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天之聪教育 2012-09-25 天之聪教育 844次





词类转换是笔译时经常提及的方法,在同传中更为常用。如果说词类转换是笔译时可供选择的手段,在同传中则是同传必不可少手段。例如:My delegation will show flexibility in the consultations on the program of work.笔译时既可译为“我国代表团在工作计划的磋商中将表现出灵活性”,也可以转换词类,译为“我国代表团将灵活地磋商工作计划”。在同传中如果采取前者,必定要将全句听完后再开始译,会造成翻译过度滞后,影响下一句的理解与表达;如果不适当地转换词类,开口就说出“我国代表团将表现出灵活性”,则往下接续就不大容易;如果采取后种译法,则可以紧跟原文顺序,作到几乎与原文同步结束,为下一句争取了宝贵的时间。从这个意义上讲,词类转换对同传更为重要。请看其它例句:

(1)   The multinational force is a concrete translation of the will of the international community that aggression stands to lose and that the use of force avails nothing but destruction.多国部队切实反映了国际社会的意愿,即侵略注定要失败,使用武力只能招致毁灭。(名词→动词)(笔译还可译为“……是国际社会意愿的切实反映……”)

(2)   The commitment to the free market has found its most forceful expression in the decision of the ASEAN leaders to establish an ASEAN Free Trade Area through the steady reduction and eventual elimination of trade barriers within ASEAN.对自由市场的承诺最有力地表现在东盟领导人决定建立东盟自由贸易区,办法是逐步削减并最终消除东盟内部的贸易壁垒。(名词→动词)(另请注意状语through…译法)

其它如将to be the clear indicators of 译为“清楚地表明”;将to be clear evidence of 译为“清楚地证明”;将to generate the impetus译为“推动”等。


(3)   International order rests upon scrupulous observance, in letter and spirit, of the fundamental principles of non-use of force or threat of force. 国际秩序的基础是严格遵守、不折不扣地遵守不使用武力或和不以武力相威胁的根本原则。(动词→名词)

(4)   We should help in ways which are mutually beneficial to both developing and developed countries.我们援助的方法同时有利于发展中国家和发达国家。(动词→名词,形容词→动词)


But at the same time, many doubts have been raised about the capacity of the UN system to cope.可是同时,人们也提出了很多疑问:联合国系统究竟有多大的应付能力。


(1)  The economic freedom was provided by breaking up large concentration of power.经济自由的获得是因为打破了高度集中的权力。

(2)Many of these problems can be addressed by improving the rural land system.其中很多问题的解决,要靠改善农村的土地制度。(或……要得到解决,必须改善……)

(3)       The Philippine economy is ruled no longer by the tyranny of excessive regulation or of corporate monopoly but by the invigorating regime of market forces and free competition.菲律宾的经济已不再遭受过度管制或公司垄断,而是充满了市场力量和自由竞争机制的活力。(形象化的语言可以只译主要意思)

(4)  Hence, democratization must be accompanied by sustained efforts to further the cause of human dignity and freedom. 因此,搞民主化的同时必须不断努力推进促进人类尊严和自由的事业。





(1)    This has been a major engine of economic growth comparable to the earlier experiences in South East Asian neighboring countries.这大大带动了经济增长,类似于东南亚各国早期的发展历程

(2)   Our foreign secretary on one occasion spelt out our objectives in terms of three quite simple principles which I think are still true.我们的外务大臣有一次清楚地讲述了我们的目标,它包括三项简单的原则,我想现在还适用。


(3)     We should look for policies which help and do not harm our neighbors.我们应当寻求各种政策,使之帮助而非损害我们的邻国

(4)   Unlike other economies, we do not have the luxury of opening an exchange which will grow and change as the economy grows.不象其它经济体,我们不可能开办一个证交所,使之随着经济的发展而发展变化。(另请注意加点部分的译法,原文形象丢失)

(5)    It is true that liberalization of foreign exchange controls is required, but promotion of the entry of foreign capital which matches national policies is also required.不错,放松外汇管制是必要的,但促进外资流入,使之配合国家政策,也是必要的。

3、  译为“如果”、“只要”

