indian refiners are bargain hunters. “They will jump in to Nigerian when the differentials to Brent are attractive . . . It does not offer long-term support in the same way as term buying.”
巴克莱(Barclays)石油分析师米思文•马赫什(Miswin Mahesh)指出,印度炼油厂喜欢买便宜货。“如果尼日利亚原油与布伦特原油的差价有吸引力,他们就会赶紧购买……这种方式不能像签订长期购买合同那样提供长期支持。”
India this month replaced the US as the leading destination for Nigerian crude exports for the first time, while China is also buying more Nigerian oil.
But Gulf states also have an advantage over other Opec members in the Asian market owing to the size of production, reliability, and easy access to the Indian Ocean.
Yet tensions over US shale are unlikely to spill into the open in Vienna this week. While Saudi Arabia may have maintained its market in the US, it has also been the only Opec member to voluntarily reduce output to balance supply and demand. Nigeria and Angola, on the other hand, have been producing as much as possible to maximise revenues, limiting the demands those countries can place on others.
But a reckoning appears inevitable, particularly if growth in demand slows. “Opec will delay confronting the problem for as long as it can,” says Robin Mills, head of Manaar Energy, a Dubai-based consultancy. “But the enormity of the implications of US shale is now beginning to dawn on members.”
但冲击似乎是不可避免的,特别是如果需求增长放缓的话。迪拜咨询机构Manaar Energy的负责人罗宾•米尔斯(Robin Mills)说:“OPEC将尽可能地拖延面对问题,但美国页岩油对成员国的巨大影响现在开始显示出端倪了。”