天之聪教育 2019-09-04 韩刚 2309次
1. 诸多矛盾叠加 a great many problems
2. 风险隐患交汇 interwoven risks and dangers
3. 全国各族人民 the Chinese people
4. 迎难而上 rise to the challenge
5. 砥砺前行 work hard to press ahead
6. 经济社会持续健康发展 sustained, healthy economic and social development
7. 人民的根本利益 the fundamental interests of the Chinese people
8. 国家兴旺发达 the flourishing of the country/ China
9. 长治久安 long-term stability
10. 具有十分重大而深远的意义 be of crucial and far-reaching significance
11. 各地区 all regions
12. 各部门 all government departments
13. 大局意识 (the consciousness of the need to) think in big-picture terms
14. 看齐意识 (the consciousness of the need to) keep in alignment
15. 全面建成小康社会 finish building a moderately prosperous society in all respects
16. 全面深化改革 deepen reform
17. 依法治国 law-based governance/ rule of law
18. “十三五” the 13th Five-Year Plan
19. 良好开局 get sth. off to a great start
20. 经济运行 economic performance
21. 国内生产总值 GDP, Gross Domestic Product
22. 达到74.4万亿元,增长6.7% reach 74.4 trillion yuan, representing 6.7-percent growth/ up by 6.7%
23. 对全球经济增长的贡献率超过30% China contributed more than 30 percent of global growth.
24. 居民消费价格 CPI, Consumer Price Index
25. 工业企业 industrial enterprises
26. 由上年下降转为增长 reverse the previous year's negative growth
27. 单位国内生产总值能耗 energy consumption per unit of GDP
28. (……的)质量和效益明显提高 improve markedly in quality and returns
29. 就业增长 employment growth
30. 超出预期 exceed projections
31. 城镇新增就业 new urban jobs
32. 高校毕业生就业创业人数 the number of college graduates finding employment or starting businesses
33. 城镇登记失业率 the registered urban unemployment rate
34. 再创新高 reach another record high
35. 多年来最低 the lowest (level) in years
36. 13亿多人口的发展中大国 a large developing country with a population of over 1.3 billion
37. 就业比较充分 attain a high level of employment
38. 十分不易 no easy task
39. 改革开放 reform and opening up
40. ……深入推进 Continued advances were made in…
41. 重要领域 major sectors
42. 关键环节 key links
43. 供给侧结构性改革 supply-side structural reform
44. “一带一路”建设 (pursue) the Belt and Road Initiative
45. 合作项目落地 cooperation projects were launched
46. 一批重大工程 a number of major projects
47. 国际产能合作项目 industrial-capacity cooperation projects with other countries
48. 经济结构调整 economic structural adjustment
49. 在经济增长中发挥主要拉动作用 the main driver of economic growth
50. 服务业增加值 the value created by the service sector
51. 高技术产业 high-tech industries
52. 装备制造业 equipment manufacturing
53. 粮食再获丰收 continue good grain harvests
54. 发展新动能 new drivers of growth
55. ……不断增强 …gain strength
56. 创新驱动发展战略 (pursue) the innovation-driven development strategy
57. ……深入实施 further progress was made in…
58. ……取得突破性进展 breakthroughs were made in…
59. ……初见成效 initial success was achieved in…
60. ……进展快速 rapid progress was made in…
61. 科技领域 science and technology
62. 新兴产业 emerging industries
63. 传统产业 traditional industries
64. 大众创业、万众创新 launch businesses or make innovations/ mass entrepreneurship and innovation
65. 新登记企业 new businesses registered/ newly registered businesses
66. 个体工商户 self-employed traders
67. 各类市场主体 market entities/ players
68. ……取得国际领先的重大成果 world-leading achievements were made in…
69. 蓬勃兴起 be thriving
70. ……加快转型升级 the transformation and upgrading of … accelerated.
71. 撑起发展新天地 open new prospects for China's development
72. 基础设施 infrastructure
73. 新建高速铁路 new high-speed rail lines
74. 新建改建高速公路 expressways and rural roads that were built or upgraded
75. 城市轨道交通 urban rail transit facilities
76. 地下综合管廊 underground utility tunnels
77. 重大水利工程 major water conservancy projects
78. 建设加快 construction picked up pace on…
79. 投产 come into service/ be put into operation/ be put up and running
80. 新开工 construction began on…
81. 第四代移动通信用户 4G mobile communications subscribers
82. 光缆线路 optical fiber cables
83. 人民生活继续改善 Living standards were improved.
