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天之聪教育 2020-03-12 国新办 2451次


Hu Kaihong:


Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. Welcome to this press conference held by the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council. Today we have invited Mr. Zhan Chengfu, vice minister of civil affairs, who will brief you about the work of civil affairs departments in the struggle to control and prevent the spread of the COVID-19 and to secure people's basic livelihood. Also present today are Mr. Liu Xitang, head of the Department of Social Assistance, Ministry of Civil Affairs (MCA); Mr. Chen Yueliang, head of the Department of Primary Level Political Units Development and Community Governance, MCA; and Mr. Yu Jianliang, head of the Department of Elderly Care, MCA. They will also be available to answer your questions.


First, I give the floor to Mr. Zhan Chengfu.


Zhan Chengfu:


Ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, good morning. Today, my colleagues and I will introduce the efforts of civil affairs departments to control and prevent the spread of COVID-19, as well as to secure people's basic livelihood. We will also answer your questions.  


As we all know, the majority of elderly people, orphans, as well as children and people with physical disabilities are the most vulnerable segments of our society. They have suffered far more than the rest of the population during the epidemic prevention and control work. Merciless as the virus is, we human beings are sympathetic and caring. The CPC Central Committee and the State Council have always taken people's livelihood, especially that of disadvantaged groups, as its top priority. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, General Secretary Xi Jinping has issued important instructions on numerous occasions that institutions dealing with the elderly care, social assistance, children's welfare and mental health should make even greater efforts to prevent and control this virus and provide relevant assistance to those deemed vulnerable. Recently, the leading group of the CPC Central Committee on the prevention and control of the epidemic and the State Council's Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism have reviewed and released many important documents concerning civil affairs. Unified deployments have been made in order to further improve the work of epidemic prevention and control in institutions providing the wide range of civil affairs services, fully implement the favorable policies for frontline community workers, and secure the basic livelihood of vulnerable groups in the midst of the epidemic. These fully reflect the care from the CPC Central Committee and the State Council for community workers as well as people in need of civil services, demonstrating the superiority of the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Calls have been issued urging the civil affair departments of all levels to spare no effort to live up to the central government's trust and people's expectation.


Since the outbreak, the Ministry of Civil Affairs has undertaken many actions and fully performed its duty, coordinating and promoting epidemic prevention and control work along with civil affairs work. At the civil affairs sector, we implemented the major decisions and arrangements made by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on epidemic control and economic and social development. Our work can be summarized in the following aspects.   


First, we have strengthened the organization and its leadership, and improved our execution capacity in regard to the decisions and arrangements made by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council. The ministry's leading party members' group set up a leadership team on prevention and control work in addition to seven special teams to make special arrangements and implement the requirements of duty regarding civil affairs service organizations, urban and rural communities, charitable donations, as well as civil affairs authorities. The ministry's leading party members' group and the leadership team on epidemic control have held 13 meetings, in order to learn the key guidance made by General Secretary Xi Jinping and the decisions and arrangements made by the CPC Central Committee, as well as to formulate working guidelines to guide prevention and control work across China.     


Second, we fully supported the prevention and control work in Hubei, and especially in Wuhan. We formulated in a timely way various policy documents on strengthening the supervision of charitable donations, issued notices to charity organizations across the country, and guided charity forces to donate to Wuhan, Hubei and other regions hit hard by the epidemic. We have sent work teams to Wuhan to guide charitable donations as well as civil affairs service institutions there on three occasions. We have also coordinated Jiangsu, Anhui and Hunan provinces to organize three teams totaling 118 people to rush to Wuhan to help with elderly care institutions in the city. We have also guided civil affairs authorities in Wuhan and Hubei to carry out temporary assistance for people stranded there, as well as strengthened support for people in difficulties and special groups. 


