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china daily 2012-12-04 china daily 502次




Pi grows up in India. He is a boy of boundless curiosity and imagination. One day, though, he is uprooted as his family decides to move to Canada to escape political and religious tensions and to find better opportunities.

They book a passage on a freighter and take along the zoo animals his father owns. At sea, a storm scuttles the ship, and Pi finds himself in a lifeboat with a hyena, a zebra, an orangutan and a Bengal tiger. Many days of hardship pass. Those who manage to survive battle injuries and hunger until just Pi and the tiger, named Richard Parker, remain.

Pi attempts to build a relationship with Richard Parker that won’t include the animal eating him for lunch. Over time, the human and the carnivore come to an understanding. They forge a bond as they help each other survive against the forces of nature.

At the beginning of the story, the adult Pi describes himself as a Hindu-Catholic-Muslim. As a boy, he was continuously searching for God. The story of Pi is described in the film as “a story that will make you believe in God”.

Pi continually questions God as to why he was chosen to survive, while those closest to him were lost. He grapples with the paradox of faith as he navigates between life and death during his 227-day spiritual trial. And his faith never wavers. His experience at sea with his ferocious friend, Richard Parker, helps him to discover a supreme being.

Its use of 3-D is masterful, as the technology helps you sense the might of the natural world and the titanic struggle to endure its power.

Though they are trapped at sea in a confined space, a giant canvas of stars, skies and ocean is opened up in the film. “Pi” settles into a series of dazzling visual variations – on ocean and aloneness, reason and wildness, mind and sinew.

There are sequences to astonish: a sideways storm of flying fish, a whale heaving up from a phosphorescent midnight sea, a titanic second gale. By the time the story beaches us temporarily on an island with eerie secrets, it’s as though we’ve sailed right off the map.

For all the shipwrecks, 3D wonders and snarling tigers, this is a surprisingly quiet and reflective film about human nature and how we (and our faith) can endure even the most harrowing tests.

The moral of “Life of Pi” is that the monsters of our waking world can be infinitely worse. Toward the end of the movie, Pi tells the young writer an alternate version of what may have unfolded on the lifeboat – this one delivered by the character directly to the camera, without the fancy pixels – and we’re invited to ask ourselves which version we prefer. Not “believe,” but “prefer,” and the distinction is critical.



Lee cast Suraj Sharma, 17, an Indian student and newcomer as the agonist, after auditioning more than 3,000 boys.

Viewers may be astonished by Sharma’s interaction with the tiger. In one scene, Richard Parker sleeps with his head on Pi’s lap. Lee laughed when asked how the filmmakers trained a tiger to manage such feats. “We have only 23 shots of a real tiger,” he said. “The rest is CGI.” That is computer-generated imagery. In other words, Sharma has to share most of his screen time with only a CGI tiger as his co-star.


For the water shots, Lee oversaw the production of the largest self-generating wave tank ever designed and built for a movie. Built in his hometown of Taichung, Taiwan, the tank had a capacity of 1.7m gallons.


“I’ve seen it 4 times. Visually it is ravishing. Technically, it is absolutely flawless. It is very faithful to the book.” – Yann Martel, the novelist who wrote the “Life of Pi”.

“‘Life of Pi’ breaks the paradigm that 3-D has to be some big, action fantasy spectacle, superhero movie…the 3-D is an integrated part of the art form…” – James Cameron, the director of “Avatar”.

“‘Life of Pi’ is the best-looking film I’ve seen this year, and possibly so far this century. It’s so hypnotically beautiful that people will be using it to calibrate their new TV monitors.” – Lou Lumenick in the New York Post.



Taiwan-born American Ang Lee, 58, is an unrivaled master in capturing the beauty of landscape. From the fog soaked hills of England in “Sense and Sensibility” to the bamboo forests of China in “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” to the spare and lonely crags of “Brokeback Mountain”, Lee’s sense of place has always been infallible.

“Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” won the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film. “Brokeback Mountain” gave him the most influential Best Director Oscar. He was the first person of Asian descent to win the Oscar.


“Life of Pi” has drawn comparisons to James Cameron’s “Avatar” or “Titanic”. But Lee’s film, unlike either of Mr Cameron’s, never loses sight of the human story in favor of spectacle. Shots of the capsizing hull, star-blacking waves or bioluminescent whales almost always include poor Pi, a small, fragile human somewhere in the frame. The vastness of the terrors and wonders only emphasize his struggle and solitude.

“I see a movie as a way of learning about the world, about myself, and learning about my relationship with people and art.” – Ang Lee


–All of life is an act of letting go, but what hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye.

–Religion is a house with many rooms.

–I must say a word about fear. It is life’s only true opponent. Only fear can defeat life.

–The most important thing is not to despair.

–I’m grateful. It’s the plain truth: without Richard Parker, I wouldn’t be alive today to tell you my story.

–It was a time filled with wonder that I’ll always remember.
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