84. 全国居民人均可支配收入 personal per capita disposable income(回忆“居民消费指数”)
85. 农村贫困人口 the number of people living in poverty in rural areas
86. 易地扶贫搬迁人口 (poor) people relocated from inhospitable areas
87. 棚户区住房 homes in rundown urban areas
88. 农村危房 dilapidated rural houses
89. 国内旅游 domestic trips
90. 出境旅游 overseas trips
91. 实际增长 increase by… % in real terms
92. 成功举办二十国集团领导人杭州峰会 successfully host the G20 2016 Hangzhou Summit
93. 取得一系列开创性、引领性、机制性重要成果 deliver a number of important pioneering, leading, and institutional outcomes
94. 在全球经济治理中留下深刻的中国印记 do its part for global economic governance
95. 回顾过去一年,走过的路很不寻常 2016 was an unusual year in (our country's development)
96. 我们面对的是…… China was confronted with…
97. 外部环境 an external environment
98. 经济和贸易增速7年来最低 the lowest economic and trade growth in seven years
99. 国际金融市场波动加剧 growing volatility in global financial markets
100. 地区和全球性挑战突发多发 sudden and frequent regional and global challenges
101. 风险隐患显现 prominent risks and dangers
102. 经济下行压力加大 mounting downward pressure on the economy
103. 中国面临着复杂局面 China found itself in a complex environment
104. 改革进入攻坚期 reform entered a critical stage
105. 利益关系深刻调整 profound changes took place affecting interests
106. 影响社会稳定因素增多 factors impacting social stability grew
107. 在这种情况下 given all these factors
108. 稳住经济 maintain stable economic performance
109. 出现诸多向好变化 make progress on many fronts
110. 战胜任何艰难险阻 overcome any difficulty or hardship
111. 有勇气、有智慧、有能力 have the courage, ingenuity, and ability (to do…)
112. 有潜力、有韧性、有优势 possess potential, resilience, and strengths
113. 中国的发展前景会更好 there is even better development (/future) ahead for China
114. 继续(做某事) continue to do…
115. 创新和加强宏观调控 develop new and more effective ways of carrying out regulation at the macro level
116. 经济运行保持在合理区间 keep the economy performing within an appropriate range
117. 宏观调控 (conduct) macro-level regulation
118. 坚持(做某事) stand firm in doing …
119. 不搞“大水漫灌”式强刺激 not adopt strong stimulus policies that would have had an economy-wide impact
120. 稳增长、调结构、防风险 maintain steady growth, adjust the structure, and guard against risks
121. 定向调控 targeted regulation
122. 相机调控 well-timed regulation
123. 在区间调控基础上 on the basis of range-based regulation
124. 积极的财政政策 proactive fiscal policy
125. 财政赤字 fiscal deficit
126. 减税降费 cover tax and fee cuts
127. 营改增试点 the trial replacement of business tax with value added tax (VAT) / replace business with value added tax on a trial basis
128. 降低企业税负 slash the tax burdens of businesses
129. 税负只减不增 reduce tax burdens
130. 中央与地方增值税收入划分 share VAT revenue between the central and local governments
131. 过渡方案 a transitional plan for …
132. 制定实施 formulate and implement
133. 地方既有财力 financial resources of local governments
134. 保持不变 remain unchanged
135. 降低利息负担 reduce interest payments
136. 稳健的货币政策 a prudent monetary policy
137. 广义货币 M2
138. 预期目标 the projected target
139. 多种货币政策工具 a range of monetary policy tools
140. 支持实体经济发展 support the development of the real economy
141. 促进消费升级 upgrade consumption
142. 鼓励民间投资 encourage private investment
143. 投资出现企稳态势 investment has begun to stabilize
144. 分类调控房地产市场 exercise category-based regulation over the real estate market
145. 金融风险防控 manage financial risks
146. 人民币汇率形成机制 the RMB exchange rate regime
147. 保持了在合理均衡水平上的基本稳定 remain generally stable at an adaptive and equilibrium level
148. 维护国家经济金融安全 safeguard China's economic and financial security
149. 实施了……的措施 Measures were taken to do sth.
150. 出台了……的政策 We unveiled policies to do sth.
151. 抓好“三去一降一补” focus on five priority tasks -- cutting overcapacity, reducing excess inventory, deleveraging, lowering costs, and strengthening areas of weakness
152. 供给结构 the composition of supply
153. 去产能 cut overcapacity
154. 钢铁、煤炭行业 the steel and coal sectors
155. 退出钢铁产能超过6500万吨 steel production capacity was cut by more than 65 million metric tons
156. 超额完成年度目标任务 go beyond annual targets
157. 分流职工 laid-off employees
158. 农民工 migrant workers
159. 在城镇购房 buy urban homes
160. 棚改货币化安置比例 the proportion of people affected by rebuilding in rundown urban areas receiving monetary compensation
161. 房地产去库存 reduce real estate inventory
162. 企业兼并重组 business acquisitions and reorganizations
163. 直接融资 direct financing
164. 市场化法治化债转股 market- and law-based debt-to-equity swaps
165. 工业企业资产负债率 the debt-to-asset ratio of industrial enterprises
166. 企业降成本 enterprises lower operating costs
167. 降低“五险一金”缴费比例 lower the share paid by enterprises for social security contributions
168. “五险一金” old-age insurance, health insurance, unemployment insurance, workers' compensation, maternity insurance, and housing provident fund schemes
169. 补短板 strengthen areas of weakness
170. 一批当前急需又利长远的大事 major initiatives that both help to meet urgent needs today and promise long-term benefits
171. 出台……的举措 we introduced measures to do sth.
172. 加大……的力度 We boosted efforts to do sth.
