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WSJ 2013-02-19 WSJ 395次

Not a Shred of Face: China Reacts to North Korean Nuke Test

金正恩(Kim Jong Eun)是在故意让中国难堪吗?
Is Kim Jong Eun deliberately trying to insult China?

这是周二朝鲜进行核试验后,盘旋在一些中国人脑海里的问题。这次核试验让“隐士王国”(Hermit Kingdom)朝鲜最亲密的盟友中国也感到不安。
That was the question on the minds of some Chinese following a nuclear test in North Korea on Tuesday that left even the Hermit Kingdom's closest ally feeling flustered.

中国外交部对于朝鲜的核试验很不高兴,在一份声明中对此表示“强烈反对”,尽管朝鲜中央通讯社(Korean Central News Agency)保证说,以安全、完美的方式进行了核试验。
China's Foreign Ministry was none to pleased at the test, announcing in a statement that it was 'strongly opposed' to it ( in Chinese) -- this despite assurances from North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) that the test was carried out in 'safe and perfect manner.'

China's Internet users were less restrained, with many openly questioning the value of Beijing's support for Pyongyang. They seemed particularly incensed at the timing: North Korea conducted the test in the middle of China's Lunar New Year holiday - a choice some interpreted as an unforgivable slight.

以下是中国网友在新浪公司(Sina Corp.)旗下微博平台上对此事的一些初步反应:
Here is a sampling of some of the early responses on Sina Corp.'s Weibo microblogging service:

' Every Chinese person with a conscience right now is asking the question: Why do we support North Korea?' -- Si Weijiang, Shanghai-based lawyer

' North Korea lights off nuclear fireworks to ring in the new year. If China continues to tolerate this thug nation, we will lose big.' -- Yao Bo, social commentator

香港凤凰卫视(Phoenix Satellite TV)采访总监闾丘露薇(Rose Luqiu)说:朝鲜核试,一点没给中国面子。考虑制裁措施时,中国不需要再为小弟考虑了吧?毕竟核试对中国有影响吧,比如会有核辐射吗?有监测数据吗?对边境居民会有影响吗?
' This North Korean nuclear test doesn't give China a shred of face. When it comes to sanctions, surely China can stop worrying about little brother now, right? After all, this test has an impact on China. For example, the nuclear radiation: Is there surveillance data? Did this affect people living in the border region?' -- Rose Luqiu, executive news editor at Hong Kong's Phoenix Satellite TV

中国带有民族主义色彩的小报《环球时报》(Global Times)主编胡锡进说:朝鲜刚刚发生“人造地震”,很可能是核试验。朝鲜走在错误的路上。它的人民在为国家的错误付出代价。朝鲜政权应当反思。
' This 'man-made earthquake' in North Korea is very likely a nuclear test. North Korea is walking down the wrong path. Its people are paying the price for their nation's mistakes. North Korean authorities should think this through.' -- Hu Xijin, editor of nationalist-leaning tabloid Global Times

' We respond positively to the ascendance of Fatty Kim the Third, we continue to offer our support, we put on a stern expression and offer a serious warning and in the end they don't give us any face at all. Shooting off the first bomb of the new year, and so close to the border. If North Korea has nuclear weapons, the bitterest loser is 'Old Big Brother' China.' -- Lian Peng, newspaper columnist

军事专栏作者宋晓军说:半岛无核化的谈判是否要改了?1. 朝鲜去核;2. 美国撤销对韩国的延伸性核保护;3. 美国从韩国撤军;4. 朝韩双方签署永久和平协议,为建设联邦制统一国家奠定基础。布热津斯基N年前在《大棋局》中就预测过这个结果对美国亚洲利益的影响。
' Maybe the Korean denuclearization negotiations should be changed: 1) North Korea gives up its nukes; 2) the U.S. ceases extending nuclear protection to South Korea; 3) the U.S. military leaves South Korea; 4) the two Koreas sign a lasting peace agreement to lay the foundations for a unified country. Years ago in 'The Grand Chessboard,' [Zbigniew] Brzezinksi wrote about how this endgame would affect the interests of the U.S. and Asia.' -- Song Xiaojun, military affairs columnist

' The mess on the Korean peninsula is the final legacy of the Cold War. This is the last gasp of the Socialist camp, and it has everything to do with that war in the 1950s. So if you really want to solve this craziness, you have to start from that war. You have to get all the parties to the war -- the UN, the U.S., China, the Soviet Union (Russia), North and South Korea -- to return to what happened and take responsibility for their own roles. Then you can do right by the people on the peninsula, return stability to northeast Asia and bring calm to the world.' -- Ma Yong, historian

' Everyone has different opinions about that period of history (the Korean War), but you can't forget the spirit of the volunteers. Now Kim the Third's nuclear tests have cast a cloud over this region once again. So many lives spent and for what?' -- Yu Haiqing, IT executive。
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