Third, we have mobilized personnel and resources from all sectors of society in the epidemic prevention and control work. We have offered guidance to communities in both urban and rural areas to establish or improve dedicated working mechanisms and grid management systems, fully implement joint prevention and control measures, unite the masses in creating a defensive line against the coronavirus, and coordinate society-wide efforts to strengthen care for frontline community workers. Meanwhile, we have encouraged various industrial associations at different levels, charities, social work and voluntary institutions to leverage their respective strengths to participate in the epidemic prevention and control work with systematic steps and in accordance with the law.  


Fourth, we have taken solid measures to ensure the protection of staff and residents working or living in civil affairs service institutions. We have issued a series of guidelines to guide institutions of nursing homes, child welfare institutions, mental health welfare centers, relief and management institutions for vagrants and beggars, as well as funeral services, in the epidemic prevention and control work. For institutions offering face-to-face services, such as the registration of social organizations and marriages as well as welfare lottery sales, we have introduced measures including adequate ventilation and disinfection, online appointments, providing services at different time periods and reducing mass gatherings to curb the spread of the virus. We have also strengthened the epidemic prevention and control work at civil affairs offices, thus maintaining the nationwide steady operation of the civil affairs system.


Fifth, we have promoted the resumption of work in the civil affairs system in a prudent and orderly manner. In regions where the epidemic situation is not severe, we have offered guidance for civil affairs service facilities to receive and accommodate the elderly, children and people with disabilities. We have also guided institutions offering face-to-face services there in the resumption of work at an appropriate time using a region-specific and multi-level targeted approach. We have improved our services for disadvantaged groups including childless and "left-behind" elderly, children in difficulties, as well as residents with serious illnesses and disabilities, so that they can receive heartwarming care from the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the Chinese government amid the COVID-19 outbreak.


Generally speaking, under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee, the civil affairs system has adopted a vigorous and orderly approach to the epidemic prevention and control work, effectively ensuring the safety and health of the groups that we serve, and contributing to the overall progress in nationwide epidemic prevention and control. It is worth noting that local civil affairs officials and community workers, with the big picture in mind, have stuck to their posts with selfless devotion to safeguarding the people's health. Here I would like to call for more media coverage of their touching stories.  


However, there is still a lot of room for improvement in our work, and we invite your oversight, comments and valuable advice. Going forward, we will continue to promote the in-depth study of the guiding principles embodied in General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on coordinating the epidemic prevention and control work with socio-economic development, and fully implement the three important documents recently issued by the Leading Group of the CPC Central Committee on Novel Coronavirus Prevention and Control, and the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council. We will take a more organized approach to epidemic prevention and control, endeavor to achieve this year's tasks, and make positive contributions to winning the people's war against the epidemic, finishing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects and completing the 13th Five-Year Plan.


That is all for my introduction.


Hu Kaihong:


Thank you, Mr. Zhan. Next, we will move on to questions. Please identify your media outlet before asking your question.




We noticed that the epidemic has reached some nursing homes in Hubei and other places recently. May I ask Vice Minister Zhan Chengfu, what is the current situation of epidemic prevention and control in civil affairs service institutions, including welfare homes for children as well as nursing homes? What measures will the Ministry of Civil Affairs take to prevent and control the epidemic? Thank you.


Zhan Chengfu:


Thank you for your question. First, allow me to explain the system of civil affairs service institutions for everyone. It is composed of five main types of institution: nursing homes, welfare homes for children, mental health welfare institutions, relief and management institutions for vagrants and beggars, and funeral services. Excluding funeral services, the first four institutions total 45,239 facilities, which serve more than 2.15 million people. There are 1,881 funeral services with cremation function. Recently, the "main battlefield" of civil services in the fight against COVID-19 has been in Wuhan. These institutions have all now implemented closed management, all those in care have undergone nucleic acid testing, while suspected and confirmed patients have all been isolated and treated following the guidance on receiving and treating all these in need via thorough examination. It should be noted that the epidemic management of civil affairs service institutions is carried out by local authorities, and relevant information will be issued by local governments. So, please check the information and data released by authorities at all levels.


