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天之聪教育 2018-05-21 外交部 3839次


Speech by Ambassador Huang Xilian at China-ASEAN Belt and Road Business Forum

The First E-Commerce Cooperation Dialogue


H.E. Mdm. Yang Xiuping, Secretary-General of ASEAN-China Center,


H.E. DR. Aladdin D. Rillo, Deputy Secretary General of ASEAN,


H.E. Tan Hung Seng, Permanent Representative of Singapore to ASEAN,


Distinguished Members of the Committee of Permanent Representatives,


Distinguished Representatives from the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs, Ministry of Trade and Ministry of Tourism of Indonesia,


Distinguished Guests, Entrepreneurs,

Ladies and Gentlemen,


Good morning!


Welcome to the ASEAN-China Belt and Road Business Forum: the First E-Commerce Cooperation Dialogue. First of all, on behalf of the Chinese Mission to ASEAN, I would like to express my gratitude to the ASEAN-China Center for co-sponsoring this forum. My sincere appreciation specially goes to Secretary-General Mdm. Yang Xiuping for her efforts and contributions made over the years in promoting China-ASEAN relations. I would also like to thank the organizers of this forum, ASEAN Finance, Guangdong High-Tech Industry Chamber, and Shenzhen Dorlly Industrial Park Operations Management Co. Ltd, and all the other supporters.


Under the broader framework of the “Belt and Road”, this forum has a special focus on e-commerce cooperation, which dovetails with the ASEAN-China Year of Innovation and the theme of ASEAN “Resilience and Innovation”.


In 2013, Chinese President Xi Jinping proposed the major initiative of jointly building the Belt and Road based on the principle of Wide Consultation,Joint contribution and Shared benefits. Over the past five years, the Belt and Road Initiative has been advancing in exploration, improving in development, and growing in cooperation. The progress and results have gone far beyond expectations. Today, the Belt and Road has become the biggest platform for international cooperation and a most welcomed international public good.


China continues to put its ties with ASEAN high on its agenda of international cooperation, and views ASEAN as the key area for promoting the Belt and Road cooperation. For the past five years, the Belt and Road Initiative has played a leading role in upgrading and improving the ASEAN-China relations.


We have achieved closer policy coordination. Leaders or senior representatives of 10 ASEAN countries attended the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation last year and reached many consensuses. During Chinese Primer Li Keqiang’s visit to Indonesia last week, both sides fully affirmed the remarkable achievements made in the past five years in actively synergizing the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road Initiative and Indonesia’s Global Maritime Fulcrum and deepening pragmatic cooperation. The Belt and Road Initiative is also highly compatible with the development strategies of other ASEAN countries. All parties are committed to strengthening strategic docking and achieve positive results.


We have developed stronger trade relations. In 2017, China-ASEAN trade volume reached US$514.8 billion, surpassing the 500 billion U.S. dollar for the first time. In the first quarter of this year, China-ASEAN trade volume reached US$133.64 billion with an increase of 20.9% year-on-year. ASEAN’s exports to China increased by 24.3%, which is much higher than the 18% increase of imports from China. China has been the largest trading partner of ASEAN for 9 consecutive years and ASEAN has been China’s third largest trading partner for seven consecutive years. The upgraded version of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area also entered into force on July 1, 2016.


We have enjoyed greater financial integration. Until the end of March this year, two-way direct investment totals US$196.64 billion, making China the fifth largest source of investment for ASEAN. In the first quarter of this year, China invested US$2.56 billion to ASEAN with a year-on-year growth of 34.5%, while ASEAN’s investment in China was US$2.048 billion, an increase of 80.9% year-on-year. ASEAN countries have established more than 30 banking institutions in China, while Chinese banks have established more than 150 correspondent banks and offshore banking units in ASEAN. Both sides jointly advocated the establishment of AIIB, which has provided financing for five ASEAN projects, including three in Indonesia.


We have realized better connectivity of infrastructure. The launching of a number of key projects such as the China-Laos Railway, the China-Thailand Railway, and the Southern Malaysian Railway Project, and the advancing of Jakarta-Bandung High-speed Railway have injected new momentum to our connectivity projects. The Joint Statement on Further Deepening China-ASEAN Infrastructure Connectivity Cooperation was adpoted at the 20th ASEAN-China Leaders' Meeting held at the end of last year, which agreed to step up the implementation of the newly revised Strategic Plan for China-ASEAN Transport Cooperation.


We have built closer people-to-people ties. In 2017, the mutual visits between China and ASEAN amounted to nearly 50 million. Every week, more than 2,700 flights are shuttling between China and ASEAN. China is now the largest source of foreign tourists to ASEAN countries. The exchange of international students exceeded 200,000, and China has set up 6 cultural centers, 33 Confucius Institutes and 35 Confucius Classrooms in ASEAN countries. Recently we successfully held the launch of the ASEAN-China Year of Innovation in Beijing. People-to-people and cultural exchanges have become the third pillar of China-ASEAN relations. There is a strong sense of China-ASEAN community of common future on the minds of both our peoples.


