Ladies and gentlemen, good morning and welcome to this pressconference. 2020 was an extraordinary year in which China's economicperformance attracted wide attention at home and abroad. Today, we aredelighted to invite Mr. Ning Jizhe, head of the National Bureau of Statistics(NBS), to introduce China's economic performance in 2020, and answer yourquestions.
Now, I would like to give the floor to Mr. Ning.
Friends from the media, good morning. Let me start by introducingChina's economic performance in 2020. China's economy recovered steadily duringthe year, with major economic indicators surpassing expectations. In 2020,faced with a grave and complex situation both at home and abroad, and the hugeimpact of the epidemic in particular, under the strong leadership of theCentral Committee of the Communist Party of China with Comrade Xi Jinping atits core, all regions and departments adhered to the general working guidelineof making progress while maintaining stability, coordinated epidemic preventionand control work with socio-economic development, and took solid steps toensure stability on the six fronts (employment, finance, foreign trade, foreigninvestment, domestic investment and market expectations) and security in thesix areas (residential employment, people's livelihood, market entities, foodand energy, stability of industrial and supply chains, and grassrootsoperations). As a result, the national economy recovered steadily, employmentand living standards were ensured, and the main goals and tasks ofsocio-economic development were accomplished better than expected.
According to preliminary estimates, China's gross domestic product(GDP) was 101.6 trillion yuan in 2020, an increase of 2.3% over the previousyear at comparable prices. In the first quarter, China's GDP fell by 6.8% yearon year, while the remaining three quarters saw growth rates of 3.2%, 4.9% and6.5%, respectively. The value-added of primary, secondary and tertiaryindustries were 7.78 trillion yuan, 38.43 trillion yuan, and 55.4 trillionyuan, respectively, with growth rates of 3%, 2.6%, and 2.1%.
First, grain output reached a record high and the production ofhogs saw sustained and rapid recovery.
Last year's total grain output was 669.49 million tons, up 0.9%compared with the previous year, increasing by 5.65 million tons. Of thistotal, the output of summer grain was 142.86 million tons, up by 0.9%, and thatof early rice was 27.29 million tons, up by 3.9%. The output of fall grainreached 499.34 million tons, up by 0.7%. By species, the output of rice was211.86 million tons, up by 1.1%; wheat was 134.25 million tons, up by 0.5%;corn was 260.67 million tons, declining slightly compared with the previousyear; and soybeans was 19.6 million tons, up by 8.3%.
The total output of pork,beef, mutton and poultry in 2020 was 76.39 million tons, down by 0.1% year onyear. Of this, the output of beef was 6.72 million tons, up by 0.8%; mutton was4.92 million tons, up by 1%; poultry was 23.61 million tons, up by 5.5%; eggswas 34.68 million tons, up by 4.8%; milk was 34.4 million tons, up by 7.5%; andpork was 41.13 million tons, down by 3.3%. At the end of 2020, the number ofhogs and breeding sows in stock grew by 31% and 35.1%, respectively, over thatat the end of 2019.
Second, industrial production continued to increase, and high-techmanufacturing and equipment manufacturing enjoyed faster growth.
The total value-added of industrial enterprises above designatedsize increased by 2.8% year on year. In terms of ownership, the value-added ofstate-holding enterprises grew by 2.2%, that of shareholding enterprises was upby 3%; enterprises funded by foreign investors and investors from Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan was up by 2.4%; and private enterprises were up by 3.7%.
In terms of sectors, the value-added of the mining sectorincreased 0.5%, manufacturing grew by 3.4%, and that of producing and supplyingelectricity, thermal power, gas and water grew by 2%. The value-added ofhigh-tech manufacturing and equipment manufacturing increased by 7.1% and 6.6%,respectively, over the previous year, or 4.3 percentage points and 3.8percentage points, faster than that of industrial enterprises above designatedsize. Specifically, the production of industrial robots, new energy vehicles,integrated circuits and microcomputer equipment grew by 19.1%, 17.3%, 16.2% and12.7% year on year, respectively.
In the fourth quarter, the total value-added of industrialenterprises above designated size grew by 7.1% year on year, which was 1.3 percentagepoints higher than that in the third quarter. In December, the totalvalue-added of industrial enterprises above designated size grew by 7.3% yearon year, up 0.3 percentage points compared with November, and an increase of1.1% month on month. In 2020, the national industrial capacity utilization ratereached 74.5%. In the fourth quarter, the rate reached 78%, which was 1.3percentage points higher than that in the third quarter.
In the first 11 months of 2020, the profits of industrial enterprisesabove designated size reached 5.74 trillion yuan, up by 2.4% year on year, 1.7percentage points higher than that in the first 10 months. Specifically, thetotal profits made by industrial enterprises above designated size in Novemberincreased by 15.5% year on year, maintaining double-digit growth for sixconsecutive months.
Third, the service sector recovered gradually, with the modernservice sector gaining momentum.
In 2020, the Index of Services Production remained the same asthat of the previous year. The value-added of information transmission,software and information technology services as well as financial services grewby 16.9% and 7% year on year, respectively, or 14.8 percentage points and 4.9percentage points higher than that of the tertiary industry.
In the fourth quarter, the Index of Services Production grew by7.7% year on year, up 3.4 percentage points compared with the third quarter. InDecember, the index also rose by 7.7% year on year. In the first 11 months, therevenue of service enterprises above designated size grew by 1.6% year on year.Specifically, the revenue of information transmission, software and informationtechnology services and that of scientific research and technology servicesgrew by 13.5% and 9.9%, respectively, 11.9 percentage points and 8.3 percentagepoints higher than that of service enterprises above designated size.
In December, the Business Activity Index for services was 54.8%,staying above the expansion range. Specifically, the index for sectors includingair transportation, telecommunications, broadcast, television and satellitetransmission services, monetary and financial services and capital marketservices continued to stay within the high expansion range at 60% and above.From the perspective of market expectations, the Business Activity ExpectationIndex for services was 60.1%, staying within the high expansion range for sixconsecutive months.
Fourth, market sales recovered quickly, and the growth in thesales of upgraded consumer goods accelerated.
In 2020, the total retail sales of consumer goods reached 39.2trillion yuan, down by 3.9% compared with the previous year. Specifically, thetotal retail sales of consumer goods by enterprises above designated sizereached 14.33 trillion yuan, down by 1.9%. In terms of regions, retail sales inurban areas reached 33.91 trillion yuan, down by 4%; and retail sales in ruralareas stood at 5.29 trillion yuan, down by 3.2%. Grouped by consumptionpatterns, catering revenue was 3.95 trillion yuan, down 16.6%; and retail salesof goods were 35.25 trillion yuan, down 2.3%.
