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天之聪教育 2020-03-04 国新办 3027次


Hu Kaihong:


Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. Welcome to this press conference organized by the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council. We have invited Chen Jingyuan, director general of the Medical Service Bureau of the Logistic Support Department of the Central Military Commission (CMC); Zhao Haifei, deputy director general of the General Planning Bureau of the Logistic Support Department of the CMC; Zhang Tianxiang, deputy director general of the Transportation and Mobility Bureau of the Logistic Support Department of the CMC; and Wu Qian, director general and spokesperson for the Information Office of the Ministry of National Defense. They will brief you on the efforts of China's armed forces in fighting COVID-19 and take questions.


First, I will give the floor to Mr. Chen. 


Chen Jingyuan:


Ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, good morning. First, I would like to thank the media for your support and coverage of the military's efforts in helping fight the epidemic. 


Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the Central Military Commission (CMC) and Chairman Xi Jinping, have all prioritized the prevention and control of the epidemic and stressed the priority of safeguarding people's life and health. Chairman Xi is personally leading, commanding and deploying all available forces in the battle against COVID-19 outbreak. He has presided over multiple meetings, visited the community to inspect and direct the control work, and issued clear requirements. He made important instructions to the military on the prevention and control work, and stressed that the armed forces must work under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee and CMC, keep the mission firmly in mind, shoulder their responsibilities, fight the hard battle and actively assist local authorities in fighting the epidemic.  


When an epidemic breaks out, a command is issued. It is our responsibility to prevent and control it. The military has resolutely implemented Chairman Xi's important instructions, promptly engaged in epidemic prevention and control work, and acted as the protector of people's life and health. We are joining hands with the whole nation to overcome the difficulties, and actively playing the role of vanguard and commando. We will resolutely win the people's war against COVID-19.  


First, the CMC has intensified its leading and commanding efforts. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the CMC quickly put into place an emergency response mechanism, setting up a leading group on novel coronavirus prevention and control and establishing a joint prevention and control mechanism of the armed forces on public health emergency. The CMC has also conducted research and made deployments regarding epidemic prevention and control as well as providing assistance to virus-hit regions. In addition, the CMC has actively participated in the works of the State Council's joint prevention and control mechanism and sent personnel to join the Central Guidance Team in Hubei. A frontline command and coordination team of the armed forces has also been established to intensify the coordinated efforts with local strength, and to provide further guidance for military medical staff.  


Second, the CMC quickly sent military personnel to assist with the battle against COVID-19 in Wuhan. Military medics were organized the moment they received orders, and dispatched to Wuhan via air, rail and road. Since Jan. 24, the eve of Chinese Lunar New Year, China's armed forces have dispatched over 4,000 medical professionals in three groups to assist in the fight against COVID-19 in Wuhan. They formed a relief force comprising a battlefront leading group, joint logistic support units and frontline medical worker units. Approved by Chairman Xi Jinping, the first group of 450 personnel left for Wuhan on Jan. 24. A week later, on Feb. 2, also approved by Chairman Xi Jinping, the second group of 950 personnel were dispatched to Wuhan to join the first group and were tasked with treating patients in Huoshenshan Hospital. Approved by Chairman Xi Jinping, the third group of 2,600 personnel left for Wuhan on Feb. 13 to join the battle against COVID-19. These "heroes in harm's way," as they have been widely dubbed in the media, have fully demonstrated the bravery of the Chinese people's armed forces, and shown their political integrity of pledging loyalty to the Party and the people. 


Third, treating patients. The military medical system has a glorious history and remarkable experience in addressing similar situations, including the fight against SARS, assisting Africa in the battle against Ebola, and dealing with emergencies and disasters. This time, medical workers of the armed forces continued to demonstrate their ability to serve the people and save lives. The military medics coordinated their efforts with local civilian medics, adopted a science-based way of epidemic prevention and control, and treated patients with targeted measures, in order to raise the rate of receiving patients and the rate of patient recovery. They went all out to treat patients. Four military hospitals stationed in Hubei, including the General Hospital of the Central Theater Command of the PLA, have been working on the frontlines. So far, 63 designated military hospitals have provided nearly 3,000 beds, and more than 10,000 medical professionals. As of March 1, Huoshenshan Hospital, Wuhan Taikang Tongji Hospital, and the Optical Valley Campus of the Maternity and Child Healthcare Hospital of Hubei Province have received a total of 3,467 severe patients, 689 of whom have recovered. The designated military hospitals and medical teams assisting Hubei have received a total of 4,450 patients so far, 1,000 of whom have been discharged. In addition to treating patients, military medics have also paid attention to their own protection, so there are no infected cases among them so far. Meanwhile, the military has organized experts on the frontlines to summarize their treatment experiences, in order to continue to optimize treatment plans and further improve treatment.    