173. 深化改革开放 deepen reform and opening up
174. 发展活力 the vitality of development
175. 一批标志性、支柱性改革举措 a good number of landmark and pillar reform initiatives
176. 处理好政府和市场关系 balance the government-market relationship
177. 经济体制改革的核心问题 the pivotal issue in economic structural reform
178. 简政放权 streamline administration and delegate powers
179. 放管结合、优化服务 improve regulation and services
180. 商事制度改革 institutional reforms in the business sector
181. 国有企业调整重组和混合所有制改革 reforms to restructure and reorganize state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and introduce into them mixed ownership structures
182. 公平竞争审查制度 a review system to ensure fair competition
183. “三权分置” 办法 measures for separating rural land ownership rights, contract rights, and management rights
184. 贫困退出机制 a mechanism for determining whether people have been lifted out of poverty
185. 资源税改革 resource tax reforms
186. 科技管理体制 the science and technology management system
187. 高校和科研院所 colleges and research institutes
188. 以增加知识价值为导向的分配政策 profit distribution policies oriented toward increasing the value of knowledge
189. 养老服务市场 the elderly services market
190. 公立医院综合改革试点 the trials of comprehensive reforms in public hospitals
191. 药品医疗器械审评审批制度 the evaluation and approval systems for medicine and medical equipment
192. 耕地轮作休耕改革 crop rotation and fallow land reforms
193. 自然资源统一确权登记办法 unified measures to determine and register natural resource rights
194. 河长制 the river chief system
195. 生态保护补偿机制 the mechanisms for compensating for ecological conservation efforts
196. 增添新动力 give new impetus to
197. 国际货币基金组织特别提款权货币篮子 the IMF's Special Drawing Rights (SDR) basket
198. “深港通” the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect
199. 促进外贸发展措施 measures for promoting trade
200. 跨境电子商务综合试验区 integrated experimental zones for cross-border e-commerce
201. 上海等自贸试验区改革创新成果 the new practices of pilot free trade zones in Shanghai and elsewhere
202. 实际使用外资1300多亿美元 utilize more than US$130 billion of overseas investment
203. 位居发展中国家首位 rank first among developing countries
204. 强化创新引领 strengthen innovation's leading role
205. 强化新动能快速成长 spur the rapid development of new growth drivers
206. “互联网+”行动 implement the Internet Plus action plan
207. 国家大数据战略 the national big data strategy
208. 全面实施《中国制造2025》 fully implemented the Made in China 2025 initiative
209. 落实和完善“双创”政策措施 implement and improve policies and measures to encourage people to launch businesses and innovate
210. 支持北京、上海建设具有全球影响力的科技创新中心 support Beijing and Shanghai in building themselves into global R&D centers
211. 新设6个国家自主创新示范区 establish six national innovation demonstration zones
212. 全社会研发经费支出 China's R&D spending
213. 国内有效发明专利拥有量突破100万件 The number of in-force Chinese patents issued in China passed the million mark
214. 技术交易额超过1万亿元 the value of technology transactions exceeded one trillion yuan
215. 科技进步贡献率 the contribution of scientific and technological progress
216. 创新对发展的支撑作用 innovation's role in powering development
217. 促进区域城乡协调发展 promoted more balanced development between regions and between rural and urban areas
218. 新的增长极、增长带 new growth poles and growth belts
219. 京津冀协同发展 Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei integration
220. 长江经济带 the Yangtze Economic Belt
221. 西部大开发“十三五”规划 the plan for the 13th Five-Year Plan period for large-scale development in the western region
222. 新一轮东北振兴战略 a new round of initiatives as part of the Northeast revitalization strategy
223. 推动中部地区崛起 drive progress in the rise of the central region
224. 支持东部地区率先发展 support the eastern region in leading the rest of the country in pursuing development
225. 推进新型城镇化 promote new types of urbanization
226. 深化户籍制度改革 deepen reform of the household registration system
227. 全面推行居住证制度 introduce the residence card system nationwide
228. 1600万人进城落户 grant urban residency to 16 million people from rural areas
229. 发展的协同叠加效应 the synergy building through coordinated development
230. 加强生态文明建设 strengthened ecological conservation
231. 绿色发展取得新进展 make fresh progress in pursuing green development
232. 生态文明建设目标评价考核办法 measures for assessing progress made in ecological improvement,
233. 国家生态文明试验区 national pilot zones for ecological conservation
234. 强化大气污染治理 take stronger measures against air pollution
235. 二氧化硫排放量 sulfur dioxide emissions
236. 氮氧化物放量 nitrogen oxide emissions
237. 重点城市细颗粒物(PM2.5)年均浓度 the annual average density of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in key cities
238. 优化能源结构 improve the energy mix
239. 清洁能源消费比重 the share of clean energy consumption
240. 煤炭消费比重 the share of coal consumption
241. 水污染防治 prevent and control water pollution