Since the epidemic outbreak, the Ministry of Civil Affairs has prioritized the prevention and control of the epidemic in the civil affairs service institutions, and made every effort to ensure the safety of the institutions and people in care. That is a basic introduction, now we have carried out four major tasks: First, we have strengthened supervision and implementation. From the leaders of the ministry to the divisions and bureaus, eight working groups have been sent to local civil affairs departments to guide their work. Second, classification guidance has been conducted. We have formulated 18 guidelines, work regulations and process guides. Third, we will fully support the work in key epidemic areas. Two vice ministers led the teams to Wuhan to guide the charity donation and pension service work and 118 professionals in elderly care have been coordinated and sent to Wuhan to help. Fourth, we have carried out timely investigations and dealt with prominent problems. For example, we worked with the civil affairs departments of Hubei province and Wuhan to research and assist those stranded in Wuhan after the outbreak of the epidemic.


Overall, these measures have proven useful. Of course, we also clearly realize that the civil affairs service institutions have been crowded and the environment is closed-off. Also, the elderly, people with disabilities, orphans and vagrants and beggars living in the institutions have weak self-protection abilities, and funeral services also directly handle the deceased. As such, the risk of infection is high, and the prevention and control situation remains very grim. We will continue to tighten the controls, focus on key areas and key links, and consider general areas. We will continue to implement the existing policies and summarize the good experiences. Thank you.


Hong Kong Economic Herald:


Many people who were living a passable life have met difficulties since the outbreak of COVID-19. They may not thoroughly understand the social assistance policies and procedures. How will the civil affairs authorities respond to and address their needs in a timely manner?


Zhan Chengfu:


The Department of Social Assistance of the Ministry of Civil Affairs is in charge of social assistance work. I'd like to invite Mr. Liu Xitang to answer your question.


Liu Xitang:


Let me take this question. The outbreak of COVID-19 has brought many challenges for social assistance work. We have taken a slew of measures to promptly respond to public concerns and guarantee the living security for those who are in severe difficulties. It is our mission to help and save anyone in need, an important guideline for our work. On Jan. 29, we announced new arrangements and deployments in a notice. Responding to the new requirements of the Central Leading Group for COVID-19 Prevention and Control based on the current situation of epidemic prevention and control, we have adopted the following measures to promptly respond to people's needs for social assistance.


First, we have streamlined all procedures. In the past, to fairly assign the minimum living allowances, we have to go through a door-to-door household survey, democratic appraisal, and publicizing beneficiaries. Now, we conduct the household survey in a long-distance-range or non-contact mode, such as making inquiry calls or verifying applicants' financial situation based on big data. We have established a household financial situation checking system that can be shared among different departments. Also, we have halted the work of disqualifying basic living allowances beneficiaries in epidemic-stricken areas and it won't start until the crisis has passed. 


Second, we encourage the use of information technology. We deployed local civil affairs departments to respond promptly to applications, and they have taken to online platforms to manage the work of social assistance. For example, Sichuan province has developed an online platform to manage this vital work. People can apply through the WeChat remotely. We have also taken other measures, such as delegating the authority to examine and approve items down to lower administrative levels. For the hardest-hit areas we permitted government agencies to delegate the authority to examine and approve items for temporary assistance directly to communities. Community workers in Wuhan and other areas most affected by the epidemic can respond to the need of people in difficulties promptly and carry out assistance at first hand, and the information about the application of social assistance can be added later. 


The third is to open up helplines. Channels through which the people in difficulty can make their voices heard about any difficulties are being smoothed out. People can dial the helplines for help and know whom to ask for. The Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council has released the helpline information to the public, and the local governments have opened up the 12345 hotline service. We have also required the local civil affairs departments to promote knowledge of these helplines. Now, the helplines have been opened up at the county level, and we will put the information on the website of the Ministry of Civil Affairs. 


Fourth, there is the aspect of policy promotion. From Jan. 29 to now, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, local governments and the Central Leading Group for COVID-19 Prevention and Control have issued a series of measures to protect the people in need. How can these measures be conveyed in a timely manner? We need to strengthen the promotion of these policies and encourage the use of new media, such as Weibo and WeChat. So, we hope you can follow our WeChat official accounts (ID: ZGMZWX and zhongguoshehuibao). Policies will be released on these platforms in the first place, and we also welcome more reports about our policies. Thank you.