The sales growth of upgraded consumer goods accelerated. In thefourth quarter, the retail sales of communication equipment, cosmetics, gold,silver and jewelry by enterprises above designated size grew by 26%, 21.2% and17.3% respectively, or 16 percentage points, 7.1 percentage points and 5percentage points higher than in the third quarter.
In the fourth quarter, the total retail sales of consumer goodsgrew by 4.6% year on year, which was 3.7 percentage points higher than in thethird quarter. In December, the total retail sales of consumer goods grew by4.6% year on year, or 1.24% month on month. In 2020, the national online retailsales reached 11.76 trillion yuan, up by 10.9% year on year. Specifically, theonline retail sales of physical goods was 9.76 trillion yuan, up by 14.8%,accounting for 24.9% of total retail sales of consumer goods, or 4.2 percentagepoints higher than that of the previous year.
Fifth, investment in fixed assets rebounded steadily andinvestment in high-tech industries and social sectors grew fast.
In 2020, the investment in fixed assets (excluding ruralhouseholds) reached 51.89 trillion yuan, up by 2.9% from last year.Specifically, investment in infrastructure was up by 0.9%, manufacturing downby 2.2%, and real estate development up by 7.0%. The floor space of commercialbuildings sold reached 1.76 billion square meters, up by 2.6%, while the totalsales of commercial buildings was 17.36 trillion yuan, up by 8.7%. The growthof investment in all three industries showed positive trends. Specifically,investment in the primary industry went up by 19.5%, 0.1% in the secondaryindustry, and 3.6% in the tertiary industry. Private investment was 28.93trillion yuan, up by 1.0%, and investment in high-tech industries rose 10.6%,7.7 percentage points higher than the total investment, with investment inhigh-tech manufacturing and services rising 11.5% and 9.1%, respectively. Interms of high-tech manufacturing, investment in pharmaceutical manufacturingand computers and office devices grew by 28.4% and 22.4%, respectively. Interms of high-tech services, investment in e-commerce services and informationservices also grew by 20.2% and 15.2%, respectively. The investment in socialsectors rose by 11.9%, 9.0 percentage points higher than the total investment.Likewise, investment in the health and education industries went up by 29.9%and 12.3%, respectively. In December, investment in fixed assets grew by 2.32%month on month.
Sixth, foreign trade achieved positive growth and trade structurecontinued to optimize.
In 2020, the total imports and exports of goods reached 32.16trillion yuan, an increase of 1.9% over last year. The exports amounted to17.93 trillion yuan, up by 4%, while the imports were 14.22 trillion yuan, downby 0.7%. The trade balance achieved a 3.71 trillion yuan surplus. Exports ofmechanical and electrical products grew by 6%, accounting for 59.4% of thetotal exports, which was 1.1 percentage points higher than that of last year.Imports and exports of general trade accounted for 59.9% of the total importsand exports, an increase of 0.9 percentage point compared to last year. Importsand exports by private enterprises grew by 11.1%, accounting for 46.6% of thetotal imports and exports, which was 3.9 percentage points higher than that oflast year. In December, the total imports and exports of goods were 3.2trillion yuan, up by 5.9% year on year. Specifically, the total exports reached1.86 trillion yuan, up by 10.9%, and the total imports were 1.34 trillion yuan,down by 0.2%. The trade balance achieved 516.8 billion yuan in surplus.
Seventh, growth of consumer prices slowed and producer prices forindustrial products dropped.
In 2020, consumer prices increased by 2.5%, lower than the 2.9%growth of the year before and also lower than the expected annual target ofaround 3.5%. To be more specific, prices went up by 2.3% in urban areas and upby 3% in rural areas. Grouped by commodity categories, prices for food,tobacco, and alcohol went up by 8.3%; clothing down by 0.2%; housing down by0.4%; articles and services for daily use remained the same; transportation andcommunication down by 3.5%; education, culture, and recreation up by 1.3%;medical services and health care up by 1.8%; and other articles and services upby 4.3%. Breaking down food prices, grain prices rose 1.2%, the price of freshvegetables grew 7.1%, and pork prices increased 49.7%. The core CPI, excludingthe prices of food and energy, went up by 0.8%. In December, the consumer pricewent up by 0.2% year on year and up by 0.7% month on month. In 2020, producerprices for industrial products went down by 1.8% over last year, and inDecember, went down by 0.4% year on year and up by 1.1% month on month. Thepurchasing prices for industrial producers decreased by 2.3% over last year,and in December, maintained the same level year on year, or up by 1.5% month onmonth.
Eighth, employment was generally stable, and the surveyedunemployment rate in urban areas fell to the level observed last year.
In 2020, 11.86 million new jobs were created in urban areas,notably higher than the expected goal of over 9 million a 131.8% increase onthe annual target. In December, the surveyed unemployment rate in urban areaswas 5.2%, the same as that of last year. Specifically, the surveyedunemployment rate among those aged between 25 and 59 was 4.7%, also the same asthat of 2019. In 2020, the average annual surveyed unemployment rate in urbanareas stood at 5.6%, lower than the expected target of around 6%. The surveyedunemployment rate in 31 major cities in December was 5.1%. At the end of 2020,the registered unemployment rate in urban areas was 4.24%, lower than theexpected target of around 5.5%. The number of rural migrant workers reached285.6 million, 5.17 million less than that of last year, or down by 1.8%.Specifically, migrant workers working in their home provinces totaled 116.01million, down by 0.4%; migrant workers working outside their home provincestotaled 169.59 million, down by 2.7%. The average monthly income for migrantworkers was 4,072 yuan, up by 2.8% over last year.
Ninth, resident income grew at the same pace as the economy andthe ratio of per capita disposable income between urban and rural residentscontinued to narrow.
In 2020, the nationwide per capita disposable income was 32,189yuan, a nominal increase of 4.7% over that of last year and a real increase of2.1% after deducting price factors, which generally grew at the same pace asthe economy. In terms of those citizens with permanent residence, the percapita disposable income of urban households was 43,834 yuan, a nominal growthof 3.5% and a real growth of 1.2% after deducting price factors. The per capitadisposable income of rural households was 17,131 yuan, a nominal growth of 6.9%and a real growth of 3.8% after deducting price factors. The per capitadisposable income of urban households was 2.56 times that of rural households,0.08 less than that of last year. The median of the nationwide per capitadisposable income was 27,540 yuan, a nominal increase of 3.8% over that of lastyear. Taking the per capita disposable income for nationwide households ascompared by income quintiles, that of the low-income group reached 7,869 yuan,the lower-middle-income group 16,443 yuan, the middle-income group 26,249 yuan,the upper-middle-income group 41,172 yuan, and the high-income group 80,294yuan.