242. 环境违法案件 violations of environmental protection laws
243. 环保工作 protect the environment
244. 保障和改善民生 ensuring and improving living standards
245. 获得感 a sense of benefit
246. 财政收支压力 pressure from fiscal imbalance
247. 民生投入 inputs in areas related to living standards
248. 脱贫攻坚 key battles to eradicate poverty
249. 财政专项扶贫资金 government budgets for poverty relief
250. 低保 subsistence allowances
251. 优抚 benefits for entitled groups
252. 基本养老金 basic pension payments
253. 困难和重度残疾人 people in financial difficulty and with severe disabilities
254. 护理补贴 nursing care subsidies
255. 财政性教育经费支出 fiscal spending on education
256. 贫困家庭学生 students from poor rural areas/ families
257. 学杂费 tuition and miscellaneous fees
258. 城乡居民基本医保制度 basic health insurance systems for rural and non-working urban residents
259. 财政补助 government subsidies
260. 基本公共卫生服务 basic public health services
261. 大病保险全覆盖 Full coverage of the serious disease insurance scheme was achieved
262. 基层公共文化服务 public cultural services at the community level
263. 全民健身 Fitness for All
264. 严重洪涝 severe flooding
265. 抢险救灾 provide effective rescue and relief
266. 恢复重建 recovery and reconstruction efforts
267. 降低灾害损失 minimize damage and loss
268. 政府建设 government performance
269. 重大事故 major accidents
270. 社会和谐稳定 social harmony and stability
271. 政务公开 government transparency
272. 权力和责任清单 lists of the powers and responsibilities
273. 督查问责 accountability inspections
274. 去产能 cut overcapacity
275. 民间投资 private investment
276. 专项督查 special inspections
277. 第三方评估 third-party evaluations
278. 违规新建钢铁项目 new steel projects launched in breach of regulations
279. 低保、优抚、退休人员基本养老金等 subsistence allowances, benefits for entitled groups, basic pension payments, and other subsidies
280. 安全生产 workplace safety
281. 社会治安 law and order
282. 国家安全和公共安全 national and public security
283. 经济金融风险隐患 potential economic and financial risks
284. 四风 formalism, bureaucratism, hedonism, and extravagance
285. 约法三章 three-point decision on curbing government spending
286. 反腐败斗争 fight against corruption
287. 压倒性态势 irresistible momentum
288. 特色大国外交 diplomacy with distinctive features
289. 全球治理体系 global governance system
290. 经济外交 economic diplomacy
291. 人文交流 personal and cultural exchanges
292. 中国工农红军 the Chinese Workers and Peasants Red Army
293. 长征胜利 the victory of the Long March
294. 食品药品安全 food and drug safety
295. 全国各族人民 the people of all our nation's ethnic group
296. 经济增长内生动力 internal forces driving economic growth
297. 产能过剩 overcapacity
298. 生产经营困难 difficulties in their production and operations
299. 经济走势 economic prospects
300. 财政收支矛盾 fiscal imbalance
301. 中国特色大国外交卓有成效 As a major country, China has made outstanding achievements in its diplomacy with distinctive features.
302. 亚太经合组织领导人会议 the APEC Economic Leaders Meeting
303. 上海合作组织峰会 the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit
304. 金砖国家领导人会晤 the BRICS Leaders Meeting
305. 核安全峰会 the Nuclear Security Summit
306. 联大系列高级别会议 high-level meetings of the 71st session of the UN General Assembly
307. 亚欧首脑会议 the Asia-Europe Meeting
308. 东亚合作领导人系列会议 the East Asian Leaders Meetings on cooperation
309. 澜沧江-湄公河合作领导人会议 the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Leaders Meeting
310. 全球治理体系改革与完善 reform and improve the global governance system
311. 维护国家领土主权和海洋权益 upholding China's sovereignty, territorial integrity, and maritime rights and interests
312. 《巴黎协定》 the Paris Agreement
313. 负责任的大国 a responsible major country
314. 发挥建设性作用 play a constructive role in…
315. 国际和地区事务 international and regional issues
316. 世界和平与发展 world peace and development
317. 做出重要贡献 make significant contributions to…
318. 隆重庆祝中国共产党成立95周年 celebrate the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China
319. 不忘初心 remain true to the founding mission of the Party(根据上下文需要换词)
320. 继续前进 keep pressing ahead
321. 向……表示诚挚感谢 I wish to express our sincere gratitude to…
I express our sincere appreciation to…
I wish to express our heartfelt thanks to…
322. 香港特别行政区同胞 our fellow countrymen and women in the Hong Kong
323. 中国现代化建设事业 China’s endeavor to modernize
324. 经济社会发展中还存在不少困难和问题 many problems and challenges China faces in pursuing economic and social development
325. 地区经济走势分化 Economic prospects for different regions are divergent.
326. 环境污染形势依然严峻 Environmental pollution remains grave
327. 一些地区严重雾霾频发 some areas are frequently hit by heavy smog
328. 人民群众还有不少不满意的地方 There are also many problems causing public concern
329. 煤矿、建筑、交通等领域 the coal mining, construction, and transportation sectors
330. 政府工作存在不足 There is still room for improvement in government performance.
331. 有些改革举措和政策落实不到位 Some reform policies and measures have not been fully implemented.
