How Early Do We Learn Racial 'Us and Them'?
Are human beings born good and corrupted by society or born bad and redeemed by civilization? Lately, goodness has been on a roll, scientifically speaking. It turns out that even 1-year-olds already sympathize with the distress of others and go out of their way to help them.
But the most recent work suggests that the origins of evil may be only a little later than the origins of good.
Our impulse to love and help the members of our own group is matched by an impulse to hate and fear the members of other groups. In 'Gulliver's Travels,' Swift described a vicious conflict between the Big-Enders, who ate their eggs with the big end up, and the Little-Enders, who started from the little end. Historically, largely arbitrary group differences (Catholic vs. Protestant, Hutu vs. Tutsi) have led to persecution and even genocide.
我们既有热爱和帮助自己人的冲动,也有憎恨和恐惧其他群体成员的冲动。斯威夫特(Swift)在《格列佛游记》(Gulliver's Travels)中描写了“大端派”(吃鸡蛋时从大的一端开始吃)和“小端派”(从小的一端开始吃)之间的恶性冲突。历史上,随意性很大的群体差异(天主教和新教,胡图族和图西族)曾导致迫害乃至大屠杀。
When and why does this particular human evil arise? A raft of new studies shows that even 5-year-olds discriminate between what psychologists call in-groups and out-groups. Moreover, children actually seem to learn subtle aspects of discrimination in early childhood.
In a recent paper, Yarrow Dunham at Princeton and colleagues explored when children begin to have negative thoughts about other racial groups. White kids aged 3 to 12 and adults saw computer-generated, racially ambiguous faces. They had to say whether they thought the face was black or white. Half the faces looked angry, half happy. The adults were more likely to say that angry faces were black. Even people who would hotly deny any racial prejudice unconsciously associate other racial groups with anger.
普林斯顿大学(Princeton)的亚罗•邓纳姆(Yarrow Dunham)和同事在近期的一篇论文中考察了儿童对其他族群负面看法的形成时间。在实验中,3到12岁的白人儿童以及成年人看了一些电脑合成、种族不明的面孔。他们要判断这些面孔属于黑人还是白人。其中有半数的面孔是愤怒的表情,半数是高兴的表情。成年人更倾向于说愤怒的面孔属于黑人。就连强烈否认自己有种族偏见的人也会下意识地将其他族群的面孔与愤怒联系在一起。
But what about the innocent kids? Even 3- and 4-year-olds were more likely to say that angry faces were black. In fact, younger children were just as prejudiced as older children and adults.
Is this just something about white attitudes toward black people? They did the same experiment with white and Asian faces. Although Asians aren't stereotypically angry, children also associated Asian faces with anger. Then the researchers tested Asian children in Taiwan with exactly the same white and Asian faces. The Asian children were more likely to think that angry faces were white. They also associated the out-group with anger, but for them the out-group was white.
Was this discrimination the result of some universal, innate tendency or were preschoolers subtly learning about discrimination? For black children, white people are the out-group. But, surprisingly, black children (and adults) were the only ones to show no bias at all; they categorized the white and black faces in the same way. The researchers suggest that this may be because black children pick up conflicting signals─they know that they belong to the black group, but they also know that the white group has higher status.
These findings show the deep roots of group conflict. But the last study also suggests that somehow children also quickly learn about how groups are related to each other.
Learning also was important in another way. The researchers began by asking the children to categorize unambiguously white, black or Asian faces. Children began to differentiate the racial groups at around age 4, but many of the children still did not recognize the racial categories. Moreover, children made the white/Asian distinction at a later age than the black/white distinction. Only children who recognized the racial categories were biased, but they were as biased as the adults tested at the same time. Still, it took kids from all races a while to learn those categories.
The studies of early altruism show that the natural state of man is not a war of all against all, as Thomas Hobbes said. But it may quickly become a war of us against them.
对早期利他行为的研究显示,人类的自然状态并不像托马斯•霍布斯(Thomas Hobbes)所说的那样是一切人反对一切人的战争。但这可能很快就会开始成为“我们”对“他们”的战争。