China News Service:


Mr. Zhan just said that China has issued regulations to care for community workers on the frontline of the epidemic prevention and control work. I would like to ask, what key measures will be implemented further? Thank you.


Zhan Chengfu:


After the institutional reforms, the Department of Primary Level Political Units and Community Development of the Ministry of Civil Affairs was renamed the Department of Primary Level Political Units Development and Community Governance. Today, we have the director-general of the department Chen Yueliang present. He will answer your question.


Chen Yueliang:


Thank you for your interest in community workers. The urban-rural communities are the frontline of the joint epidemic prevention work, and are also the most effective control unit in preventing external imports and internal spread. Since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, urban and rural community workers have implemented the decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, stuck to their position and worked around the clock. Fighting at the forefront of the anti-coronavirus battle, community workers have made great contributions to curbing the spread of the virus. As of March 8, a total of 53 community workers had died in the line of duty, of which 92.5% were CPC members.


General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly stressed caring for urban and rural community workers, and Premier Li Keqiang has also made specific instructions. To implement their guiding principles, the Central Leading Group on the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 held a meeting to discuss practical difficulties and questions faced by frontline community workers. It also specified basic requirements for such areas as strengthening incentives, security, safety protection and humanistic care. Eight "heartwarming" decisions have been made to solve the problems in the following five aspects: 


First, we will solve the problem of unclear regulations regarding subsidies. Concerned about the hardworking community workers, we will ensure proper subsidies are given to community workers who fight the epidemic on the frontline in urban and rural areas. Provincial-level government will guide the cities and counties to establish standards for subsidies.


Second, we will solve the problem of inadequate protection policies. Community workers in urban and rural areas who are injured or become ill during their work in the epidemic prevention and control, and conform to the conditions listed in the Regulations on Work-Related Injury Insurance shall be determined to have suffered from a work-related injury. For those who have purchased work-related injury insurance, the expenses for treatment of the injury will be paid according to the regulations. For those who have not, expenses shall be borne by the employing entity according to legal standards. The expenses incurred by the department in charge of giving financial subsidies shall be subsidized by the finance authority at the same level.


Third, we will solve the problem of insufficient protective gear. The grant money for community prevention and control work should be properly used in accordance with the regulations to improve working conditions for urban and rural community workers on the frontline. These workers should be equipped with masks, hazmat suits, disinfectants, non-contact thermometers and other protective equipment. 


Fourth, we will resolutely relieve the burden on community workers in terms of formalism and bureaucracy. The notice clearly requests that authorities at different levels should avoid assigning repetitive tasks or asking workers to fill out repetitive forms. Except for the CPC Central Committee and State Council's clear requests, in principle, other authorities are not allowed to assign extra tasks to the community. Except for two documents – the residence certificate and the certificate proving completion of the medical observation period – which are required for community epidemic prevention and control, urban and rural community organizations shall not be required to issue other documents on the grounds of epidemic prevention and control. We will eliminate formalities for formalities' sake and bureaucratism with public supervision. The reported "fake practice" of Kaiyuan Mansion in Cuiyuan Community, Qingshan District, Wuhan, severely damaged the image of the Party and government, and should be resolutely corrected. 


Fifth, we will issue policies of praise and honor. The notice requires that we timely commend outstanding community workers who fight the epidemic on the frontline in accordance with the relevant regulations. Those who die in the line of duty will be posthumously named as "national outstanding community workers in urban and rural areas." We will work in accordance with the law to designate those who devote their lives to the containment of the epidemic as martyrs, commend their contributions and give special pensions and preferential treatment to their family members. Thank you.


China Society News:


We learned that after the outbreak, nursing homes in Wuhan generally faced a shortage of nursing staff. Most of the nursing staff members currently on the job have been working continuously for more than 40 days. The overwork and high pressure has left them physically and mentally exhausted. We saw in the notice regarding the improvement of civil service agencies' epidemic prevention and control work, that there was a requirement to increase staffing. How does the Ministry of Civil Affairs implement these requirements to solve this problem? Thank you.


