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天之聪教育 2014-07-10 外交部 366次


Statement by H.E. Amb. Chen Shiqiu at ASEM High-level Conference on Inter-cultural and Inter-religious Dialogue


3 July 2014, St. Petersburg



Mr. Chair,

Ladies and Gentlemen,


It’s a great pleasure for me to be here with colleagues and friends from ASEM partners in St. Petersburg, a picturesque city with a long history and rich culture, to exchange views on this important topic of inter-cultural and inter-religious dialogue between Asia and Europe. At the outset, I would like to extend, on behalf of the Chinese delegation, my heartfelt thanks to the Russian government for its great efforts and thoughtful arrangements for this conference.


The world today is undergoing profound and complex changes. With the rapid development of economic globalization1 and informatization, there emerge more uncertainties affecting international peace and security. The three forces of terrorism, separatism and extremism are still inciting incidents and causing trouble in some countries and regions. Terrorist attacks, violence, hatred and turbulences in the name of religion are not rare. Conflicts and confrontations created by prejudice, misunderstanding and intolerance still exist. Many countries are facing increasing development challenges and all kinds of non-traditional security threats. Against this backdrop, it is not only necessary but also imperative for Asian and European countries to continue to enhance inter-cultural and inter-religious dialogue, to promote harmonious co-existence between different ethnic groups and religions, in an effort to create a better environment for regional peace, stability and sustainable development.


Mr. Chair,


Civilizations and cultures have become richer and more colorful with exchanges and mutual learning. Taking this opportunity, I would like to share with you some thoughts on enhancing inter-cultural and inter-religious dialogue between Asia and Europe.


First, it is essential to have equality and mutual respect. All the civilizations and religions in the world are the common wealth of the humankind. Due to different historic backgrounds, natural environments, and stages of social development, different cultures and religions have their own characteristics and advantages. But none is superior of inferior to another. As an old Chinese saying goes, “Different colors bring out the best in each other and the ensemble of musical notes makes for the song of harmony”. We need to respect the history, culture, religious beliefs of all nations and the development path chosen by the people of each country.


Second, it is important to promote exchanges and mutual learning on the basis of openness and tolerance. Differences among civilizations necessitate inter-cultural exchanges, and exchanges promote development. History and practical experience tell us that different cultures and religions can enrich each other and progress together with dialogue, mutual learning and integration. We shall uphold the spirit of openness, tolerance and cooperation, promote dialogue, draw on the strong points of others and overcome one’s own shortcomings, so as to eliminate misunderstanding, resolve disputes and realize harmonious co-existence of different civilizations and religions.


Third, we should seek common ground while shelving differences and never impose one’s own will on others. Conflicts usually stem from estrangement, prejudice, discrimination and even hatred generated by the differences among civilizations and religions. In the Chinese culture, we value the views of “Harmony is most precious.”, “Harmony in diversity”, and “Never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself”. While supporting the expanding of inter-cultural and inter-religious exchange and cooperation, we shall join hands in combating all kinds of religious extremism and exclusionism.


Mr. Chair,


Culture is an adhesive for social cohesion and an important source of human creativity. As the theme of this conference is “Harmony between civilizations as a prerequisite for sustainable development”, we regard it as a common mission for all governments to unleash the huge potential of their own cultures in creating employment, increase people’s income and promote sustainable economic and social development. In the meantime, it is also significant to further strengthen inter-religious dialogue within a country to eliminate poverty, improve education, and promote social harmony and fairness. The Chinese government has set the reform and development of culture as one of the priorities in its national economic and social development planning. A “five in one” construction plan, i.e. the comprehensive construction of economic, political, cultural, social and ecological civilizations has been included in China’s overall development program. We also support the inclusion of culture into the post-2015 development agenda and make cultural diversity an important resource for promoting global peace and development.


Mr. Chair,


Among the large number of ASEM members, cultural and religious diversity is a prominent feature. Inter-cultural and inter-religious dialogue is an important part of the deepening of Asia-Europe partnership. We may recall the “ASEM Declaration on Dialogue among Cultures and Civilizations” adopted at the 5th ASEM Summit ten years ago, in which Asian and European leaders stressed the important role of cultural diversity in pushing forward economic progress and social development. This document is still a significant guide for us to enhance understanding through dialogue, promote cooperation through seeking consensus, enhance harmony with tolerance, and to jointly preserve cultural diversity, and safeguard peace, security and sustainable development in Asia and Europe. We should encourage ASEM members to continue cultural, educational and art exchanges and have closer interactions among their cultural and religious circles. Over many years, ASEF has implemented quite a few projects in culture, education and arts, which have enhanced cultural exchanges and mutual understanding among ASEM members. China supports the role of ASEF in this regard and hopes it can play an even bigger part in bringing about more cultural exchanges, engaging more members in the process and increasing the visibility of these activities.


Mr. Chair,


China will unswervingly adhere to the path of peaceful development and the opening-up strategy for mutual benefits and win-win outcome. China attaches great importance to cultural exchanges under the framework of ASEM. We support and participate actively in inter-cultural and inter-religious dialogue between Asia and Europe. In addition, we have constructively participated in a number of cooperation initiatives including the Alliance of Civilizations of the UN. We are ready to join hands with all partners to build a bridge for inter-cultural and inter-religious dialogue through ASEM, with a view to making further contribution to peace, stability and common development of Asia and Europe and the whole world.


Thank you.

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