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天之聪教育 2020-03-03 中国驻英国大使馆 1368次


Speech by H.E. Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the Dinner in Celebration of the Chinese New Year: Join Hands to Meet Challenges and Embrace the New Spring


Langham London Hotel, 24 February 2020


Director General Mark Bowman,


Deputy Mayor Rajesh Agrawal,


Sir Douglas Flint,


Sir John Peace,


Lord Sassoon,


Chairman Stephen Perry,


Chairman Ron Dennis,


Sir John Sawers,


Ms. Fiona Hill,


Mr. James Williams,


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Dear Friends:


Good evening


welcome to the dinner in celebration of the Chinese New Year!

First of all, I would like to express my thanks to The Langham. Thank you for the meticulous preparation and thoughtful arrangement, which has provided us with this opportunity to taste the delicacies both Chinese and Western, and to appreciate the mutual respect, integration and win-win cooperation between China and the UK.


Today is the second day of the second month of the Chinese lunar calendar. This day is known as the “Spring Plowing Day”. In Chinese folklore, it is the day “the dragon raises its head”, which means the spring returns, and the world comes back to life and changes colours everyday. I hope this day also heralds new opportunities for a thriving China-UK relationship.


Last week, President Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Boris Johnson had a telephone conversation. It was the first one between the leaders of our two countries since Prime Minister Johnson took office.

During the conversation, President Xi thanked Her Majesty The Queen and Prime Minister Johnson for their sympathy to China in our fight against COVID-19. He also expressed China’s firm determination to win the battle against the virus. Furthermore, he reaffirmed China’s confidence in achieving this year’s goals for economic and social development.

I am confident that the harsh winter of the rampant disease will soon be over, and a spring free of epidemic and full of vitality is not far away.


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Dear Friends:


As we celebrate the arrival of the spring, let me use the letters in the word “SPRING” to share with you my thoughts and expectations.


The first letter S stands for strong-mindedness.

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the Chinese Government has regarded the safety and health of the people as our top priority. Our overriding task is to contain the epidemic and save lives.

Under the strong leadership of President Xi Jinping, the Chinese people are standing united, taking the most comprehensive, strict and thorough measures of disease prevention and control. We are waging a “people’s war” against the virus. Now the whole nation has been mobilized. Prevention and control measures have been deployed and implemented across the country:

The government departments are taking up their responsibilities.

The military has been mobilised to help.

Medical workers are making heroic efforts.

And, as in a dragon boat race, all the people are rowing together, pulling in the same direction.

The measures China has taken exceed the scope of WHO advice and are above the requirements of the International Health Regulations. WHO has spoken highly of China’s counter-virus efforts. In its words, China “is setting a new standard for outbreak response”.

Yesterday, President Xi Jinping once again called a meeting to lay out seven priorities in epidemic prevention and control. 


The second letter “P” stands for prudence.

At the moment, the prevention and control measures have shown positive effect. New breakthroughs are made in treatment, cure rate is rising, and fatality rate is kept at a relevantly low level. We have the confidence and capability to win this battle against the virus.

WHO has emphasised that the international community should not over-react. It disapproves of and is even against personnel and trade restrictions against China.

It is our hope that evaluations of the impact of the epidemic and China’s efforts should be objective and reasonable. Any measures adopted should be in line with WHO advice. Over-reaction should be avoided and extreme measures should be reversed in order to stop spreading panic. It is important to bear in mind that effective prevention and control of the epidemic matters to everyone, and normal exchanges between countries should not be affected. 


The third letter “R” stands for resilience.

Recently, there have been concerns about the possible impact of the epidemic on China’s economy. I want to stress that any negative impact is short-term and temporary. This is because China’s economy is highly resilient. The “immune system” is robust. The fundamentals that sustain long-term growth have not changed and will not change.

Yesterday, President Xi Jinping also emphasized that efforts should be made in eight aspects to promote economic and social development:

First, work and production should be resumed in accordance with the situation at different levels and in different regions.

Second, macro policy regulation should be stepped up.

Third, comprehensive and strengthened measures should be taken to stabilise employment.

Fourth, poverty alleviation target should be met.

Fifth, efforts should be made to facilitate businesses to reopen.

Sixth, spring planting must go ahead.

Seventh, basic livelihood should be guaranteed.

Eighth, efforts should be made to steady the basis for foreign trade and foreign investment.

With all these measures, we will meet this year’s targets for economic and social development.

When the epidemic is over, I am sure that the enormous potential and strong driving force of China’s economy will be unleashed. China will be able to achieve healthier and more sustainable development. It will continue to be the key stabiliser and major powerhouse for world economic growth.

