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天之聪教育 2014-07-11 美国使馆 287次


Message from First Lady Michelle Obama to the United States-China Consultation on People-to-People Exchange

早上好。我很高兴向在中国北京出席第5轮美中人文交流高层磋商(United States-China Consultation on People-to-People Exchange)开幕式的全体人员表示最热烈的祝贺。我感谢习近平主席、刘延东副总理和全体中国代表团今年对美国代表团的接待。

Good Morning.  I am pleased to send my warmest greetings to all those gathered at the opening of the fifth round of the United States-China Consultation on People-to-People Exchange (CPE) in Beijing, China.  I would like to send my thanks to President Xi Jinping, Vice Premier Liu Yandong, and the entire Chinese delegation for hosting the United States’ delegation this year.

我还希望借此机会感谢习主席、彭女士和中国人民在我前不久访华期间给予的热情款待。通过与彭女士 – 以及在中国各地与学生、老师和其他人进行的交谈,我深深感受到我们两国人民拥有的共同愿望。我亲身体会到,继续加强两国人民的联系 – 美中关系建立的基础 – 具有重要意义。

I would also like to take this opportunity to personally thank President Xi, Madame Peng, and the Chinese people for their gracious hospitality during my recent visit to China.  In conversations with Madame Peng – as well as with students, teachers and others from across China – I gained a deep appreciation for the shared aspirations of people in both of our countries.  I saw firsthand the importance of continuing to strengthen the bonds between our peoples – the foundation upon which the U.S.-China relationship is built.

过去5年来,我们合作实施了一系列重要计划。通过人文交流高层磋商,我们两国鼓励中国和美国妇女通过青年科技论坛(Young Scientist Forum)进入科学、技术、工程和数学等职业。富布赖特(Fulbright)等教育机会项目有助于促使我们两国交换学生和学者的人数达到有史以来的最高水平。2月在北京成立的NBA姚明学校(NBA Yao School)促进了年轻人在篮球场上和场外的发展。NBA也将在8月份2014年世界青少年奥林匹克运动会(World Youth Olympic Games)期间主导青年交流活动。美国奥林匹克委员会(U.S. Olympic Committee )、 美国残疾人奥林匹克委员会(U.S. Paralympic Committee)和特奥会(Special Olympics)继续与中国有关方面建立伙伴关系,增进全体人民参加各级体育运动的机会。

Over the past five years, we have collaborated on a number of important initiatives.  Through the CPE, our two countries have encouraged Chinese and American women to enter science, technology, engineering, and mathematics careers through the Young Scientist Forum.  The Fulbright program and other educational opportunities have helped foster the highest numbers of exchange students and scholars in the history of both our countries.  The NBA Yao School opened in February in Beijing to promote youth development on and off basketball courts, and the NBA will also lead a youth-exchange at the 2014 World Youth Olympic Games in August.  The U.S. Olympic Committee, U.S. Paralympic Committee and the Special Olympics have continued to forge relationships with their Chinese counterparts to promote access to every level of sport for all people.


By strengthening the bonds between our two nations, you all are playing a critical role in building our relationship for future generations.  I wish you every success in these efforts, and I hope you have a productive and enjoyable event.  

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