In 2020, the nationwide per capita consumer spending was 21,210yuan, a nominal decline of 1.6% or a real decline of 4% after deducting pricefactors. Specifically, the per capita consumer spending of urban households was27,007 yuan, a nominal decline of 3.8%, while the per capita consumer spendingof rural households was 13,713 yuan, a nominal growth of 2.9%.
Generally speaking, thenational economy in 2020 recovered steadily, notable results were achieved instabilizing employment and ensuring people's basic needs, a decisive successwas made in eradicating extreme poverty, the 13th Five-Year Plan came to asatisfactory conclusion, and the task of building a moderately prosperoussociety in all respects will soon be completed. However, the changing COVID-19situation and external environment pose a multitude of uncertainties and thefoundation for economic recovery is yet to be consolidated. At the next stage,we must take Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for aNew Era as the guideline, implement the spirit of the fifth plenary session ofthe 19th CPC Central Committee and the Central Economic Work Conference, adhereto the general working tone of making progress while maintaining stability,align ourselves with the new development phase, stick to the new developmentphilosophy, foster a new development pattern, unswervingly deepen reform andopening up and innovation, consolidate and proliferate the gains made inepidemic prevention and control as well as economic and social development,take solid steps to ensure stability in six areas, fully carry out tasks to maintainsecurity in six fronts, and implement macro policies in a science-based andprecise manner to keep the economy performing within a reasonable range and toensure a good start of the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025).
Thank you, Mr. Ning. The floor is now open to questions.
Due to the huge impact of the pandemic and a grave and complexenvironment both at home and abroad, China's economy recovered quarter byquarter in 2020 after a decline in the first quarter. What do you think of theeconomy throughout the year? Did we meet the goals and tasks for the year?Thank you.
Thanks for your questions. 2020 was an unusual year in China'shistory. In 2020, we faced with a grave and complex environment both at homeand abroad on account of the huge impact of the pandemic in particular, butunder the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade XiJinping at its core, all localities and departments put the people and theirlives first, adhered to the general working guideline of making progress whilemaintaining stability, coordinated the work of epidemic prevention and controland economic and social development, pledged stronger macro policies to offsetthe economic impact of COVID-19, took solid steps to ensure stability in sixareas, and fully carried out tasks to maintain security in six fronts. Majorstrategic achievements were made in epidemic prevention and control, and themain goals and tasks of economic and social development were accomplishedbetter than expectation. The 13th Five-Year Plan came to a satisfactoryconclusion and the task of building a moderately prosperous society in allrespects will soon be completed. The achievements were mainly shown in thefollowing aspects.
First, major progress has been made in coordinating epidemicresponse and economic and social development. Thanks to the joint efforts ofthe whole country, China was the first to bring the epidemic under control, toresume work and production, and to achieve positive economic growth. By lateMarch, the spread of COVID-19 on the mainland had been initially halted, and bymid-April, more than 90% of the enterprises above designated size had resumedoperation. The GDP grew by 3.2% in the second quarter, turning from negative topositive, and by 4.9% in the third quarter, 6.5% in the fourth quarter, and2.3% for the whole year. China is expected to be the world's only major economyto achieve positive economic growth in 2020. There are 18 major economies inthe world each with a GDP over US$1 trillion, and economic data from most ofthese countries is not yet available. Based on the data from the first threequarters of 2020, China is the only major economy to register positive growthand the only one with positive growth for the whole year. In 2020, China's GDPreached 101.6 trillion yuan, exceeding a new watermark of 100 trillion yuan.
Second, decisive success has been achieved in eradicating extremepoverty. All rural residents below the current poverty line have been liftedout of poverty, and all 832 impoverished counties have been raised out ofpoverty. Extreme poverty has been eliminated, the first time in Chinesehistory. The personal income for farmers in poor areas has increased rapidly.In 2020, the nominal per capita disposable income growth of rural residents inGuangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Gansu, Ningxia, and Xinjiang, the sevenprovinces (autonomous regions) with a relatively large impoverished population,were all 0.2 to 1.7 percentage points higher than that of the rural residentsacross the country.
Third, remarkable results have been secured in macro-regulation,with quarterly indicators for economic growth returning to normal levels. Inthe fourth quarter, China's GDP and the added value of the industrialenterprises above designated size grew by 6.5% and 7.1% year on year,respectively, and 0.7 and 1.1 percentage points higher than the same period of2019. The annual employment and price targets have been well met. In 2020,11.86 million new urban jobs were created in the country, surpassing the targetset for the year. The annual surveyed urban unemployment rate averaged 5.6%nationwide, lower than the expected target of about 6%. The consumer priceindex (CPI) for 2020 rose by 2.5% over the previous year, lower than theprojection of around 3.5%. Growth in personal income was basically in step witheconomic growth. In 2020, the per capita disposable income of Chinese citizensgrew by 2.1% in real terms, basically in line with economic growth. Overall,the balance of payment has been improved. By the end of 2020, China's foreignexchange reserves stood at US$3.22 trillion, an increase of US$108.6 billionyear over year. Energy consumption per unit GDP has been reduced by around 0.1%in 2020 when compared to 2019. The main targets for macro-regulation set out inthe government work report have been achieved and exceeded expectations.
Fourth, tasks have been carried out to ensure stability on sixfronts (employment, finance, foreign trade, foreign investment, domesticinvestment, and market expectations) and guarantee stability in six areas(jobs, daily living needs, food and energy, industrial and supply chains, theinterests of market players, and the smooth functioning of grassrootsgovernments), and effective results have been achieved. Employment has beensafeguarded. In December, the surveyed urban unemployment rate of the mainworking population aged 25 to 59 nationwide registered 4.7%, a return to levelsseen during the same period of 2019. People's livelihoods have been effectivelyensured. In 2020, the per capita net transfer income of Chinese citizensregistered a nominal year-on-year growth of 8.7%, indicating greater efforts tomeet the basic needs of the people. The vitality of market players have beenincreased. In the first 11 months of 2020, the profits of industrialenterprises above designated size grew by 2.4% year on year, maintainingdouble-digit growth for six months in a row. Grain and energy supply haveincreased. In 2020, grain output totaled 669.5 billion kilograms and the totalprimary energy production increased by some 2.8% over the previous year.Industrial and supply chains have been basically stable, and the growth ofindustries has continued to expand. In 2020, added value growth was reported in25 out of the 41 industrial categories of the industrial enterprises abovedesignated size, five categories more than that of the first three quarters.The functioning of grassroots governments has been well maintained. FromJanuary to November, expenditures in the general public budget for socialsecurity and employment, housing security, and poverty alleviation allrelated to the guarantee in three areas of the grassroots governments (people'slivelihood, employment, functioning) rose by 9.8%, 9.5%, and 9.2%,respectively.