Zhan Chengfu:


I will refer this question to Mr. Yu Jianliang, director of the Department of Elderly Care.


Yu Jianliang:


You may be familiar or unfamiliar with the work of elderly care workers. There are more than 2 million elderly people living in around 40,000 nursing homes across country. However, there are only 370,000 workers, among which only 200,000 are caregivers. Consequentially, their workload is large and the amount of services they must provide is also very large. A nurse has to work around the clock. On average, and a nurse needs to serve around 10 elderly people, many of whom are disabled and suffer from dementia. Therefore, from the perspective of daily life care, a nurse has to take care of meal preparation and personal care, which is a tiring and stressful job. At the same time, we also find that their salaries are not high enough. In fact, before the outbreak, there was already a shortage of nursing care staff across the country. 


After the outbreak, some nurses who were on vacation for Spring Festival couldn't return to their posts, which resulted in even fewer nurses. Another reason is that after some nursing homes were quarantined, nurses were required to live in their nursing homes. These nurses have basically been on the job from then on, which has caused an even greater workload than before the epidemic. The situation in Wuhan is even worse. There are currently more than 20,000 elderly people in Wuhan's elderly care institutions, but there are just over 3,000 nursing staff. Coupled with the chance of the nursing staff becoming infected or quarantined, the existing manpower is even more inadequate. There is a serious scarcity of care providers in Wuhan.


After the elderly care institutions were put into lockdown, nurses throughout the country, especially those in Wuhan, have selflessly worked day and night and been highly dedicated. We are very touched by their current status and work ethic, and we salute them for their hard work during this time. In response to the human resource shortages, the Ministry of Civil Affairs has taken the following measures to alleviate the shortage of nurses at nursing homes across the country, especially for Wuhan. 


First, for Wuhan, the Ministry of Civil Affairs has organized and coordinated cross-regional nurse aid. The Ministry of Civil Affairs coordinated and organized 118 staff from three other provinces to come to Wuhan. As for inter-provincial support, Hubei province also organized for 50 nurses from another 4 cities and prefectures to come and support Wuhan. We now have a total of 168 extra nursing staff who have come to our aid. Despite the severity of the epidemic in Wuhan, they quickly came here to work regardless of their own safety and security. We were very moved by their spirit of providing aid without considering the conditions and remuneration.


Second, to solve the most fundamental problems of elderly care, we still have to rely on the strength of the nursing home itself. Nurses who are at home should be encouraged to return to work in a timely manner after they have completed self-quarantine. Nursing homes should start recruiting, training and employing new nurses through various means and channels. Since the epidemic situation in Wuhan is still serious, the Ministry of Civil Affairs has formulated policies and give category-specific and class-specific guidance on how to resume work and accomplish epidemic prevention and control. For counties with a relatively mild epidemic situation, especially those with no confirmed cases, we require that under the unified leadership of the local government and the epidemic prevention and control mechanism, and on the premise of ensuring that prevention and control measures are in place, the original nurses and newly recruited personnel should go to work after being tested and meeting the standards. For medium-risk and high-risk areas, a 14-day quarantine should be implemented in accordance with the relevant epidemic prevention and control standards. If the nurses are confirmed to have no infection or symptoms after their quarantine, they can go to work. This will relieve the shortage of nurses. Thank you.



We know the epidemic has affected people's daily lives and disadvantaged groups in particular are facing more difficulties. What has the ministry done in providing the basic life support to the latter? Thank you.


Zhan Chengfu:


Mr. Liu will answer this question.


