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国新办&CGTN 2024-09-24 57次



Shou Xiaoli:


Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. Welcome to this press conference held by the State Council Information Office (SCIO), as part of the series "Promoting High-Quality Development." Today, we have invited Mr. Ni Hong, minister of housing and urban-rural development, to brief you on relevant developments and to take your questions. Also present today are Mr. Dong Jianguo and Mr. Qin Haixiang, both vice ministers of housing and urban-rural development.


Now, I'll give the floor to Mr. Ni for his introduction. 


Ni Hong:


Ladies and gentlemen, I'm very glad to meet you here and brief you on the high-quality development of housing and urban-rural development, and to answer your questions.


First of all, on behalf of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (MHURD), I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude for your long-term interest in and support for the housing and urban-rural development.


High-quality development is a primary task in building China into a modern socialist country in all respects and a top priority in the new era. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, the MHURD has thoroughly implemented General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions and directives on housing and urban-rural development. We have fully and faithfully applied the new development philosophy on all fronts, taken solid steps, and forged ahead in a pioneering spirit. As a result, new milestones have been achieved in promoting high-quality development of housing and urban-rural development, contributing to the advancement of Chinese modernization.


I would like to highlight three key aspects:


First, in terms of housing and real estate, we have continuously improved real estate policies and refined the housing support system, striving to ensure all people have access to housing. By the end of 2023, the per capita floor space of urban residents exceeded 40 square meters; a total of over 64 million units of various government-subsidized housing and rebuilt housing in run-down urban areas were constructed, providing dwellings for more than 150 million people. All eligible families on subsistence allowances and low-income families struggling with housing have basically had access to housing. 


Second, in terms of urban areas, we have made solid efforts in advancing the urban renewal project, renovated old urban residential compounds and accelerated urban infrastructure construction, striving to promote high-quality urban development. By the end of 2023, the urban built-up area in China reached 64,000 square kilometers, and the proportion of permanent urban residents in the total population stood at 66.16%, meaning that over 930 million people live in urban areas. Urban functions and living environments have continued to improve. A total of over 250,000 old urban residential compounds have been renovated, benefiting over 44 million households and approximately 110 million people. 


Third, in terms of the construction industry, we have deepened reforms, and made the sector more industrialized, digitalized and environmentally friendly, so as to contribute to economic growth and better living standards. In 2023, the total output value of the construction industry reached 31.6 trillion yuan, and its value added reached 8.6 trillion yuan, accounting for 6.8% of the nation's GDP, and providing over 50 million jobs. 


Chinese modernization prioritizes people's livelihoods. A strong focus on people's well-being is the most prominent feature of our work in housing and urban-rural development. Looking ahead, we will thoroughly study and implement the guiding principles of the 20th CPC National Congress as well as the second and third plenary sessions of the 20th CPC Central Committee. Putting people first, we will focus on addressing the prominent problems that restrict the high-quality development of housing and urban-rural development, and take laying a solid foundation and deepening reforms as our main task. We will emphasize improving mechanisms, institutions and rule of law, and work toward providing green, low-carbon, smart and safe housing for the people. We will make coordinated efforts to advance various reforms in the housing and urban-rural sector, and speed up the fostering of a new development model for real estate. We will deeply implement the urban renewal project, and further promote the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry. Additionally, we will systematically develop "good houses, good residential compounds, good communities and good urban areas," build livable, resilient and smart cities, and promote common prosperity of urban and rural areas. Through these practical efforts, we aim to consistently meet people's aspirations for a better life and contribute to further deepening reform comprehensively to advance Chinese modernization. 


Moving forward, we will focus on the following reform initiatives: 


First, we will foster a new development model for the real estate sector, which can be summarized in four aspects. First, in terms of concepts, we should deeply grasp the principle that housing is for living in and not for speculation, and build quality houses that cater to people's new aspirations. Second, in terms of systems, we will rely primarily on the government to meet the essential housing need, while leveraging the market to satisfy the diverse needs for better housing. Third, in terms of institutions, we will reform and improve the institutions for real estate development, transactions and utilization, laying a solid institutional foundation for real estate transformation. Fourth, in terms of resource allocation, we will foster a new mechanism that connects the elements of personnel, housing, land and financing. 


Currently, the real estate market is experiencing significant changes in its supply and demand dynamics and remains in an adjustment period. However, with the implementation of various policies, positive changes have begun to emerge in the market. Considering China's ongoing urbanization process and the public's new expectations for quality housing, the real estate market still holds substantial potential and room for growth. As long as we maintain firm confidence, effectively implement city-specific policies, we can promote stable and healthy real estate market development.


Second, we will establish new urban planning, development and governance mechanisms. We will uphold the principle that cities should be built by and for the people, meeting new demands as urban development transforms to urban renewal. We will further deepen urban planning, development and governance reform and institute sustainable urban renewal models and related policies and regulations. We will insist on an approach that conducts examinations and identifies problems first, then solves them as the priorities of urban renewal. We aim to create welcoming and resilient smart cities, enabling the people to enjoy more convenient, comfortable and fulfilling lives.


