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天之聪教育 2013-05-22 天之聪教育 736次


Quick Cures, Quack Cures: Treating Aching Feet

Sore feet are the bane of people who spend their days standing or walking. Anne Holly Johnson, who specializes in foot and ankle orthopedic surgery at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, offers one view on what can ease discomfort. 

        长时间站立或行走的人往往会受到足部疼痛的困扰。来自美国波士顿麻省总医院(Massachusetts General Hospital)的足部及脚踝整形外科专家安妮•霍莉•约翰逊(Anne Holly Johnson)和我们分享了能够缓解足部不适的方法。 

        Why do feet hurt at day's end? 


        Your feet bear the load weight of the body. 'Naturally, if you stand for long periods, the load gets heavy for the feet, joints, and ligaments,' Dr. Johnson says. For people with swollen feet at day's end, walking and moving the feet and ankles up and down can help as it circulates blood back to the heart. 'If you're standing on your feet all day long and not contracting your muscles, everything drains to the feet,' she says. The swelling that results causes pain, exacerbated by shoes that might not accommodate it. Even people with sedentary jobs can get sore feet. Short bursts of activity followed by a lot of sitting 'can cause one's calves to get very tight, and that causes the Achilles tendon and plantar fascia [tissue that helps support the foot's arch] to tighten,' says Dr. Johnson. 


        What helps ease soreness? 


        Elevating your feet or rubbing them can help. Dr. Johnson puts many patients who experience foot pain and foot fatigue on a twice-a-day stretching regimen for their calves, which relieves muscle tightness and pain in the ankle and foot. She recommends a basic runner's stretch: With arms out in front and pressing against a wall or other surface, bend at the waist and extend one foot behind the other until you feel the stretch in your calf. Your heels should be flat on the ground. 

        举高或按摩双脚都有帮助。约翰逊给许多患有足部疼痛和足部疲劳的病人布置了每日两次的小腿伸展练习,这种练习有利于缓解肌肉紧张以及脚踝和足部的疼痛。她推荐一种跑步者常用的基础伸展练习:手臂前伸,抵住 面或其他平面,弯腰并将一只脚置于另一只脚的后侧,直至感到小腿被拉伸为止。进行这项练习时,脚跟应该平放在地板上。
        Should you soak them? 

        Epsom salt foot baths, Dr. Johnson says, are considered soothing, but she hasn't seen scientific studies that explain how they relieve muscle soreness. Some people attribute epsom salt's therapeutic effect to magnesium sulfate, which may draw out excess fluid in the feet. 


        Do high heels make it worse? 


        High heels can cause more foot distress because you're putting all your weight on the balls of your feet, says Dr. Johnson. She suggests wearing a wider, chunkier heel for better weight distribution. Another trick is to go up half a size and put thin pads in the front of the shoe, she says. This creates more space in the shoe's toe area so your toes aren't as constricted. Taking shoes off discreetly at work for even a few minutes and doing the runner's stretch can make a 'huge difference' for people with pain on the bottom of their foot, she says. 


        Do I need orthopedic shoes? 


        Probably not. Just make sure that your shoes are comfortable. Feet tend to get bigger over time, so make sure to have them remeasured every time you buy shoes to get the right size. 

        Any other tricks? 


        Weight loss can also help. 'Since your feet and ankles support your entire body weight, even a small amount of weight loss can take an exponential amount of weight off the foot,' Dr. Johnson says. Every pound of weight lost is like 3 to 4 pounds in decreased pressure on the feet and ankles. 


        What about chronic sore feet? 


        If the pain persists after a full night's rest, continues or gets worse, stops you from getting through the day or doing something you enjoy, have a doctor take a look at it. It could be a sign of tendon problems, arthritis in the foot or ankle, or a stress fracture. 


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