(6)    I believe that the history of economic development since the War demonstrates that those political systems which provide maximum freedom for the private sector and which have encouraged, rather than restricted, trade and development have done best.我相信,战后经济发展史表明,政治体制只要最大限度地给予私有部门自由,只要鼓励,而非限制贸易与投资,便是最为成功的。

4、  重复中心词

(7)    As in the past, so also in the future, Pakistan will extend its whole-hearted co-operation to all other states in common efforts aimed realizing the ideals that inspired the establishment of UN. 如同过去一样,在未来,巴基斯坦将与其它国家全心合作,共同努力,实现这种理想,这种激励联合国成立的理想

(8)    The sanctions regime which the Security Council Imposed on Iraq actually has no parallel in the history of the United Nations.这一制裁体制,联合国对伊拉克的制裁体制,在联合国的历史上是前所未有的。

(9)   As a matter of fact, the Security Council Committee established by resolution 661(1990) to oversee the strict implementation of the sanctions regime has not to date reported any violations of the sanctions.事实上,安理会委员会,即依照661(1990)号决议成立,用以监督严格实施制裁体制的委员会,迄今为止还没有报道过违反制裁的情况。


(10)A fifth weakness related to the conditions under which foreign financial institutions operate in the Peoples Republic of China. 第五个弱点是外国金融机构在中国运作的条件

(11)The way in which this crisis will be resolved will therefore definitely affect the nature and future of international economic and political relations.如何解决这次危机将毫无疑问地影响到国际政治经济关系的性质和未来


(12) At the conclusion of the Paris Summit last week, a momentous declaration marked the end of the cold war, an era in contemporary history characterized mainly by ideological and military confrontation between the two competing blocks.巴黎首脑会议上周结束时产生了一份重大宣言,它标志着冷战的结束。当代历史上的这一时代曾充满了意识形态和军事对抗,它发生在两个竞争的集团之间。

(13) Assistance is also needed for the million and half refugees in Pakistan who are still unable to return to their homeland, pending the creation of conducive economic and political conditions. 还需要提供援助,帮助一百五十万阿富汗难民。他们被困在巴基斯坦,不能返回自己的家园,因为那里还缺乏有利的政治经济条件。(另请注意本句照顾到语序根据意思作的添加)

6、    译为插入成分

(14) It is not being reported in the press, but many Iraqi and foreign ships sailing to and from Iraqi and Kuwaiti ports are being stopped and searched on the high seas or at nearby ports in order to ascertain that no violations of the sanctions are taking place.报纸上没有报道,但有很多伊拉克和外国船只──它们来往于伊拉克和科威特港口──受到了拦截和搜查,以确保没有违反制裁的情况发生。

7、  加动词,变为汉语的目的状语

(15) The sixth weakness that I like to highlight relates to the lack of a well developed regulatory and supervisory framework for banks and non-bank institutions.我想指出的第六个弱点是缺乏发育完善的监管机制,来监督与管理银行和非银行金融机构

(16)   Work on the development of a common code and operating procedure for all personnel servicing under the UN flag should be brought to an early conclusion.制定一套行为准则和行动程序,以指导所有联合国人员,这一工作应当早日结束。(另请注意将work留待稍后译出;flag的形象丢失)

8、  译为“比如说”,表示列举

(17) But while the opportunities for cooperation have never been greater, the challenges to the international community posed by regional conflicts, humanitarian crisis and unresolved transnational problems have also never been greater.虽然合作的机会从来没有这么大,但国际社会面临的挑战,比如说地区冲突、人道主义危机和悬而未决的跨国问题,也从来没有这么大过。





1、  译为欧化句式

(1)    Frankly, ideas and goods will travel around the globe with or without our help.坦率地讲,思想和商品将会在全球流通,不管有没有我们的帮助。

(2)    People of the same trade seldom meet together even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public or some contrivance to raise price. 同行很少相聚,哪怕是为了娱乐和消遣。可是一旦相聚,结果总是阴谋对付百姓,或想方设法提价。

(3)   People who for years have been denied their pasts, have began searching for their own identities, often through peaceful and constructive means, occasionally through factionalism and blood shed. 多年来,有些民族的历史被否定,但他们现在已经开始寻找自我,通常以和平和建设性方式,偶尔也诉诸宗派主义和流血。

