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天之聪教育 2020-03-02 国新办 2414次


Hu Kaihong:


Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the press conference being held by the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council. Today, we have Mr. You Jun, vice minister of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, and Ms. Weng Tiehui, vice minister of the Ministry of Education with us. They will brief us on policies about encouraging employment of college graduates and rural migrant workers, as well as take questions on this issue. First, I'll give the floor to Minister You.


You Jun:


Thank you! Good morning media friends. Employment is a major issue that affects our lives and is a grassroot project that concerns everyone. The CPC Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to this issue, especially at this critical moment as we give the final push in combatting the COVID-19 epidemic. President Xi Jinping has recently given important instructions to advance the work on coordinating the prevention and control of COVID-19 along with emphasizing economic and social development, and enhancing measures to keep employment stable in all sectors. President Xi pointed out that getting people back to work and stability in the job market is a top social priority, and he gave clear instructions on ensuring employment for some key groups of people. It has been emphasized to attach importance to the recruitment work on fresh college graduates, ensuring they can graduate smoothly this year and find employment as early as possible. Migrants workers working in low epidemic risk areas are encouraged to return to their places of work earlier, and proper arrangements will be made to help farmers from poverty-stricken areas to return to their work or find jobs. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has presided over several consecutive executive meetings of the State Council to research and deploy various measures to keep enterprises and employment stable, making it clear of the need to encourage providing employment for college graduates and migrant workers.  


The detailed arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council show their deep care and concern for college graduates and migrant workers. The epidemic outbreak inevitably has a huge impact on the economy, and it naturally affects employment, especially for college graduates and farm workers. The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security takes stabilizing employment as its top priority. We will take active measures and responsibility to: expand economic development so as to offer more employment opportunities, support the development of all enterprises to secure their employment, ensure employment opportunities for some key groups, optimize training services to help people seek employment, and enhance employment seeking help and support to make it one of our basic tasks. With comprehensive policies and integrated efforts, we hope to implement more concrete and targeted policies and measures to help college graduates and migrant workers find jobs, or return to work, with the aim of minimizing the effect of the epidemic on employment and ensure stable employment.


This concludes my brief introduction, thank you.


Hu Kaihong:


Thank you, vice minister You! vice minister Weng will now give a brief introduction.


Weng Tiehui:


Thank you. Good morning media friends, ladies and gentlemen. After the COVID-19 outbreak, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council has attached great attention to the college graduate employment issue. General Secretary Xi Jinping has given a set of instructions requiring us to take all necessary measures to ensure employment for college graduates, and Premier Li Keqiang has also made some specific arrangements. 


There will be 8.74 million college graduates this year, placing enormous pressure on the job market, and the employment challenge has become more difficult with the outbreak of the epidemic. The Ministry of Education has placed employment of college graduates at the top of its work agenda, and we are providing targeted guidance to students, while also working hard with other ministries and departments to explore employment opportunities for them, or provide more further-study options after their graduation.

We are actively pushing forward with our work in the following four aspects.


Firstly, we are trying our utmost to increase employment opportunities. We are working closely with the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security to secure employment for college graduates, something which was explained by vice minister You Jun. We are working together to stabilize the situation. Meanwhile, we are emphasizing the increase of employment of college graduates in the sectors of basic education, basic medical service and community service. University graduates are also encouraged to join the army. We are working with related departments to offer more grassroot organization employment opportunities to college graduates and encourage them to consider these options.


Secondly, we seek to provide more channels for graduate students to apply for higher education. According to the decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee and State Council, and considering the education and research capacity of colleges and universities, the academic disciplines needed to support national strategic development, and the shortage of school majors required for economic and social development, we are making great efforts to expand post-graduate student enrollment this year, on the premise of guaranteeing them a quality education. Meanwhile, we have already put great emphasis on some vocational education and applied skill education courses to meet the need for technicians in social services and management. The growing demands for such technicians will result in large numbers of students upgrading from junior college diploma students to undergraduates. We'll facilitate the transition. 