Third, we will promote the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry. We will insist on the guidance on standards and technological empowerment, focusing on reforming and improving a package of basic institutions regarding bidding on construction projects, project supervision, construction cost, completion acceptance and more. We will strive to create a modern construction industry system and shape a business environment upholding good faith conduct, legal compliance, and fair competition while pursuing quality. We will promote the high-quality development of the construction sector to provide high-quality construction products for society.


That's all I have to say for now. Next, we are happy to take questions from the media.


Shou Xiaoli:


Thank you, Mr. Ni. Now, the floor is open for questions. Please state the news organization you represent before asking your question. You may now raise your hand to be called upon.


People's Daily:


The central authorities urged swift action to foster a new development model for the real estate sector. Last month, the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee made clear requirements regarding this. How has this work progressed so far? What are your further considerations? Thank you.


Ni Hong:


Thank you for the questions. After the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee proposed fostering a new development model for the real estate sector, people have been paying close attention to this issue. We have been working with relevant departments to explore how to carry out this work. Mr. Dong will answer the questions.


Dong Jianguo:


The question from the People's Daily reporter addresses the acceleration of constructing a new development model for the real estate sector. This is a major deployment put forward by the CPC Central Committee to adapt to the trends of new urbanization and the significant changes in the supply-demand relationship of the real estate market. It's also a fundamental strategy to prevent and defuse risks in real estate and achieve high-quality development in the sector. The current development model of the real estate sector evolved gradually over a long period. Similarly, fostering a new development model will take time and needs to keep exploring new practices. Together with relevant departments, we have earnestly implemented the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, focusing on the following aspects:


First, we have improved the housing supply system. The key is to increase the construction and supply of government-subsidized housing. The State Council and relevant departments issued policy documents to guide local governments in deciding the construction and purchasing of housing according to demand, increasing the construction and supply of government-subsidized housing to satisfy the basic needs of salaried people for a home to live in.


Second, we have directed local governments to develop and implement both long-term and annual housing plans, creating a framework that aligns population, housing, land, and capital. After the MHURD issued a notice in February, different localities have gradually compiled and published annual housing development plans and started preliminary work and considerations for housing development plans for the 15th Five-Year Plan period.


Third, we have effectively promoted sales of completed housing in an orderly manner. We have guided local governments to select new real estate development projects, reach agreements for completed housing sales at the time of land transfer, and formulate supportive policies in line with local condition. Many localities have rolled out projects of completed housing sales, exploring the reform of commercial housing sales systems.


Fourth, we have implemented a coordinated urban real estate financing system and introduced a "white list" system, providing financial support for qualifying projects across various cities. Thanks to our efforts, the financing of real estate development enterprises is now based more on project-based assessments than corporate credit.


Fifth, we have explored and formulated systems for housing examination, housing pension and housing insurance system to establish long-term mechanisms for whole-life housing safety management. Currently, 22 cities, including Shanghai, are piloting this measure. Personal accounts have been set up through home buyers' payment for housing maintenance fund,. The focus of the pilot projects is for governments to set up public accounts.


Sixth, we built good houses that are eco-friendly, low-carbon, smart and safe. We have done some work in setting standards and examples. Next, we will also make efforts to establish systems and optimize services.


The new development model for the real estate sector is a model that emphasizes high-quality, coordinated and secure development. The third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee identified accelerating the establishment of this new development model as a key measure to further deepen reforms. We will work closely with relevant departments, summarizing recent pilot practices and further strengthening top-design. With a focus on ensuring secure housing for the people, we will accelerate reforms to improve fundamental systems related to commercial housing sales, land management, finance, and fiscal and taxation sector. Through these reforms, we will promote institutional innovation, foster this new development model and drive industrial development. We are committed to implementing this task assigned by the Party Central Committee to promote high-quality development of the real estate sector.


Thank you.




As people's lives become more diverse, their expectations for housing have also increased. The MHURD has repeatedly emphasized that the public should live in better homes. My question is: what considerations and plans do you have for creating good housing in the next phase? Thank you.


Ni Hong:


Thank you for your question. I believe everyone is concerned about good housing. I share this concern personally, as I also want to live in a good home. I would like to address this question from three perspectives.


First, why should we build good housing? Second, what defines good housing? Third, how do we build good housing?


First, why should we build good housing? The CPC's founding mission is to sought happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation. The simplest and most basic understanding of happiness is living and working in peace and contentment. To achieve this, good housing is essential. Providing good housing for the people is required for fulfilling our Party's mission. Second, our reforms and development efforts ultimately aim to improve people's lives. Housing development in our country has now entered a new phase, shifting from simply providing housing to focusing on the quality of housing. As I mentioned in the opening remarks, the average urban housing area now exceeds 40 square meters per person, and people have new expectations for the functionality and quality of their homes. Therefore, we should apply new-generation information technologies, green low-carbon technologies and innovative construction techniques as well as new products and materials to housing development. We should guide the real estate and construction industries to prioritize quality, new technologies and better services over speed and quantity, enabling a true transformation of these industries. The Party Central Committee has made requirements, and the people have their expectations, so the MHURD must take action.