332. 群众办事难 difficulties facing individuals who want to access government services
333. 邓小平理论 Deng Xiaoping Theory
334. “三个代表”重要思想 the Theory of Three Represents
335. 以科学发展观为指导 Take the Scientific Outlook on Development as our guide
336. 治国理政新理念新思想新战略 new vision, thinking, and strategies for China's governance
337. 坚持稳中求进工作总基调 Remain committed to the underlying principle of making progress while keeping performance stable
338. 适应把握引领经济发展新常态 Adapt to, approach in the right way, and steer the new normal in economic development
339. 以提高发展质量和效益为中心 Give central importance to improving the quality and returns of development
340. 宏观政策要稳 ensure that macro-level policy is consistent
341. 产业政策要准 industrial policy is targeted
342. 微观政策要活 micro-level policy injects dynamism into the market
343. 适度扩大总需求 expand aggregate demand as appropriate
344. 深化创新驱动 strengthen the role of innovation in driving development
345. 做好稳增长、促改革、调结构、惠民生、防风险各项工作 maintain stable growth, promote reform, make structural adjustments, improve living standards, and guard against risks
346. 保持经济平稳健康发展和社会和谐稳定 maintain stable and sound economic development as well as social harmony and stability
347. 做好应对更加复杂严峻局面的充分准备 we are ready to face more complicated and graver situations
348. 世界经济增长低迷态势仍在延续 world economic growth remains sluggish
349. “逆全球化”思潮和保护主义倾向抬头 the deglobalization trend and protectionism are growing
350. 主要经济体政策走向及外溢效应变数较大 there are many uncertainties about the direction of the major economies' policies and their spillover effects
351. 不稳定不确定因素明显增加 the factors that could cause instability and uncertainty are visibly increasing
352. 我国发展处在爬坡过坎的关键阶段 China is at a crucial and challenging stage in its own development endeavors
353. 经济运行存在不少突出矛盾和问题 there are many salient challenges and problems in the economy
354. 困难不容低估 the difficulties we face are not to be underestimated
355. 信心不可动摇 we must remain confident that they will be overcome
356. 物质基础雄厚 a solid material foundation
357. 人力资源充裕 abundant human resources
358. 市场规模庞大 a huge market
359. 产业配套齐全 a complete system of industries
360. 科技进步加快 make faster scientific and technological progress
361. 基础设施比较完善 a complete range of infrastructure
362. 经济发展具有良好支撑条件 We have good conditions for sustaining economic development
363. 宏观调控还有不少创新手段和政策储备 We have many innovative tools and policy options for conducting macroeconomic regulation
364. 依靠人民群众的无穷创造力 rely on the inexhaustible creativity of the people
365. 万众一心 unite as one
366. 奋力拼搏 forge ahead
367. 我国发展一定能够创造新的辉煌 we will make great new achievements in China's development
368. 发展的主要预期目标 major projected targets for development this year
369. 国内生产总值增长6.5%左右,在实际工作中争取更好结果 GDP growth of around 6.5 percent, or higher if possible in practice/ GDP will grow by around 6.5 percent, or higher if possible in practice.
370. 居民消费价格涨幅3%左右 CPI increase kept at around 3 percent/ CPI increase will be kept at around 3 percent
371. 城镇新增就业1100万人以上 Over 11 million new urban jobs/ Over 11 million new urban jobs will be created.
372. 城镇登记失业率4.5%以内 The registered urban unemployment rate within 4.5 percent/ The registered urban unemployment rate will be kept within 4.5 percent
373. 国际收支基本平衡 a basic balance in international payments
374. 居民收入和经济增长基本同步 Increases in personal income basically in step with economic growth/ Personal income will increase basically in step with economic growth.
375. 单位国内生产总值能耗下降3.4%以上 A reduction of at least 3.4 percent in energy consumption per unit of GDP/ Energy consumption per unit of GDP will be cut at least by 3.4%.
376. 主要污染物排放量 continued reductions in the release of major pollutants/ The release of major pollutants will continue to be reduced.
377. 今年的经济增长预期目标符合经济规律和客观实际 The projected target for this year's growth is realistic and in keeping with economic principles
378. 有利于引导和稳定预期、调整结构 It (The projected target) will help steer and steady expectations and make structural adjustments.
379. 同全面建成小康社会要求相衔接 It (The projected target) will help achieve the goal of finishing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects
380. 稳增长的重要目的是为了保就业、惠民生 An important reason for stressing the need to maintain stable growth is to ensure employment and improve people's lives.
381. 继续实施积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策 continue to pursue a proactive fiscal policy and a prudent monetary policy
382. 加强定向调控、相机调控 focus more on targeted and well-timed regulation
383. 提高预见性、精准性和有效性 increase the foresight, precision, and effectiveness of our regulation
384. 注重消费、投资、区域、产业、环保等政策的协调配合 strengthen coordination of consumption, investment, regional, industrial, and environmental protection policies
385. 确保经济运行在合理区间 ensure (that) the economy performs within an appropriate range
386. 今年赤字率拟按3%安排 This year's deficit-to-GDP ratio is projected to be 3 percent
387. 再减少企业税负3500亿元左右 the tax burden on businesses will be further eased by around 350 billion yuan
388. 财政预算安排要突出重点 Government budgets should highlight priorities
389. 财政预算安排要有保有压 spending in some areas should be maintained while in others cuts should be made
390. 财政预算安排要加大力度补短板、惠民生 more should be spent to strengthen areas of weakness and improve living standards
391. 对地方一般性转移支付规模增长9.5% General transfer payments to local governments will be increased by 9.5 percent
392. 压缩非重点支出 scale down non-priority spending
393. 绩效不高的项目 projects that do not deliver desired outcomes
394. 各级政府要坚持过紧日子 Governments at all levels should tighten their belts
395. “三公”经费 spending on official overseas visits, official vehicles, or official hospitality
396. 坚守节用裕民的正道 keep government spending low and enrich our people
397. 货币政策要保持稳健中性 We will continue to pursue a prudent and neutral monetary policy.
