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天之聪教育 2020-03-02 国新办 2765次


Xi Yanchun:


Friends from the media, good afternoon. Welcome to the press conference held by the State Council Information Office in Wuhan, Hubei province. Today, we have invited Mr. Ma Xiaowei, a member of the Central Guidance Team in Hubei, and minister of the National Health Commission (NHC); Mr. Yu Xuejun, a member of the Central Guidance Team in Hubei, and vice-minister of the NHC; Mr. Liang Wannian, head of the Chinese Expert Panel on COVID-19 Outbreak Response and Disposal of the NHC; and Ms. Jiao Yahui, deputy director of the Bureau of Medical Administration of the NHC. They will introduce the progress being made by the Central Guidance Team in organizing and guiding works related to epidemic control and medical rescue. Later, they will answer your questions.


First, I'll give the floor to Mr. Ma Xiaowei.


Ma Xiaowei:


Friends from the media, good afternoon. The COVID-19 outbreak is a major public health emergency recognized as having spread fastest, caused the most extensive infection and proved the hardest to contain since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) has attached great importance to the situation. General Secretary Xi Jinping is personally leading, commanding and deploying all available forces in the battle against COVID-19 outbreak. Premier Li Keqiang has inspected the control and prevention work in Wuhan. Entrusted by General Secretary Xi Jinping and the CPC Central Committee, Vice Premier Sun Chunlan has been leading the Central Guidance Team in Wuhan since Jan. 27 to resolutely implement the decisions and deployments of the CPC Central Committee, giving top priority to epidemic prevention and control and medical treatment for everyone who becomes ill. The Central Guidance Team has conducted in-depth analysis and research accordingly throughout the decision-making process. Based on the goal of improving patient admission and recovery rates, as well as reducing infection and mortality rates, the Central Guidance Team in Hubei has made important decisions and deployments in this regard, providing strong and comprehensive guidance in regard to the prevention and control work in Wuhan city and Hubei province in general, which is now showing a growing positive trend.  


In order to deal with the spread of the virus among all the communities, the Central Guidance Team urged the local authorities to carry out community-based screening and improve the capacity of the nucleic acid test for confirming the illness. Four categories of people are involved in the screening, including confirmed COVID-19 patients, suspected ones, people who have had close contact with the former two, and patients with common fever. Almost 1,000 personnel from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention and relevant institutions across the country have been sent to Wuhan to conduct epidemiological investigation and carry out disease prevention and control. A total of 13 expert panels have been established on-site in Wuhan to provide guidance and conduct quick assessment accordingly. With the support from the central government, local authorities and the third-party institutions, three mobile P3 laboratories were also dispatched to the epicenter. We have organized personnel from relevant institutions and laboratories across China to provide guidance for efficiently carrying out the nucleic acid test in various cities and counties in Hubei province, carried out personnel training and strengthened quality control work. All of these activities have greatly enhanced the capacity of carrying out the nucleic acid test. The number of tests conducted per day have increased from 300 to 20,000; and instead of two days, now it only takes 4 to 6 hours to get the results. All those in need of nucleic acid test will be tested immediately.  


In order to ensure there is no delay in the treatment of any patient, we have made all-round efforts to increase the number of hospital beds. We have guided the local government to transform and expand a range of designated hospitals in Wuhan for this special purpose. Within the space of a single month, hospital beds for COVID-19 patients have been increased from some 5,000 to more than 23,000, among which more than 9,000 were prepared for severely-ill patients. Thanks to the efforts of Wuhan local governments at all levels, a batch of gymnasiums, exhibition centers and training centers have been transformed into Fangcang shelter hospitals and quarantine spots, and an additional 16 of the former have now been built. At present, more than 13,000 hospital beds are available in the city, and the daily number of newly-cured and discharged novel coronavirus patients has far surpassed that of new infections.  


In order to address the shortage of medical personnel and medical supplies, we have coordinated and allocated various resources from across the country. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, a total of nearly 66,000 cases have been confirmed in Hubei province, with a significant proportion of them deemed to be severe cases, which was far beyond the normal capacity of local medical services. Since the novel coronavirus is highly infectious, we can't transfer the patients to other places to help ease local pressure at source. Therefore, we have sent thousands of excellent medical personnel from all over the country to assist the efforts in Hubei. At present, more than 40,000 medical personnel formed into 330 medical teams have been transferred to the province, among them over 15,000 being professionals in departments of critical care medicine, infectious disease, respiratory medicine, circulatory medicine and anesthesiology. To address the shortage of medical equipment and supplies that existed at one time, hospitals sending medical teams to Hubei were also asked to collect medical equipment and materials including ventilators, artificial lungs and medical protective suits to support those fighting against the epidemic on the frontline. One week ahead of the national emergency medical rescue teams arriving in Wuhan, most of the medical supplies supported by their hospitals had already been transferred. This meant the rescue teams could immediately treat patients upon their arrival. This was vital because, for all the patients, every minute counts.  


In order to lower the mortality rate, we have further implemented the principle of "four concentration", namely concentration of patients, specialists, resources and treatment, and strengthened our efforts to cure severely-ill patients. In Wuhan, the national medical teams have adopted a model of overall takeover, with assisting medics from the same provincial region or the same hospital taking charge of one specific department of local hospitals. The hospital beds for severe cases have been increased to 9,000, and more than 7,000 severely-ill and critical patients have been received and treated. We have set up ward inspection teams consisting of academicians and joint expert groups, revised the treatment plan six times, and implemented the system of expert consultation at all times, 24-hour reporting of critical cases, discussion of the reasons for any fatal cases, and constant ward inspection for severely-ill cases. We also organized intubation teams to carry out tracheal intubation for severely-ill patients, and promoted the clinical use of traditional Chinese medicine. In doing so, the recovery rate of severely-ill and critical patients has risen to 64% from 14% in designated hospitals, and a total of more than 36,000 patients have been discharged from hospitals after recovery all over the country.  