Fifth, reform and opening-up have created development miracles.Enterprises across various types of ownership operate more efficiently. InNovember, state holding industrial enterprises above designated size reporteddouble-digit profits and year-on-year growth, registering positive growth forthe sixth consecutive month. From January to November, the profits ofindustrial enterprises above designated size with foreign investment andinvestment from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan grew by 4.3% 1.7 percentage pointshigher than in the first three quarters. The profits of private industrialenterprises above designated size increased by 1.8%, compared with a decline of0.5% in the first three quarters. All these show that industrial enterpriseswith various types of ownership have experienced a comprehensive improvement intheir efficiency. Supply-side structural reform has been deepened. China'sindustrial capacity utilization rate reached 78% in the fourth quarter, up 1.3percentage points over the third quarter, the highest since 2013. Thereforms to streamline administration and delegate power, improve regulation,and upgrade services have continued to show results. From January to November,an average of 22,000 new enterprises were established every day, with a netincrease of 12,000 per day. In 2020, the added value of high-tech manufacturinggrew by 7.1% over the previous year, 4.3 percentage points higher than that ofall the enterprises above designated size, and the online retail sales of goodsincreased by 14.8%. The growth in foreign trade and inbound investment wasbetter than expected. In 2020, China's total import and export of goods reacheda record high, up 1.9% over the previous year, despite a sharp decline inglobal trade and cross-border investment. From January to November, China'sutilized foreign capital increased by 6.3% year on year.
Sixth, historic achievements in the building of a moderatelyprosperous society in all respects have been made. The main goals set out inthe 13th Five-Year Plan have been fulfilled. Our GDP exceeded 100 trillion yuanand the per capita GDP exceeded US$10,000 in 2020. The economic structure hascontinued to improve; major projects have been basically completed, and; our economic,scientific, and technological strength, as well as the composite nationalstrength, have risen to new highs. Major breakthroughs have been made in thethree critical battles against poverty, pollution, and major risks, withaccomplishments in the fight against poverty winning international recognition.Approximately 55.75 million rural residents have been lifted out of poverty.The first poverty reduction surveys show that all 13.85 million registered poorhouseholds have had their basic living needs met and have access to compulsoryeducation, basic medical services, housing, and safe drinking water. Remarkableresults have been achieved in pollution prevention and control. In 2020, theproportion of days with good air quality in 337 cities at or above theprefectural level reached 87%, an increase of 5 percentage points over theprevious year. Progress has also been made in preventing and defusing majorrisks. Financial risks were manageable on the whole and the outstanding localgovernment debt was within the budgeted limit approved by the National People'sCongress. People's living standards have improved markedly. Over the past fiveyears, more than 60 million urban jobs have been created. China has establishedthe world's largest social security system, with its basic medical insurancecovering over 1.3 billion people and basic old-age insurance covering nearly 1billion people. Coordinated efforts have been made to implement the Five-sphereIntegrated Plan, making coordinated progress in the economic, political,cultural, social, and eco-environmental fields. The confidence, pride, unity,and cohesion of the Party and the people of all ethnic groups have beenenhanced remarkably.
In general, China's economy has recorded an extraordinaryaccomplishment in an extraordinary year, delivering results that have satisfiedthe people, won international recognition, and will go down in history. Theseachievements were hard-won after overcoming enormous difficulties, withCOVID-19 still wreaking havoc around the world, the world economy falling intoa severe recession, and the external environment becoming more complex andgraver than before. These accomplishments are attributed to the strongleadership and sound policy-making of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade XiJinping at its core and the concerted efforts of the people of all ethnicgroups, speaking volumes about the advantages of the socialist system withChinese characteristics. Thank you.
ChinaNational Radio:
In 2020, China's GDP exceeded 100 trillion yuan. What does thismean for China's economy? What is the significance for establishing a newdevelopment pattern? Thank you.
These questions are very much to the point. China's GDP has nowexceeded 100 trillion yuan. This means that China's economic and technologicalstrength, and composite national strength have taken a big step forward. Theachievement is of great symbolic significance in building a moderatelyprosperous society in all respects and embarking on a new journey of building amodern socialist country in all respects.
First, it marks the continuing rise of China's composite nationalstrength. China's GDP reached 101.6 trillion yuan in 2020, surpassing 100trillion yuan for the first time in its history. The Chinese economy reached 10trillion yuan in 2000, exceeded 50 trillion yuan in 2012. Over the past 20years, the Chinese economy expanded 10 times, which is a remarkableachievement. Converted at the prevailing average annual exchange rate, China'sGDP in 2020 reached $14.7 trillion, ranking second in the world, and it isexpected to account for around 17% of the global economy. In 2020, its percapita GDP exceeded $10,000 for the second consecutive year, which consolidatedChina's position among upper middle-income countries and narrowed thedevelopment gap with high-income countries.
Second, it marks the continuous improvement of China's scientificand technological strength. Major sci-tech achievements were made over theprevious year. Chang'e-5 successfully landed on the moon and returned withsamples. China's Mars probe Tianwen-1 was successfully launched. TheFive-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST) was officially putinto operation. The Beidou-3 global navigation satellite system was put intooperation. The manned submersible Fendouzhe (Striver) completed a 10,000-meterdive. And, the Jiuzhang quantum computer was successfully developed. The poeticline "[c1] We can clasp the moon in the sky and catch turtles in thedeep sea" has now become reality. Scientific and technological innovationis becoming increasingly vigorous, injecting new vitality into high-qualityeconomic development.
Third, it marks significant gains in China's economic strength anda remarkable increase in its industrial and agricultural productivity. In 2020,total grain output reached a record high and continued to rank first in theworld. The output of more than 220 industrial products ranks No. 1 in theworld, and the added value of the manufacturing sector is expected to rank firstin the world for 11 consecutive years. China's infrastructure has constantlyimproved. The high-speedrailway network hasreached38,000km and expresswaysexceeded 155,000 km. 5G connections in China has exceeded 200 million, rankingfirst in the world. The modern service sector, including information services,business services, research and development services and marketing services,continues to develop. The capability of the financial sector for serving thereal economy has been enhanced, and the country's social productivity hasreached a new level.
