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美国驻华使馆 2013-09-10 美国驻华使馆 297次


Remarks at Cascade Senior Living Opening Ceremony
Gary F. Locke, United States Ambassador to China
August 21, 2013

Thank you very much, James, for the introduction.  It’s really a pleasure to be here and quite an honor to be attending the Cascades Senior Living Apartment opening ceremonies.
It’s indeed a pleasure to share the podium with so many distinguished guests, especially Vice Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, Mr. Do Yupei, but also Mr. Nathan McLemore who is Managing Director of Columbia Pacific Management and Mr. Granger Cobb who is the President and CEO of Emeritus Senior Living.  Both of the companies from my home state and my residence of Seattle, Washington.
真的很高兴与这么多尊贵的来宾分享同一张讲台,尤其是民政部副部长窦玉沛,还有哥伦比亚太平洋管理公司董事总经理Nathan McLemore先生,荣休老年生活公司总裁兼首席执行官Granger Cobb先生。这两家公司都来自我的家乡和我居住的地方——华盛顿的西雅图。
And of course this project would not be possible without the leadership and the vision of the Chinese companies, Sino Ocean Land, and the President Mr. Li Ming and also China Life Insurance Company Ltd. Mr. Yang.
China is really facing the challenges of taking care of a rapidly aging population because China now has almost 200 million people who are over the age of 60.  But that number is increasing by almost nine million seniors a year, and by the year 2030 is expected to be almost 400 million seniors over the age of 60 years old.  So this poses an enormous challenge for the people and the government of China.
The Chinese culture is known for emphasizing deep respect for one’s parents and the elderly and of course taking care of our elderly.  So it’s only natural that China, we believe, will be a world leader in the quality of senior care services and in senior living communities.
During a recent U.S.-China Dialogue the Deputy Director General Peng of the National Development and Reform Commission indicated the desire of China for more cooperative exchanges with the United States in the area of health care and senior care services.  He encouraged U.S. companies to invest in the Chinese health care market and pledged China’s support for both joint ventures and direct investments in health [and senior] care.
One of my priorities as U.S. Ambassador to China has been to foster closer cooperation between China and the United States in this area of health care and senior care, because both of our countries face the challenges of an aging population.  So our Commercial Service has worked with the China Real Estate Chamber of Commerce to coordinate Chinese government efforts to develop local senior care communities.  We have facilitated a number of exchanges with U.S. experts to help the Chinese understand U.S. policy and actually help develop the first Chinese senior care standard for this industry.
In 2012 we led a trade mission focused on green hospital design and senior living, and the purpose of this mission was to introduce best practices of America to the Chinese government and to Chinese companies, and to introduce those U.S. companies on that trade mission to Chinese enterprises.
Cascade Health Care, which was one of the partners of this project, was a delegate on that trade mission.  So we were also very pleased to arrange for Cascade Health Care and other U.S. companies to advise a task force of the State Council which is developing recommendations for Chinese national policy on senior living.
So it’s a great pleasure to be here today to witness Cascade Health Care and Sino Ocean Land in celebrating the opening of their first major U.S.-China joint venture senior living project here in Beijing.
As I indicated, both China and the United States face the challenge of the rising numbers of seniors.  I’ve had a chance to tour this facility.  I must say it’s absolutely beautiful.  It has great support and medical services, talented, trained staff.  The living units are very warm and friendly and I think the residents that will call this home will very much feel that it is a home.
Facilities like this really I think will be the model for the industry not just in China but also in the United States and indeed around the world.
I must confess, I have a personal interest in facilities like this because my mom suffers from a very advanced stage of Parkinson’s Disease.  She’s still living at home.  She wants to stay at home as long as possible.  But now we’re confronted with the need of providing almost 24 hour care to make sure that she’s safe and gets the proper physical therapy, but also the medicine that she needs.  All the members of the family are trying to provide care for her, but at some point we know she’ll have to go into a more structured facility, hopefully a facility like this that offers 24 hour supervision, medical care, physical therapy and other support services.
We owe so much to our elders for all that they have done to raise us, their children, and for all of their sacrifices so that all of us could enjoy a better life.  The least that we can do is ensure that our elders have quality care and quality living communities.
So it’s a great pleasure to welcome partnerships between Chinese and U.S. senior living community companies like this and to christen and cut the ribbon for facilities like this because these facilities and these partnerships will help not just to meet the needs of our elderly generation, but really improve their quality of life.
So on behalf of the U.S. Embassy we wish all of you much success and a great future in serving the needs of the elderly here in China.
Thank you very much.

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