Thanks to these arduous efforts, the situation of the epidemic prevention and control in the country is moving in a positive direction while maintaining overall stability. According to the China-WHO joint expert team, China's unprecedented public health responses to the COVID-19 outbreak have yielded notable results in blocking human-to-human transmission of the virus, preventing or at least delaying hundreds of thousands of cases.  


Recently, the CPC Central Committee, bearing in mind the overall situation of economic and social development and the overall situation of reforms, development and stability, has made major decisions to coordinate the prevention and control of the epidemic with economic and social development. The State Council has made specific arrangements. With the transformation of epidemic prevention and control from "static management" to "dynamic management", from "national unified requirements" to "regional classification", from "social prevention and control" to "precise prevention and control", higher requirements have been put forward for the health system. We are fully aware that the current achievements in epidemic prevention and control have not come easily, and the situation remains grim and complex. With the resumption of production, reopening of schools and movement of people returning to their place of residence, there is a risk of a rebound of the epidemic. Some places have already seen a cluster of cases, meaning we should not take any chances or relax mentally. We know full well that our medical personnel must firmly defend Hubei, especially Wuhan, as the decisive focus. "Although China is a large country, we must not take a step back." Because, behind Hubei and Wuhan stand 1.4 billion Chinese people and 7.5 billion vulnerable people throughout the rest of the world, and it is the duty of medical workers to safeguard people's health and improve human welfare. 


As the next step, the central guidance group will continue to focus on epidemic prevention and control in urban and rural communities and treatment of patients in accordance with General Secretary Xi Jinping's requirements. In terms of epidemic prevention and control, we should guide local governments to put forward suggestions on the best ways to dynamically adjust emergency response levels in accordance with the law and regulations. Different prevention and control strategies should be adopted in different regions, like Wuhan, Hubei Province, Beijing, some key provinces, as well as the whole country. In accordance with the requirements of the fifth edition of the prevention and control plan, different measures should be clarified for low-risk, medium-risk and high-risk epidemic counties. For the implementation of the circular issued by the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council, specific and precise arrangements are needed to further consolidate responsibilities of enterprises, public institutions and schools, revise and improve the prevention and control plans for key groups, places and institutions, and provide technical support for orderly resumption of work, production and reopening of schools. 


In terms of medical treatment, we need to ensure that newly-discovered cases are treated without delay on a daily basis, continue to optimize medical equipment and resources, and make arrangements for pairing assistance from 19 provinces. We should pay attention to the treatment of mild cases and block the way to severe cases in a timely way. For treatment of patients with severe conditions, we should adhere to the "four combinations", namely, combing preclinical medicine with clinical practice, combining clinical treatment with multi-disciplinary support, combing medical treatment with nursing care, as well as combing medical treatment with management. We should fully leverage the technical advantages of various clinical key disciplines in our country for each patient treatment.


Thank you.


Xi Yanchun:


Thank you, Mr. Ma. Now, let's move onto the question and answer section. Reporters can ask questions by video link. Please identify your news organization before asking questions.


Xinhua News Agency:


Official data shows that there are still a large number of severe cases of novel coronavirus infection in Hubei province, especially in Wuhan. What measures have been taken to treat severe patients so that the mortality rate is reduced? Thank you.


Ma Xiaowei:


Compared with SARS, the new coronavirus spreads faster. Most infected people show mild symptoms, while a small number of people are in a critical condition, with the heart and other organs affected. Among the fatalities, most people have serious underlying diseases, including heart disease, terminal cancer and kidney failure. There are also some young patients whose diseases developed rapidly, hence increasing the difficulty of treatment. Although the medical community lacks knowledge about the treatment of the disease, as well as the mechanism of its development and outcome, the viral damage to the body is consistent with the known pathophysiological process. Enhancing medical treatment and improving the quality of basic medical care are always the essential requirement for us.  


In order to reduce the mortality rate and increase the recovery rate, we have adopted the strategy of "pooling together patients, experts and resources for centralized treatment." In Wuhan, we identified more than 10 designated hospitals with over 9,000 beds for the treatment of severe and critically ill patients. Around 13,000 high-level medical personnel from more than 90 national and provincial medical teams have been dispatched to these hospitals. They closely cooperate with local medical workers, and continue to make new progress in the treatment of severely ill patients.  


To sum up, we have made efforts in the following three aspects. First, we try to make the treatment more targeted. By carrying out study on pathological anatomy, we have identified which organs suffer great damage and to what extent. In this way, we have made clear the main direction of clinical treatment and come up with corresponding treatment methods. We continue to optimize the previous treatment schemes and reach an expert consensus on treating severely ill patients. Second, we need to figure out more creative ways of treatment. It's very important to identify critically ill patients at an early stage. We need to focus on the principal contradiction during clinical treatment, such as solving the problem of tracheal obstruction, and adopt treatment methods and devices in a creative way. We have to seize the best time for treatment, choose the best treatment method, and even determine the optimal dosage of the medications. This time, anesthetists are a mainstay in intensive care units. They have formed a special team to carry out tracheal intubation and provide ventilator support for patients in a timely manner. It's very important to adopt this means at an early stage to save the lives of patients. This is also what we have learned from the treatment process of the severely ill. Third, we need to take a holistic approach to the treatment. We will give full play to the role of high-level experts working together, attach importance to their close communication and collaboration, and enhance the exchange of experience among them.  