Fourth, it has laid a solid foundation for China to build a newdevelopment pattern. We are accelerating the formation of a new developmentpattern with the domestic market as the mainstay and the domestic andinternational markets mutually supporting each other. The key is to tap thepotential of domestic demand, especially consumer demand. China has the largestpopulation and the largest middle-income group in the world. In 2020, the totalretail sales of consumer goods reached almost 40 trillion yuan, and finalconsumption expenditure exceeded 55 trillion yuan. The total capital formationwas close to 45 trillion yuan. This will further boost the advantage of thesuper large Chinese market.
At the same time, we should also clearly recognize that China isstill the world's largest developing country, and its per capita GDP is stillslightly lower than the global average. Compared with the major developedcountries, China still lags far behind. The basic reality that China is stillin the primary stage of socialism has not changed. The issue of unbalanced andinadequate development is still prominent, and there is still a large gapbetween the development of urban and rural areas. Meanwhile, innovation capacitystill fails to meet the requirements for high-quality development. In order toachieve long-term economic and social development goals and build China into amodern socialist country, we still need to work hard and make unremittingefforts. Thank you.
In 2020, China's total retail sales of consumer goods dropped by3.9% and growth in December was also weak. Does this have to do with theCOVID-19 epidemic? Will China introduce any measures to stimulate consumptionin 2021? How do you predict the rates for investment and export in 2021? Thankyou.
I can see that you read our statistics before raising thisquestion. As you know, consumption plays a basic role in economic development.In the past year, the total retail sales of consumer goods registered negativegrowth but its growth in Q3 and Q4 had trended positive. In Q4, rates grew by4.6%, which is close to normal levels in recent years. The fluctuations inDecember were caused by the resurgence of COVID-19 cases in several domesticlocations. But if we look at the whole picture, as production supplies continueto increase, domestic consumption can still play a basic role in boostingeconomic development. In 2021, we can see many positive factors supportingstable economic recovery. China's economy is well-conditioned to maintain itsrecovery momentum. Though we are facing relatively high pressure in preventinginbound cases and a domestic resurgence, our economy is still growing on strongfundamentals.
First, we have a solid material foundation. Agriculturalfoundations are growing stronger, with total grain output exceeding 1.3trillion jin (650 million tons) for six consecutive years. Meanwhile, theindustry is playing a more dominant role in the national economy, and our totalindustry added value is over 30 trillion yuan. Infrastructure is also improvingas transportation, telecommunications, energy, and the water conservationsector play a more important role in supporting the economy. These are strongmaterial foundations for us to guard against various risks, maintain steadyeconomic recovery, and ensure the basic well-being of the Chinese people.
Second, we have a complete industrial system. After years ofeffort, China has become the only country in the world to obtain all industrialcategories listed in the United Nations industrial classification. Our totaltrade in goods ranks first in the world, and the country is the largest tradingpartner of 120 countries and regions. In the past year, in the face ofCOVID-19, China's industrial system has demonstrated a strong ability forself-adjustment and resilience. In 2021, China's complete productioncoordination system and its supporting capacity are bound to play a majoreffective role in dealing with various uncertainties.
Third, we have a hugemarket. With a population of 1.4 billion people, including a middle-incomepopulation of 400 million, and a total land area of 9.6 million squarekilometers, China boasts the world's fastest-growing domestic market. Theadvantages of the huge market are obvious. With increased per capita income,the structural adjustment and upgrades in consumption will drive upgrades tothe industrial, investment, and regional economic structures, providing a hugeforce for sustainable economic development. In 2021, our vast domestic marketwill provide enough room for economic growth and manoeuvre.
Fourth, we have built strong technological power. China is provingits strong momentum in technological innovations, boasting the world'ssecond-largest R&D investment and a top filer of international patents,both driven by the development of hi-tech industries and emerging industrieswith strategic importance. China's emerging industry maintains strong momentumdespite the economic headwinds over the past several years as well as theCOVID-19 pandemic. The industry digitalization and the industrialization of thedigital economy are also in full swing, which in turn will boost additionalonline consumption. These are the driving forces of China's high-qualityeconomic development.
Fifth, we have abundant human resources. China has the world'slargest workforce, with nearly 900 million people of working age (16 to 59years old), 200 million skilled workers, and the world's largest population ofresearch personnel. These also give continuous intellectual support to thecountry's high-quality development.
The strong CPC leadership and China's institutional advantagesensure stable and long-term economic development and social stability. The CPCCentral Committee's far-sightedness and its sound decisions overall, theinstitutional advantage of socialism with Chinese characteristics that enablesus to pool all resources to complete major missions, the sophistication ofChina's economic governance, and precise and effective macro-control policiesare the keys to successfully preventing and controlling COVID-19 while makingachievements in socio-economic development.
Despite the recent COVID-19 resurgence in some areas, the impactof COVID-19 on the economy is generally controllable. As the pandemic continuesto spread around the globe, China's outbreak of locally-transmitted cases andcluster infections is posing some uncertainties to economic recovery, which isreflected in the slowed growth rate of December's retail sales.
Generally speaking, we havethe abilities and the conditions to contain the spread of COVID-19. Thanks toour rich experience in COVID-19 response in the early stage of the pandemic, wehave adopted swift, effective, and scientific measures to contain the spread ofthe coronavirus in areas experiencing a resurgence in COVID-19 and reduce theimpact of lockdown measures on production and life. Currently, production andlife in most regions are back on track, economic operations are generallystable, and the impact of COVID-19 is controllable. Of course, we will continueto work hard and keep economic operations within a reasonable range. Inresponse to your question about our investment and consumption policies, wewill follow the instructions put forward during the fifth plenary session ofthe 19th CPC Central Committee as well as the Central Economic Work Conference,implement our financial, monetary, employment, investment, consumption,regional, and industrial policies more precisely, overcome difficulties thatarise, keep economic operations within a proper range, and promote thesustainable and healthy development of China's economy.
In general, consumption and investment played key roles ineconomic development in 2020. The overall fixed-asset investment, investment inthe tertiary industry, and investment in the social sector and infrastructuresall achieved positive growth. In 2021, we will continue to increase ourinvestment in areas of weakness. Following the instructions of the CentralEconomic Work Conference, we will ensure to balance investment in both strong andweak areas and boost the overall quality of our investment.
Imports and exports buckedthe trend and increased last year. The GACC held a press conference two daysago to introduce the situation. Imports and exports in the first two quartersof last year were severely affected by COVID-19 but a series of effectivemeasures were later adopted to tackle the issues. In addition, China'srelatively complete industrial system ensures logistics services and meets thedemands of epidemic prevention products, household goods, and office suppliesfor some countries in the world. Because of the advantages that I have justintroduced, China's imports and exports rebounded in the third and fourthquarters and the economy achieved positive growth throughout the year. Thisyear, the coronavirus has continued to spread globally and nations around theworld have relatively large demands for epidemic prevention products and dailynecessities. Based on boosting domestic demand, we should also meet the needsof foreign markets and expand external demand. It is expected that imports andexports will maintain current momentum. Thank you.