Thirdly, we are exploring more recruiting opportunities for college graduates. We have already launched 12 online campus recruitment services in cooperation with other administrative departments, and 18 other national scale recruitment activities are being prepared. We also require local governments to launch online recruitment and offer working posts in accordance with their regional, social and economic development situation. In addition we seek cooperation with job-hunting websites, a major trial after the COVID-19 outbreak. We have already selected five large commercial job-hunting portals including 51job, zhaopin, Bosszhipin, ChinaHR and liepin, and they will all set up a special free campus recruitment section, and offer their high quality services. Considering the graduate students' concern for the credibility of employers, we require these websites to strictly verify the job information published to ensure their accuracy and reliability. We have formed close relationships with these enterprises. The Ministry of Education formally launched the "24365 Online Campus Recruitment Service" today, offering 24-hour daily service all year round. We hope to create an environment which can enable both the job seeker and provider to confirm employment without having to meet each other.  


Fourthly, we will provide specific and targeted guidance for students in their job seeking. We require all colleges and universities to show care and concern to each individual college graduate. Career advisors, instructors, and even all supervisors for postgraduate and PhD students should pay close attention to the issue of job-seeking and employment of college graduates. Each student will receive individual guidance. The best efforts will be made to recommend the most suitable job for each graduate according to their interests and characteristics, providing guidance and adjusting their career expectancy. We hope they all find suitable employment in the shortest possible time. 


That concludes my introduction and I am now open to questions.


Hu Kaihong:


Thank you, vice minister Weng! Now, we'll open the floor for questions. Please identify your news outlet before asking questions.


The Paper: 


This year, there will be up to 8.74 million students graduating from colleges and universities, a year-on-year increase of 400,000. Including the graduates from last year, there will be a large group hunting for jobs. Now, it's a pretty critical period for college graduates to look for jobs. I'd like to ask for the opinions of ministers about the influence of the COVID-19 outbreak on their employment prospects? And what measures will the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security take to help their employment?


Weng Tiehui: 


Thank you for your questions! The COVID-19 outbreak has indeed posed challenges to the employment of college graduates. As employment means a two-way selection, graduates need to meet their future employers via campus recruitment and social recruitment events. However, the COVID-19 outbreak has made the events impossible to be convened. To facilitate their employment, expanding channels of employment will be our priority. First, posts and channels should be made available. This is the key focus of our job. Together with other relevant departments, the education sector will endeavor to expand channels of employment through the following five aspects:   


First, serve national strategies. Despite the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on the job market, the booming development of emerging industries and transformation of traditional industries promise a great potential for job opportunities. We'll actively encourage college graduates to work for major national projects, programs, and key industries which have contributed quite a lot of jobs in the past. But I think the proportion is still not high enough, so we'll continue to work on expanding jobs in these fields. We believe after the epidemic our national strategies will demand more talents.   


Second, increase job offers in key fields. We encourage recruitment in some key fields across the country, for example posts for teachers of primary and middle schools, in particular teachers for high schools and kindergartens. Since the reform of the college entrance examination, the country has faced a structural shortage of high school teachers. So we need to provide more posts of this kind. Meanwhile, we'll also ensure that all government-funded students of normal schools will find a teaching job and be incorporated into the authorized national teaching group system once they graduate this year. And we'll strengthen supervision on this aspect.   


Third, we will guide graduates to work at grassroots work units. They are the main platform for absorbing graduates a great platform for young talents to reach their prime. The education sector will continue to implement the program to encourage university graduates to work at rural schools in poverty-stricken regions, and in the meanwhile cooperate with relevant departments to organize and implement grassroots employment programs to encourage graduates to head for the western region to support local development and rural areas to be village heads or work in agriculture, education, health care, and poverty-stricken sectors. At the same time, together with relevant departments, we'll introduce preferential policies to encourage small and medium-sized enterprise (SMEs) to employ more graduates. We can say those SMEs are the major employers for fresh graduates. Based on data of the past three years, almost 60 percent of fresh graduates chose to work for SMEs. Just now vice minister You also indicated that the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and other departments have also provided guarantees of different kinds to SMEs to fuel their development. All these originate from decisions made by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council. Better implemention of these policies will greatly boost employment of university graduates this year.   