Second, what defines good housing? This is a matter of personal perspective and varies from person to person. With socioeconomic development, advancements in technology and changes in people's needs, the concept of good housing is continuously evolving. Different eras have different definitions of good housing, and even with various sizes and price ranges, there are diverse interpretations of what makes a good house. Everyone has their own idea of what constitutes a good home. However, I believe there are four key characteristics:


First is being green, which means ensuring that people live in healthy environments. This involves several aspects closely related to living conditions, such as room height, indoor temperature, humidity, air quality and lighting, all of which impact physical and mental health. Therefore, a good home should provide comfort, which requires careful design and construction, including proper sealing of doors and windows and effective soundproofing of walls. Recently, the MHURD sought public input on housing requirements. Soundproofing was ranked first, followed by preventing odors in bathrooms and leaks and cracks. Building a good home means addressing these concerns.


Second is being low-carbon, which means saving money for residents and conserving energy for society. How can we save money? In the construction sector, there are three stages: the production of building materials, the construction process and the full lifecycle utilization process, all of which involve energy and carbon consumption. A good house should be of high quality, perform well and have a long lifespan. Additionally, throughout its lifecycle, it should be more efficient in saving water, electricity, gas and energy, thus reducing costs and expenses for residents while also contributing to the conservation of energy and reduction of carbon for society.


The third feature is smart, bringing greater convenience to residents. With electric vehicles now being highly digitized and serving as mobile terminals, we envision "good houses" as larger non-mobile smart terminals, encompassing numerous application scenarios. For example, smart sensing technologies can monitor and adjust indoor conditions such as temperature, brightness, humidity and air quality based on specific needs. Furthermore, intelligent control allows for hands-free operation of doors, windows, lights, air conditioning and other household appliances through voice commands or sensors. Smart appliances, like smart refrigerators, will in the future notify us of low food supplies, reminding us to purchase essentials like eggs on our way home from work. Such systems can also alert residents about expired food. Therefore, I am confident that there are no limits to what we can accomplish. Consequently, in the construction of "good houses," we have allocated substantial space for technological innovation.


The fourth feature is safety, ensuring residents can live with peace of mind. This encompasses several aspects: structural integrity of buildings, designed to be robust and disaster-resistant; operational safety of utilities and systems, where sensors on water, electricity, gas and heating systems, including elevators, are installed to trigger alerts during faults or emergencies; and personal security of residents, where smart interconnected systems can detect unusual activities, ensuring the elderly and children enjoy enhanced safety while at home.


The concept of the "good house" still needs further innovations and adjustments through practice. As such, we invite all areas of society and friends from the media to make contributions and jointly explore ways to promote the construction of better houses.


Third, how do we build "good houses"? This task represents a systematic project, a novel application scenario and an emerging industry that could potentially establish a new competitive arena. These endeavors are not only crucial for satisfying people's living requirements, but are also instrumental in boosting domestic demand and ensuring economic stability through concentrated efforts in the following five main areas:


First, "good houses" must adhere to exemplary standards. We must refine our standards framework, enhancing criteria across designs, materials, construction and equipment. This includes improving standards for accessibility, senior-friendly features and smart technologies.


Second, "good houses" must be well designed. We will direct designers to carefully craft each structure, ensuring optimal utility and value for every square meter of houses.


Third, "good houses" require top-quality materials. We are committed to promoting the research and application of innovative materials, extensively developing eco-friendly construction materials, and consistently improving the performance of building materials in areas such as thermal insulation, heat shielding, waterproofing and environmental protection. 


Fourth, "good houses" need excellent construction practices. We will intensify our application of technology, advocating for modern construction methods such as green and intelligent building techniques, aspiring to construct "good houses" with the precision and quality used in automobile manufacturing.


Fifth, "good houses" must have good services. We will advance residential services, significantly improving property management, and bolstering both online and offline support for services including elder care, child care and domestic help.


Our goal for new constructions is to create "good houses," whereas for existing structures, we plan to transform them into "good houses" through urban renewal initiatives.


After establishing "good houses," our broader vision extends to creating "good neighborhoods, good communities and good urban districts," to ensure that citizens live in greater comfort and peace of mind. Thank you.


The New Times: 


In recent years, urban renewal has gained significant attention across various regions, with many cities trending on social media due to their enhanced aesthetics and post-renewal charm. Could you share some successful experiences in urban renewal? What initiatives are planned next? Thank you.


Ni Hong: 


Urban renewal is an inevitable process in the development of cities. Existing buildings now far exceed new buildings. Therefore, maintaining the functionality and utility of these existing buildings through urban renewal is essential. Moreover, this process requires comprehensive reforms spanning planning, construction and management. Mr. Qin oversees this area, so I would like to invite him to answer this question.


Qin Haixiang: 


Thank you. Urban renewal operations are of great concern to us all. Implementing these actions is crucial for transforming urban development models and achieving high-quality development. This initiative was decisively outlined during the fifth plenary session of the 19th CPC Central Committee. Over recent years, we have consistently applied a two-pronged approach of addressing both issues and objectives: deploying policies, initiating pilot projects, and managing key efforts to solidly advance urban renewal nationwide. These efforts have yielded substantial results.


