坚定信心 抓住机遇 深化合作
Shore up Confidence, Seize the Opportunities and Deepen Cooperation
Speech by H.E. Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the CBBC Farewell Roundtable
Sir Sherard,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dear Friends:
Good morning!
Letme begin with a big thank you to the China Britain Business Council for hostingthis special roundtable for me to bid farewell.
It is a real delight to meet you again online to renew ourfriendship and talk about opportunities for development before I complete mytour of office and leave for China.
Inmy diplomatic career of 47 years, I have had six overseas postings on fourcontinents: Africa, America, Asia and Europe. The eleven years spent in the UKare my third tour as Chinese Ambassador and the longest of my overseaspostings. It is indeed an honour to be the longest-serving Chinese Ambassadorboth in the history of China-UK relations and of all Chinese ambassadors of alltime.
WhenI first arrived in the UK eleven years ago, CBBC held a welcome lunch for me atClaridge's Hotel. In my remarks at the lunch, I promised to take it as mymission to deepen political mutual trust, enhance cooperation across the board,and expand strategic consensus and common interests of our two countries, so asto bring the China-UK relationship forward. Over the past eleven years, I haveworked diligently to keep my words and fulfill my duty.
Inthese eleven years, we witnessed and worked together for the opening up of newfrontiers for China-UK mutually-beneficial cooperation.
In 2015, President Xi Jinping paid a "super statevisit" to the UK, The visit ushered in the China-UK "Golden Era"and charted the course for the overall China-UK relationship as well aspractical cooperation. High-level dialogue mechanisms between China and the UKincluding the Prime Ministers' Meeting and the Economic and Financial Dialogueoffered strong impetus for cooperation between our two countries. In the pasteleven years, China-UK cooperation played a pioneering and leading role in manyareas of productive cooperation between China and Western countries. Amongmajor Western countries, the UK was
· the first to join the AIIB and inject capital into theAIIB special fund;
· the first to set up an RMB clearing centre and issue RMBsovereign bond;
· and the first to appoint a special envoy to the Belt andRoad Initiative (BRI) and to sign the Guiding Principles on Financing theDevelopment of the BRI.
Inthese eleven years, we witnessed and worked together for new records inChina-UK trade and investment.
First, bilateral trade has surged.
From 2010 to 2020, China-UK trade in goods surged from $50.1billion to $92.4 billion. Despite the pandemic and the contraction ofinternational trade that follows, China-UK trade still hit a historical record.
Second, China-UK cooperation in investmenthas kept deepening.
By the end of 2019, FDI from the UK to China totaled $25.39billion; in the other direction, FDI from China to the UK totaled $17.14billion. This is about 20 times the level at the end of 2009, and has made theUK the second largest destination in Europe for Chinese investment.
Moreover, Chinese investment has expanded from traditionalindustries to new areas such as high-end manufacturing, information technologyand cultural and creative industries.
Third, large-scale projects have madeimportant progress.
Eleven years ago, there was basically no large-scale flagshipproject jointly built by our two sides. Now, with the efforts of both sides,several China-invested flagship projects in the UK are making steady progress,including Hinkley Point C nuclear power plant and ABP Royal Albert Dock.
Inthese eleven years, we witnessed and worked together for new breakthroughs inChina-UK cooperation on financial services and the BRI.
Both China and the UK have made vigorous efforts to advancecooperation in green finance and FinTech.
· Eight Chinese banks have opened branches in the UK
· The Shanghai-London Stock Connect was officiallylaunched, connecting for the first time the Chinese capital market with aforeign one, and enabling many Chinese companies to be listed here in London.
· London became the world's largest offshore RMB exchangecentre and the second largest offshore RMB clearing centre. The total clearingvolume has already exceeded 50 trillion RMB yuan.
The UK is a natural partner for China in BRI cooperation. Thespecial representative of the Prime Minister of the UK has attended bothsessions of the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation. China andthe UK are also committed to working together in third markets. We have signedan agreement on such cooperation and worked together on financing, expertiseand services.
Ladiesand Gentlemen,
Dear Friends:
Theproductive China-UK business cooperation has delivered tangible benefits to thepeoples of our two countries:
· China-invested electric, low-emission cabs are running inthe streets of London.
· British food found their way to the dinner tables of Chinesefamilies with the facilitation of, among others, the China International ImportExpo.
