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天之聪教育 2013-04-10 天之聪教育 329次

Fixing the fat cats


Switzerland votes to curb executive pay


THE question facing Swiss voters on March 3rd was called the “people’s initiative against fat-cat pay”. With a billing like that, who wouldn’t vote yes? As it happened, 68% of the electorate did, passing a measure that requires listed companies to offer shareholders a binding vote on senior managers’ pay and appointments at each annual general meeting. The penalty for bosses who fail to comply is up to three years in jail or the forfeit of up to six years’ salary. Switzerland’s penchant for direct democracy has trumped its tolerance for tycoons.


Swiss business is shaken. It had backed a “counter-initiative” giving shareholders more voting powers without threatening criminal sanction. That was rejected by voters. The new law, which will be written into the constitution, endangers Switzerland as an investment destination, the business lobby claims. Economiesuisse, the Swiss Business Federation, now accepts the popular verdict but warns that such complex and highly charged changes must be implemented carefully. The laws needed to put the vote into practice will take ten years to write, some cynics suggest.


The initiative is the brainchild of Thomas Minder, who runs his family’s toiletries business. He has apparently never forgiven Swissair for backing out of a contract when it nearly went bankrupt 12 years ago and then awarding its former boss a big pay-off. Mr Minder’s campaign gained momentum last month on news that Novartis, a Swiss drug firm, intended to pay its departing chairman, Daniel Vasella, a severance package of SFr72m ($76m). Mr Vasella later refused the package.

通过的提案是由托马斯明德尔(Thomas Minder)提出的,他同时经营家族的化妆品生意。明德尔显然一直对瑞士航空公司12年前的所作所为耿耿于怀。当年瑞士航空公司在几乎破产时取消了与明德尔公司的合同,却向前任高管支付大笔遣散费。上个月,瑞士一家医药公司Novartis想给即将卸任的董事长丹尼尔魏斯乐(Daniel Vasella)一笔高达7200万瑞士法郎(7600万美元)的离职补偿金(后来他拒绝了这笔遣散费)。这则新闻也壮大了明德尔提案的拉票声势。

After Mr Minder’s victory it will become harder to extend such corporate generosity. Some of the new restrictions seem sensible. Shareholder votes on executive pay, hitherto ad hoc and advisory, will become routine and binding. Pension funds will be required to vote in the interests of their members and make their votes public. Board members will not be permitted to have consulting or other contracts with firms in the same group.


But other provisions are more burdensome. The law will ban incentives that can be useful, such as “golden hellos” and severance packages for board members. It will also bar them from accepting rewards for buying or selling company divisions.


This may not curb boardroom excess. Unlike pension funds, other managers of bundled investors’ assets will not have to declare how they vote. Electronic voting is supposed to give small shareholders a say, but they can be out-voted.


Swiss business must hope that the law does enough to quell outrage. The country’s Young Socialists are demanding that senior executives’ pay be capped at 12 times that of the lowest-paid worker. That would drive a lot of companies out of Switzerland. The fat cats don’t come just for the skiing.

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