Allow me to briefly introduce some of the main tasks being undertaken in our urban renewal initiatives:


First, we have made a big push to renovate old urban residential compounds. This is an important part of urban renewal initiatives. In recent years, we have focused on serving the people, delivering convenience and security. We have launched three campaigns to improve residential conditions and living environments, namely, "corridor revolution," "environmental revolution" and "management revolution," which have achieved positive results. Since 2019, China has started the renovation of 258,800 old urban residential compounds, benefiting 44.34 million households and around 110 million residents. During this process, we have upgraded 326,000 kilometers of old pipelines for water, electricity, gas and heating, have installed 125,000 elevators and have added 72,700 community service facilities for elderly and child care. At the same time, we have implemented energy-saving renovations to 423 million square meters of buildings and have added 3.6 million parking spaces, 117,000 electric vehicle charging piles, 755,000 e-bike charging piles as well as over 28 million square meters of cultural, recreational and sports venues. While renovating old residential compounds, we have focused on small-scale projects to enhance people's overall wellbeing. Continuous efforts have been made to boost the construction of parks, green spaces and sports facilities near residential areas, including over 40,000 pocket parks and more than 100,000 kilometers of urban green paths. A total of 11,000 hectares of lawn has opened to the public in 6,100 parks, providing citizens with a greater connection to nature and more opportunities for outdoor activities and sports, making our cities more livable.


Second, we have accelerated the upgrading of urban underground pipelines. These initiatives are crucial for enhancing our cities' resilience and safeguarding people's lives and property. In recent years, we have guided localities to upgrade about 100,000 kilometers of pipelines for gas and water supply as well as sewage. Along with the upgrading, we have implemented urban lifeline safety projects by installing intelligent sensing devices to improve our capabilities for monitoring the safety of urban pipelines and bridges as well as conducting early warnings. These efforts have eliminated many security risks and shifted the infrastructure risk control method from passive response to proactive prevention, making our cities more resilient. 


Third, we have been actively promoting the construction of smart cities. This is an essential requirement for modern urban development and governance. In recent years, we have strengthened coordination and increased efforts to build a city information modeling platform and an urban operation management service platform. These efforts have enhanced precise and scientific urban management and have promoted new urban infrastructure construction based on digital, internet-based and smart-tech development, making our cities smarter.


Of course, implementing urban renewal initiatives is a long-term task. For the next step, we will earnestly implement the decisions and requirements from the 20th CPC National Congress and the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee. Guided by the principle that cities should be built by the people and for the people, we will establish a sustainable urban renewal model and policy regulations to create livable, resilient and smart cities. This is an important reform task outlined at the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee. Guided by scientific principles, the laws of nature and the reality, we will work to pursue high-quality implementation of urban renewal initiatives. 


Our approach to urban renewal involves three key mechanisms: First, we will create and improve new institutions and mechanisms for urban renewal, which will be demand oriented and project based. Currently we are at a stage of upgrading existing resources, which with diverse participants and demands have brought great changes. We should pursue improved existing resources, a more complete range of functions and higher quality in light of actual demands. Second, we will carry out "physical examinations" for cities before urban renewal actions. We will establish and improve a working mechanism to implement "urban physical examinations" and urban renewal initiatives in a holistic way. Particularly, we should take the problems found through these "examinations" as the focus of urban renewal to solve pressing problems that impact people the most as well as shortcomings and weak links that affect cities' competitiveness, carrying capacity, security and sustainable development. Third, we will establish a policy coordination mechanism. We will improve relevant supporting policies in finance, taxation, land use and other fields, encourage the participation of private capital and create new models for urban renewal investment and financing.


Specifically, we will systematically promote the development of good houses, good residential compounds, good communities and good urban districts. Mr. Ni just made an introduction in this regard. We will focus on the following areas:


First, we will continue efforts to renovate old urban residential compounds and resolve problems such as installing elevators, parking shortages and charging difficulties. This year our plan is to renovate more than 50,000 old residential compounds. Based on this, a number of complete communities will be built as well as old blocks and old factory areas will be restored.


Second, we will constantly upgrade cities' "inner" constructions, mainly focusing on underground pipelines and cables. The third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee made decisions and arrangements for strengthening the building of underground utility tunnels and the upgrading of old pipelines. This year, old pipelines with a total length of over 100,000 km are scheduled to be upgraded.


Third, we will vigorously promote the construction of safety projects regarded as lifeblood within cities. We will use digital measures to advance real-time monitoring on various public facilities including water supply, drainage, gas, heating, bridge and utility tunnels. In doing so, early detection, early warning and early disposal of security hazards will guarantee the safe operation of our cities. 


Fourth, we will promote urban waterlogging control and have plans to remove the risk of flooding and waterlogging at more than 1,000 highly vulnerable points in 100 cities this year. We will accelerate the systematic construction of urban drainage and waterlogging prevention, and coordinate urban flood and waterlogging controls. An integrated operation and management mode, covering cities' water systems, drainage networks, and surrounding rivers, lakes, seas and reservoirs, will be set up and improved to make cities more capable for flood prevention and more resilient for safe operation. Thank you.