We should ensure the "four combinations" in the fight against the COVID-19. First, we should combine preclinical medicine with clinical practice. We will further conduct research on etiology, morbid anatomy and immunology in order to provide theoretical support and clinical evidence to improve the effectiveness of clinical treatment.  


Second, we should combine frontline medical treatment with backup multidisciplinary consultation and technical support. During the early stage of the epidemic outbreak, the rear area supported the frontline work mainly by strengthening the available medical force, and allocating sufficient medical supplies and equipment. At present, however, the priority for the rear area is moving to provide multidisciplinary technical and academic support, with consultations held daily between frontline and rear-area doctors to make the very best treatment plan for severe cases. 


Third, we should combine treatment with nursing. We have witnessed patients suffering severe respiratory disease in a critical condition, as well as the treatment and care they received in the ICU. All these cases show the significance of basic nursing. Therefore, we should establish unified nursing procedures, standards and assessment at the wards for severely-ill patients, with an aim of attending to all.  


Fourth, we should combine treatment with outstanding management. We have adopted a model of overall takeover, with assisting medical staff from the same hospital taking charge of one specific department. On that basis, we have also established a joint medical affairs department, nursing department and nosocomial infection control department; set up joint expert groups consisting of experts at the national, provincial and municipal level; and constantly improved procedures and unified standards. Meanwhile, we have arranged inspections and mobile medical services by expert groups covering other hospitals in Wuhan. By doing so, we have brought all the severe and even critical cases in the epicenter city into unified management. 


Based on previously accumulated experience, we have released the sixth edition of the COVID-19 diagnosis and treatment scheme. Up to now, we have cured more than 78,000 patients. Over 36,000 patients have been discharged from hospital after recovery. On that basis, we should provide the Chinese approach to the treatment of severe COVID-19 cases, which applies the Chinese standards and reflects the Chinese level of health service provision. With continued progress made in clinical treatment of the disease, our medical staff will accumulate more experience and strengthen their confidence to fight on the frontline against the epidemic.


Yomiuri Shimbun:


At present, the new cases in Hubei province and Wuhan city have been declining. The WHO believed the epidemic had reached its peak, but a CPC Central Committee meeting held on Feb. 21 stressed the turning point of the epidemic was yet to come. How do you analyze it? Thank you.


Ma Xiaowei:


Mr. Liang Wannian please answer the question. He is the Chinese team leader of the WHO-China Joint Mission.


Liang Wannian:


Since the outbreak, we have been organizing multi-disciplinary experts, including those involved in public health, epidemiology, health emergency, clinical medicine, law, sociology, economics, etc., to track and evaluate the development of the epidemic, and at the same time undertake a risk assessment. Through situation evaluation and risk assessment, experts agreed that the epidemic prevention and control was tactically correct, the measures decisive and effective in achieving positive results and obvious progress. They mainly help avoid a larger-scale epidemic outbreak and spreading. The situation of national epidemic prevention and control is in positive trend. I will introduce the situation of the epidemic by levels and regions. 


Wuhan is the epicenter of this epidemic, and it is also the most seriously-affected region. Currently, the rapid rising trend of the epidemic has been curbed, which is reflected in the decrease of newly confirmed cases and the decrease of new suspected cases each day. The proportion of severe cases among confirmed ones has decreased, and the fatality rate has fallen. These four figures fully show that the epidemic is being effectively controlled.


I have a set of data here. For example, the highest number of newly confirmed cases per day was 3,910 on Feb. 13, and then fell to 313 on Feb. 27. The number of newly recovered and discharged patients, beginning from Feb. 20, exceeded the number of newly confirmed cases for eight consecutive days. This is a very good situation. Not only the balance of entry and exit of hospitals has been reached, but the number of discharged patients has also exceeded the number of newly-confirmed ones.


The proportion of existing severe cases, that is, the proportion of severely-ill patients among total confirmed cases, has continued to fluctuate and decline from 31.6% on Feb. 11 to 22.4% on Feb. 27. The fatality rate has dropped from a peak of 9.0% on Jan. 26 to 4.4% at present. At the same time, there's a relatively good situation that among the new cases every day, we further analyze that these new cases are mainly the ones transferred from the suspected category under observation, which accounts for 80% to 90% of the total. This means that these cases all were diagnosed from what we have under our control. This is a basic situation in Wuhan.  


In other cities in Hubei province, our research and evaluation found that the local outbreak situation had been contained. This is our basic judgment. There are several sets of data in cities other than Wuhan in Hubei to confirm this situation. The number of newly-confirmed cases per day has fallen from the peak of more than 1,400 on Feb. 12, to five at present. And the number of recovered and discharged cases has exceeded the number of newly-confirmed ones for 13 consecutive days starting from Feb. 15. At the same time, the proportion of existing severe cases continues to remain stable, which was 12.9% on Feb. 27. The fatality rate has remained steady since Jan. 26, and was 3.1% on Feb. 27.  