· Chinese companies in the UK generated tax revenue and jobopportunities for local communities and contributed to the transformation andupgrading of British businesses and the high-quality development of Britishindustries.
Going forward, I am confident that our cooperation will enjoyenormous potential and promising prospects if China and the UK can follow threeprinciples.
First,we should bear in mind the big picture, respect each other and strengthenmutual trust.
History tells us that when the principles of mutual respect andequality are followed, and international law and the basic norms governingstate-to-state relations are observed, China-UK relationship will move forward;otherwise, it will suffer setbacks or even retrogression.
A sound and stable China-UK relationship is not only in thecommon interests of our peoples but also conducive to world peace anddevelopment.
It is important that China and the UK always have in mind thebig picture and long-term interests, view each other's development asopportunities, rather than challenges or threats, and respect each other's coreinterests and major concerns, so as to ensure the sustained and sound growth ofChina-UK relations and foster favourable conditions for deeper and productivecooperation between our two countries.
Second,we should follow the major trend of our times and shore up confidence.
Today, the world is experiencing the most profound changes in acentury. These changes are happening not only amidst a pandemic unseen in acentury. They have also come against surging unilateralism, protectionism andanti-globalisation sentiments, and growing uncertainties and instabilities inmany places of the world.
For those of us who are committed to promoting China-UKcooperation, there are both opportunities and challenges.
It is important that we remain confident in the major trend ofeconomic globalisation, in the prospects of China's opening up and development,and in the future of China-UK mutually-beneficial cooperation.
With such confidence, we should hold high the banner of freetrade, work together to build an open world economic and ensure an open,inclusive, balanced and win-win economic globalisation.
Third,we should seek and seize opportunities to deepen cooperation.
China and the UK have highly-matching development strategies andcomplementary economies. At the moment, both our two countries are at a new,important development stage:
China is opening a new chapter. We will soon roll out the 14thFive Year Plan and continue on the journey of building a modern social countryin all aspects. The "dual circulation" development paradigmencourages a reinforcing interaction between the domestic and internationalmarkets. It means China will pursue high-quality growth and will open up widerand deeper.
The UK has just completed Brexit. It is now entering into a newstage of building a "global Britain" and expanding global partnershipnetwork.
China and the UK should leverage our respective strengths,coordinate our policies and dovetail our growth strategies. We should deepencooperation in areas such as trade and investment, infrastructure, financialservices and high and new technology, and make them more productive. This willboost development and prosperity in both our countries and deliver morebenefits to our peoples.
Ladiesand Gentlemen,
Dear Friends:
China-UKbusiness cooperation has been productive and successful. This would not havebeen possible without the hard work of the business communities from bothsides, especially CBBC.
Over the years, CBBC has made vigorous efforts to connect theChinese and British business communities. You have also shared invaluable ideasand thoughts on deepening business cooperation between our two sides.
Since the outbreak of Covid-19, CBBC has brought Chinese andBritish business and financial institutions together to donate funds andsupplies. It was a touching story of Chinese and British business communitiestaking concrete actions in time of difficulties and joining hands to fight thepandemic. I would like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to you for yourcontribution to China-UK cooperation!
Myspecial thanks go to my old friends and the chairs of CBBC, Lord Sassoon, SirSherard and Sir David! Thank you for your all out support and assistance to mein the past eleven years!
I sincerely hope that my friends from the business sector will,as you always do, continue supporting China-UK relations and mutually beneficialcooperation. I also hope you will continue supporting the work of the ChineseEmbassy and my successor the new ambassador. Your wisdom and efforts willcontinue to be the valuable source of strength for the steady and sounddevelopment of China-UK relations.
In22 days, it will be the Chinese New Year, the Year of the Ox. In the Chineseculture, the Ox is a symbol of loyalty, hard work and prosperity.
I would like to take this opportunity to send you my very bestand early wishes for a Happy Chinese New Year!
I wish you health and success! And I hope our friendship lastsforever!
外交部 2025-02-19 11:13:56
As the Chinese people celebrate the Spring Festival, I wish to extend, on behalf of the Chinese government and people, and also in the name of my wife and myself, a warm welcome and festive greetings to all the distinguished guests!
新华网 2025-02-12 10:47:34
国新办&CGTN 2025-01-06 14:49:40
Greetings to everybody! Time flies fast, and the new year will be with us shortly. I extend my best wishes to you all from Beijing.
CGTN 2024-12-31 21:46:41