四是做好综合保障。前期,军队应对突发公共卫生事件联防联控工作机制向武汉紧急调拨40万个医用口罩,配发8000套防护服、50套正压防护头罩、2套负压运输隔离舱,保障医疗救治急需。空军出动30架次运输机,向武汉紧急空运军队医疗力量和物资。截至3月1日,中部战区派出130台运输车、260人,担负支援武汉市生活物资运输任务,累计出动5667人次、车辆2500多台次,运送群众生活必需品8500多吨,防护物资器材 23600多件(套);出动直升机4架次,转运医疗物资6.5吨。28个省军区(警备区)每天出动民兵约20万人,配合地方完成外来人员管理、场所消毒、物资运输、防疫宣传等任务。 

Fourth, comprehensive support. In the early days of the outbreak, the joint prevention and control mechanism of the armed forces sent Wuhan 400,000 medical masks, 8,000 protective suits, 50 sets of positive pressure respiratory hoods, and 2 sets of negative pressure isolation stretchers to ensure urgently needed medical treatment. Meanwhile, the Air Force dispatched 30 transport aircraft to send medical workers and supplies to Wuhan. As of Sunday, the Central Theater Command of the PLA has sent 130 transport vehicles and 260 people to assist the transportation of life supplies. They have transported over 8,500 tons of life necessities and 23,600 sets of protective gear. The military has also dispatched four helicopters to transfer 6.5 tons of medical supplies. Also, 200,000 militiamen were dispatched from 28 provincial-level regions to assist local authorities in completing tasks such as management of outsiders, site disinfection, material transportation, and epidemic prevention awareness improvement. 


Fifth, scientific research. To respond to the major public health emergency, we made the health of the people our top priority and worked hard to trace the origins of the virus, control the outbreak, treat patients, and develop anti-viral drugs. We pooled together the strength of enterprises, universities, research institutes and end users to drive research progress. Military units have undertaken a series of major projects granted by the Ministry of Science and Technology for epidemic control and prevention. Military medical experts have arrived in Wuhan to launch scientific research and guide the work here. The COVID-19 nucleic acid test kit, jointly developed by the Academy of Military Medical Sciences of the PLA and local researchers, was approved by the National Medical Products Administration on Jan. 28. Its antibody test kit was approved by the military on Mar. 1 and swiftly put into clinical practice. The Fifth Hospital affiliated to the China PLA General Hospital has integrated TCM and western medicine to treat patients with COVID-19, which has proven effective and safe. Other works such as development of drugs and vaccines are also being carried out. 


The COVID-19 outbreak is a major public health emergency with the fastest spread, the widest range of infections, and the biggest difficulty in prevention and control since the founding of the People's Republic of China. In face of this rare and immediate crisis, the PLA has shown once again their strong sense of responsibility to the country and people. The progress made in the prevention and control work has once again demonstrated the notable strengths of the leadership of the CPC and socialism with Chinese characteristics. We believe that under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee, the Central Military Commission and Chairman Xi, the military and civilian sectors working together will win the fight against the outbreak.


Now the floor is open for questions.


Hu Kaihong:


Thank you, Mr. Chen. Now, the floor is open for questions. Please identify your media outlet before asking your question.


Economic Daily:


Amid the battle against the COVID-19 outbreak, the people's armed forces have given the people a sense of security. You just said that the armed forces have dispatched more than 4,000 healthcare professionals in three batches to support Wuhan in the fight against the virus outbreak. Could you please elaborate on where they have come from and what they have been doing so far? Thank you.