Nationwide, the epidemic control in provincial-level regions outside Hubei has seen a growing positive trend, with only sporadic cases. The number of new infections has dived, daily new confirmed cases having plummeted from 890 at a peak time on Feb. 3 to nine, and the newly recovered and discharged patients have outnumbered new confirmed cases for 16 consecutive days since Feb. 12. The severe cases have remained at a level of 10.3% and the mortality rate has stabilized between 0.5 and 0.8%. On Feb. 27, no new confirmed cases were reported among 24 provincial-level regions as well as the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps.  


These are our studies and judgments on the situations categorized in the three major regions mentioned above. However, our expert panel warns that zero growth is by no means equal to zero risk as challenges facing China's prevention and control efforts remain formidable, and uncertainties over whether the virus will return still puts us under strain. We should not be blindly upbeat, and become less vigilant. In a holistic view across the country, Hubei province, with its capital Wuhan in particular, remains the epicenter. Stringent prevention work is still vital in regions outside Hubei in case the epidemic may return when the migration of people has increased during the resumption of work and production. Cross infections will probably lead to a second outbreak in certain areas. In the next phase, we must continue to bring the epidemic under control, however, at the same time, balance the epidemic prevention and control with economic and social development. To this end, our experts give the following advice:  


Regarding the prevention work in Wuhan, we will continue to adopt the approaches shown to work, including to prevent the disease from further spreading both in and outside the city, and step up efforts in medical treatment and mass prevention and control. We will continue to implement and maintain the existing measures, such as, ensuring all exits from Wuhan remain closed, to enhance the prevention and control efforts in communities and to adhere to the principle of concentrating cases, experts, resources and treatment. It is essential for us to improve our medical treatment to reduce the mortality rate. At the same time, patients with light symptoms in Wuhan should be treated meticulously to prevent their conditions from aggravating.  


The policies in other city-level areas outside Wuhan in Hubei province should be implemented with the focus on stringent management and control in an effort to prevent the virus from spreading both within and beyond the borders of Hubei resulting in another outbreak. We should strictly follow the measures taken to treat people categorized in four different groups, namely, confirmed COVID-19 patients, suspected ones, people who have had close contact with the former two, and patients with common fever, to ensure that the transmission will be completely blocked. We will continue to follow the stringent rules to control the exits from Wuhan and Hubei so as to prevent the epidemic from spreading to the rest part of the country.  


The focus on prevention, on non-transmission from external sources and on containing the existing cases from further spreading should be implemented in the rest of the country. The prevention and control approaches will be developed into high, medium and low levels based on the risk evaluation conducted at the county-level unit to coordinate the epidemic prevention and control with economic and social development. Thank you.


The Paper:


We have learned that, over the past few days, more than 40,000 medical professionals have been sent by the central authority and provincial-level regions to Hubei province. My question is what the country has done in mobilizing these medical teams efficiently and what are their roles in treating COVID-19 patients? Also, are there any plans for the teams to get a rest? Will the country send more teams there? Thank you.


Ma Xiaowei:


Wuhan is the absolute priority for epidemic control and medical treatment. As General Secretary Xi Jinping said: "China's triumph (against the outbreak) depends on Hubei, and Hubei's triumph depends on Wuhan." We have sent over 40,000 medical workers drawn from across the country to Hubei, covering the province thoroughly with our strongest forces, in order to win this war of annihilation against COVID-19. A lot of work needs to be documented, a lot of experiences need to be summarized, and a lot of stories need to be chronicled. Let me ask Jiao Yahui, deputy director of the Bureau of Medical Administration, NHC, to answer your question.


Jiao Yahui:


Thank you for your questions. Hubei and Wuhan form the main battlefield of the fight against COVID-19. As medical demands in Wuhan rapidly increased, the lack of medical forces there became a prominent problem. Since Jan. 24, the National Health Commission has organized medical workers nationwide to assist Hubei and Wuhan. These people offered a comprehensive range of specialties and have taken over the ward work as a whole. We have undertaken the following work in terms of dispatching medical teams:


first, we mobilized medical resources in a scientific and rational way. As treatments differ between severe and mild cases, we organized different medical teams accordingly. Regarding medical teams required to treat severe cases, we organized personnel who already have experience of working in respiratory, infection and critical care departments, as the COVID-19 is recognized as a kind of a respiratory infection. One ward comprises 50 beds, and one medical team consists of 30 doctors and 100 nurses. When it comes to mild cases, for example, for patients in shelter hospitals, 500 medical workers are responsible for 1,000 beds. Those doctors and nurses are mainly from internal medicine departments, and the ratio between them is 1:4.  


Second, we comprehensively assigned medical teams capable of treating severe cases to hospitals designated for severely-ill patients. We adopted a model that the assisting medical staff from the same provincial-level region or the same hospital should take charge of one specific department in the affected area, and we also let medical teams that treat severe cases take overall charge of one specific ward. Also, these teams have joined hands with local hospitals and their medical teams to form joint medical affairs offices, infection-control offices, nursing departments and expert teams, in order to carry out joint evaluation and management of all severe cases. The medical quality management system that we established previously has also played a key role this time.  


Third, we set up special medical teams manning Fangcang shelter hospitals in such a way that they consist of groups assigned to treat patients with mild symptoms, the national-level emergency medical assistance teams and mobile P3 laboratories. With an eye to the conditions of these shelter hospitals, we made a deployment in which the provincial-level medical teams have been tasked with the overall work in different wards, and thus ensured that these shelter hospitals are rapidly equipped with standardized medical treatment, nursing and clinical examination units. By so doing, we made it possible for these shelter hospitals to receive patients with well-allocated resources immediately upon their handover.  


