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外交部 2024-10-05 9次



Promoting Development for All and Bridging the AI Divide


– Remarks by H.E. Wang Yi at the High-Level Meeting on International Cooperation in Capacity-Building of Artificial Intelligence


September 25, 2024






Your Excellency Aleksandar Vučić, President of Serbia,

Your Excellency Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, Coordinating Minister of Maritime Affairs and Investment of Indonesia,

Your Excellency Felix Mutati, Minister of Technology and Science of Zambia,

Your Excellency Amina Mohammed, Deputy Secretary General of the U.N.,




Congratulations to the United Nations on the first-ever high-level meeting themed on enhancing international cooperation in capacity-building of artificial intelligence (AI). This past July, the 78th session of the U.N. General Assembly unanimously adopted a Resolution on Enhancing International Cooperation in Capacity-Building of Artificial Intelligence co-sponsored by 143 member states. This speaks volumes about the ardent hope of countries, especially those in the Global South, to participate in AI development and governance and enhance international cooperation in capacity building. The priority now is to implement this Resolution to bridge the AI divide and contribute to the realization of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.


As an important player in global AI development, China is developing AI for the people and for good. The goal is to enhance people’s well-being and serve economic and social development, and prevent misuse or abuse of AI technologies.


China is developing safe and controllable AI – trustworthy AI technologies that can be monitored and traced. We are improving the relevant laws and regulations and making sure that AI is always under human control.


China is developing AI in a green and low-carbon manner. We are exploring new ways to foster a resource-conserving and environmentally friendly AI development model, and promoting AI-empowered green transition of economic and social development.





AI is both a global challenge and a major opportunity for the world. In October 2023, President Xi Jinping put forward the Global AI Governance Initiative, contributing China’s proposal and wisdom on how to develop and govern AI, an important subject of our times. To jointly usher in a better future of AI, China believes that the following principles should be followed in advancing global AI governance:


First, upholding a comprehensive and balanced approach. AI governance concerns ethics, safety, standards and norms, capacity building, and mechanisms and institutions. A holistic, comprehensive and balanced approach should be taken and coordination stepped up to build an AI global governance framework. A biased or selective approach is neither advisable nor feasible.


Second, upholding a fair and for-all approach. AI is a common asset of humanity. It is important to uphold openness, connectivity and equality, and not erect walls, decouple or discriminate. We should work together for an open, inclusive and non-discriminatory environment for AI development, and let the benefits of AI reach all countries. AI should not and must not become a tool for maintaining hegemony or seeking unfair advantages.


Third, upholding multilateralism. The U.N. is at the very center of the system and the rules of multilateralism. An AI governance mechanism in which all countries participate should be established within the U.N. framework, to enable equal participation and benefit-sharing by all countries. Making judgments based solely on one’s own values would only create division and obstacles and hinder our collective ability to address emerging challenges.





China has worked actively to enhance international cooperation on AI capacity building. China is both an advocate and a doer. Within two months following the adoption of the Resolution, the Chinese government and the U.N. Secretariat co-hosted the first Workshop on AI Capacity Building in Shanghai, which drew active participation from nearly 40 countries and produced good outcomes. Here, I wish to announce China’s proposal of an AI Capacity-Building Action Plan for Good and for All. Under this Action Plan, China will take 10 major actions to fulfill the visions of the Global South in five aspects. Let me share with you the key points of our Action Plan:


First, promoting AI and digital infrastructure connectivity. China is ready to work with other countries, especially fellow developing countries, to develop AI infrastructure in a bid to improve the global layout of interoperable AI and digital infrastructure.


Second, empowering industries through the AI Plus initiative. China is ready to carry out cooperation on the R&D of AI models and the empowering application of AI, establish an international cooperation platform for AI capacity building, and build open-source and inclusive AI communities in a responsible manner, with a view to building robust, diverse ecosystems that enable the sound development of AI for the greater good based on local realities.


Third, enhancing AI literacy and personnel training. China will hold short and medium-term AI capacity building programs for fellow developing countries and disseminate AI knowledge and expertise both online and offline, so as to share AI knowledge and experience. We will hold 10 AI workshops and seminars primarily aimed at fellow developing countries by the end of 2025.


Fourth, improving AI data security and diversity. China is ready to work with other countries, especially fellow developing countries, to develop AI language resources and develop and improve data infrastructure, in an effort to promote and protect the diversity of civilizations, and to encourage the fair and inclusive use of global data.


Fifth, ensuring AI safety, reliability and controllability. China is ready to work with all parties to synergize AI strategies and strengthen policy exchanges, actively share policies and technical practices in AI testing, evaluation, certification and regulation, and jointly address ethical dilemmas and security risks.


To better implement the Resolution and the Action Plan, China proposes establishing a group of friends for international cooperation on AI capacity building, and welcomes the support and participation of all countries.





Over the years, countries have been brought closer by the Internet. Ahead, AI will bring the world even closer toward a shared future. In the development and governance of AI, countries should support each other and forge ahead together. It is important to ensure equal rights, equal opportunities and equal rules for all countries, and leave no one behind. Let us join hands to pursue greater international cooperation on AI capacity building, empower the common development of all countries with smart technologies, and build a community with a shared future for mankind.


Thank you.

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