Fourth, encourage enlistment. We'll coordinate the National Defense Mobilization Committee of CPC Central Military Commission to help enlist more fresh graduates by optimizing distribution of quotas, bringing forward health examination and some other measures. Actually more than half of the enlisted servicemen each year are college students. This year the proportion will increase. Meanwhile, fresh graduates will be the key group for enlistment. In the past, all college students were eligible for the enlistment. This year, we'll take measures to encourage fresh graduates to be enlisted, who are also showing strong interest in being in the service.  


Fifth, diversify employment modes. Currently, new employment modes are booming in our country, represented by tailored services, technological development, and paid online contents services. We encourage graduates to work in these productive and life services sectors as well as fields closely related to our livelihood like education, health care, and elderly care, which need more human resources. The Ministry of Education will continue to cooperate with other departments to expand more channels for employment. Thank you!


You Jun:


I'd like to add some words here. Their employment is related to the young college graduates' career prospects, family's well-being, and the country's future. This year, our country's fresh graduates will number 8.74 million, another record high. Coupled with the unemployed graduates of previous years, the total number is pretty large, creating quite high pressure. Last fall, when starting the recruitment campaign, together with the Ministry of Education, we rolled out a raft of policies and measures to facilitate their employment; we have also made the human resources and social security service available on campus quite early on.   


However, the epidemic outbreak is exerting a quite big impact on college graduates' job hunting. These days happen to be the golden season for spring recruitment. There is the popular saying of "golden March, silver April." Now, the raging epidemic has led to the drop of the requirements for human resources in some fields and suspension of off-line recruitment events. Therefore, due to the frustration in their job hunting, many graduates have shown their anxiety. We sympathize with their feelings and are very concerned about the situation. 


The CPC Central Committee and the State Council have attached great importance to employment of college graduates and President Xi Jinping in particular gave instructions, requiring efforts to ensure their smooth graduation and early employment. For that, coordinating with other departments like the Ministry of Education, we have swiftly adjusted and introduced a series of policies and measures to cope with the new changes in job markets.  


First, expanding employment channels. We'll quicken the improvement and implementation of employment and entrepreneurship policies, to encourage companies to absorb graduates, guide graduates to work in the grassroots units, support some of them to start their own businesses, and facilitate their application for posts in governmental departments and public institutions, leaving no stone unturned in our efforts to aid their employment.   


Second, optimizing recruitment services. We'll introduce more online recruitment events, and offer online guidance and counseling by organizing hundreds of career supervisors to present "cloud-based classes." Once the epidemic comes to the end, career service agencies and market service institutions of all kinds across the country will be mobilized to introduce specialized on-site employment activities in high density. 


Third, expanding probation opportunities. This year and next year, we plan to organize millions of graduates to work for trial period, trying to enrich their work experience, improve their eligibility for employment, and enhancing their competitive capacity in the job market. For enterprises that provide such posts, they'll receive policy subsidies for 3-12 months.     


Fourth, emphasis on targeted help. For those graduates who have not found jobs after leaving their schools, they can register with the education authorities that will provide them targeted help with focus on those graduates from a registered poverty-stricken household or a family with no one holding a job.   


Meanwhile, we'll always give focus to graduates of Hubei's colleges and universities and those from Hubei. We'll actively cooperate with the relevant departments to take targeted assistance measures to give them help and create equal employment opportunities for them. All in all, we'll do our best to aid our graduates to land their jobs or start their businesses, thus making them able to tap into their talent and realize their dreams. Thank you!