398. 广义货币M2和社会融资规模余额 the M2 money supply and aggregate financing
399. 综合运用货币政策工具 apply a full range of monetary policy instruments
400. 维护流动性基本稳定 maintain basic stability in liquidity
401. 促进金融资源更多流向实体经济 encourage a greater flow of financial resources into the real economy
402. 三农 agriculture, rural areas, and farmers
403. 坚持汇率市场化改革方向 The RMB exchange rate will be further liberalized
404. 保持人民币在全球货币体系中的稳定地位 RMB's stable position in the global monetary system will be maintained
405. 贯彻稳中求进工作总基调 make progress while maintaining stable performance
406. 保持战略定力 keep our strategic focus
407. 稳是大局 Stability is of overriding importance
408. 要着力稳增长、保就业、防风险 We should ensure stable growth, maintain employment, and prevent risks
409. 守住金融安全、民生保障、环境保护等方面的底线 we must not allow the redline to be crossed concerning financial security, people's wellbeing, or environmental protection
410. 确保经济社会大局稳定 ensure overall economic and social stability
411. 加快结构调整 accelerate structural adjustments
412. 敢于啃“硬骨头”,努力在关键领域取得新进展 be prepared to take on some really tough problems, and push to make progress in key areas
413. 坚持以推进供给侧结构性改革为主线 focus on supply-side structural reform
414. 把改善供给侧结构作为主攻方向 give priority to improving supply-side structure
415. 简政减税、放宽准入、鼓励创新 streamline administration, reduce taxes, further expand market access, and encourage innovation
416. 持续激发微观主体活力 keep micro entities energized
417. 减少无效低效供给、扩大有效供给 reduce ineffective supply while expanding effective supply
418. 更好适应和引导需求 better adapt to and guide demand
419. 要勇往直前,坚决闯过这个关口 We should press forward with courage and get the job done
420. 这是一个化蛹成蝶的转型升级过程,既充满希望又伴随阵痛 Like the struggle from chrysalis to butterfly, this process of transformation and upgrading is filled with promise but also accompanied by great pain
421. 适度扩大总需求并提高有效性 expand aggregate demand as appropriate and improve its efficacy
422. 关键是找准发力点 The key is to know where to start
423. 要围绕改善民生来扩大消费 We need to increase consumer spending to improve people's lives
424. 着眼补短板、增后劲来增加投资 boost investment to strengthen areas of weakness and sustain development
425. 使扩内需更加有效、更可持续 so that the expansion of domestic demand becomes more effective and sustainable
426. 使供给侧改革和需求侧管理相辅相成、相得益彰 supply-side reform and demand-side regulation reinforce each other
427. 依靠创新推动新旧动能转换和结构优化升级 rely on innovation to replace old growth drivers with new ones and speed up structural improvement and upgrading
428. 不靠改革创新没有出路 China can now advance only through reform and innovation
429. 我们拥有世界上数量最多、素质较高的劳动力 We have the largest quality workforce in the world
430. 有最大规模的科技和专业技能人才队伍 We have the largest pool of scientists, engineers, and professionals
431. 要坚持以改革开放为动力、以人力人才资源为支撑 We must continue to draw strength from reform and opening up and fully tap the potential of human resources and human capital
432. 培育壮大新动能、改造提升传统动能 foster and develop new growth drivers while transforming and upgrading the traditional growth drivers
433. 提高全要素生产率 increase total factor productivity
434. 推动经济保持中高速增长、产业迈向中高端水平 These steps will enable China's economy to maintain a medium-high rate of growth and China's industries to move toward the medium-high end
435. 着力解决人民群众普遍关心的突出问题 solve prominent problems of public concern
436. 政府的一切工作都是为了人民 All government work is for the people
437. 把握好我国处于社会主义初级阶段的基本国情 We should keep in mind the fact that China remains in the primary stage of socialism
438. 促进社会公平正义 promote social equity and justice
439. 践行以人民为中心的发展思想 pursue a people focused development philosophy
440. 我们要咬定青山不放松,持之以恒为群众办实事、解难事 We must make dedicated efforts to deliver services to the people and resolve the difficulties they face
441. 艰巨繁重的改革发展稳定任务 the formidable tasks of reform and development and maintaining stability
442. 我们要通观全局、统筹兼顾 we must keep in mind the big picture and adopt a holistic approach
443. 突出重点、把握关键 have clear priorities and focus on key tasks
444. 正确处理好各方面关系 properly handle interactions among various sectors
445. 着重抓好以下几个方面工作 We should give priority to the following areas of work
446. 完善政策措施 improve our policies and measures
447. 扎实有效去产能 Take solid and effective steps to cut overcapacity
448. 今年要再压减钢铁产能5000万吨左右 This year, we will further reduce steel production capacity by around 50 million metric tons
449. 退出煤炭产能1.5亿吨以上 shut down at least 150 million metric tons of coal production facilities
450. 要淘汰、停建、缓建煤电产能5000万千瓦以上 we will suspend or postpone construction on or eliminate no less than 50 million kilowatts of coal-fired power generation capacity
451. 防范化解煤电产能过剩风险 guard against and defuse the risks of overcapacity in coal-fired power
452. 优化能源结构 optimize the energy mix
453. 为清洁能源发展腾空间 make room for clean energy to develop
454. 更多运用市场化法治化手段 make more use of market- and law-based methods
455. 有效处置“僵尸企业” address the problems of "zombie enterprises"
456. 推动企业兼并重组、破产清算 encourage enterprise mergers, restructuring, and bankruptcy liquidations