Zhao Haifei:


Under the command of Chairman of the Central Military Commission Xi Jinping, on the night of Jan. 24, the Chinese New Year's Eve, a total of 450 medics from three military medical universities of the Army, Navy and Air Force of the PLA were rapidly dispatched to support Wuhan. The three medical teams, each consisting of 150 medical personnel, traveled to Wuhan from Chongqing, Shanghai and Xi'an to treat locally confirmed COVID-19 patients. Later, another 950 medical personnel were dispatched to Wuhan from hospitals affiliated to the Joint Logistic Support Force. Starting from Feb. 3, they were tasked with treating confirmed patients in Huoshenshan Hospital, together with the 450 medics who were previously sent to Wuhan.


In the face of the developing epidemic, a total of 2,600 additional medical personnel from the armed forces have been dispatched to Wuhan since Feb. 13. Those reinforcement medics come from healthcare institutions affiliated with the Army, Navy, Air Force, Rocket Force, Strategic Support Force and Joint Logistic Support Force, as well as the Chinese People's Armed Police Force. They have followed the operation model of Huoshenshan Hospital and been tasked with treating confirmed patients in Taikang Tongji Hospital and the Guanggu branch of Hubei Maternity and Child Health Care Hospital. Most of the three batches of military medical workers are professionals in departments of infectious disease, respiratory medicine and critical care medicine. Among them, many participated in the fight against SARS in Xiaotangshan Hospital in Beijing or in the anti-Ebola missions in Sierra Leone and Liberia, so they have rich experience in treating infectious diseases and are capable of conducting their mission effectively. Thank you.




As the military medical teams have been in charge of Huoshenshan Hospital for a while now, how is the hospital running? How many COVID-19 patients have been hospitalized there? What treatments have you adopted and how many recovered patients have been discharged from the hospital? Thank you.


Chen Jingyuan:


All systems of Huoshenshan Hospital in Wuhan are running well. With 33 measures adopted to regulate medical treatment, nursing and safeguards, the hospital has seen increases in its admission and recovery rates, as well as declines in infections and mortality cases. Through the use of scientific approaches, experts and learning – especially from the experience accumulated in curing patients – we have improved our diagnosis and treatment plan using individualized and targeted treatment for different patients depending on their conditions. A diagnosis and treatment model has been developed combining Western and traditional Chinese medicines, nutritional therapies, psychological consultation and recuperation training. A 5G-powered remote diagnosis and consultation system between the temporary hospital and the Chinese PLA General Hospital has been implemented to enable experts involved to study, discuss and assess the condition of every single patient before designing targeted treatment methods. 


As of yesterday, Mar. 1, a total of 1,597 COVID-19 patients have been admitted to the hospital and 611 of them have been discharged after recovering. The hospital has continued to increase its admission of patients in severe condition. In addition to the two severe case wards, access to the general wards has also been opened to seriously ill patients. Thank you.


China Daily:


We have noticed that since the outbreak of the epidemic, many foreign governments and NGOs have offered assistance to China. Have any foreign defense departments or militaries done so? Thank you.


Wu Qian:


China has taken the most comprehensive, rigorous and thorough measures to fight COVID-19, actively engaged in international cooperation on the epidemic prevention and control in the spirit of building a community with a shared future for mankind, and made great efforts and sacrifices to prevent the epidemic from spreading worldwide. These steps have earned China widespread recognition, support and assistance from the international community. So far, the governments and peoples of dozens of countries have lent a helping hand to China. Leaders and heads of more than 170 countries and over 40 international and regional organizations have expressed their sympathy and support for China through phone calls, letters and statements. The Chinese people's strength, spirit and efficiency in its prevention and control of the epidemic, as well as China's image as a responsible major country have won widespread praise from the international community. 


At the military level, by the end of Feb. 29, defense departments and military leaders from countries including Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, East Timor, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Singapore, Indonesia, Iran, Tanzania, Serbia, the United States and New Zealand have sent letters of sympathy to the Chinese military. Military leaders or senior military officials from countries including Pakistan, Malaysia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan and Jordan expressed their sympathy and firm support for China in fighting against the epidemic through Chinese embassies. Defense departments and militaries from countries like Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, Singapore, Mongolia and Trinidad and Tobago have donated materials and money to China. Pakistan, Belarus, Turkey and other countries sent military aircrafts to deliver large amounts of medical supplies including face masks, goggles and medical protective suits to China. In addition, military attaches of foreign embassies in China and foreign military students studying in China recorded videos and sent letters of sympathy to pray and cheer for the Chinese people. Thanks to all this support and help, we can feel the warmth of spring amid this cold winter. 