HongKong Bauhinia Magazine:
How is the progress in China's high-quality development in 2020?Could you elaborate on that? In your opinion, what is the focus of promotinghigh-quality development in 2021? Thank you.
This is a good question. Last year, the coronavirus affected oureconomic growth and development. However, while stabilizing employment,ensuring people's livelihoods, and maintaining the fundamentals of the economy,all regions and departments have been unswervingly implementing new developmentconcepts and promoting high-quality development, continuing to deepen reforms,expanding opening up, and cultivating new drivers of growth. The quality andefficiency of economic growth have been steadily improved.
First, innovation, the primary driving force of development,continues to be stimulated. New industries, new forms of business, and newproducts are developing rapidly. From January to November in 2020, theoperating income of strategic emerging service enterprises above the designatedsize increased by 8.6% year-on-year, 7 percentage points higher than that ofthe service industry above the designated size. The proportion of online retailsales of physical goods reached 24.9%, up 4.2% over the previous year; theoutput of industrial robots, new energy vehicles, and integrated circuits allachieved rapid growth and increased by 19.1%, 17.3%, and 16.2%, respectively.The number of small and medium-sized tech enterprises and high-tech enterpriseshas exceeded 200,000. Finally, major breakthroughs have been made in thescientific exploration of space and the sea, as I mentioned earlier.
Second, coordination has increasingly become an endogenousfeature. New steps have been taken in the transformation of the industrialstructure. The added value of the equipment manufacturing industry and thehigh-tech manufacturing industry increased by 6.6% and 7.1%, respectively, 3.8and 4.3 percentage points higher than that of all industries above thedesignated size. The added value of the tertiary industry accounted for 54.5%of China's GDP, up 0.2 percentage point over the previous year. New progresshas been made in the adjustment of the demand structure. Investment inhigh-tech industries and social fields climbed by more than 10% over theprevious year to 10.6% and 11.9%, which are 7.7 and 9 percentage points higherthan the total investment, respectively. The gap between urban and ruraldevelopment continued to narrow. The income of rural residents has grown fasterthan that of urban residents, and the urbanization rate of permanent residentshas exceeded 60%.
Third, we made major headway toward green development. Energyconservation and consumption reduction efforts have delivered results. Theannual energy consumption per unit of GDP has dropped. The proportion ofconsumption of natural gas, water, nuclear, wind, solar energy, electricity,and other clean energies has increased by 1 percentage point over the previousyear. The environment has also improved significantly. The PM2.5 concentrationof 337 cities at or above the prefecture level across the country dropped by8.3% compared with the previous year. In terms of water environment, among the1940 national surface water assessment sections, the proportion of water withgood quality (Grade I-III) increased by 8.5 percentage points.
Fourth, the path to opening up has become broader. In 2020, wecelebrated the 40th anniversary of the establishment of Shenzhen SpecialEconomic Zone and other special economic zones, and the 30th anniversary of thedevelopment and opening up of Shanghais Pudong district. Pilot projects areexemplary and stimulate economic development. In the context of shrinking worldtrade and cross-border investment, China's total import and export of goods andthe actual use of foreign capital have both achieved positive growth. Theactual use of foreign capital during the last month of 2020 has not beenofficially announced. From January to November, the figure increased by 6.3%.The actual use of foreign capital has played a major role in stabilizingeconomic fundamentals. In the past year, the construction of the Hainan FreeTrade Port has also been accelerated. We have had active economic and tradeexchanges with countries along the Belt and Road. The Regional ComprehensiveEconomic Partnership Agreement (RCEP) was officially signed and the China-EUInvestment Agreement negotiations were completed. These all provide a strongimpetus for open development.
Fifth, sharing as the fundamental goal has been furtheremphasized. Poverty alleviation has achieved remarkable results. We haveeliminated both absolute poverty and overall regional poverty. The employmentsituation is generally stable, and the surveyed unemployment rate has returnedto the level of the same period of the previous year. The nationwide surveyedunemployment rate in urban areas peaked in February, reaching 6.2%, but inDecember, the number dropped to 5.2%. The quality of the life of residents hasimproved significantly, and the ownership of consumer durables has grownrapidly. The construction of a multi-level social security system has beenaccelerated. The development of education, culture, health, and other socialsectors have been stimulated and the ability to guarantee basic public serviceshas been continuously strengthened.
2021 is the first year of the 14th Five-Year Plan, the theme ofwhich is to promote high-quality development. We must continue to takedevelopment as the Party's top priority in governing and rejuvenating thecountry, unswervingly implement the new development concepts of innovation,coordination, greenness, openness, and sharing, and continue to consolidateepidemic prevention and control and restore economic stability and boostdevelopment. We strive to maintain economic operations within a reasonablerange and create a favorable environment for high-quality development. Focusingon improving the quality and efficiency of development, we will seekcoordinated development of economic quality, structure, scale, speed,efficiency, and safety, and integrate high-quality development concepts intoall fields and levels of economic society. Thank you.
We have two technical questions. I'm wondering what the breakdownis for the contribution to growth from net exports, consumption, andinvestment? Were also interested in when China's birth rate figure will bereleased? Thank you.
Just now I mentioned that investment, consumption, and exports arereferred to as a troika of growth, and you brought up a direct question. Wewill announce the breakdown of the troika tomorrow. To evaluate the impact ofthe three major demands on the economy, I would like to first introduce thetotal amount.
First, in terms of total volume, the final consumption rate in2020 was close to 55%. From 2011 to 2019, China's consumption rate averaged53.4%. Despite the impact of the coronavirus in 2020, the final consumptionexpenditure still accounted for 54.3% of GDP, 11.2 percentage points higherthan the total capital formation, the highest proportion in recent years.Consumption is still the anchor of a stable economy.