第四个字母是“I”,即国际合作(International cooperation)。中方始终本着公开、透明、负责任的态度,开展疫情防控国际合作。中方第一时间向世卫组织、有关国家和地区通报疫情,分享病毒基因序列,与各方就防控保持沟通。同时,中方高度重视在华外国人安全,通过各种渠道向各国驻华机构通报疫情,解决好他们面临的困难。不久前,包括英国在内的一些国家决定从武汉撤侨,中方予以协助。我们将秉持人类命运共同体理念,继续本着公开透明态度,同国际社会加强合作,携手战胜疫情,共同维护和提升全球公共卫生安全。

The fourth letter “I” stands for international cooperation.

China has engaged in international cooperation on epidemic prevention and control in an open, transparent and responsible manner. We have lost no time in sharing information with the WHO and relevant countries and regions about the epidemic, including the genetic sequence of the virus. And we have maintained communication with all the relevant parties all along.

At the same time, China has attached great importance to the safety of foreign nationals in China. We have done our best to address the difficulties they face and keep them informed of the latest development through various channels. China has also offered assistance to some countries, including the UK, in evacuating their nationals.

Going forward, China will continue to act in the spirit of a community with a shared future for mankind and enhance cooperation with the international community in an open and transparent manner. As long as the world works together, this battle against COVID-19 can be won and global public health can be safeguarded and improved.

第五个字母是“N”, 即大爱无疆(Love has NO borders)。疫情无情人有情,很多国家都对中国抗击疫情表达了同情、信任和支持,包括英国在内的多国政府和国际组织向中方提供了防控物资。英国各界人士纷纷向中方表达慰问并提供捐助,表达共克时艰、共战疫情的情谊。患难见真情,这些跨越国界的爱心和善举令我们深受感动,也备受鼓舞,我们对此深表谢意。

The fifth letter N stands for “no borders”, as in the most quoted words of “love knows no borders”.

In face of the epidemic, people from every corner of the world have shown tremendous love and support. Many countries have expressed their sympathies, trust and support for China. Many governments, including the UK Government, and international organisations have donated urgently needed supplies. Here in the UK, people from all walks of life have expressed their sympathies to the people of China and have provided donation. It is in this time of hardship that we have learned the true measure of the friendship between China and the UK.

We are deeply touched and greatly encouraged by this tremendous love that knows no borders. We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to all those in this country who have shown their love and kindness towards China.

第六个字母是“G”,即“黄金时代”(Golden era)。今年是习近平主席访英开启中英关系“黄金时代”五周年,两国关系正站在新的历史起点上。习主席与约翰逊首相通话时表示,双方应引领中英全面战略伙伴关系新的十年再出发。“黄金时代”不是一时一事之策,它凝聚着中英战略共识,深植着中英合作共赢的基因,为推动两国关系向前发展注入了强大动力。当前,中英务实合作稳步提升,人文交流日益密切,国际协作持续推进,特别是双方在维护多边主义和自由贸易、应对气候变化等全球性挑战等方面共识日益深化。我们应坚持中英关系“黄金时代”大方向,不断增进战略互信,扩展互利合作,为“黄金时代”注入新动力、赋予新内涵,给两国人民带来更多福祉。

The sixth letter G stands for Golden Era.

This year is the fifth anniversary of the China-UK “Golden Era” launched by President Xi Jinping’s state visit to the UK in 2015. China-UK relationship is now standing at a new historical starting point.

In their telephone conversation last week, President Xi and Prime Minister Johnson agreed that our two countries should work together to make new progress in the next decade of China-UK comprehensive strategic partnership.

The “Golden Era” is not expediency. It embodies the strategic consensus of China and the UK. It carries the spirit of win-win cooperation, and provides strong impetus for the growth of China-UK relations.

China and the UK have increasingly close cooperation in the business sector, in cultural and people-to-people exchanges and in international affairs. In particular, our two countries are deepening consensus on upholding multilateralism and free trade and addressing global challenges such as climate change.

It is important that we keep to the right direction of the “Golden Era”, enhance strategic mutual trust and expand mutually-beneficial cooperation. We must garner new driving forces for the “Golden Era”, enrich bilateral relations, and deliver more benefits to our peoples. 







In conclusion, may I invite you to join me in a toast:

To an early victory over COVID-19,

To the “Golden Era” of China-UK relations,

To the happiness and health of our peoples,

To a prosperous Year of the Rat for all the friends present tonight,


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