Jimu News:


At present, China's property market is in the process of adjustment and transformation. Could you brief us on the work that has been carried out and the progress that has been made in ensuring the delivery of housing for commercial housing projects? Thank you.


Dong Jianguo:


Thanks for your question. Ensuring the timely delivery of housing is a significant deployment made by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council. It is not only important work to guarantee people's livelihood and to effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of property buyers, but also conducive to meeting various expectation, boosting confidence in the real estate market as well as preventing and mitigating relevant risks.


On May 17, the State Council held a teleconference to ensure the delivery of housing projects, and made overall deployments on this regard. The MHURD and relevant departments held a briefing at the SCIO on the afternoon of May 17, introducing and interpreting policies on this issue. After the briefing, a series of policies and measures on stabilizing the property market were released, and we stepped up work to promote the delivery of housing in an orderly manner. As a result of city-specific measures being implemented, the country's real estate market has seen positive changes.


To better ensure the delivery of commercial housing projects, the MHURD and the National Financial Regulatory Administration (NFRA) have carried out a campaign to comprehensively check the commercial housing projects under construction that have been sold but not yet delivered within the country. There are 3.96 million housing units nationwide that were supposed to be delivered in accordance with contracts by the end of this year. In order to accomplish this goal, we have worked energetically on the following aspects.


First, policies have been enforced to create synergy. At the national level, the MHURD and the NFRA have implemented the requirements of the overall plan on effectively ensuring the delivery of housing projects, jointly formulated policy documents and organized training on relevant policies for local governments and relevant departments. We have also specified work arrangements on ensuring the housing delivery and enhanced the effectiveness of the urban real estate financing coordination mechanisms. The Supreme People's Court has clarified supporting judicial measures for these issues, such as prudently taking property preservation measures for the real estate "white list" projects. At the local level, municipal governments were asked to introduce city-level action plans, make detailed arrangements and prepare specific disposal approaches for different projects in line with local conditions. Some provinces have formulated provincial overall plans on ensuring the delivery of housing projects, defining objectives and supporting measures.


Second, urban real estate financing coordination mechanisms have played a vital role. We have established a three-tier coordination mechanism at the national, provincial and municipal levels, and included all the eligible projects into the "white list." Commercial banks have be asked to ensure that those who have fulfilled their duties are not held accountable, and provide financial support for all qualified lenders. At present, more than 5,300 projects on the "white list" and loans valued at roughly 1.4 trillion yuan have been approved by Chinese commercial banks in accordance with approval procedures. These funds are being released in line with the progress of the projects, which strongly support their construction and delivery.


Third, we have followed the principle of "one project, one policy" to deal with projects by type. We have guided local governments to implement a disposal approach that assigns each project a different action plan, a special group, a bank, an auditor and a judge. This approach was first piloted in Zhengzhou, and is scheduled to expand throughout the country. For eligible projects, we include them into the "white list," and provide them with financial support to ensure their construction and timely delivery. For insolvent projects, we accelerate the bankruptcy and reorganization or liquidation of project development enterprises, and give priority to protecting the legitimate rights and interests of home buyers in accordance with the Supreme People's Court's regulations on debt repayment.


Fourth, we have made efforts to ensure the quality and timely delivery of projects. The goal of ensuring the delivery of homes is to hand over houses that meet the delivery conditions to buyers. We have established a national system for ensuring home delivery. Each delivery task shall be completed according to the contract signed with each household registering with an ID number and a contact phone number, ensuring that the objectives are achieved down to each household and each buyer. As soon as a home is delivered, it is recorded and marked as completed. Meanwhile, we guide local authorities to strengthen the supervision of project quality to ensure that delivered projects meet the conditions for moving in and avoid discrepancies between what is promised and what is delivered. In addition, the Ministry of Natural Resources has issued supporting documents to address the issue of certification for home delivery projects, striving to ensure that property ownership certificates for such projects are issued as required.


Ensuring the delivery of homes concerns the vital interests of the public. People paid for their homes and should receive them. Next, the MHURD, together with relevant ministries, will resolutely implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council. We will always prioritize protecting the legitimate rights and interests of homebuyers, hold local governments, real estate developers and financial institutions accountable, take concrete measures, tackle difficulties and strive to ensure the successful delivery of commercial housing projects. Thank you. 


Cover News:


The urban work is closely related to the interests of the people, and has attracted great attention from all sectors of society. The reform resolution adopted at the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee proposed requirements for urban planning, construction and governance. What measures will be taken next? Thank you. 


Ni Hong:


Regarding the urban work, I would like to invite Mr. Qin to answer this question.


Qin Haixiang: 


Thank you for your question. Everyone is very concerned about urban construction and development since our cities are important carriers for advancing Chinese modernization. The CPC Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to the urban work. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping has made a series of important remarks and instructions on urban work, guiding China's urban development to historic achievements. As Mr. Ni mentioned, China's urbanization rate has now reached 66.16%. The construction of urban infrastructure is accelerating, urban functions are continuously improving, and the carrying capacity of cities is steadily increasing. Our living environment has significantly improved, and cities have undergone great changes. People's sense of gain, happiness and security have significantly increased. 