Liu Xitang:


Thanks for the care you are showing for disadvantaged groups. As you mentioned just now, everyone has been affected by the epidemic and the disadvantaged groups are facing even more difficulties. We learn that the living costs of the people in difficulties have increased since the epidemic outbreak and protective items have been in short supply. Also, some extremely poor people living at home need special care. On Jan. 29, the Ministry of Civil Affairs issued a notice to make arrangements for poor people to receive special basic life support. A series of measures have been introduced, such as simplifying the relief process, relaxing restrictions on applications for temporary assistance based on hukou (permanent residence) when people in dire need are staying in other locations, and implementing the policy of caring for the people who live at home in extreme poverty. Local governments have been doing a good job in this aspect and have achieved some significant results.  


Recently, with the further development of the epidemic, the situation has changed for people in difficulties in terms of their number and the level of hardship. For example, those migrant workers and flexible-hours employees, who can't go out to work right now, have seen their income reduced, making life more troubled. Also, tight traffic controls have led to the stranding of many members of the floating population. People who can't take care of themselves are left alone when their domestic helpers are isolated. The Central Leading Group for COVID-19 Prevention and Control has issued documents to make arrangements to solve these problems. Five measures have been undertaken:


First, the central authorities have demanded all-out efforts to ensure subsidies are paid in full. By the end of 2019, there were 43.17 million urban and rural recipients of subsistence allowances and 4.69 million in extreme poverty nationwide. Interim relief was carried out to help a total of 9.18 million people last year. We'll make sure the relief funds are paid out on time to these people. Other subsidies, like subsistence allowances for orphans and two subsidies for the disabled also need to be paid in a timely way. For some regions severely affected by the epidemic, the living allowance will be increased. For example, Hubei province has increased the relief fund since Feb. 20 with urban low-income people receiving 500 yuan a month and their rural counterparts 300 yuan a month. Measures have also been taken in other provinces.


Second, we must ensure that all those entitled to social security are covered. Some people living in difficulty, such as those who live above the poverty line, are unable to either go to work or to get flexible jobs during the epidemic. As a result, they may see their income fall below the minimum living standard and thus qualify to receive a subsistence allowance. If that happens, we must ensure that they are all covered by subsistence allowance welfare in a timely manner. Meanwhile, we should suspend the work of removing people from the list of those eligible for subsistence allowances in regions severely affected by the epidemic. During this period, our priority is ensuring the stability of the subsistence allowance recipients. We should help strengthen their ability to withstand financial risks, and postpone conducting dynamic management towards them until the outbreak is over. 


Third, we must step up efforts to carry out temporary assistance to those in need. Recipients of subsistence allowances, as well as people in extreme poverty, low-income households and registered poor households, who are confirmed to be infected with COVID-19, must be given temporary assistance in a timely manner in accordance with the regulations. On some occasions, more assistance will be provided when deemed necessary. Also, temporary assistance should be given to poor families whose breadwinners are quarantined for treatment. Apart from the support to be provided to the individuals and families previously mentioned, we should also strengthen temporary assistance to families with members that have died because of COVID-19. 


Fourth, we should provide social assistance to non-natives who are stranded because of the epidemic. We will take two main approaches. First, is to assist with physical goods. We will provide temporary accommodation, food and warm clothing to those in need. Second, is to offer cash assistance to those facing temporary financial difficulties who can neither find job due to the outbreak nor get any family support. As we all know, relevant channels have already been opened in Wuhan for people in need to access cash assistance of 300 yuan daily.  


Fifth, we should provide basic care services to those in need. Currently, the central authorities have demanded institutions and personnel in charge of quarantine or treatment to collect information on the elderly, people with disabilities and minors who are left at home without care while their guardians are quarantined or receiving treatment for COVID-19. Such information should be reported immediately to the relevant communities or local civil authorities, and special personnel should be assigned to look after them in a timely manner. In the meantime, the central authorities have demanded the civil authorities and community workers keep regular contact, pay more visits and offer timely assistance to elderly people with no family, abandoned orphans, left-behind children and elderly, as well as other disadvantaged people including the severely ill or disabled who are in isolation at home because of the epidemic. Thank you.




Charitable donations attracted much attention during the epidemic. We found that certain problems involving this subject, such as difficulty in making a donation and the allocation of donated materials, became a matter of concern for the general public. I would like to know the Ministry of Civil Affairs' opinion on these problems. Are there solutions to make the relevant working mechanisms better meet people's needs? Thank you.


