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天之聪教育 2012-08-17 天之聪教育 2988次




When it comes to being in business, the road to success can be long and hard, marked by many highs and lows and everything in between. Like life, our business can make us ride an emotional roller coaster - if we let it. We may jump for joy when we land a new client or enter into a profitable partnership, or we may fall into despair when we lose a great employee or our line of credit maxes out and the upcoming financial forecast looks grim.

The trick is to have the chops to see things through, no matter what's going on. As long as you're in business because you love what you do and you want to be in it for the long haul, that's half the battle.

Here are 4 ways to help keep your business emotions in check.

Let your intuition play a key role. Business is as much playing by the rules and regulations game as it is flying by intuition. When you combine the two, powerful things happen. You probably already use your intuition to some extentnaturally. I suggest you develop it more and use it more often. It's rarely wrong.

Keep an even keel. Like a boat on the water, the shifting tides and rolling waves will always threaten to bounce you around or capsize you when you least expect it. Like a girl scout, you can prepare for every eventuality. Whatever it is, have a Plan B ready to be deployed at any time. Know what kind of first aid you'll need, whether you just scrape your knee or find yourself fighting a large fire. Teach yourself to be calm in emergencies. It doesn't do you or anyone else any good if you fly off the handle or shrivel up in a corner. Every disaster, small or big will pass. Learn to take them in stride, like an intuitive woman of power. In fact, you can always influence the outcome more than you think!

Make the people connection sing. When you have the right people in your corner, both in business and at home, it can make all the difference to your success. Sometimes it's easy to take these people for granted because they're always there when you need them. Be sure you are recognizing their input, support, attention, and guidance. They're the ones helping you confirm what your gut tells you. The more successful you become, the more you need them. Remember, no woman is an island!

Don't forget the self-care factor. Running a business is pretty much a full-time job. Like raising kids, you think about it all the time, whether you're at your desk or on vacation. And that vacation is a good thing for both the mind and the soul. However, you need mini-vacations every day, and throughout the month, too. You absolutely have to make self-care a priority. Whether that means getting up early to go to the gym, taking a full hour and a half for lunch, or stopping promptly at 4:00 pm, you must do these things in order to refresh and revitalize yourself. It is amazing how much better you will cope and how much better your overall disposition will be. Plus your intuition will be right on cue just when you need it.

As a businesswoman, you've got a lot to do and a lot to think about. It doesn't pay to let energy-sapping thoughts get in the way. Your business is a reflection of who you are, your values and principles. With the right combination of business know-how and self-care, your stick-tuitive-ness will win every time!


经商的成功之路漫长艰难,其间充满跌宕起伏。生活中,如果我们听命于自己的情绪,我们就会乘上情绪这趟过山车,任其摆布,经商也是如此。当我们赢得一个客户或处于互利的合作关系中,我们或会欢呼雀跃;当我们失去一名优秀员工,或因花钱超支使财务预算看起来不容乐观,我们或会深陷绝望。无论发生哪种情况,诀窍在于你有处理事情的技巧。你喜欢经商并想长久地做下去,诀窍是打赢经商这场战的重要一部分 。

 以下4招将在商业情商控制上助你 一臂之力。

1. 重视直觉     凭直觉经商几乎和靠规则经商一样重要 。当你同时运用两者,就会产生无穷力量。从某种程度上说,你很可能已经在自然的运用直觉。我建议你多多运用直觉。这一招鲜有差错。

2. 保持平稳     经商犹如水上行船, 涨落的潮汐和翻滚的波涛总会威胁到你的船,有时它们会在你的意料之外把你推下船。经商犹如一名女童子军,你要为一切意外之事做好准备。任何时候,无论发生什么,要有足够的招数去应对。你擦伤了膝盖,或在救一场大火,你要知道你所需要哪种急救常识。教自己学会在紧急情况中如何泰然自若。如果你手忙脚乱,陷于混乱当中或蜷缩于一角,这对你和你周围的人而言,有害无益。灾难无论大小都将过去。像一个充满直觉力量的女人那样,学会从容应对灾难。事实上,你对结果好坏的影响远远大于你所想像的。

3. 与周围人共唱一曲   在事业和家庭中,当你有合适人选时,会对你的成功产生积极影响。无论何时你需要他们的帮助,他们总在你的身边,所以有时候很容易把他们的帮助视为理所应当。你要认可他们对你的付出、支持、关心和引导。正是他们帮助你确认你的直觉的对错。你越成功就越需要他们。牢记,女人不是一座孤岛。