Currently, urban development in China has entered a phase of urban renewal, shifting from large-scale incremental construction in the past to placing equal emphasis on quality improvement and renovation of its existing stock and structural adjustment of its increment. The urban development model has shifted from expanding the scale to improving the quality of cities. People now demand a higher standard of living, which requires us to adapt to the new development needs and further deepen reforms in urban planning, construction and governance. The 20th CPC National Congress has made important plans in these areas, and the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee has outlined key tasks for further deepening reform. We also feel a great sense of responsibility and will work with relevant parties to ensure effective implementation. 


There are several main considerations going forward.


First, we will thoroughly implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important principle that "cities are built by the people and are for the people." We will take improving people's well-being as the starting point and goal of deepening reform, promote the implementation of urban renewal actions, solve the urgent and difficult problems facing the people, and continuously improve the quality of cities, making people's lives more convenient, comfortable and pleasant. 


Second, while adapting to the new requirements of high-quality development, we will shift our focus on reform from solving the problem of accessibility to improving quality. In the past, we mainly focused on accelerating construction, pursuing speed and scale. In the current stage of improving quality, we will strive to improve management capabilities and levels while continuing construction, and place greater emphasis on enhancing quality and efficiency. 


Third, we will deepen reforms in urban planning, construction and governance, and build a new mechanism that adapts to high-quality urban development. In terms of planning, we will adapt to practical needs of improving stock quality, optimizing functions and upgrading quality, enhance the urban planning system, and further deepen reform of urban planning and design mechanisms. In terms of construction, we will explore and establish sustainable urban renewal models and policies and regulations, strengthen the construction of underground integrated corridors and the upgrading of old pipelines, deepen actions to enhance urban safety and resilience, and innovate investment and financing mechanisms for urban construction and operation. In terms of governance, we will strengthen systematic thinking, focus on overall planning, improve the coordination mechanism for urban management, accelerate the construction and application of urban operation management service platforms, promote the integration of urban management into grassroots social governance, enhance grassroots service management capabilities, and advance the modernization of the urban governance system and governance capacity. Thank you.


Nanfang Daily, Nanfang Plus:


The Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Deepening Reform Comprehensively to Advance Chinese Modernization, adopted at the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, called for an increase in the construction and supply of government-subsidized housing to meet wage earners' essential housing needs. What specific steps will be taken next to ensure the effective implementation of this policy? Thank you.


Ni Hong:


Regarding housing, there are two aspects: one is the guarantee system, and the other is the market mechanism. Both need to be managed and coordinated. Could Mr. Dong elaborate on how to achieve this balance?


Dong Jianguo:


The Nanfang Daily reporter's question addresses a key concern for urban families facing housing difficulties, new urban residents and young people. The Party Central Committee and the State Council place great importance on housing security work. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, we've steadily improved our housing security system and expanded government-subsidized housing construction. Last year, the State Council issued a document on the planning and construction of government-subsidized housing, categorizing it into rental and sale properties and exploring new approaches for the latter.


In accordance with the directives of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, we, together with relevant departments, have strengthened overall planning and guidance. We have instructed local governments to focus on constructing sale-type government-subsidized housing to quickly resolve housing difficulties for wage earners. Simultaneously, we have emphasized supplying rental-type government-subsidized housing, offering diverse solutions such as "a bed, a room, or an apartment" to address the housing needs of new urban residents and young people. In the first seven months of this year, construction began on 2.35 million units of government-subsidized housing and resettlement housing for urban village renovations, with over 440 billion yuan invested.


The third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee called for increased construction and supply of government-subsidized housing. Our ministry will work with relevant departments to guide local governments in implementing and enforcing these directives.


First, we focus on planning. Government-subsidized housing planning is a crucial component of the overall housing development plan. We guide local governments to base their plans on regional economic capabilities, real estate market conditions, and the housing needs of various groups in difficulty. We emphasize "building and purchasing according to demand," tailoring government-subsidized housing plans to local conditions through five-year and annual plans. We prioritize allocating government-subsidized housing in areas with convenient transportation and well-equipped public facilities to promote a balance between work and residence. We also summarize and promote the experiences and practices of relevant cities, maintain and improve the rotation system for eligible residents, conduct regular application acceptance, and accurately assess the specific needs of these residents.


Second, we focus on improving the system. At the national level, we've issued a series of policy documents on planning and constructing government-subsidized housing, forming a relatively complete policy system. We are currently guiding local governments to align with the overarching national strategy and combine it with local realities. We encourage them to adhere to the principle of doing their best while acting within their means and to promptly introduce specific implementation opinions, management measures, and supporting policies. We also guide them to further refine and perfect the specific requirements for eligible recipients, protection methods, protection standards, distribution management, and other aspects to ensure the effective and orderly progress of all work.