Chairman Xi Jinping has long advocated the great initiative of building a community with a shared future for mankind. According to Chairman Xi, countries around the world are now interconnected and interdependent to an unprecedented level, whilst humans live in a global village and shared space where history is blended with modernity. The world has become a community with a shared future where the interests of all people are closely intertwined. The coronavirus knows no borders. No one can stand aloof and no country can remain on the sidelines as public health security is a common challenge of human society. The virus is being transmitted today in this country and could be transmitted in another country tomorrow. We should stand closely together and cooperate to cope with the challenges. China and the international community have worked together to tackle the epidemic, demonstrating the efforts and achievements of all countries in building a community with a shared future for mankind. The Chinese character "人" [meaning "people"] is a mutually supporting structure. "A friend in need is a friend indeed." Many countries and militaries have offered China sincere help and support as China combats the epidemic. Here I would like to express my sincere gratitude to them. China will actively carry out international military cooperation and work with the militaries of other countries to combat public security threats including the COVID-19 outbreak. We firmly believe that we will win the battle against the epidemic and usher in a brighter spring with the concerted efforts of the international community. This spring belongs to both China and the world. Thank you. 




I have two questions. First, military camps are home to large concentrations of people, why have there been no cases of coronavirus infection in the camps? What kinds of measures has the military taken to keep the virus off the camps and how do these measures differ from those targeted at civilians? Second, why did the Chinese government only send troops to Hubei province at the end of January? Thank you.


Chen Jingyuan:


Regarding the first question, the Chinese military has dedicated itself to the epidemic prevention and control work in accordance with the overall national plans and arrangements, which coordinate efforts all over the country "as if on a single chessboard." Meanwhile, we have strengthened unified leadership and command to seek higher unity in our action, and enhanced coordination in performing tasks related to epidemic prevention and control. Under the unified command and deployment of the CPC Central Committee, the Central Military Commission and Chairman Xi, we have tightened measures to prevent the epidemic in the military according to the unified national requirements on epidemic prevention and control. Such measures include organizing knowledge training related to epidemic prevention and control for military personnel, restricting off-camp activities and exchanges, as well as minimizing large gatherings. In addition, we have adjusted training and work schedules to reduce group activities. These strong, orderly and effective measures have created a good order of training and daily life for military personnel and helped them maintain combat readiness. Thank you.


Hu Kaihong:


As Mr. Chen has introduced, the armed forces sent the first batch of personnel to combat the epidemic as early as Jan. 24.


Wu Qian:


As for the second question, Mr. Chen has already given the answer. Whether the armed forces send personnel to aid epidemic prevention and control depends on the overall national arrangement and the epidemic situation. The first group of military medics was dispatched on Jan.24.




I have two questions. First, in the battle to contain the epidemic, frontline medical workers are facing heavy burdens, high infection risks, as well as huge physical and mental pressure. How are the military medics who were sent to Hubei doing in this regard? Second, more than 2,000 Chinese medical workers have been confirmed to be infected with the novel coronavirus. Have any infections occurred among the military medics sent to Hubei? Thank you.


Chen Jingyuan:


The current outbreak is still very serious and complicated, and the epidemic prevention and control work is entering an important phase. For medical staff that are fighting on the frontline, the best respect we can pay them is to learn from their moving stories and their selfless spirit, and combine our resolution and faith to win this battle. Faced by the epidemic, military medics submitted written requests to go to the frontline one after another so as to take part in rescuing patients. As one military medic said, "CPC members should lead the battle and servicemen should fight on the frontline" Some of our medical staff are sticking to the frontline and working continuously, with some even being couples fighting against the epidemic together. Some have postponed their wedding ceremonies, and many retired military medics have also requested to fight on the frontline in Wuhan. That is why patients call our staff "those we trust with our lives."  