(4)  The American people were shocked by these events. We were greatly surprised to learn of our diminished economic and military strength; we were demoralized by the treatment of our hostages in Iran; and we were outraged by the harsh attacks on the United States in the United Nations.美国人民对这些事件感到震惊。我们感到十分惊奇,因为我们得知自己的经济、军事力量在缩小;我们士气低沉,因为我们的人质在伊朗受到如此的待遇;我们义愤填膺,因为我们在联合国遭受大肆攻击。(by短语较短时可以逆向翻译,如第一句)


2、  重复被修饰部分(与定语类似)

(5)    Everyone was optimistic, because everything had changed----it appeared for the better----since I first attended a session of the General Assembly at the height of the cold war back in the 1950s.人人都感到乐观,因为一切都发生了变化──似乎变好了──自从我第一次参加联大、在冷战高峰期50年代参加联大以来,一切都变了

(6)     We were all affected, positively and negatively, by developments beyond our borders.我们都受到了影响,或积极影响或消极影响,都受到了边界之外事态发展的影响。

3、  借用书面语句式

(6)     In the changing world today, with problems increasing both in number and in dimension, human society in general ----and small countries in particular----are placing special hope on the United Nations.在不断变化的当今世界上,各种问题在数量和范围上都在增加,整个人类社会,尤其是小国,特别寄希望于联合国

4、  独立成句

(7)Special Economic Zones could become instrumental in stimulating such centers of excellence through favorable policies that would attract them to the Zones.经济特区可以帮助创立这样的龙头地区,办法是通过优惠政策,将它们吸引到特区来

(8)It has been 16 years since I first stayed in this district of Beijing on my first visit when I stayed at the friendship hotel. 十六年前,我第一次来到北京这个地区,那是我初次访华,当时住在友谊宾馆。


(9)Since China has already undertaken the wise decision to invest the equivalent of one trillion US dollars into the infrastructural development of especially the inner regions during the next three years as a key component to overcome unemployment… 因为中国已经明智地决定投资一万亿美圆兴建基础设施、特别是内地的基础设施──在未来三年中──作为克服失业的重要手段……






(1)   We must also improve our capacity to act, to respond firmly and positively to events before they deteriorate into crises.  我们应当改善行动能力以便坚决有效地对各种事件作出反应,防止其恶化成危机。

(2)   We will consider the recommendations before we make amendments.我们审议提案,然后再作修正。

(3)   The decision was taken only after the most serious consideration and careful weighing of the implications.作出这一决定之前,我们极为严肃地考虑并慎重地权衡了利弊。

(4)   Today many countries find themselves fighting internal wars as desperate and real as the traditional wars between nation states.今天,很多国家都在打内战,其疯狂与真实程度不亚于传统的民族国家之间的战争。

(5) No nation or group of nations can gain by pushing its claims beyond the limits that sustain world economic growth. 任何国家或国家集团要想获益,它的索求都不能超出维持世界经济增长的极限。(反话正译) 

(6)    Can we then tolerate such a blatant challenge for any extended period of time, especially in a region which is so highly sensitive, where the expectations for security and stability call for special consideration?我们决不能容忍这种公然挑战,不管它时间有多长,特别是在这样高度敏感的地区,那里人们对安全和稳定的期望要求我们给予特别关注。(为了简便,反问句可以译为陈述句;状语for…扩展成句后置;后置定语which…较短,改为前置;状语从句where…独立成句)

(7)    It is still early enough to reexamine our experience with the United Nations.现在还来得及重新审查一下我们与联合国打交道的经验。(其它类似的句型如It is true that…不错,的确,诚然;It is wrong that…不应该;It is right that…  应该;It is time that…现在应当;等)

(8)    It will do so at a time when hopes for, and expectations of, the United Nations have never been greater.它这样做的时候,正值人们对联合国的希望和期望达到最高之际

(9)   That is the alternative to a catastrophic and unpredictable military confrontation in an inflammable region of the world.这样才能避免一场灾难性的、不堪设想的军事冲突在这个易燃战火的地区发生。

(10)   First there is the question of the amount of time at our disposal.首先是我们有多少时间可以支配。(抽象变为具体)

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