Third, we focus on project construction. For projects in this year's plan, we are ensuring the implementation of fiscal, tax, land and financial support policies to expedite commencement and construction, enhance quality and safety supervision, and promptly initiate rental and sale arrangements for swift public occupancy. We will also enhance project planning and reserves, prepare for projects for the upcoming two years, and establish a rolling mechanism for project advancement that includes "implementing, reserving, and planning." Additionally, based on local real estate market conditions, we are actively promoting the acquisition of existing commercial housing stock for government-subsidized housing use, accelerating acquisitions for qualifying projects, and ensuring timely rental and sale arrangements. 


Fourth, we focus on the "good house" model. Some may believe that "good houses" only refer to improved housing and commercial properties. This is a misconception. Government-subsidized housing is a heart-winning government project. It should be built as "good housing," which is the government's responsibility and obligation. Currently, various regions have identified a number of demonstration projects for government-subsidized housing, which are being developed to be "green, low-carbon, intelligent, and safe." We are continuously improving the quality of government-subsidized housing and striving to ensure that the public live in a healthy, safe, and convenient environment. Thank you.


China Construction News:


The protection and inheritance of urban and rural histories and cultures are related to urban and rural areas' high-quality development. What progress has been made in this regard? What are the considerations for the next step? Thank you.


Ni Hong:


It is our important responsibility to do a good job in protecting and inheriting historical and cultural heritage. In a city or a village, no matter how tall or new a building is, it will be replaced, but only history cannot be replaced. I will invite Mr. Qin to answer your question in relationship to protection efforts.


Qin Haixiang:


Thank you for your questions. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all friends from the media for your concern and support when it comes to the protection and inheritance of urban and rural historical and cultural heritage. Cities and villages are important carriers of historical and cultural heritage. It is our important responsibility to protect and pass on precious historical and cultural heritage in urban and rural development. In recent years, we have thoroughly studied and implemented the principles from General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important instructions on the protection and inheritance of historical and cultural heritage as well as the decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and have vigorously promoted the protection and inheritance of urban and rural historical and cultural heritage, achieving remarkable results.


First, a systematic work structure has been established to increase the protection and inheritance of urban and rural historical and cultural heritage. The three-tier management system for protection and inheritance work at the national, provincial, city and county levels has been improved, and the system for local housing and urban-rural development departments to report to Party committees on the protection and inheritance of historical and cultural heritage has been advanced. Various regions have put more emphasis on the historical and cultural protection. Working systems, laws and regulations have been continuously improved, and the holistic and systematic protection and inheritance of historical and cultural heritage has been continuously enhanced.


Second, a multi-tier and multi-element system for carrying forward historical and cultural heritage protection in urban and rural areas has been established. There are now 142 famous historical and cultural cities, 312 towns and 487 villages of historical and cultural value as well as 8,155 traditional Chinese villages. More than 1,200 historical and cultural blocks have been demarcated and 67,200 ancient buildings have been identified. A historical and cultural heritage protection system in urban and rural areas with distinctive features, rich variety and large numbers has taken shape.


Third, a favorable atmosphere has been created for the whole of society to jointly protect and inherit urban and rural historical and cultural heritage. Society as a whole has increasingly deepened its understanding of the important value of urban and rural historical and cultural heritage, and the vision of protecting and inheriting historical and cultural heritage has developed deep roots, becoming a general consensus. In recent years, we have co-produced large-scale documentaries such as "Wenmai Chunqiu" (Historical Cities and Their Cultures), " Wisdom in Traditional Chinese Architecture " and "Remembering Homesickness" with CCTV, which fully demonstrate the charm of China's excellent traditional culture. These documentaries have attracted widespread attention and have gathered a strong force from society as a whole to care about and support the protection and inheritance of historical and cultural heritage.


Fourth, we have created a dynamic atmosphere in which urban and rural history and culture are integrated with modern life. In urban and rural development, we have changed our focus from previous demolition patterns to renovation and maintenance, and have preserved a number of old blocks, alleys and lanes in their original conditions, retaining the original residents and vitality. We have carried out pilot projects for the protection and utilization of historic buildings, and have organized and implemented comprehensive environmental improvement projects for historical and cultural blocks, which not only improves living environments but also protects historical and cultural heritage, making the city more distinctive and attractive.


Protecting and inheriting urban and rural historical and cultural heritage is a long-term undertaking. Next, we will thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Culture, pay more attention to coordinating protection and development, protection and people's livelihood, protection and utilization as well as single and overall protection, thus focusing our work on the following four aspects.


First, we will focus on protection. We will guide local governments to continue to strengthen the identification of resources and include historical and cultural heritage of different types and historical periods with local characteristics into the protection list, ensuring that important historical and cultural heritage of each period is systematically protected.


Second, we will focus on utilization. Utilization is the best protection. We will continue to protect, repair and revitalize historical and cultural blocks as well as historic buildings, encouraging local governments to adopt more micro-renovation methods, just like those meticulous ways used in embroidery, and weaving, to make up for shortcomings in infrastructure and public service facilities, so that historical and cultural districts can be revitalized.