Fourth, we have sent medical teams in a proactive way to ensure frontline personnel can rotate and have enough rest. In line with General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instruction on giving priority to the protection and care of medical workers to ensure they can maintain their own health to fight the epidemic, we drew up a rotation scheme for our medical teams, and it has been implemented in the following three ways. The first is to look for ways within the medical teams to reduce work intensity and achieve rotation of medical workers. Today's data shows that there are more than 26,000 COVID-19 inpatients in Wuhan, over 6,700 of whom are in a severe or critical condition. As the numbers of inpatients and severe cases have sharply declined since they peaked, the number of patients at the wards taken over by some medical teams has reduced accordingly, creating favorable conditions for shortening the working hours of a shift for medical staff in insolation wards. The second is to strive for rotation and rest for the entire team. Those recently sent to Hubei have taken over the overall work of others that arrived there as early as January. For example, all members of the medical teams from Fujian province and Tianjin Municipality, which went to Hubei at an earlier time, are now having a break. The third step is to regroup the newly arrived medical teams and assign the smaller new groups to medical teams that arrived earlier to expand their numbers, and thus reduce their work shifts with desirable breaks. For example, with new members coming in, doctors and nurses in the medical teams from Gansu province can now rest for 1.5-2 days and 2.5-3 days respectively after they have worked for one full day. Among the medical teams from Chongqing municipality, the average weekly working hours have dropped from 50-60 to 25-30 hours for doctors, and from 40 hours to 20 hours for nurses. Therefore, we can say that rotation of medical teams guarantees our medical workers can always maintain strong combat capability and be energetically devoted to the battle against the epidemic. Our medical teams have played important roles in fighting the virus. Thank you.


Pakistani correspondent:


The WHO evaluates China's measures as effective, but does not rule out the possibility of rebound. There is still big risk in fighting this virus. Now more and more people are going back to work and restarting production. How can China prevent the epidemic from rebounding and control the risk? Thank you.


Ma Xiaowei:


Currently, this is a very important task we are facing in containing the epidemic. We have analyzed and made special deployment in this regard. I will give the floor to Mr. Yu Xuejun, vice minister of the National Health Commission.


Yu Xuejun:


Thank you for your question. This issue is indeed very important. As Mr. Ma just said, it is also the focus of our current work. Taking the opportunity of answering your question, I would like to give you an interpretation.  


Despite the fact that the WHO has given a positive comment on China's epidemic prevention and control, we, as well as the WHO, are very level-headed. We have realized that we still face a severe and complicated situation, and there is a risk of the disease regaining its strength. The public may notice that many provinces have already lowered their emergency response levels. According to local conditions, relevant provinces can and should adjust the emergency response level in a timely manner, following the laws and regulations such as the Law on the Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases and the Regulations on Preparedness for and Response to Emergent Public Health Hazards. We need to take more specific and targeted measures in different regions to prevent and control the epidemic and resume operation and ensure that business and schools reopen in an orderly manner. 


The fact that more regions have begun to lower their emergency response level means the gradual lifting of relevant restrictions. The resumption of work and reopening of schools means that a large number of people will be moving across various regions, which might bring a series of challenges in regard to the containment of the epidemic. The challenges are reflected at least in the following aspects: First, after the removal of traffic restrictions, the risk of transmission during transportation will increase. Second, the resumption of work and reopening of schools will increase the risk of cluster transmission. Third, in major labor-importing provinces such as Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, the risk of imported cases will also increase. These risks will bring a certain level of uncertainty to the work of prevention and control of the epidemic. The tasks we are facing in the future will be more arduous and demanding.  


First of all, I would like to say that, as Mr. Ma just introduced, we have taken many measures to avoid and mitigate these possible transmission risks in a timely manner. We require all provinces to formulate plans, enhance drills and remain prepared and vigilant. For cases that emerge during the process of people returning to work and school, emergency measures must be taken in a scientific, targeted and timely manner. The most important thing is that relevant departments and medical and health institutions should implement the "four early" measures of early identification, reporting, isolation, and treatment to monitor and report both confirmed and suspected cases. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the epidemiological investigation and follow-up monitoring of close contacts to ensure 100% screening, quarantine, and treatment.  


Moreover, in order to ensure epidemic prevention and control after resumption of work, production and school classes, we also need to adjust relevant measures in a timely manner. The adjustments will take place in the following three aspects: First, they will be more flexible. Second, the unified requirements formerly adopted nationwide will be differentiated in terms of the circumstances prevailing in different regions. Third, prevention and control measures will be more targeted. In addition to preventing and defusing potential risks in a timely manner, we have made an overall deployment of work in the following aspects: First, we adopt differentiated management measures for employees. To be more specific, we enhance health monitoring among employees, and adopt targeted measures. At the same time, we guide them to take their own strict precautions. By doing so, we will be able to respond promptly and effectively once there is a problem. Second, we strengthen prevention and control measures on transportation. We have proposed a series of necessary measures, such as launching special trains, ensuring passengers are seated at a safe distance from each other, as well as providing ventilation, disinfection and body temperature checks, in a bid to reduce risks of transmission during journeys. In labor-intensive regions, the return of laborers needs to be organized well so as to avoid a gathering of the population, and ensure the smooth resumption of work, production and school classes. Third, we will ensure the implementation of the accountability mechanism. We have made clear the responsibilities that communities, enterprises and schools must assume in the epidemic prevention and control, and we have also issued specific instructions for shopping malls, hotels, nursing homes, social welfare institutions and rural areas in general, so as to ensure all the administrative regions, departments, enterprises, as well as families and individuals will fulfill their responsibilities, and carry out prevention and control measures effectively. Fourth, we strengthen technological guidance and launch more education activities to raise public awareness. In order to ensure the epidemic prevention and control becomes even more scientific and targeted, we have issued 15 highly operable plans covering measures that can be adopted by communities, enterprises and schools, so as to provide more much-needed protective knowledge to the general public, and guide the joint prevention and control work.  