CCTV News:


My question is for vice minister You Jun. CCTV News' netizens have shown their great concern about the employment of migrant workers. A meeting of the State Council discussed issues about expanding employment of migrant workers, increasing subsidies for their employment, stabilizing their posts, and widening channels to facilitate their employment in their hometowns or places near their hometowns. So how is the overall situation of migrant workers' employment? What difficulties are they facing in seeking employment? And what measures and plans has the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security introduced? Thank you! 


You Jun:


Thanks for your questions! Migrant workers have constituted the major body of our country's industrial workers. In 2019, their total population reached 290 million, out of which 170 million worked outside their hometowns including 75 million not working in their home provinces. On the whole, most of them are front-line workers, showing great flexibility in their employment, which make them bear the brunt of epidemic. For that, General Secretary Xi Jinping has attached great importance to their employment, and given instructions multiple times about the issue. We'll implement General Secretary Xi's instructions and promote employment of migrant workers on the premise of ensuring epidemic control and prevention based on the following six aspects:  


First, support work resumption of some workers. At present, some enterprises in east China still face labor shortages. Meanwhile, many migrant workers are held up in their hometowns in the central and western regions. Therefore, we have set up one-stop point-to-point service channels to help those migrant workers from low-risk regions to be back to work in a spaced-out scale in succession via such means as chartered buses, chartered trains, or train carriages.  


Second, help recruitment. We'll continually carry out online recruitment activities, promote online interviews and recruitment by video, and organize targeted labor service cooperation, helping enterprises to recruit migrant workers.   


Third, encourage employment in agriculture. We'll guide returned migrant workers to participate in local spring farming, preparations for plowing and sowing, and construction of agricultural infrastructure; and encourage them to find jobs in new agricultural businesses.   


Fourth, encourage employment in major projects. We'll further tap the employment potential of local major projects, and encourage related firms to absorb local migrant workers and people in poverty.   


Fifth, support entrepreneurship. We'll offer online entrepreneurship training, service, and capital support for those migrant workers who know techniques and the market, encouraging them to start their own businesses. 


Sixth, create posts in public sectors. For those poor migrant workers who can't go to other places to find jobs for the time being, we'll try to create temporary public posts like cleaning, disinfecting, and epidemic prevention, to guarantee their basic living.  


Migrant workers' employment is closely related to economic development, social stability, and improvement of people's livelihood. We'll introduce a variety of measures and try our best to stabilize and expand their employment. Thank you!




What kind of support is there for stabilizing employment and employees' salaries? Thank you


You Jun:


Thank you for your question, I think you want to know how to maintain stable and harmonious labor relations under the current situation, where some enterprises are facing production and operation difficulties and some workers are facing the risk of income reduction. We will mainly start from the following three aspects:  


First, we will encourage enterprises and their workers to stand together to overcome the current difficulties. We will guide both sides to stabilize their posts through negotiations on adjusting salaries, shortening working hours, and rotating days off.  


Second, we will provide some policy support. We will lighten the burden of enterprises by exempting , reducing, or delaying the payment of social insurance premiums, returning unemployment insurance compensation and providing subsidies for enterprises with stable, so that enterprises will not lay off employees or reduce the number of layoffs.  


The third is to supervise and guide enterprises that really need to lay off employees to regulate layoffs according to laws and regulations, in a bid to prevent illegal layoffs, and so effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of workers. Thank you.



China Daily:


On February 25, the Standing Committee of the State Council introduced a number of measures to encourage the employment of college graduates and migrant workers. Among them, the measures to expand the enrollment of postgraduate students and that increasing the number of students upgrading from junior college diploma to university degrees have attracted wide attention. I would like to ask vice minister of Education Weng Tiehui for more details on this. Thank you.


Weng Tiehui:


Thank you for your question. The expansion of the enrollment of postgraduate students and increasing of the number of students upgrading from junior college diploma to undergraduate degree is a major strategic decision made by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, with the overall situation of China's economic and social development in mind. It is based on the current social situation and has a long-term aim. The Ministry of Education will do relevant work to implement those decisions and arrangements.