Third, we will intensify oversight. We will take strong steps to investigate and punish actions in breach of laws and regulations that damage historical and cultural heritage in urban and rural development. We will continue to do a good job in special assessments for the protection of historical and cultural cities, criticize places that fail to protect them, urge them to make corrections and rectify existing problems, guide local governments to establish a regular inspection and management system for the protection and inheritance of urban and rural historical and cultural heritage, and promptly discover and prohibit acts that violate laws and regulations.


Fourth, we will focus on fundamental work. We will make every effort to advance the formulation and revision of relevant laws and regulations to protect and inherit historical and cultural heritage in urban and rural areas, will accelerate research and formulation of standards, will drive local governments to carry out local legislation and issue local standards in accordance with actual conditions, and will continue strengthening the training of professional personnel. Simultaneously, we will continue to work on the publicity for protecting and inheriting historical and cultural heritage. We also hope that friends from the media will join us in telling the story of Chinese history and culture to pass on and promote excellent traditional Chinese culture. 


Thank you!


Phoenix Satellite Television:


From "small and beautiful" projects including residential buildings, parks and schools to large infrastructure projects such as railways, bridges and airports, the construction capacity of China's construction industry has seen continuous improvements in recent years. While developing rapidly, the construction industry is also faced with the important task of improving quality and effectiveness. What are the considerations for improving and upgrading the construction industry at a faster pace? Thank you.


Ni Hong:


Thanks for your question. I will answer it. The construction industry is an important pillar industry for China's national economy. An industry being considered a pillar industry is dependent on its value added. Among various categories of the national economy, whichever industry accounts for over 5% of the GDP is a pillar industry. Just as I mentioned at the beginning, with a proportion of 7%, and 6.8% last year, the construction industry is an important pillar industry. It is also a traditional industry, closely related to the improvement of people's livelihoods. At the same time, it also plays a fundamental role in supporting the development of other industries. Building factories and facilities all require the development of the construction industry. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, we have thoroughly implemented the new development philosophy and have deepened the reform of the construction industry. We have made great efforts to implement an innovation-driven development strategy, promoting transformation and upgrading of the construction industry through technological innovation, transitioning China from a large country in construction into a strong country in construction, and helping the "Built by China" brand gain more recognition. Here are some representative highlights. 


First, we have developed important equipment for the country. We have developed a batch of world-class equipment with proprietary intellectual property rights including skyscraper building machines, shield tunneling machines and bridge girder erection machines, which are all very popular among many Belt and Road Initiative partner countries. 


Second, we have built iconic buildings. For example, the world's top engineering projects such as the Beijing Daxing International Airport, Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge and Shenzhen-Zhongshan Link have all been completed and put into use. Venues such as the National Speed Skating Oval, dubbed the "Ice Ribbon," and the National Ski Jumping Centre, dubbed the "Snow Ruyi," featuring cutting-edge technologies and Chinese style, have presented the scientific and technological strength of "Built by China" projects to the world.


Third, we have gone global. At present, we have built projects in 190 countries around the world and have received these countries' recognition. It can be said that a number of major projects built by Chinese construction enterprises have become landmark projects in these countries.


The third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee has put forward new requirements that national standards should be elevated to guide the upgrading of traditional industries, and enterprises should also be encouraged to apply digital and new green technologies to transform and upgrade these sectors. This has brought new opportunities for the upgrading and transformation of the construction industry. We will work on the following four aspects.


First, in terms of reform objectives, we will work on establishing a modern system for the construction industry, advance the industrial, digital and green transformation and upgrading of the construction industry, and build high-quality buildings and houses that meet the needs of the times and the people.


Second, in terms of methods and paths, we will leverage science and technology to enhance the quality and performance of the construction industry's development, accelerate the integration of new-generation information technology with the construction industry and vigorously develop new construction methods, such as intelligent construction, green construction, and prefabricated construction. Based on this, we will coordinate all sectors of design, production and construction, drive the coordinated development of the entire upstream and downstream industrial chains, including building materials, construction equipment as well as components and parts, and realize standardized design, industrialized production, prefabricated construction, IT-based management and intelligent maintenance. 


Third, in terms of systems and mechanisms, we will improve the system of construction standards for construction projects and give priority to reforming basic systems related to project supervision, project cost and project completion acceptance. Simultaneously, we will continue to improve the safety supervision system for the construction sector and project quality as well as foster an honest, law-abiding and quality-oriented business environment that upholds fair competition. 


Fourth, in terms of personnel training, we will focus on cultivating professional and dedicated personnel. We will launch a training plan for construction talents, and create opportunities and favorable conditions to cultivate leading talents, such as masters of survey and design. At the same time, we will cultivate young talents and enable aspiring young men to show their skills in the high-quality development of the construction industry so that they can stand out. We will call for the pursuit of superior workmanship and cultivate modern construction industry workers. Skill competitions will be organized to select the most skilled workers. We will adopt multiple measures to cultivate national-level craftsmen and skilled artisans. We have confidence in making "Built by China" projects gain the same worldwide reputation as "Made in China" products. Thank you!


Shou Xiaoli:


Thanks to Mr. Ni, all the other speakers and our friends from the media for participating. That's all for today's briefing. Goodbye, everyone.

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