Model Test 1 for Interpreters of Level 2
English Language Skills
Answer Sheet
Part Ⅰ
Listen to the following short passages and then decide whether the corresponding statements are true or false.Tick the circle“True”on the answer sheet below if you think the statement is true, or“False”if you think it is false.You will hear the passage only once.There are 10 questions in this part of the test,2 points for each question.
1.About thousand American troops are based in Japan.Minister Koizumi sent Japanese troops to assist rebuilding in Iraq.And Japanese ships provide fuel for the military operations in Afghanistan.
○ True
○ False
2.The cancer survivors were at higher risk of problems like heart disease because radiation for some cancers increase the risk for this disease.
○ True
○ False
3.Agency officials said Dell had received six reports of batteries overheating while Apple had received nine reports of overheated batteries.
○ True
○ False
4. Winds can be more than two hundred fifty kilometers an hour in severe ocean storms.In this kind of situation.fifty centimeters of rain can fall.
○ True
○ False
5. The world Bank has just rated counties on how friendly they are to business.According to World Bank.only Kenya in Africa is listed this year among the top ten in business reforms.
○ True
○ False
6.Members of the I.M.F.approved reform measures aiming at increasing the voting power of countries with growing economies.They first agreed to increases in the voting rights four countries,namely China,South Korea,Peru and Turkey.
○ True
○ False
7.Three years ago,North Korea opened disarmament talks with the other 5 countries to ease tension.Last September,they released a joint statement.
○ True
○ False
8.According to United Nations secretary-general,today’s young people also know more about the world.Hence,many of them require actions to narrow the divide between rich and poor.
○ True
○ False
9.The next world meeting of the YES Campaign will be held in September in Ghana.About more than one hundred twenty representatives are expected to attend.Half will be young people.
○ True
○ False
10.The European Commission ruled Wednesday that Microsoft is still using its powerful market position illegally.They ordered a fine of more than three hundred sixty billion Euros. The amount is almost two hundred eighty billion dollars.Microsoft said it would appeal in court.
○ True
○ False
Part Ⅱ
Listen to the following short passages and then choose one of the answers that best fits the meaning of each passage by ticking the corresponding circle.The passages will be read only once• There are 10 passages in this part of the test, each with one question,which carries 2 points.
11.Which of the following statements is true?
a.It is a tradition that married couples are minority in America.
b.The new statistics are issued by a demographic expert.
c.The most growing groups in America is couples living apart together.
d.The change of married couple is only because more couples are living together.
12.Which of the following statements is true of East Timor?
a.The economy in East Timor is developing rapidly.
b.A variety of animal species have been found in East Timor which adds beauty to this country.
c.The tourism is a very important industry in East Timor.
d.East Timor enjoys long friendship with Indonesia.
13.Which of the following statements is NOT true of the mentioned study?
a.The scandal of Walter Reed has made it a focus.
b.The study found about a fifth of returning vets have mental problem.
c.The Iraq war is the main cause of the mental problem.
d.The study was made from the Archives of Internal Medicine.
14.Which of the following statements is not true about the resolution?
a.The resolution is imposed on Iran.
b.It includes financial measures.
c.The resolution has determined to free the already frozen assets.
d.28 Iranian individuals,companies and institutions are involved in this resolution.
15.Which of the following statements is not true?
a.Just like human beings,the sixth sense is a very important sensory system of snakes.
b.The sixth sense of snakes is called“vomeronasal system”.
c.The sixth sense of snakes can help them to find food.
d.Snakes’organ for sixth sense is on the roof of their mouth.
16.Which of the following statements is true?
a.It is not safe to swim in a pool any more.
b.Chlorine and other disinfectants are enough to clean the water.
c.All germs Can live in a pool only for a few minutes.
d.Crypto can cause a diarrheal illness.
17.Which of the following statements 1S true?
a.George Smoot is the physics prize winner.
b.The physics prize is for the work on probing the origins of the universe.
c.Sommt says they have a satellite to map an infant universe before the Big Bang.
d.They showed that the stars and planets are in shape at the very beginning of the infant universe.
18.Which of the following statements is true?
a.It is found that different diseases often appear together.
b.Cholera and Malaria are bound together.
c.The malaria parasite is spread through sex or intravenous drug users.
d.HIV can spread by mosquitoes.
19.What is Solstice like?
a.On that day,the night is the longest during a year.
b.On that day.the daytime is the longest during a year.
c.On that day.people will celebrate the coming of the dawn.
d.It is one of the most popular festival in west country.
20.How does Global Fund work?
a.It collects money from the general public.
b.It has a common reserve of$6.3 billion from developed country.
c.The judge of the detailed proposal is based on politic.
d.Whether to renew the fund or not is based on the results achieved.
Part Ⅲ
Listen to the following longer passages and then choose the best answer to each of the questions by ticking the corresponding circle.You may need to scribble a few notes in order to answer the questions satisfactorily.There are 20 questions in this part of the test,2points for each question.You will hear the passage only once.At the end of each question, you will have 2 minutes to finish the questions.