First, we will make rational plans on the size of  enrollment for different universities. With the strong support of the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Education will take comprehensive considerations of the national economic and social development demands, the financial support, and the conditions of running colleges in different places. At present there are around 440,000 postgraduate supervisors, and 12,000 programs for Master's degree. In recent years, more than 2,000 new graduate programs have been added. Based on our capability, we will determine the recruitment scale of different universities, giving more opportunities to universities in central, west and northeast China. This year, we have made a basic calculation and found out that the enrollment of postgraduate students may increase by 189,000 compared with the number of last year. The number of students upgrading from junior college diploma to undergraduate degree will increase by 322,000 compared with that of last year. Next, it is important to implement measures to make specific plans for different provinces and universities, which shall be carried out scientifically, match their education capacity and ensure their education quality.  


Second, we will focus on areas that serve the national development strategy and meet the urgent needs of people's well-being. We will guide those enrolled students to choose subjects that meet social needs so that after their graduation, employment will not be a problem. At present, there is a shortage of talent in areas that serve the national development strategy and meet the urgent needs of people's well-being. The increased graduate programs will focus on clinical medicine, public health, integrated circuits, artificial intelligence and other fields, which mainly focuses on the training of professional degrees, especially application-oriented high-level professional degrees. The students upgrading from junior college diploma to undergraduate degrees will be guided to vocational education and application-oriented programs. Their future job positions will be in the fields of preventive medicine, emergency management, elderly care service management, e-commerce and other majors. These majors will be in high demand in the future according to our research.  


Third, we will be very strict with the enrollment and the quality of the courses. The Ministry of Education will guide related colleges to take quality as the core and to strictly recruit and cultivate students. Thank you.


Xinhua News Agency:


I would like to ask vice minister Weng Tiehui, you mentioned earlier that the Ministry of Education would carefully formulate the plan for this year's college entrance examination based on the development of the epidemic. What is the latest on this? Will this year's college entrance examination be postponed? Thank you. 


Weng Tiehui:


Thank you for your question. The college entrance examination, or Gaokao, concerns the vital interests of students and their families, and is also a major event in the social life of our country. The Ministry of Education attaches great importance to it. In accordance with the requirements of the central government, we are paying close attention to the development and changes of the epidemic and comprehensively studying and judging the impact of various factors on the organization of the examination.  


On the one hand, we are consulting with relevant departments and local governments on the development of the epidemic.  


On the other, we are also organizing experts to assess the impact of the epidemic on examination organization, examination room epidemic prevention, transportation, test preparation and printing, middle school teaching and other factors, so as to ensure the safety and health of every examinee and every staff member. This is something we must do. We'll keep close watch on it.  


We have learned that students about to take the Gaokao and their parents are particularly concerned about the Gaokao plan. We will also pay close attention to their concerns. We will carefully study and formulate specific implementation plan and relevant w ork arrangements for this year's Gaokao. Thank you.


Hong Kong Economic Herald:


In the face of the impact of the novel coronavirus epidemic, what is the current employment situation of the labor force living in poverty? What are the difficulties and problems? What measures will relevant departments take to help them? Thank you.


You Jun


Thank you for your question. The most effective and direct way out of poverty is to increase employment for a family member, which will mean lifting the whole family out of poverty Last year, there were more than 20 million poor laborers working away from home, among which 40 percent were migrant workers working in other provinces. The sudden outbreak of the novel coronavirus had an impact on China's economy and employment and naturally had affected the poor labor force. At present, some of them have not been able to return to work and some employment opportunities and income have declined. Poverty reduction by providing employment is facing great pressure now.  


CPC General Secretary Xi Jinping has attached great importance to this issue, stressing the importance of helping impoverished labor workers return to work in an orderly manner, of supporting leading enterprises and workshops to resume work and offer employment opportunities as soon as possible to help alleviate poverty. The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security will work with the State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development to increase policy support for employment and poverty alleviation, focusing on the "five priorities" and "two focuses."  