4. 要照顾自己      经商很大程度上是一份全职工作。就像抚养孩子,无论你在办公室还是在度假,总会一直想着他。度假对思想和心灵来说是一件好事。不过,每天,每月你都 需要许多小假,要重视照顾自己。早上起来去趟健身房,中午花一个半小时享受午餐,下午4点结束工作,以此来使自己重新焕发活力。通过这些小假,你将会从容应对事业,性格也更活泼开朗,这真是另人兴奋!另外,在你需要你的直觉发挥作用时,它也恰好出现。











When it comes to being in business, the road to success can be long and hard, marked by many highs and lows and everything in between. Like life, our business can make us ride an emotional roller coaster - if we let it. We may jump for joy when we land a new client or enter into a profitable partnership, or we may fall into despair when we lose a great employee or our line of credit maxes out and the upcoming financial forecast looks grim.
The trick is to have the chops to see things through, no matter what's going on. As long as you're in business because you love what you do and you want to be in it for the long haul, that's half the battle.


Here are 4 ways to help keep your business emotions in check.
1.    Let your intuition play a key role. Business is as much playing by the rules and regulations game as it is flying by intuition. When you combine the two, powerful things happen. You probably already use your intuition to some extent naturally. I suggest you develop it more and use it more often. It's rarely wrong.
1. 跟着直觉走。商海固然要求合规守约,但是直觉判断同样重要,如果能将合规经营与直觉行事合二为一,你将无往不胜。你可能不经意间早已运用直觉行事,不过,我建议你进一步开发直觉潜能并时不时加以运用,因为直觉很少出错。

2.    Keep an even keel. Like a boat on the water, the shifting tides and rolling waves will always threaten to bounce you around or capsize you when you least expect it. Like a girl scout, you can prepare for every eventuality. Whatever it is, have a Plan B ready to be deployed at any time. Know what kind of first aid you'll need, whether you just scrape your knee or find yourself fighting a large fire. Teach yourself to be calm in emergencies. It doesn't do you or anyone else any good if you fly off the handle or shrivel up in a corner. Every disaster, small or big will pass. Learn to take them in stride, like an intuitive woman of power. In fact, you can always influence the outcome more than you think!
2. 沉着冷静。身处商海犹如水上荡舟,波涛汹涌间船只颠簸不停,甚至在不经意间舟覆人亡。身处商海又像做女童子军,要为一切可能做好准备(,做到有备无患)。凡事要有应急预案(备用计划),以备不时之需。不论只是膝盖刮破点皮还是要奋力扑救大火,必须清楚自己需要哪些急救药品。学会临危不乱,冲动急躁或是缩于一隅于已于人都毫无益处。大灾小难终会过去,要拿出女强人的直觉魄力,学会从容应对。事实上,你对结局的掌控力永远超乎自己的想象。

3.    Make the people connection sing. When you have the right people in your corner, both in business and at home, it can make all the difference to your success. Sometimes it's easy to take these people for granted because they're always there when you need them. Be sure you are recognizing their input, support, attention, and guidance. They're the ones helping you confirm what your gut tells you. The more successful you become, the more you need them. Remember, no woman is an island!
3. 重视身边人。员工支持和家人体贴对事业成败至关重要。员工和家人对你有求必应、鼎力相持,但也正因如此,你往往会视一切为理所当然,忽略他们的价值。对他们给予的建议、支持、关注和指导必须予以肯定,正是他们一路帮你坚定信念、加油鼓劲,你越是成功,就越需要他们。记住:没有哪个女人可以成为孤岛(单枪匹马闯天下)!

4.   Don't forget the self-care factor. Running a business is pretty much a full-time job. Like raising kids, you think about it all the time, whether you're at your desk or on vacation. And that vacation is a good thing for both the mind and the soul. However, you need mini-vacations every day, and throughout the month, too. You absolutely have to make self-care a priority. Whether that means getting up early to go to the gym, taking a full hour and a half for lunch, or stopping promptly at 4:00 pm, you must do these things in order to refresh and revitalize yourself. It is amazing how much better you will cope and how much better your overall disposition will be. Plus your intuition will be right on cue just when you need it.
As a businesswoman, you've got a lot to do and a lot to think about. It doesn't pay to let energy-sapping thoughts get in the way. Your business is a reflection of who you are, your values and principles. With the right combination of business know-how and self-care, your stick-tuitive-ness will win every time!

4. 爱惜自己。做企业是一种全职工作,这就好比是养育子女,无论你俯身案头还是外出度假,心里难免总会惦记,而适时抽身度假无疑会有益身心。度假并非仅指长假,其实每天都需要适当休息,每月也要安排时间好好放松身心。必须学会关爱自己,比如:早起健身,花一个半小时慢享午餐,下午四点一定要赶紧停下工作小憩片刻,这样可以让自己提振精神,保持活力,提升效率,改善性情,直觉也能适时派上用场。

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