Zhan Chengfu:


I want to say four things about this issue. First, in this epidemic, the broad masses of the people have shown great enthusiasm and support for charity. As of 24:00, March 8, the charitable organizations at all levels and the Red Cross Society of China (RCSC) branches had received donations of 29.29 billion yuan, and about 522 million items of anti-epidemic materials. So far, a total of about 23.98 billion yuan and about 466 million items of donated materials have been distributed. This shows the charitable enthusiasm of the people.


Second, charitable organizations link donators with recipients.. Since the outbreak, all sorts of charitable organizations at all levels have undertaken a great amount of work to pool the strengths of society, and joined the efforts of the Party and government authorities to create a powerful joint force for combating the epidemic. 


Third, we can see that the operation capabilities of charitable organizations in response to the epidemic still need improving, especially when it comes to the issues which attracted public attention a short time ago, such as slow allocation of donated funds, imprecise allocation of donated materials, and slow, incomplete and opaque information disclosures. There are laws regulating relevant issues. However, there is still some way to go before charitable organizations consciously and fully abide by them.


Fourth, it has been shown in the epidemic prevention and control work that the government's ability to regulate charitable organizations needs further improvement. After certain problems emerged, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, as the regulator of charitable organizations, responded in a timely way. We dispatched working groups, drafted relevant documents, issued notices to charitable organizations, including the RCSC, accepted public supervision, and quickly achieved improvements in the relevant work procedures, thus turning around the situation caused by the previous problems. 


We will draw lessons from our response to the epidemic in order to improve our governance capacity for charity work in handling major public health events and serious catastrophic events. This is a big task and together we will find the solution. Thank you. 


Hu Kaihong:


We have limited time, so we can only accept two more questions. 


China Daily:


A considerable number of urban and rural community-level workers, committed and dedicated to prevention and control work in regard to COVID-19, played an effective role in containing the epidemic nationwide. Therefore, what targeted measures will be adopted to show our concern for those people? Thank you.


Chen Yueliang:


Thank you for your concern about this particular issue. "The notice on complete implementation regarding the concern and care for the community-level workers involved in the anti-epidemic frontline in both urban and rural areas" issued recently clarifies the central authorities' support and addresses concerns relating to these workers. In the next phase, the Ministry of Civil Affairs (MCA) will be accountable for playing its part in fully implementing the Notice.


First, it is important to develop stronger duty-bound awareness. The MCA has issued a notice which stipulates the responsibilities of local corresponding authorities involved in community governance and in organizing teams to provide community-level services in both urban and rural areas. While setting out specific measures in implementing the Notice, localities are required to draw up standardized work subsidies allocated in a precise way to the workers engaged in preventing and controlling the epidemic from spreading in various communities.  


Second, there is a need to enhance publicity. We will use multiple publicity approaches, such as, media reports, press releases and social media platforms to promulgate both the significance and specifications of the Notice and share successful experience and measures in implementing the Notice among localities nationwide. We will create a strong publicity atmosphere to help implement the measures that provide support and care for community-level workers.


Third, it is necessary to launch special programs. We will step up our efforts to coordinate with the various authorities concerned to reward outstanding community-level workers involved in the epidemic prevention and control from both urban and rural areas. And we will also initiate a program to elect the best-performing community-level workers with their contribution being reckoned as models of virtue across the country. 


Fourth, continuity in implementing the Notice is equally important. We will join hands with other departments to study various policies targeted at community-level personnel, guide localities to gradually refine the professional system, rankings and remunerations for those people and continue to improve the mechanism focusing on fostering, evaluating, promoting, utilizing and rewarding the people involved. In doing so, the workers at community level can continue to improve their working competence. 


Fifth, it is very important to show love and care to community-level workers through philanthropic programs. The MCA will cooperate with a number of philanthropic foundations, such as, Tencent Foundation, to launch the program "Join hands in the fight against the epidemic—actions to ensure love and care to volunteers, community workers, social workers and staff from elderly nursing homes in Hubei province." 