457. 坚决淘汰不达标的落后产能 shut down all outdated production facilities that fail to meet standards
458. 严控过剩行业新上产能 stringently control the launching of new projects in industries that are already saddled with overcapacity
459. 去产能必须安置好职工 As overcapacity is cut, we must provide assistance to laid-off workers
460. 确保分流职工就业有出路、生活有保障 ensure that laid-off workers can find new jobs and secure their livelihoods
461. 因城施策去库存 take targeted policies to cut excess urban real estate inventory
462. 目前三四线城市房地产库存仍然较多 At present, there is still excess supply in the real estate markets of third- and fourth-tier cities
463. 坚持住房的居住属性 We need to be clear that housing is for people to live in
464. 要支持居民自住和进城人员购房需求 We will support both local and new residents in buying homes for personal use
465. 健全购租并举的住房制度 build a better housing system that gives equal weight to buying and renting
466. 加强房地产市场分类调控 We will take more category-based and targeted steps to regulate the real estate market
467. 规范开发、销售、中介等行为 We should better regulate housing development, marketing, and intermediary services
468. 遏制热点城市房价过快上涨 keep home prices from rising too quickly in popular cities
469. 目前城镇还有几千万人居住在条件简陋的棚户区 Today several dozen million people still live in rundown areas in cities and towns
470. 今年再完成棚户区住房改造600万套 This year, we will renovate another 6 million housing units in these areas
471. 继续发展公租房等保障性住房 continue to develop public rental housing and other forms of government-subsidized housing
472. 因地制宜、多种方式提高货币化安置比例 base measures on local circumstances and use multiple means to increase the use of monetary compensation for those affected by such rebuilding
473. 加强配套设施建设和公共服务 improve local infrastructure and public services
474. 让更多住房困难家庭告别棚户区 we will help more families struggling with housing to bid farewell to rundown areas
475. 让广大人民群众在住有所居中创造新生活 see that with good roofs over their heads, our people move on to better lives
476. 积极稳妥去杠杆 carry out deleveraging in an active and prudent way
477. 降低企业杠杆率 bring down the leverage of enterprises
478. 促进企业盘活存量资产 We need to see that the idle assets of enterprises are put to use
479. 推进资产证券化 push ahead with securitization of corporate assets
480. 支持市场化法治化债转股 support market- and law-based debt-to-equity swaps
481. 发展多层次资本市场 develop the multilevel capital market
482. 加大股权融资力度 expand equity financing
483. 强化企业特别是国有企业财务杠杆约束 place tighter constraints on enterprises, especially SOEs, in leveraging
484. 逐步将企业负债降到合理水平 gradually reduce enterprise debt to an acceptable level
485. 多措并举降成本 take multiple measures to cut costs
486. 大幅降低非税负担 slash non-tax burdens
487. 全面清理规范政府性基金 completely overhaul government-managed funds
488. 取消城市公用事业附加等基金 abolish municipal public utility surcharges
489. 授权地方政府自主减免部分基金 authorize local governments to reduce and cancel some funds
490. 取消或停征中央涉企行政事业性收费35项 abolish or suspend 35 administrative charges paid by enterprises to the central government
491. 各地也要削减涉企行政事业性收费 Local governments also need to make significant cuts to government administrative fees.
492. 清理取消行政审批中介服务违规收费 Unauthorized fees charged by intermediaries for government review and approval will be overhauled or abolished
493. 降低企业制度性交易成本 reduce government imposed transaction costs for businesses
494. 精准加力补短板 take targeted and powerful measures to strengthen areas of weakness
495. 严重制约经济社会发展和民生改善的突出问题 salient problems that are holding back economic and social development and making it difficult to improve people's standards of living
496. 加快提升公共服务支撑能力 act faster to raise the capacity of public services
497. 贫困人口 people living in poverty
498. 精准扶贫精准脱贫 targeted poverty reduction and elimination
499. 易地扶贫搬迁340万人 3.4 million to be relocated from inhospitable areas
500. 集中连片特困地区 contiguous areas of extreme poverty
501. 革命老区 old revolutionary bases
502. 民族地区 areas with concentrations of ethnic minorities
503. 做好因病等致贫返贫群众帮扶 provide assistance to people who become poor or sink back into poverty due to illness
504. 实施贫困村整体提升工程 implement the program for improving life in poor villages
505. 增强贫困地区和贫困群众自我发展能力 build the self-development capacity of poor areas and people
506. 推进贫困县涉农资金整合 In poor counties, different rural development funds will be merged
507. 强化资金和项目监管 oversight over funds and projects will be strengthened
508. 创新扶贫协作机制 We will develop new mechanisms for coordinating poverty reduction efforts
509. 支持和引导社会力量参与扶贫 We will support and guide non-governmental participation in combating poverty
510. 切实落实脱贫攻坚责任制 The system for ensuring responsibility is taken for poverty elimination will be effectively enforced
511. 严肃查处假脱贫、“被脱贫”、数字脱贫 stern measures will be taken to address deception, falsification, and the manipulation of numbers in poverty elimination work
512. 确保脱贫得到群众认可、经得起历史检验 We must see that the results of our poverty elimination earn the approval of our people and stand the test of time
