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天之聪教育 2013-09-11 天之聪教育 960次


Position Paper of the People’s Republic of China at the 68th Session of the United Nations General Assembly


I. The Role of the United Nations (UN)


The international situation is undergoing profound and complex changes. There is extensive support for world multi-polarity and greater democracy in international relations. Economic globalization and information technology are changing the world in a profound way. Countries are more interdependent. At the same time, the international community still faces many challenges. Various traditional and non-traditional security threats are entwined. The North-South development gap remains pronounced. The global governance mechanisms need to be improved.


To address difficult global issues and challenges requires the joint efforts of all UN Member States. The UN, as the most inclusive and representative inter-governmental organization, is a big stage for countries to uphold peace, pursue common development and conduct mutually beneficial cooperation and for people of the world to pursue their dreams. The purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations are the cornerstone of contemporary international relations. The international community should continue to uphold the post-war peace order and encourage the UN to play an important role in international affairs.


II. UN Reform


Facing the challenges brought by globalization and profound changes in the international situation, the international community has higher expectations for the UN. China hopes that the UN will keep abreast of the times and actively respond to these expectations by enhancing itself. Reform should help strengthen the capacity of the UN in coordinating international efforts to respond to global challenges and give developing countries more voice in international affairs. Reform should be an all-round one and be advanced in a balanced manner in security, development and human rights. In particular, positive results should be achieved in development.


China supports necessary and reasonable reform to the Security Council so that it will enjoy more authority and efficiency and better fulfill the responsibilities for maintaining international peace and security bestowed on it by the Charter of the United Nations. The priority of the Security Council reform should be on increasing the representation of developing countries, especially African countries, in the Security Council so that small and medium-sized countries will have more opportunities to sit on the Security Council in turns, participate in its decision-making, and play a bigger role in the Security Council. Given the broad agenda of the Security Council reform, it is important to continue with democratic and patient consultations, accommodate the interests and concerns of all parties, seek a package solution and reach the broadest possible agreement.


III. Political and Security Issues


1. Peacekeeping Operations


UN peacekeeping operations are an important and effective means for maintaining international peace and security. The peacekeeping operations, given their expanded scale and broadened mandate, are facing growing challenges today. China maintains that in conducting peacekeeping operations, it is important to strictly abide by and carry out the mandate of relevant Security Council resolutions, adhere to the three principles of “consent of the parties, impartiality and non-use of force except in self-defense and defense of the mandate” put forward by former UN Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold, strengthen operation planning, set out clear priorities, and coordinate actions to form synergy. There should be better coordination between peacekeeping, peacemaking and peacebuilding. The UN should place greater emphasis on enhancing cooperation with regional and sub-regional organizations, and pay more attention to the needs of African countries in its peacekeeping operations.


China attaches importance to and actively participates in UN peacekeeping operations. To date, China has sent over 20,000 military personnel, police officers and civilian officials to UN peacekeeping operations. At present, there are nearly 2,000 Chinese peacekeepers on duty in nine operations, making China the 18th largest troop-contributing country in the world and the biggest peacekeeper contributor among the five permanent members of the Security Council.


2. Peacebuilding


Peacebuilding helps eliminate the root cause of conflicts, and plays a significant role in realizing lasting peace and stability in relevant countries and regions. As the first agency in the UN system entrusted with the responsibility of coordinating post-conflict rebuilding, the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) has played an important role in helping with the rebuilding of post-conflict countries. China supports the UN’s leading role in post-conflict rebuilding and work of the PBC and the Peacebuilding Fund (PBF). The PBC should fully respect the independent rights of the countries concerned, support their efforts in collecting resources and make better use of the PBF. The PBC should improve its work method and efficiency, further strengthen its institutions and, at the same time, enhance coordination and cooperation with the General Assembly, the Security Council and other major agencies as well as international financial institutions and regional organizations. China will continue to support the work of the PBC.


3. Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict


China is deeply concerned about the threat and loss of the life and property of civilians caused by armed conflict, and urges the parties concerned to abide by the international law and relevant Security Council resolutions in good faith and give full protection to civilians caught up in armed conflict.


According to the Charter of the United Nations and the international humanitarian law, the responsibility to protect civilians rests first and foremost with the government of the country concerned. When providing assistance, the international community should adhere to the principles of “impartiality, objectiveness and neutrality”, obtain the consent of the host country, fully respect its sovereignty and territorial integrity, and refrain from interfering in local political disputes or impeding the peace process.