"Five priorities" : First priority is to resume productions. We will encourage model enterprises, workshops, cooperatives and other business entities that have achieved significant results in reducing poverty to resume work and production quickly, so as to increase the employment and income of the impoverished laborers. Second, priority to going out. We will give priority to the poor laborers when it comes to sending organized laborers to other places. We will do our best in personnel organization and transportation, ensure their safety, guarantee epidemic prevention and control, to realize "point-to-point, one-stop" centralized delivery of them to their posts. Third, priority given to absorbing impoverished labor force. We will encourage key enterprises involved in the production of epidemic prevention materials and daily necessities, as well as all types of agriculture-related businesses, to give priority to the absorption of impoverished laborers, and implement various subsidy policies. Fourth, priority to provide temporary work opportunities. We will develop a number of temporary public welfare posts related to epidemic prevention, and provide unconditional support for the impoverished laborers who cannot leave their hometown due to the epidemic, have no job, and cannot lift themselves out of poverty. Fifth, priority to provide services. We will take the impoverished laborers as the key target of the online Spring Breeze Action, implement a "one-to-one" plan, so that there is no blind spot, and provide care for all. Free online training will also be provided to upgrade the skills of impoverished labor workers.  


"Two focuses" : First, we will focus our work on areas in extreme poverty in Tibet, Xinjiang, Qinghai, Sichuan, Yunnan and Gansu, we need to allocate more government funds, create more jobs, and provide labor services in other areas in a more orderly manner. Second, we will pay more attention to areas where the epidemic is most severe, such as Hubei Province, and support them in terms of funds, policies and guarantees.  


Under the current situation, the prevention and control of the epidemic should be intensified, and employment and poverty alleviation should still be our focus. Therefore, in accordance with the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, we will do our best to reduce the impact of the epidemic on the employment of impoverished laborers. Thank you.


China Education Network Television:


We know that spring every year is the peak time for college graduates to hunt jobs. At present, as the epidemic prevention and control is still underway, universities have not started their new semester yet, thus on-site recruitment is suspended accordingly. May I ask vice minister Weng, what steps, under such circumstances, the Ministry of Education will take to help college graduates access suitable job information? Thank you.  


Weng Tiehui:


Thank you for your question. On February 5, we, together with related administrative departments, jointly issued a notice to temporarily suspend all kinds of on-site recruitment for college graduates. On-site recruitment is particularly significant for college graduates during the employment season. However, the current epidemic prevention and control has made it impossible to carry out on-site recruitment. On the premise of guaranteeing the overall recruitment work and ensuring the posts for graduates, we think that it is vitally important to keep all the students equally informed and great efforts will be made to ensure information of posts available for each student. To this end, we have actively concentrated efforts on the following aspects.   


First, different administrative departments coordinate with each other to increase supplies of posts. On the state-level, we are cooperating with related ministries and commissions, closely following the demands of specific industries for human resources, we have held 12 large-scale recruitment activities for the 2020 college graduates, and 18 more still in preparation. We primarily cooperate with the Ministry of Education and some administrative authorities, focusing on some specific industries. In March, we'll hold six online recruitment activities with focus on such fields as the e-commerce industry, state-level economic and technological development zones, strategic emerging industries, and key development fields.   


Second, we require the provincial and municipal authorities to mobilize local institutions and companies to carry out more online recruitment activities, as in different places organizations have their unique hallmarks, and as such, their enthusiasm and initiative should be fully mobilized. Provincial and municipal-level recruitment activities will be launched from March.   


Third, considering their existing disciplines, colleges and universities are called on to take initiative to contact potential employers to hold online recruitment activities of various kinds. Despite prevailing suspension of regular university operations, quite a number of institutions of higher education have already staged online job fairs tailored for graduates, sharing information of working posts. According to preliminary statistics, nearly 20,000 online recruitment activities at all levels will be held by colleges and universities across the country in March. The end of the epidemic will usher in the return of off-line recruiting, as at present, online recruiting proceeds primarily through administrative departments and schools.   