Going forward, in order to prevent a resurgence of the epidemic during the resumption of work, production and school classes, the National Health Commission will designate supervision and guidance teams to guide the provincial (autonomous regional and municipal) localities in formulating action plans, and providing medical treatment and daily necessities. If there is a resurgence of the epidemic caused by malpractices, the relevant people will be held accountable. Thank you.


China Review News Agency (Hong Kong):


During the epidemic control and prevention process, the establishment of Fangcang shelter hospitals is a pioneering step. Can you brief us how many hospitals of this kind there are and how many patients can they receive? What kind of role do they play during the anti-epidemic battle? Thank you.


Ma Xiaowei:


Since the outbreak of the epidemic, the number of patients seeking treatment has grown dramatically. The shortage of medical resources and hospital beds made it hard to take in all patients and leave no one unattended, and we were facing mounting pressure as the flow of so many patients in communities and society might lead to the delay of treatment and the spread of the virus. Under the complicated circumstances, Vice Premier Sun Chunlan, head of the Central Guidance Team in Hubei, carried out frontline inspections and made the decision to set up Fangcang shelterr hospitals by renovating a batch of gymnasiums and convention centers in Wuhan city. Zhou Xianwang, mayor of Wuhan, guided the work and coordinated at the frontline, ensuring the renovation work moved ahead day and night. Party secretaries and heads of all districts in Wuhan held fast to their positions to ensure that all measures are fully implemented. The first batch of three Fangcang shelter hospitals with 4,000 beds was constructed in only 29 hours. The Central Guidance Team in Hubei dispatched 22 national emergency medical rescue teams, mobile cabins and three national mobile nucleic acid testing vehicles to work in Wuhan the very same night. A total of 76 medical teams with over 8,000 staff members entered the hospital in succession over the following days and started to work immediately, setting up facilities, receiving and treating patients at the same time. So far, a total of 16 such temporary hospitals with over 13,000 beds have been built and more than 12,000 patients have received treatment there. One in four of all COVID-19 patients in Wuhan were treated in a Fangcang shelter hospital with zero infection, zero death and zero recurrent infection rates. Currently, there are more than 7,600 patients receiving treatment at these temporary hospitals and 5,600 beds are vacant awaiting patients.  


Looking back, the establishment of Fangcang shelter hospitals is a significant measure enabling expansion of the medical resources in a short time when other means were not immediately practicable. If all those patients had not been hospitalized for a long time, their mild symptoms might have become severe and wide-spread transmission might have occurred at the community level. Just imagine that if those patients had not been admitted to hospital in two or three days, the epidemic could have been transmitted more rapidly and we would have been faced with more challenging work. At the crucial moment, Vice Premier Sun Chunlan made a key decision. The Fangcang shelter hospitals play a significant and irreplaceable role in the epidemic control and prevention, and creates a new mode for expanding medical resources in a short time when responding to public health emergencies, disasters and epidemics in the future.  


The large-scale application of the Fangcang shelter hospital is a landmark in the medical rescue history of our country. Its smooth operation is attributed to the firm leadership of the CPC and the government, the earnest effort of the medical staff and especially the cooperation by the Wuhan citizens and the understanding of the patients. The relationship between doctors and patients there is harmonious. Temporary Party branches were established at some Fangcang shelter hospitals and they have organized many activities beneficial to patients' recovery. The Fangcang shelter hospital is indeed a cabin of life.


Yangtze River Cloud:


To against the epidemic in Hubei province, and in Wuhan in particular, we need to focus on two key points: the prevention and control work in urban and rural communities, and the overall treatment of patients. The epidemic containment work should be moved forward into communities, so what have we done in this aspect? And what role does it play in the overall prevention and control work? Thank you.


Ma Xiaowei:


Epidemic containment in communities is a very important part of the overall prevention and control work, as it can help us prevent the spread of the infectious disease at source. It is because we have strengthened the epidemic containment work in communities that the situation in Wuhan has gradually stabilized. I'd like to ask Mr. Yu Xuejun to answer these questions.


Yu Xuejun:


Thank you for your questions. Each of us lives in a community, which is the front line of joint prevention and control work, as well as being in the forefront of the battle against infection being brought in from beyond the city and ensuring non-proliferation within the urban area. The National Health Commission has earnestly implemented the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping and resolutely carried out the decision policies and deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council. We have followed the requirements of the central leading team guiding the epidemic control work to ensure every effort is made to push ahead with prevention and control work in the communities across Hubei as well as in Wuhan to defend the front line.  


First, we have put forward a series of specific prevention and control measures for communities to control the source of infection as early as possible and block transmission routes. Vice Premier Sun Chunlan and the central leading team's members went to the frontline many times and carried out investigations and research on the spot. Combined with the characteristics of epidemic changes and the actual situation of prevention and control work in Wuhan, they put forward a series of effective prevention and control measures for communities, such as the mode of "five persons helping one". This "five persons" refers to a community cadre, a member of the community's grid management organization, a medical staff of the community, a police officer responsible for the community, and a volunteer. While the "one" refers to a confirmed, suspected or fever patient, or a person in close contact with patients.