The protection of civilians should be incorporated into the political process aimed at seeking peaceful solutions to conflict. It should also be given priority in post-conflict rebuilding. The relevant UN agencies should strengthen coordination and form synergy in this respect.


4. Counter-Terrorism


Terrorism is the common enemy of the world. The international community has scaled up input, reached broader consensus, carried out deeper cooperation and made substantial progress in the fight against terrorism. Yet on the other hand, the breeding ground for terrorism has not been removed, terrorist threats to the international community are far from disappearing, and the international counter-terrorism situation remains as grave as ever.


The international community should carry out extensive cooperation to jointly combat terrorism in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, and other universally recognized international law and norms governing international relations. The UN and its Security Council should play a leading and coordinating role in the battle against terrorism. A holistic approach that addresses both the symptoms and root causes of terrorism should be adopted to remove the breeding ground for terrorism with the integrated use of political, economic and diplomatic means. China opposes the practice of double standards in fighting terrorism or linking terrorism to specific countries, ethnic groups or religions.


China is a victim of terrorism. The “Eastern Turkestan Islamic Movement” and other “Eastern Turkestan” terrorist forces have long been plotting and instigating violent terrorist attacks against the Chinese government and people. The fight against the “Eastern Turkestan” terrorist forces is an important part of the international anti-terrorism campaign. China will continue to take an active part in international counter-terrorism cooperation and work with all countries to fight the “Eastern Turkestan” and other international terrorist forces.


5. Situation on the Korean Peninsula


To uphold peace and stability and achieve the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula serves the common interests of all parties concerned and represents the call of the international community. China’s position on the issues on the Korean Peninsula is consistent. China is committed to a denuclearized and peaceful Peninsula and resolving the issues through dialogue. China holds the view that dialogue and consultation is the only effective way to resolve the relevant issues, and that the Six-Party Talks is an effective platform for addressing the concerns of the parties in a balanced manner and achieving denuclearization of the Peninsula. China hopes that the parties will maintain contact and dialogue, stay committed to resolving differences through negotiation and resume the Six-Party Talks at an early date. China is ready to work with the other parties to continue to play a constructive role in this process.


6. Myanmar


Since the political transformation started in Myanmar, positive progress has been made in its political and national reconciliation. There is good momentum of development. As a friendly neighbor, China will continue to support Myanmar’s efforts in realizing domestic stability and development and advancing political and national reconciliation. China supports Myanmar in developing friendly and cooperative relations with other countries based on equality and mutual benefit, and welcomes the lifting of sanctions on Myanmar by relevant countries. The international community should continue to create a sound external environment for Myanmar to steadily advance reform, achieve enduring stability and accelerate development, and respect the development path chosen by the people of Myanmar based on their national conditions.


7. Afghanistan


Afghanistan has made positive progress in peace and reconstruction, but still faces some difficulties and challenges. It requires the efforts of both the people of Afghanistan and the international community to bring about a peaceful, stable and independent Afghanistan that enjoys development.


China supports and has actively participated in Afghanistan’s peace and reconstruction process. We support the Afghan-led and Afghan-owned reconciliation process and we support Afghanistan in its continued efforts to strengthen capacity-building, improve the security environment and develop cooperation with countries in the region. The relevant parties should create conditions for the Afghan government to assume the security responsibilities, honor the assistance commitment to Afghanistan’s economic and social development, and gradually and smoothly transfer the security responsibilities to Afghanistan on the basis of ensuring peace and stability in the country. The international community should strengthen coordination and collaboration and work together for the early arrival of an Afghanistan governed by the Afghan people.


8. Iranian Nuclear Issue


China supports upholding the international non-proliferation regime, and calls for a proper solution to the Iranian nuclear issue through dialogue and negotiation to maintain peace and stability in the Middle East. As a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), Iran has the right to peaceful use of nuclear energy and should at the same time fulfill its international non-proliferation obligation.


China believes that dialogue and negotiation is the only right way to properly resolve the Iranian nuclear issue and serves the fundamental interests of all parties. Thanks to the concerted efforts of all relevant parties, the dialogue between the P5+1 countries and Iran has entered the stage of substantive negotiation. Under the current situation, the relevant parties should keep to the direction of dialogue, step up diplomatic efforts, adopt a flexible and pragmatic attitude, seek common ground while resolving differences, and push for early progress in the dialogue. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and Iran should also strengthen cooperation and strive for substantive results.


China has worked actively to promote peace and encourage dialogue for resolving the Iranian issue. To uphold the international nuclear non-proliferation regime and peace and stability in the Middle East, China will work with other parties to play a constructive role in finding a comprehensive, long-term and proper solution to the issue.

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