天之聪教育 2015-11-10 White House 415次
小编注:美国总统奥巴马的演讲,是备考全国翻译资格考试(CATTI)三级口译、二级口译不可少的训练素材,演讲的语体就是平时口译训练的语体,童鞋们要多听、多练,不要一味的听VOA素材,VOA的素材在口译训练的前期是可以的,主要是培养我们一种良好学习的习惯,但绝不是我们的目的,长期听对学口译效果不太明显,因为日常生活中没有人像VOA那样的讲话,所以我们平时要多听国外领导人\企业CEO的演讲和致辞,大家还可以多听一下CRI的新闻,这才是口译训练的方向;所以备考CATTI的童鞋们,任重道远呀! |
Weekly Address: If You Haven't Gotten Covered, Now's Your Chance
WASHINGTON, DC — In this week's address, the President discussed the importance of reducing the number of people without health insurance. Because of the Affordable Care Act, more people now have the security of health insurance than ever before. As the law’s coverage provisions have taken effect, 17.6 million Americans have gained coverage, and the nation’s uninsured rate now stands at its lowest level ever. The ACA is working, making health care more affordable, accessible, and of higher quality for millions of people. But there are still Americans around the country who are eligible for Marketplace coverage yet remain uninsured. The President encouraged those who do not have health insurance at this point, especially those whose communities are part of the Healthy Communities Challenge, to go online, take advantage of the open enrollment period that began this past weekend, and sign up for health care coverage.
Hi, everybody. For decades, too many working Americans went without the security of health insurance -- and their financial well-being suffered because of it.
We’ve begun to change that. As the Affordable Care Act has taken effect, we’ve covered 17.6 million Americans. Since 2010, the uninsured rate has decreased by 45%. And for the first time, more than 90% of Americans are covered.
If you haven’t gotten covered yet, or if you care about someone who hasn’t gotten covered yet, now’s your chance. It’s open enrollment season for the Health Insurance Marketplace.
What that means is, with a few clicks on HealthCare.gov, you’ll find private insurance companies competing for your business. You can compare plans and choose the one that’s right for your family. In fact, most Americans will find an option that costs less than $75 a month. Even if you already have insurance through the Marketplace, check it out. Shopping around can save you a lot of money -- last year, consumers who shopped saved almost $400.
Take the story of a man named Phil Viso, who emailed me earlier this year. Phil’s a software developer from my hometown of Chicago. Last winter, he had an idea for a new app and decided to start his own company. And that can be scary when you need to get your own insurance. But Phil logged on to HealthCare.gov, answered a few questions, picked a plan, and even found out he was eligible for a tax credit that saved him money.
一个叫Phil Viso的人今年年初发邮件给我,分享了他的故事。Phil是来自于我的故乡芝加哥的一名软件开发人员,他想开发一款自己的App并成立自己的公司。一般这种情况下为自己购买保险费用会很吓人。但Phil登录了HealthCare.gov,回答了几个问题,选择了一份保险方案,最后发现还可以享受税收优惠,为他节省了资金。
Here’s what he wrote: “I’m still sort of in shock about how great the experience of signing up for health care was…I will have a lot to worry about over the course of the year as I try to get my app released, but thankfully, good health care will not be one of those worries.”
After he sent me that email, Phil ended up getting a new and better job anyway. But that’s the whole point of health insurance. Peace of mind. And under the Affordable Care Act, if you want to change jobs, go back to school, or chase that new idea, you can do it without worrying about going broke if you get sick. If you’ve got a pre-existing condition -- diabetes or cancer or heartburn or a heart attack -- you can no longer be charged more or denied coverage. You can no longer be charged more just for being a woman. And preventive care like checkups and immunizations now come with no additional out-of-pocket costs.
What we’re talking about is no longer just a law, and it's certainly not the myths and scare tactics that the cynics have peddled our way for years. This is reality. This is health care in America. And the bottom line is, Americans like it. They’re happy with their plans and their premiums.
So join them. Give it a shot. Check out HealthCare.gov, CuidadoDeSalud.gov, or call 1-800-318-2596 to find a plan that’s right for you or someone you care about.
And by the way -- if you live in one of the 20 cities participating in our Healthy Communities Challenge, I want to see how many of your neighbors you can get signed up. I’ll come visit the city that enrolls the highest percentage of folks who aren’t covered right now. That’s a promise.
After all, this country is at its best when we look out for each other. And together, we can help more Americans get the security that they and their families deserve.
Thanks everybody. Have a great weekend.
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