In addition, for example, we have organized more than 50,000 Party members and cadres, over 30,000 community's cadres, and over 50,000 volunteers from Party and government organs, enterprises and institutions at all levels to work within the various communities. They have carried out door-to-door inquiries in a thorough way to ensure all patients are admitted to a hospital. Through guiding the work with classified measures and pushing ahead with the work level-by-level, we have gradually achieved the stage of joint prevention and control, as well as mass prevention and control. With the frontline being moved forward, we have effectively contained the source of infection, blocked the transmission path, and defended susceptible populations. 


Second, through establishing community's epidemic prevention and control teams, we have guided local governments to implement prevention and control measures. In accordance with the requirements of the central leading team, the National Health Commission has appointed experts on disease control and on community work to form these teams with local fellow comrades. They have visited almost all communities to push ahead with the implementation of territorial responsibility through answering questions and offering solutions, as well as tour guidance. They have found clues to problems in a timely manner and summed up good experiences and practices to help grassroots communities further implement prevention and control measures. Moreover, the National Health Commission has also appointed more than 300 laboratory testing personnel, along with environmental, health and disinfection professionals from provinces, regions and cities excluding Hubei province to assist it as well as Wuhan in carrying out laboratory nucleic acid testing, and providing inspection guidance for cleaning, disinfection and ventilation in major, special and public areas. 


Third, we have organized multiple sectors to use the Internet and big data technologies to conduct full epidemiological investigations. Such investigations are the basic and first step to prevent and control the epidemic at the community level. Hubei province and Wuhan city have organized multiple sectors to carry out such investigations using modern technologies. The work has achieved good results and provided a strong support to the formulation of overall prevention and control measures. In accordance with the Central Guidance Team's requirements, the National Health Committee has also selected over 400 investigators from outside Hubei to assist and guide Hubei, especially Wuhan, to conduct investigations. Strengthening this basic work has created favorable conditions for targeted epidemic prevention and control.


Fourth, we have enhanced technical guidance as well as the communication of relevant scientific knowledge to the general public. This is necessary to raise public awareness of health and self-protection. We have organized experts to write a guidebook called "Guidance on Community-level Prevention and Control of the COVID-19 Outbreak".


This guidebook provides scientific and standard guidance to different prevention and control units such as neighborhood committees, quarantine sites and community health service centers. It also gives targeted guidance on certain venues and groups of people. We also distributed materials to teach the public how to protect themselves against COVID-19 and feel less stressed, both offline and online, especially through new media. Easy to understand, the materials are popular with local residents and raised their awareness of self-protection. As a result, COVID-cases from family gatherings have fallen.


Next, in line with the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions, we will fully motivate local residents to discipline themselves and serve their communities. We will further promote epidemic prevention and control at the community level and consolidate our hard-won progress. We are determined to work with local people to win the battle against the epidemic.




Recently, the WHO-China joint mission on COVID-19 conducted investigations in Beijing, Guangdong, Sichuan and Wuhan of Hubei. It held a press conference in Beijing on February 24th. Could you introduce the investigations? And what impressed the mission most?


Ma Xiaowei:


Mr. Liang Wannian, head of Chinese experts on the joint mission, will answer this question.


Liang Wannian:


Thank you. From February 16th to 24th, the 25 experts on the joint mission visited Beijing, Hubei, Guangdong and Sichuan. We went to designated hospitals, Fangcang shelter hospitals, communities, relevant departments, and disease prevention and control centers. And we talked with government officials, epidemic-prevention workers, medical workers, community doctors and residents. All the places we visited left a deep impression on us. We came to know their specific situations. We will release our findings in an investigation report. A few days ago, we held a joint press conference in Beijing, and I think the report will come out soon. 


Experts of the joint mission might have developed many distinct feelings and impressions during the nine days of research. I believe what has impressed them most is as follows. First, the COVID-19 is a new infectious disease that spreads fast with many unknown factors. Traditionally speaking, there is no vaccine to prevent it and no specific drug to treat it. The only workable approach seems to be to adapt to it gradually. In this case, the Chinese government has taken decisive measures focusing on the strategy of walling off its spread. Such measures have gained remarkable achievements in the past seven weeks, containing the prevalence of the epidemic, saving hundreds of thousands of lives, and offering a vital first line of defense against the epidemic in the world at large. Therefore, the strategy and decisive measures taken by the Chinese government have proved to be correct and more effective. 


Second, with the deepening of epidemic prevention and control and the change in the overall epidemic situation, we should not only adhere to the unified leadership, strategies and requirements but also tailor measures to local conditions rather than taking one-size-fits-all approach in epidemic prevention and control. The experts have learned that it proves targeted, realistic and effective in practice to adopt flexible and tailored local strategies and measures on the basis of scientific evidence-based data and risk assessment results. This has left a deep impression on them.


Third, the experts have deeply realized that the non-pharmacological social interventions in China have gained remarkable achievements primarily due to the wide participation of the people in addition to the resolute decisions taken and leadership of the government, and the efforts made by specialized departments and other groups. It fully embodies the utter altruism in the Chinese people, especially those in Wuhan city and Hubei province, who are united in making concerted efforts. Hence, traditional and classic epidemic control methods together with the superiority of the Chinese system, the wide public participation by the whole population as shown in the Chinese culture, and the application of hi-tech means have created a powerful joint force. This is one of Chinese models and also the experience of China. Thank you.


