天之聪教育 2014-08-26 网络 439次
The battle for Hong Kong’s political heart will come to a head this week when a delegation visits China’s legislature to outline a framework for universal suffrage in the territory.
A dozen Hong Kong delegates – a much higher number than have attended previous talks – will sit in on discussions by Beijing’s National People’s Congress on how the former British colony will elect its top politician in 2017.
In the past, only two or three Hong Kong delegates have attended such NPC standing committee meetings when issues regarding the territory have been discussed.
However, of the dozen delegates – who include -several members of the pro-democracy party – only one person from Hong Kong will be allowed to vote in the NPC meeting.
Ding Xueliang, an expert on Chinese politics and professor at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, said the attendance of the Hong Kong delegation at the NPC meeting was “symbolic rather than substantial”.
香港科技大学(Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)教授、中国政治问题专家丁学良表示,香港代表团出席全国人大常委会会议是“象征性的,而非实质性的。”
“The framework for universal suffrage has already been laid and Beijing has reiterated that anyone whom Beijing doesn’t trust won’t become a candidate,” he said.
“Beijing won’t agree to popular nominations because once it becomes a mechanism, things will be out of Beijing’s control.”
Political tensions in the city were exacerbated by the release this year of Beijing’s white paper on the “one country, two systems” policy, which stated that the freedoms enjoyed in the city were a privilege granted by China rather than an automatic right.
The document heightened concerns driven by what some see as Beijing’s tightening grip on the city, polarising Hong Kong and prompting tit-for-tat protests between pro-establishment and pro-democracy groups.
“We want to send out a warning signal to everyone, including to the chief executive [Leung Chun-ying], that without universal suffrage Hong Kong may get into a kind of ungovernable state,” said Benny Tai Yiu-ting, founder of universal suffrage campaign group Occupy Central and a law academic at the University of Hong Kong.
“我们希望向每个人,包括行政长官(梁振英),发出一个警告信号:如果没有普选,香港可能进入一种无法管治的状态,”普选活动组织“占领中环”(Occupy Central,简称“占中”)创始人、香港大学(University of Hong Kong)法律系副教授戴耀廷(Benny Tai Yiu-ting)表示。
“He may be in bigger trouble if there is no universal suffrage.”
For much of the city’s summer of political discontent, Occupy Central grabbed most of the headlines but the pro-Beijing movement has also staged its own protest, similarly clogging the city’s streets and heightening the territory’s tensions.
“We don’t want people to resort to violence,” said Robert Chow Yung, spokesman for the pro-Beijing Alliance for Peace and Democracy movement. “Universal suffrage doesn’t have to go through riots.”
“我们不希望人们诉诸暴力,”亲北京的“保普选、反占中大联盟”(Alliance for Peace and Democracy)发言人周融(Robert Chow Yung)表示。“普选不必经过骚乱。”
The discontent has spread to the city’s legal profession, whose representative body last week in effect forced the resignation of its pro-Beijing president.
国新办&CGTN 2025-01-06 14:49:40
Greetings to everybody! Time flies fast, and the new year will be with us shortly. I extend my best wishes to you all from Beijing.
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