Passage One
21.What is the most appropriate title for the passage?
a.Prevalent Diseases in the World
b.Disease Control and Prevention
c.Malaria-A Fatal Disease
d.Sub-Saharan African Children
22.Which of the following statements is true of African children?
a.Nearly 500 million people are infected worldwide each year.
b.90 percent of children died from malaria each year.
c.1/5 children in rural areas died before their fifth birthday.
d.Children are infected with Aids and tuberculosis.
23.Why are the red blood cells very important to people?
a.They deliver oxygen and nutrients to the rest of the body.
b.They kill the mosquitoes.
c.They are resistant to malaria.
d.They are nutrients.
24.Why could malaria be transmitted from person to person?
a.Mosquitoes breed very quickly.
b.Mosquitoes carry parasites.
c.It destroys red blood cells.
d.It is an epidemic.
25.Which of the following statements best summarizes the main idea of the passage?
a.There are three most prevalent diseases in the world.
b.Malaria is treatable and preventable.
c.African children die from malaria every day.
d.Malaria is a prevalent disease.
Passage Two
26.What is the most appropriate title for the passage?
a.American Youth Failing Geography
b.United States and the Whole World
c.American Youth
d.A New Public Education Campaign
27.What is happening to the American youth?
a.They make a new public education campaign.
b.They lack the basic knowledge about world geography.
c.They find it easy to identify certain countries on a map.
d.They are concerned about the future.
28.How many people did the survey include?
c. 501
29.Which of the following statements is not true of American youth?
a.They are unprepared for the future.
b.It is difficult for them to find certain countries on a map.
c.They lack functional knowledge.
d.They are interested in geography.
30.What does the author think of the American youth?
Passage Three
31.What is the most appropriate title for the passage?
a.The killing of a Japanese Fisherman
b.Shooting of Japanese Fisherman Triggering Dispute with Russia
c.Japan and Russia Fighting to Gain the Ownership of the Island Chain
d.Japanese Government Lodging a Protest Against Russia
32.Which of the following statements is true according to the news report?
a.Four Japanese were taken into custody by the Russian government.
b.The Russian foreign minister summoned Japanese deputy ambassador.
c.The Japanese call the chain islands Northern Territories and didn’t recognize Russia owned them.
d.The incident happened on one of the chain islands.
33.What can be inferred from the passage?
a.The islands belonged to Russia before World War II.
b.The chain islands are under Japanese government’s control now.
c.The other three Japanese fishermen were set free.
d.The Japanese government and its people were enraged by the action of Russia government.
34.Which of the following statements is wrong according to the passage?
a.The Japanese foreign minister thought the killing of the fisherman was an outrageous act.
b.The acting head of the Russian Embassy Mikhail Galuzin said the vessel was arrested according to the Russian law.
c.The Russian government apologized to its Japanese counterpart.
d.The vessel was suspected of illegally fishing for lucrative crab by Russian patrol.
35.Which of the statements best summarizes the main idea of the passage?
a.The death of Japanese fisherman caused tension between Japan and Russia.
b.The dispute over the chain islands initiated the incident.
c.Japanese foreign minister summoned Russian’s deputy ambassador to handle the dispute.
d.The Russian patrol captured the Japanese vessel and took three fishermen into custody.
Passage Four
36.The passage is about——.
a.migrant workers
b.poverty reduction
d.Latin America
37.What is the most appropriate title for the passage?
a.More migrant workers make a great fortune in U.S.A.
b.Migrant workers send more money back home
c.The economy in Latin America doesn’t create enough job opportunities for its people
d.Remittances are effective ways to reduce poverty in this region
38.Which of the following statements is wrong according to the passage?
a. The amount of money sent home by migrant workers to their families in Latin America has reached more than $62 billion.
b.The number of the money could surplus$100 billion in four years’time.
c.The combined total of all direct foreign investment and foreign aid to Latin America is less than all the remittances by the migrant workers.
d.The money will increase at an annual rate of 20%.
39.Which country is the biggest beneficiary of the remittances?
c. Brazil
d.Inter-American Development Bank
40.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
a.The remittance ranks along with oil and tourism as Mexico’s biggest foreign currency earner.
b. The average remittance sent home is between two hundred and two hundred-and-fifty dollars a month.
c.The bank suggests people not to rise account to account transfers but cash to cash flows•
d.The recent crackdown on illegal immigrants by the American authorities could help migrants to use banks.
Part IV
Listen to the following passage.Write a short English summary of around 150-200 words of what you have heard.You will hear the passage only once and then you will have 25 minutes to finish your English summary.This part of the test carries 20 points.You may need to scribble a few notes in order to write your summary satisfactorily.
Part Ⅰ
1.False 2.True 3. True 4.True 5. False 6. False 7. True 8. True 9. False 10. False
Part Ⅱ
11.c 12.c 13.d 14.c 15.a 16.d 17.b 18.a 19.a 20.d
Part Ⅲ
Passage One
21.c 22.c 23. a 24.b 25.d
Passage Two
26.a 27.b 28.a 29.d 30.c
Passage Three
31.b 32.c 33.d 34.c 35.a
Passage Four
36.c 37.b 38.d 39.b 40.a
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