As for your second question, Xi Jinping, chairman of the Central Military Commission, is very concerned with our staff participating in the epidemic prevention and control, paid high attention to their protection and asked for support and guarantees from all sides. Military support teams sent to Wuhan have resolutely implemented Xi's instructions and requirements, respecting rules and science, and adhering to scientific prevention and control methods. They strictly follow procedures and standards of hospitals for infectious diseases as they carry out medical treatment. The medical staff take level-3 protection measures. Our specialists and experts supervise the protection work strictly, so, up to now, none of our medical staff have been infected. Taking Huoshenshan Hospital as an example, the hospital has focused on fine protection. We selected experts to form the supervision group, and guided special personnel to monitor and establish strict procedures for medical treatment, prevention and control. We provided safety and protection training for our staff and are increasing supervision levels in all aspects. At the same time, we also pay attention to ensuring they have necessary rest, conscientiously do the work of providing them with adequate daily necessities and psychological counseling to help relieve the stress and regain strength, so that they can get back to work at their best to win the battle with zero infection. Thank you.


Shenzhen Satellite TV:


We have noticed that military transport aircraft including Y-20s were used to transfer medical staff and supplies. Could you give us more information about this?


Zhang Tianxiang:


The PLA has sent military medical support to Hubei by air, railway and road. The Air Force sent out its first batch of 450 military medics and medical supplies to Wuhan on Jan 24 from Shanghai, Chongqing, and Xi'an, Shaanxi province, by using three IL-76 transport planes.


On Feb. 2, the Air Force dispatched eight IL-76 transport aircraft, departing from Nanjing, Guangzhou, Lanzhou and Shenyang, taking the second batch of nearly 800 military medical personnel to Wuhan. On Feb. 13 and 17, the Air Force dispatched 12 Y-20, IL-76 and Y-93 transport aircraft in two waves, flying 19 sorties, and delivering the third batch of more than 1,600 military medical personnel to Wuhan. Among them, the Y-20s flew 10 sorties. This was also the first time that this type of large domestic-made military transport aircraft has participated in non-warfare military operations since its maiden flight in 2013.


This time, the Air Force formed a systematic, large-scale deployment of large and medium-sized transport aircraft to perform emergency airlifts, which also tested the Chinese PLA Air Force's rapid maneuverability and long-range delivery capabilities. At the same time, we coordinated with the railway department to take special measures such as adding additional temporary trains, adjusting train marshalling, and increasing station waiting time. On Feb. 2, 13, and 17, more than 1,200 medical personnel, who gathered at 22 stations across the country, and over 100 medical supplies were delivered to Wuhan via 18 high-speed trains. The close military-civilian coordination was highly efficient in completing the delivery mission. Thank you.


TASS Russian News Agency:


How many PLA troops have participated in the task of epidemic prevention and control so far? Thank you.


Zhao Haifei:


Thank you for your question. The Chinese armed forces have resolutely implemented the decisions and deployments of the CPC Central Committee, the Central Military Commission, and Chairman Xi. It always keeps in mind the fundamental mission of serving the people wholeheartedly, insists on the people and their lives being the top priorities, promptly launches the joint prevention and control work mechanism, and goes all out to support local epidemic prevention and control work. 


At present, the Chinese military has selected and assigned more than 4,000 military medical personnel in batches to carry out medical missions. The troops stationed in Hubei province have assigned more than 160 personnel and more than 130 vehicles to perform supply transportation support tasks. The Hubei Military Region and the Armed Police Force's Hubei Provincial Corps are also actively involved, assisting local authorities in such actions as transporting supplies, conducting disinfection, and carrying out epidemic prevention and control, which give full play to their role as vanguards and commandos. Their practical actions have won them the great trust of the people. Whenever there is a major natural disaster, a major risk or challenge, a major hardship or danger, the people's army will always appear, stand up and go all out.


Next, we will make full preparations to continue supporting the local epidemic prevention and control at any time once an order is issued, according to the development of the epidemic and the needs of local epidemic prevention and control. We will resolutely win the people's battle against the epidemic. Thank you.


Phoenix TV:


We have noticed that some experts recently suggested that a biodefense force should be established to ensure the country's biosafety. What do you think of this? Thank you.


Wu Qian:


We will not be commenting on the personal views of experts or scholars. It is common practice for countries to strengthen their national biosafety – this is something to which the international community has always focused on. The issue of biotechnology safety was addressed in particular in Agenda 21 and the Convention on Biological Diversity adopted at the UN Conference on Environment and Development in 1992. From the perspective of protecting people's health, safeguarding national security and maintaining long-term stability, China has decided to integrate biosafety into its national security system so as to make a systematic plan for the risk prevention and control and governance system construction of national biosafety, and comprehensively improve its national biosafety governance capacity. The epidemic outbreak highlights the importance of biosafety. China will promote the introduction of a law on biosafety as soon as possible and accelerate the establishment of a national system of laws and regulations, and an institutional guarantee system on biosafety. Thank you.