Second, from the perspective of incremental growth, the role ofconsumption in stimulating economic growth has also increased each quarter.With the steady recovery of China's economic operations, consumptions drivingforce on economic growth has increased quarter by quarter. In the fourthquarter, the total retail sales of consumer goods increased by 4.6% year onyear, and the growth rate was 3.7 percentage points higher than that in thethird quarter; and final consumption growth drove economic growth by 2.6percentage points, an increase of 1.2 percentage points from the third quarter.As the epidemic is more effectively controlled, the momentum of consumer demandwill be further restored. The contribution rate of net exports of the trade ingoods and services to economic growth during the past year had still beenpositive. Now, in order to measure the impact of imports and exports oneconomic development, we should not only look at the growth rate orcontribution rate, but also the total amount. First of all, incremental growthhas been a positive contributing factor. Looking at the total amount, the totalimport and export volumes are equivalent to the proportion of China's GDP,which is relatively high among major countries, accounting for more than 30%.Major countries generally focus on domestic demand. Under open conditions, inorder to achieve economic circulation, China's proportion is higher than thatof strong economies such as the United States and Japan. Therefore, consideringthe two aspects, the role of imports and exports is still relatively important
Economic growth depends on domestic demand, which conforms to thelaws of economic development. The construction of a new dual-circulationdevelopment pattern requires better use of the advantages of the domesticsuper-large-scale market in China's opening-up. Looking at China's situation,there is still a lot of room for improvement in utilizing the fundamental roleof consumption. The average contribution rate of final consumption expenditureto economic growth was around 60% from 2013 to 2019. If compared with thelevels of 70% and 80% for developed economies, there is still much room forimprovement. As the development stages are different, it is necessary toimprove people's consumption abilities, improve consumption policies, improvethe consumption environment, and find more areas for consumption growth.Utilizing the key role of investment is also very important. In 2020,investment played an active role in promoting economic recovery. Going forward,we must increase the intensity of effective investment and transform China'srelatively high national savings rate into actual investment results. At thesame time, we must unswervingly expand opening-up and make better use of theactive role of the "three drivers of growth" consumption, exports andinvestment in building a new dual-circulation development pattern.
Just now, you asked about the population. The seventh nationalpopulation census was launched on Nov. 1 last year. More than 7 million censustakers went into communities, urban and rural areas. After much hard work,on-site registration has now been completed and the process of carrying outrandom quality checks and verifications, as well as preliminary summary is nowunderway. The census is conducted once every 10 years, and the previous sixthcensus was also conducted in November, with the results released in April ofthe following year. The results of this year's census will also be announced tothe whole society in April. As such, we cannot provide the data today. I hopeyou can understand.
The fifth plenary session of the 19th CPC Central Committee hasput forward requirements for population development strategies and policies forthe next five years. The statistics departments will ensure the population datais true, accurate and reliable through population censuses and daily surveys,and provide a scientific basis for formulating strategic planning policies forpopulation development. Thank you.
In terms of the economy this year, considering some importantchallenges, such as last year's consumption situation, some economists hopethat consumption will account for a bigger part of China's development and playa larger role. There has also been much analysis into the spread of thepandemic at home and abroad, which has raised some concerns about the Chineseeconomy. What is your take on these issues? Thank you.
Ning Jizhe:
Facing the spread of the global pandemic, increasing the awarenessof risks and concerns is extremely important. Looking around the world, thepandemic has rebounded two or three times in some countries, and uncertaintiesare growing internationally. The foundation for the recovery of the domesticeconomy is not yet solid. The overall indicators are picking up steadily andare better than expected, but some structural indicators are not ideal, whilevarious problems cannot be solved in the short term. We must adhere to thegeneral tone for work, which is seeking progress while maintaining stability,continue to promote stable economic recovery, and keep it within a reasonablerange. We must look from the aspect of challenges, difficulties and risks, aswell as the aspect of opportunities, advantages and hope. The challenges areunprecedented, as are the opportunities. On the whole, the opportunities arestill greater than the challenges. Judging from the situation of macro-controland corporate recovery last year, some challenges will be transformed intoopportunities once they have been overcome. For example, responding to theCOVID-19 pandemic was originally a big challenge. However, due to our insistenceon technological innovation and reform and opening-up, various market entitieshave played their parts, and development of the digital economy,entrepreneurship and innovation have become opportunities. Online retail sales,including online education and medical care, have developed well, while thecombination of online and offline businesses has created even greateradvantages.
The global pandemic is also a big challenge, and especially now weare under huge pressure to prevent imported infections and a domesticresurgence. Due to the pandemics impact, there has been large demand foranti-pandemic products, including face masks, protective suits and home officesupplies. We have a complete industrial system and guaranteed internationallogistics, and are promoting the smooth flow of logistics, so that challengeshave become opportunities, and positive trade growth has been achieved. We aresatisfied by the data, but more importantly, we are also meeting the needs ofpeople around the world in fighting the pandemic. Saving lives is moreimportant than anything else. This is not only significant for the economy, butalso for humanity. We have played a positive role in the world. In China, weinsist on putting people and life first, so we must combine economic data withchallenges and opportunities in our analysis. Our country is still in a periodof strategic opportunities for development. Faced by challenges, we must givefull play to our advantages and overcome difficulties to achieve sustainedeconomic recovery, stable operations and healthy development. Thank you.
HongKong Commercial Daily:
What progress has been made in ensuring people's livelihoods in2020? The growth of China's per capita disposable income has been weak, how doyou regard this situation? What changes have there been in income levels inurban and rural areas? Thank you
People's livelihoods are the top priority. Last year, notableresults were achieved in ensuring people's wellbeing, as demonstrated in threekey aspects: first, job growth continued to expand; second, prices remainedgenerally stable; and third, incomes continued to rise. As I said before, weachieved the year's employment rate target, and the employment situation wasbetter than expected. With support from economic recovery and employment-firstpolices, the number of newly employed people in urban areas totaled 11.86million in 2020, well exceeding the goal of 9 million. The surveyedunemployment rate and registered unemployment rate, both for urban areas, werelower than expected. It shows that governments at all levels and marketentities have all played a vital role in stabilizing and ensuring employment asthe main macro-regulation target, and implementing the employment-firstpolicies.
In addition, consumer prices remained generally stable. Affectedby many factors, food prices, especially the price of pork, rose quicklystarting around the beginning of last year. Faced with the epidemic, localgovernments, departments and market entities worked together to boost foodsupplies, in particular guaranteeing the production, distribution, and supplyof hogs. After more than half a year of efforts, the number of hogs bothavailable for slaughter and supplied to the market improved significantly inthe fourth quarter. We increased pork imports and ensured domestic supply,resulting in a significant drop in prices during the fourth quarter. Porkprices rose by more than 100% at the beginning of last year, and increased for19 consecutive months. Between October and December, pork prices then droppedby 2.8%, 12.5% and 1.3%, respectively. Food prices on the whole have also beeneffectively controlled, showing a downward trend.