Fourth, the functions of social recruitment websites should be fully activated via multi-level concerted initiatives. We think that it's not enough to only rely on authorities at various levels and universities and colleges, we need to bring the role of different social sectors and enterprises into full play. Based on, a job website for graduates sponsored by the Ministry of Education, we seek in-depth cooperation with five recruitment websites, including 51job,,,, and liepin, aiming to jointly provide employment services for graduates. Now these five will host the first batch of online jobs numbering at least 800,000, which relatively accords with the needs of college graduates and conforms to their specialties and abilities. More posts will become available thereafter.   


Meanwhile, to guarantee graduates' rights and interests, we require the aforementioned recruitment websites to strictly verify online job information published the employers. The authenticity and accuracy of the information of the recruiting units and posts will be ensured through the joint establishment of a blacklist system and third-party complaint channel. Information about the blacklisted employer or post on one website can be shared by other websites. Expansion of employment channels, as well as the security of the employment of college graduates will be ensured through platform establishment and information-sharing.   


With the efforts, we strive to make the job information of offline recruitment in last March and April accessible online, thus minimizing the negative impact of the epidemic on graduates. In cooperation with the five websites, we officially launch the "24365 Campus Recruitment Service" today. This is the home page, with the aforementioned five websites below (on-site display). This section is a special part providing free services for college students. Our media friends can check it out. Students can browse the websites anytime in any place, to look for jobs, and even sign a contract. Thank you. 


Economic Daily and


My question is for vice minister You. We are all aware that the post-Spring Festival period usually marks the peak season for rural migrant workers to return to cities for jobs. However, the huge impact of the epidemic is sapping the manufacturing and catering sectors. We want to know about the situation concerning the work resumption of rural migrant workers, and what difficulties will they be confronted with? What steps, to address these difficulties, will the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security take to help the resumption? Thank you.


You Jun:


Thank you for your questions. Hosts of migrant workers, with a desire for reuniting with their families, would initiate journeys back home to savor the holiday festivities and return to work after the festival. However, this year has been overshadowed by a special predicament. Trapped in dire straits by the raging epidemic, numerous migrant workers dared not to go to other places, and some are reluctant to go, resulting in insufficient employment in enterprises in the eastern region and detention of migrant workers in the central and western regions.   


In accordance with the requirements by the central government on coordinating epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, on the premise of ensuring epidemic prevention and control, we have taken the following measures, to help rural migrant workers from low-risk areas return to work as soon as possible:   


First, establishment of platforms is essential. We have launched a "point-to-point" employment information docking platform for rural migrant workers, encourage all kinds of enterprises to fill in and post job information and demands for work resumption. Through the platform local human resources and social security departments can master the information promptly, and realize the timely information docking for places with labor inflow or outflow. A special section has been set up to dynamically update work resumption information of enterprises, helping workers to timely know the information.   


Second, establishment of various mechanisms is also necessary. In concerted efforts with the authorities of public security, transportation, and public health, as well as China State Railway Group, we have set up a "point-to-point" service coordination group to assist migrant workers to return to work safely and orderly. We have improved the information communication mechanism, regular consultation mechanism, and addressed the cross-regional work-resumption difficulties by coordination in a timely manner, thus providing guarantees for regions and enterprises with concentrated demands for labors. Up to now, more than 800,000 migrant workers have been sent back to their posts through "point-to-point" transportation of chartered bus, flight, train and train carriages.   


Third, service is reinforced. Free online assistance has been continuously provided, the precise personnel-docking without personal contact is promoted. In this way, employers post their labor demands online, job seekers look for jobs online, and employment service provided online. Service guidelines for enterprise employment and for migrant workers to return to work have been issued to facilitate orderly and safe work-resumption by area. Some local authorities in provinces with inflow requirement of migrant workers have dispatched specially-assigned personnel to labor outflowing places to directly help enterprises already in operation to recruit workers at the expense of their own.   