Xi Yanchun:


The last question.


The Economic Daily/China Economic Net:


The central government has put forward measures covering 10 aspects in a recently issued notice on how to further protect and take care of medical staff. My question is, what measures has the National Health Commission taken in caring the medical staff in the frontline against the epidemic? Thank you.


Ma Xiaowei:


Since the COVID-19 outbreak, under the arrangements made by the central government, medical workers have bid farewell to their families and rushed to the front line to deal with the epidemic without hesitation and save lives. A total of more than 40,000 medical workers have been dispatched to join the local medical staff in Wuhan city and Hubei province and have been racing against time to combat the disease, leaving countless touching tales and creating miracles of life. More than 2,000 medical staff have been diagnosed with a COVID-19 infection. A number of doctors and nurses have died on duty. They have offered all their professional skills, shed their sweat, and even devoted their lives here, composing an impressive song of fighting against the epidemic. Here, I would like to express my deep condolences to the deceased compatriots and medical workers. 


The severe fight against the epidemic has become a focused test of the spirit, professional integrity and willpower of medical staff in the new era, as well as a test of medical discipline development, technical progress, and improvement of emergency response capacity and organizational management achieved over the years. The medical and health staff have given a satisfactory answer to the call of the Party and the people. Their actions have elaborated and enriched the noble spirit of respecting life, healing the sick and rescuing those near death, and showing dedication and boundless love for patients. With the long-term devotion to their duties, they always polish their professional skills to relieve the pain of patients, and will always choose to fight on the frontline in spite of dangers whenever there is a major disaster or epidemic. In such a life-or-death situation their personality and glory shine through as they fulfill their missions. Practice has proved time and time again that they are trustworthy representatives of the Party and the people and an army of heroes with political firmness, technical excellence and noble medical integrity.


They are the guardians of people's health. These admirable people are loved by the whole society. A few days ago, General Secretary Xi Jinping issued an important instruction, emphasizing that medical workers are the backbone force in defeating the epidemic. He stressed providing comprehensive support for them to ensure their strength, morale and energy. The Central Leading Group on Responding to the Novel Coronavirus Disease Outbreak issued a Notice on Comprehensive Implementation of Measures to Better Protect Medical Workers. The content is of a complete concrete nature. The NHC issued guidelines on the implementation of the Notice, and is working together with relevant departments and local Party committees and governments to speed up implementation. We must do this work well and pass on the care and warmth of the Party Central Committee to every medical worker on the frontline. With regard to the implementation of specific measures, I would like to invite Ms. Jiao to give an explanation.


Jiao Yahui:


Thank you for your question. The NHC attaches great importance to the protection and care for medical workers, and has issued measures aiming to improve working conditions for those on the frontline, and ensure their mental and physical health. After the Central Leading Group on Responding to the Novel Coronavirus Disease Outbreak issued the Notice, the NHC acted quickly, issued regulations jointly with relevant departments, and took a series of measures, including the following aspects:


Firstly, in terms of salary, we have introduced policies together with relevant departments. For frontline medical worker in Hubei province, including medical personnel in the medical team, we have doubled the standard of temporary work subsidies, tripled the salary level, and expanded the distribution scope of health and epidemic prevention subsidies so as to ensure that all frontline medical personnel are covered. On February 25, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Ministry of Finance also issued relevant documents to adjust the standard of health and epidemic prevention allowance. In terms of safety in practice, relevant policies have been issued to crack down on any illegal and criminal behavior involving medicines to be used during the epidemic prevention and control period, so as to provide a safe environment for medical workers. In addition, we have worked with various departments to mobilize relevant protective equipment provided from all over the country, and carried out nosocomial infection prevention and control training for medical workers. We have also strengthened protection for medical workers to reduce the incidence of infection among them. For the infected medical staff, we are taking active measures to provide full medical treatment.


We have actively raised funds to provide medical workers with daily necessities, including sanitation and hygiene items. The relevant financing, procurement and distribution are in the process of implementing. In order to ensure medical workers can have sufficient energy for the vital work in quarantine areas, we arranged nearby accommodation in hotels with help from the Wuhan authorities. We also scheduled special vehicles to carry them to and from work. 


In addition, we have also taken measures to ensure the medical workers work in shifts so that they can have adequate rest. We have also dispatched 300 psychiatrists from around the nation to provide psychological counseling to frontline medical workers. At the local level, many effective measures and methods have been adopted in the identification of work-related injuries, the evaluation of professional titles and the assistance of medical staff facing family difficulties. The NHC also required our working groups in different provinces to strengthen their supervision and guidance, so as to ensure that these policies and measures concerning caring for medical workers are effective. Thank you.


Ma Xiaowei:


Here I would like to share a piece of news with you. Recently, with the approval of the Party Central Committee, the National Health Commission of China decided to recognize and reward a batch of model groups and individuals working on the fight against the COVID-19 outbreak in the national health system. The reward system will favor grassroots, frontline workers and high-risk positions. The commendation has an "on-spot" feature, that is, the commendation won't be granted after the epidemic. In the future, we will continue to carry out the commendation work, so as to ensure medical workers' strength, morale and energy in the fight against the epidemic. Thank you.


Xi Yanchun:


Ok, thank you again. That concludes today's press conference.

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