Sixth, we have a responsibility to strengthen psychological consultations. The MCA has coordinated with social workers and the organizations involved in providing psychological consultation to community-level workers. The mental health services are also designated to alleviate the pressure of those workers when the epidemic ends. Alternative working schedules and compensatory time off will be adopted for community-level workers involved in epidemic prevention and control to have enough rest.




What difficulties have nursing homes faced when dealing with the prevention and control of the epidemic? What measures has the Ministry of Civil Affairs taken to help solve these difficulties? How will you effectively help the nursing homes to follow government guidelines on further improving the epidemic containment work at civil affairs service institutions? Thank you. 


Yu Jianliang: 


I will answer your questions. Nursing homes are enclosed and relatively independent facilities where people live in a communal setting, usually with two or more people sharing the same room. There is also frequent contact between the elderly and the nursing staff. As some of them are disabled or suffer from dementia, so care services are required 24 hours per day. It is difficult to avoid body contact in providing such service. And nursing staff serve many elderly people during their shift.


The old people at nursing homes are usually older and weak, with many of them having underlying chronic diseases. This factor makes some of them more susceptible to infections, and once they are infected, they face higher risks of cross infection and complications. Therefore, the task of avoiding outbreaks at nursing homes is pivotal, requiring special protection and efforts. These factors posed particular difficulties in fighting against the epidemic in the earlier stages at these facilities.  


Regarding these problems, the Ministry of Civil Affairs has taken a series of measures. First, we started closed-door management as soon as we could. Since as early as Jan. 23, we have issued notices requiring nursing homes across the country to implement strict closed-door management. Second, we promptly released a guide for epidemic prevention and control for nursing homes. It sets out specific operational standards for organizational leadership, access management, internal control, protection of the elderly, psychological comfort, and epidemic disposal and disinfection. Depending on the development of the epidemic, we have made timely revisions and updates to the guide -- the first and second editions of which have been released successively. Meanwhile, we released stricter requirements in accordance with the epidemic development situation in Wuhan city and published a guide for epidemic prevention and control, especially for high-risk areas and nursing institutions with the epidemic, on Feb. 25 to provide stricter and more accurate work guidance. Third, we made the overall supervision of nursing institutions in the country. We used the information system to monitor epidemic prevention and control. The Ministry of Civil Affairs has dispatched a working team led by Vice Minister Gao Xiaobing to Wuhan city to provide on-the-spot work guidance to civil service organizations, including nursing institutions. The ministry has held a video conference to offer guidance on epidemic prevention and control work in civil service institutions for the elderly and children. The meeting was attended by the principals of each nursing home via online video, making specific guidance and work requests for nursing homes in epidemic prevention and control. Hence, as far as these measures are concerned, those who strictly follow the guide created by the Ministry of Civil Affairs have achieved zero infection, while those with infections must have loopholes in the implementation. 


Just now, the journalist mentioned the notice released by the State Council on further improving epidemic prevention and control work for civil affairs institutions. The notice is of great importance and came in time. Most of all, it included the epidemic prevention and control work into local joint prevention and control mechanism and offered measures to enhance the leading role of nursing homes in epidemic prevention and control. As required in the notice, all local governments must implement it. Besides, it has been fully strengthened to troubleshoot, quarantine, treat patients, make personnel deployment, and especially manage material supply. The notice has played a significant role in epidemic prevention and control of nursing homes in the country. 


Next, we will make efforts in the following aspects as required in the notice. First, we will take precise prevention and control depending on regions and levels and resume services in an orderly manner. As I mentioned, the newly recruited staff and target people will be admitted to nursing institutions based on the outbreak situation in different regions. Second, we will try our best to screen and care for the elderly living outside the institution with special difficulties. We cannot just take care of those inside nursing institutions. We also need to offer services to the left-behind elderly people isolated at home due to the epidemic. That's my answer. Thank you.


Hu Kaihong:


The press conference is hereby concluded. Thanks to the four speakers, and thank you all.

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