Fourth, key enterprises should be guaranteed as a priority in our efforts to facilitate work resumption. A 24-hour labor dispatching guarantee mechanism for key enterprises is set up to dynamically adjust the list of enterprises. Human resources and social security services specialists are appointed, and the labor shortage is being resolved through a slew of approaches such as assistance for job-resumption, surplus-deficiency adjusting, tapping the potential of the local area, and exporting labor services. Up to now, the labor demands of 7,600 key enterprises have been addressed.   


At the same time, we have also strengthened coordination with the public health department to ensure the safe travel and employment of rural migrant workers by improving a series of epidemic prevention measures, such as pre-trip inspection, full-process protection and regular temperature measurement. Thank you. 


China Review News Agency:


May I ask vice minister Weng, what services and help the Ministry of Education will provide to college graduates with employment difficulties? Will the Ministry of Education give special consideration to college graduates in Hubei? Thank you. 


Weng Tiehui:


Thank you for your question. To address the issue of special groups' employment, especially the special groups among college students, is a vital part of our work in facilitating employment of college graduates, where lies our original aspiration and bottom line. We'll take the following measures:  


First, we'll increase assistance to key groups. We'll first collect information of graduates of special groups, for example those from poverty-stricken families or with disabilities, and provide targeted assistance and offer tailored service for each of them by classifying them into categories. Preference will be given to them in job recommendation. The Ministry of Education has always attached great importance to the employment of these graduates, whose employment rate is higher than the national average. This year's situation is special as we are confronted with multiple difficulties, we will sort out the information of these students and offer "one-to-one" help to them. We'll be bound to make sure that they'll have the right place and position when they graduate.   


Second, we'll increase support tailored for college graduates in Hubei Province. Compared with college graduates in other regions, Hubei students, especially those from Wuhan, should be given more attention. Affected by the epidemic, they may return to school later. These students are not only in colleges and universities of Hubei Province, but also scattered in all parts of the country. Accordingly, we require all colleges and universities to offer more humanitarian assistance and accurate services for the employment of these students, especially graduates. Prior to graduation, they need to complete their thesis and collect data for experiments and research required for graduation. All these are practical difficulties faced by them. Responding to these, we will create favorable conditions for them. The Ministry of Education has issued relevant documents, requiring the extension of oral defense of the dissertation and degree audit, in particular for students from Hubei and Wuhan. Degree committees generally reviewed and approved academic degrees in July in summer in the past, but this year it is required that the degree awarding institutions can increase the number of meetings of the degree committee and carry out the degree awarding by stages and in batches.   


At the same time, all university students in Hubei, especially those in Wuhan, will return to schools much later this year. The Ministry of Education will strengthen the preferential policy in employment, graduation, and other aspects, targeting these groups of students. We have been in constant contact with the Hubei Provincial Department of Education and will accord them more preferential treatment across a myriad of fields, involving the rural teaching support program, grassroot projects of the central government, the postgraduate enrollment plan, and more upgrading places for students with junior college diploma to undergraduate degree.   


We will also hold special online recruitment activities for Hubei colleges and universities as well as Hubei students studying in colleges of other regions. Now we are preparing and actively coordinating with employers to extend the recruitment time, postpone the physical examination time, and postpone the signing for admission. In this regard, we will continue to launch relevant measures to carry out targeted work, so that Hubei students and graduates in Hubei universities can stay assured.   


Finally, the service guarantee for all graduates will be strengthened. When leaving school, college graduates who haven't secured job posts by July can keep their household registration files in the school for two years according to the regulations. This policy is not a new one. It is reiterated this year that it should be supervised and implemented. If students do not find jobs before leaving school, schools will be responsible for keeping their files and providing them service so that they can continue to look for suitable jobs without worrying about these things. For those graduates who find jobs within two years, we require colleges and universities to help handle employment procedures in accordance with the regulations tailored for fresh graduates. Thank you. 


Hu Kaihong:


The press conference is hereby concluded. Thanks to vice minister You and vice minister Weng. Thanks to you all. 

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