In the implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative, new trends and bright spots continue to emerge. With the wave of Informatization sweeping across the world and the Internet era reaching a new level, innovative development, represented by e-commerce, has become a new trend.


Last week, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang successfully visited Indonesia and the ASEAN Secretariat. In his speech, Premier Li pointed out that innovation is the primary driving force for development. China is willing to be a partner for ASEAN to seize the opportunities brought by a new wave of technological and industrial revolution and jointly promote the Internet-based mass entrepreneurship and innovation, and build the new engine of innovation and development. China and Indonesia will vigorously develop cross-border e-commerce to build a bridge for cooperation between small and medium-sized enterprises of both countries. Premier Li’s speech has charted a course for China-ASEAN cooperation in innovation and e-commerce.


In recent years, China has vigorously implemented innovation-driven development strategies and has become one of the world's leading forces in digital economy. The value of China’s e-commerce transactions has grown from less than 1% of the worldwide transaction a decade ago to more than 40% today. The number of mobile payment users in China continues to expand. In 2016, the total value of China’s personal mobile payments related to consumption reached US$790 billion. China has an average of 16,000 start-up companies registered each day, with an average of more than 11 per minute, among which a large portion are related to big data, artificial intelligence, and financial technology. As of December 2017, Chinese Unicorn companies in Internet and information industry have reached 77, accounting for nearly one-third of the world's total.


The booming development of e-commerce industry has also made ASEAN a new hot spot. Southeast Asia enjoys huge Internet user base. Regional digital economy is expected to exceed US$200 billion by 2025. Transnational e-commerce sets up an new “trade route in the air”, which highly meets the needs of SMEs and young people in Southeast Asian countries, bringing unprecedented opportunities for regional development and becoming a new driving force for economic growth.


Opportunities create motives and momentum promotes cooperation. E-commerce cooperation has greatly driven the flow of goods, information and personnel between China and ASEAN. High-Tec logistics companies and cross-border logistics platforms are emerging. Tencent, Alibaba, JD and other e-commerce giants, together with a number of SMEs are taking roots in ASEAN. E-commerce cooperation between China and ASEAN has achieved a leapfrog progress and become a new highlight, which effectively facilitates connectivity between China and ASEAN.


A hundred years ago, a well-known Chinese businessman in Shanxi Province named Qiao Zhiyong had a lifelong dream, which was to realize the goal of “delivering goods all over the world”. This dream was merely a fantasy at that time. A century has passed, and now because of the e-commerce platform, we can easily purchase Chinese products in Jakarta, and at the same time plenty of Southeast Asian specialty products have entered the China market. Qiao’s dream finally comes true.


Despite notable progress in e-commerce cooperation, there are still a lot to be done. I would like to share the following suggestions:


The first is to enhance greater synergies among our development strategies and deepen the integration of development. ASEAN is committed to achieve "innovation-driven growth" and vigorous push forward the negotiation of ASEAN E-Commerce Agreement. Most ASEAN countries have formulated their own e-commerce development strategies. The Indonesian government introduced the Roadmap for Electronic Commerce for 2017- 2019 last year and recently launched Industry 4.0 Roadmap, which is highly compatible with China’s plan to build the Belt and Road into a road of innovation. We should use e-commerce as an important leverage, align innovation and development strategies of both sides, and jointly build China-ASEAN Online Silk Road.


The second is to strengthen governmental guidance and identify the focal point of cooperation. This year is ASEAN-China Year of Innovation. Both sides agreed to carry out a series of activities in fields of e-commerce, innovation cooperation, smart cities, and clean energy, vigorously promote exchanges among young talents in science and technology, and formulate new strategic and instructive documents in scientific and technological innovation. China is willing to make joint efforts with ASEAN to promote the continuous development of innovation cooperation including e-commerce.


The third is to strengthen cooperation between enterprises and achieve win-win results. Enterprises are the ones to implement, promote, and benefit from China-ASEAN E-commerce cooperation. In recent years, Chinese enterprises have made significant progress in gaining greater access into the ASEAN Markets. I hope these enterprises could understand more about ASEAN’s national conditions, social environment, and people’s sentiments, and facilitate their localization process. E-commerce cooperation is not a one-way passage. It should have two-way exchanges, strengthen horizontal links and form a network. It is recommended that ASEAN enterprises seize the current momentum and make more cooperation with Chinese companies, adding new momentum to ASEAN economic growth and integration process.


Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends,


China-ASEAN cooperation cannot be successful without your care, participation and support. I hope all of you could enjoy in-depth communications in the dialogue today, and further promote China-ASEAN cooperation in jointly building Belt and Road and promoting E-commerce development.



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