Personal income growth exceeded expectations and was basically instep with economic growth. The per capita disposable income in the fourquarters changed by -3.9%, -1.3%, -0.6% and 2.1% year on year in real terms,which was generally in step with economic growth. The main characteristics ofthe growth in residents' incomes can be seen from three aspects: First, nettransfer income of residents has grown quickly. This resulted from the policiesto ensure and improve people's basic livelihood, such as increasing the pensionfor retirees and strengthening social relief and temporary aid. The per capita nettransfer income of residents nationwide grew 8.7% year on year; per capitaold-age pension and retirement pension posted an 7.8% increase year on year;per capita income from social relief and subsidies grew 18.7%; and per capitaincome from policy-based living subsidies rose by 12.7%. Second, residents'income from salaries showed accelerated recovery through the policies ofensuring employment, including stabilizing employment and encouraging rurallabor to move to other areas for employment. The per capita salary-based incomeof residents increased by 4.3% year on year, which was higher than the growthrate of China’s per capita disposable income, which was 2.1%. The averagemonthly income of migrant workers also rose by 2.8% over the previous year. Third,market entities improved net operating income, moving from decline to growth.Thanks to the measures including reducing taxes and fees, and providingfinancial support, household operations improved. The per capita net operatingincome grew 1.1% year on year in 2020, despite decline during the first threequarters due to the epidemic.
As for your second question, the income gap between urban andrural residents as well as people from different social groups continued tonarrow. As I said before, the ratio between urban and rural residents percapita disposable income stood at 2.56, 0.08 lower than in 2019. The income ofresidents in western regions of the country grew by 6%, faster than 4.6% ineastern regions, showing that the income gap between different regions is alsonarrowing. The income growth rate of the low-income group was higher than thatof residents nationwide. The per capita disposable income of the low-incomegroup increased by 6.6% year on year in nominal terms, 1.9 percentage points higherthan that of residents nationwide. The per capita disposable income of thelow-income group in rural areas increased by 9.8% over the previous year, 5.1percentage points higher than that of residents nationwide. As such, data onjob creation, consumer prices and income show that the policies to ensure andimprove people's livelihoods have yielded positive results.
In the next step, we will continue to promote steady economicrecovery and provide stronger employment support for key groups. We will take moremeasures to stabilize employment, ensure supply and price stability, andstrengthen basic living guarantees for disadvantaged groups. There should besolid progress in protecting market entities, sustaining the growth of urbanand rural personal income, deepening the reform of the income distributionsystem, and further narrowing the income gap between urban and rural residents.Thank you.
My questions are for Mr. Ning. All three industries registeredpositive growth in 2020. What were the new situations and characteristicsencountered during the year? Did industrial production return to a normal rangein Q4? Thank you.
Your question is a request to provide a conclusion for 2020. Withnationwide efforts, we not only saw overall positive growth but alsocoordinated recovery and development in all three industries. Viewing the yearas a whole, the economy reopened in a steadily improving manner.
First, the position of agriculture as the foundation of theeconomy was further strengthened. Despite the COVID-19 epidemic and severeflooding, 2020 saw another bumper grain harvest. Hog production capacitiesrecovered quickly and the output of poultry, eggs, and milk increased steadily.Agricultural production was better than expected and the value added ofagriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, and fishery went up by 3% year on yeara good performance compared with previous years. Growth was -3.2% for the firstquarter, and 3.3, 3.9, and 4.1% for the second, third, and fourth quarters, respectively.Modern agriculture also performed well with several new super rice varietiesdeveloped, which have a yield of 1,000 kilograms per mu.
Second, industrial production stabilized and rallied. Industry asa whole, especially manufacturing, saw steady recovery quarter by quarter. Thevalue added of industrial enterprises above designated size grew 2.8% year onyear in 2020. The growth for the manufacturing sector was 3.4%, faster than thegeneral growth. The growth for the first, second, third, and fourth quarter was-8.4, 4.4, 5.8, and 7.1%, respectively, and demonstrate that growth is alreadyreturning to normal. In particular, the role of pillar industries strengthenedand the recovery of equipment manufacturing quickened. In 2020, value added tothe equipment manufacturing sector grew 6.6% year on year, 3.8 percentagepoints higher than the general growth of industrial enterprises abovedesignated size. The sector contributed 70.6% of the overall growth ofindustrial enterprises above designated size. It reported double-digit growthin both the third and fourth quarters. New industries and products thrived. In2020, the value added of high-tech manufacturing enterprises above designatedsize expanded 7.1% from the previous year, 4.3 percentage points higher thanthe general growth of all industrial enterprises above designated size. Manyproducts saw their production increase significantly. New products such as 3Dprinting equipment, smart watches, civilian UAVs, and IC wafers saw theirproduction more than double in response to huge market demand.
Third, the service industry gradually recovered. The sharp declineat the beginning of the year was followed by a gradual recovery quarter byquarter. Major indicators improved continuously, new growth drivers wereactive, and market confidence was constantly enhanced. In 2020, the value addedto the service industry grew 2.1% from the previous year. The gain for thefirst, second, third, and fourth quarters were -5.2, 1.9, 4.3, and 6.7%,respectively. The modern service industry, led by new technologies, showedrelatively good growth. From January to November, business revenues forhigh-tech service enterprises, technology service enterprises, and enterprisesof emerging service sectors of strategic importance increased 12, 11, and 8.6%,respectively. New business forms and models expanded quickly. The COVID-19epidemic gave rise to new business models. The integration of physical andonline stores picked up speed; new technologies such as 5G, AI, and Internet ofThings were used widely, and online entertainment and commerce like shortvideos and live commerce saw trend-bucking growth. Working from home, onlineeducation, online healthcare and other new business models boomed, injectingnew vitality into the economy and are bound to continue growing this year.
In December 2020, the value added to industrial enterprises abovedesignated size increased 7.3% year on year, the highest growth of 2020.However, judging from the past two years, December was still within the normalrange. In March 2019, for example, the figure was 8.5%.
The transformation of traditional industries also quickened tobetter meet demand, to further strengthen R&D and sales, and to promote theintegration of the service sector through industry and agriculture. China'sindustries have broad prospects and are bound to unleash new potential. Thankyou.
Today's press conference ends here. Thank you, Mr. Ning. Thankyou, everyone.
外交部 2025-02-19 11:13:56
As the Chinese people celebrate the Spring Festival, I wish to extend, on behalf of the Chinese government and people, and also in the name of my wife and myself, a warm welcome and festive greetings to all the distinguished guests!
新华网 2025-02-12 10:47:34
国新办&CGTN 2025-01-06 14:49:40
Greetings to everybody! Time flies fast, and the new year will be with us shortly. I extend my best wishes to you all from Beijing.
CGTN 2024-12-31 21:46:41