Southern Metropolis Daily:


Could you explain what the logistics support team made up from troops stationed in Hubei province has done to guarantee the delivery of living materials in Wuhan? Thank you.


Zhang Tianxiang:


At the request of the Wuhan epidemic prevention and control headquarters and approved by the Central Military Commission, a logistics support team has been established to support the logistics distribution and market supply in Wuhan. Made up from troops stationed in Hubei province, the team takes charge of delivering living materials to local citizens and transporting medical protective materials. Among the officers and soldiers in the team, some took part in the relief work after the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, some participated in flood rescue in 2016, and some performed tasks to support the 7th World Military Games. All the team members showed great enthusiasm in combating the epidemic. Established on Feb. 1, the team participated in its first transport task at 2 a.m. on Feb. 2. As of March 1, a total of 2,500 vehicles had been dispatched by the team, transporting more than 8,500 metric tons of daily necessities for the people and 23,700 pieces or sets of medical protective materials. A total of four helicopters had also been sent to transfer 6.5 metric tons of medical supplies. The team has helped solve the local citizens' problems in terms of daily life and medical protection, receiving praise from local people. Thank you.


Hong Kong's Economic Herald:


During the military support in fighting against the outbreak of the COVID-19 in Wuhan, how has the military and local authorities cooperated? 


Zhao Haifei:


The coordination between the military and local authorities are very close, smooth, and efficient. The Central Military Commission set up a coordination system, led by the CMC Logistics Department. Some related military departments and units also participated in dealing with public health emergencies within the army. They actively take part in the epidemic prevention and control work of the State Council, as well as the Central Guidance Team in Hubei. They also strengthen coordination work with local civil authorities.  


After the arrival of the military medical aid team in Wuhan, the Chinese military quickly established a joint meeting, briefing, and information sharing mechanism with the local government. In the fight against the epidemic, the military and the local government worked closely together, supported each other, exchanged deployed goods, such as goggles, N95 masks, and other medical supplies in short supply. In addition to medical aids, there have been good military and civilian cooperations in scientific rescue, medical discussions by medical professionals, giving out medications, and improving the diagnosis and treatment of patients in severe condition.. Moreover, it should be emphasized that the local authorities in Hubei and Wuhan, as well as the local civilians, care about the military medical teams and take the initiative to support us. Thank you.


Hu Kaihong: 


Due to time concerns, please ask the last two questions.


Global Times: 


Some foreign military experts have analyzed that the outbreak of the COVID-19 may have an impact on the combat readiness of the Chinese army. May I have your comment. Thank you. 


Wu Qian: 


The military has been undertaking diversified missions such as disaster relief and emergency rescue. We should devote ourselves to supporting the fight against the epidemic at the local level, and act as pioneers and commandos for the prevention and control of the epidemic to safeguard the lives of the people. This will not only test the emergency response capability of the armed forces comprehensively but also strengthen the army combat readiness. During the epidemic period, the PLA adhered to the principle of fighting against epidemics without misgivings and without losing their combat readiness. They have made solid efforts to carry out all kinds of work focusing on war preparedness and to maintain regular training and good combat readiness. Thank you. 


Hu Kaihong:


And now the final question.




With the arrival of the team of the military medical teams in Wuhan, the military doctors on the frontline said during an interview that "the PLA pledges to protect people's safety." My question is, will the military medical aid team withdraw only after complete victory in the epidemic control battle? Or is there a coordinated timetable for the military and local medical aid teams to withdraw in turn? How will the work be conducted precisely? Thank you.


Chen Jingyuan:


Medical teams from many places across China volunteered to join the fight in Wuhan, and the PLA also sent teams of over 4,000 personnel. During the process of epidemic control and prevention, the people and the armed forces are united strongly as a fortress. As for the victory in the fight, we hold that we are now in phase-one of the victory and are still in the critical period. As for the work arrangements afterwards, we will make plans depending on the situation of the treatment and the epidemic.


Wu Qian:


I would like to add a quote from Chairman Mao: "If the army and the people are united as one, who in the world can match them?" Thank you.


Hu Kaihong:


That's the end of today's conference. Thank you, all the speakers and friends from the media.

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