513. 重要领域和关键环节改革 reform in major sectors and key links
514. 加快推进基础性、关键性改革,增强内生发展动力 We will move faster to advance fundamental and critical reforms to boost the internal forces driving development
515. 持续推进政府职能转变 continue to transform government functions
516. 使市场在资源配置中起决定性作用 To enable the market to play the decisive role in resource allocation
517. 深化简政放权、放管结合、优化服务改革 deepen reforms to streamline government administration, delegate more powers, and improve regulation and service
518. 全面实行清单管理制度 fully implement the list-based management system
519. 加快扩大市场准入负面清单试点 accelerate the extension of trials of granting market access on the basis of a negative list
520. 减少政府的自由裁量权 reduce the discretionary powers of the government
521. 清理取消一批生产和服务许可证
abolish the requirement for permits for a number of production and service activities
522. 深化商事制度改革 deepen institutional reforms in the business sector
523. 实行多证合一 merge different forms of certification required of businesses into one certificate
524. 扩大“证照分离”改革试点 expand trials to separate operating permits and business licenses
525. 完善事中事后监管制度 We will improve the system for conducting both registration and post-registration oversight over businesses
526. 简化增值税税率结构 We will simplify the structure of VAT rates
527. 今年由四档税率简并至三档 undertake this year to turn the four tax brackets into three
528. 每一笔钱都要花在明处、用出实效 ensure every single sum is spent where it can be seen and produces results
529. 鼓励大中型商业银行设立普惠金融事业部 We will encourage large and medium commercial banks to establish inclusive finance departments
530. 实行差别化考核评价办法 adopt differentiated assessment and evaluation measures
531. 推动融资租赁业健康发展 We will give impetus to the sound development of the financial leasing industry
532. 债券违约 bond defaults
533. 影子银行 shadow banking
534. 不良资产 non-performing assets
535. 有序化解处置突出风险点 work systematically to defuse major potential risks
536. 我国经济基本面好 The fundamentals of the Chinese economy remain sound
537. 商业银行资本充足率 capital adequacy ratio
538. 拨备覆盖率 provision coverage of commercial banks
539. 深入推进国企国资改革 deepen the reform of SOEs and state capital
540. 积极构建新型政商关系 We will work actively to develop a new relationship between government and business
541. 清理取消一批生产和服务许可证
abolish the requirement for permits for a number of production and service activities
542. 深化商事制度改革 deepen institutional reforms in the business sector
543. 实行多证合一 merge different forms of certification required of businesses into one certificate
544. 扩大“证照分离”改革试点 expand trials to separate operating permits and business licenses
545. 完善事中事后监管制度 We will improve the system for conducting both registration and post-registration oversight over businesses
546. 简化增值税税率结构 We will simplify the structure of VAT rates
547. 今年由四档税率简并至三档 undertake this year to turn the four tax brackets into three
548. 每一笔钱都要花在明处、用出实效 ensure every single sum is spent where it can be seen and produces results
549. 鼓励大中型商业银行设立普惠金融事业部 We will encourage large and medium commercial banks to establish inclusive finance departments
550. 实行差别化考核评价办法 adopt differentiated assessment and evaluation measures
551. 推动融资租赁业健康发展 We will give impetus to the sound development of the financial leasing industry
552. 债券违约 bond defaults
553. 影子银行 shadow banking
554. 不良资产 non-performing assets
555. 有序化解处置突出风险点 work systematically to defuse major potential risks
556. 我国经济基本面好 The fundamentals of the Chinese economy remain sound
557. 商业银行资本充足率 capital adequacy ratio
558. 拨备覆盖率 provision coverage of commercial banks
559. 深入推进国企国资改革 deepen the reform of SOEs and state capital
560. 积极构建新型政商关系 We will work actively to develop a new relationship between government and business
561. 加快完善产权保护制度
work faster to improve the property rights protection system
562. 公民财产权 the property rights of citizens
563. 激励人们创业创新创富 encourage people to start businesses, make innovations, and create wealth
564. 划转部分国有资本充实社保基金 allocate a portion of state capital to enlarge social security funds
565. 深化医疗、医保、医药联动改革 We will deepen the coordinated reform of medical services, health insurance, and the medicine industry
566. 全部取消药品加成 abolish all markups on pharmaceuticals
567. 生态补偿机制 the mechanisms for compensating for ecological conservation efforts
568. 增强内需对经济增长的持久拉动作用 strengthen the role of domestic demand in sustaining growth
569. 鼓励大中型商业银行设立普惠金融事业部 We will encourage large and medium commercial banks to establish inclusive finance departments
570. 医养结合 combined medical and elderly care services
571. 落实带薪休假制度 We will ensure paid vacations are enforced
572. 大力发展乡村、休闲、全域旅游 make a big push to develop rural tourism, recreational tourism, and all-for-one tourism
573. 促进电商、快递进社区进农村 We will see that communities and rural areas have better access to e-commerce and express delivery services
574. 推动实体店销售和网购融合发展 encourage the integrated development of physical store sales and online shopping
575. 民用和通用航空 civil and general aviation
576. 加快建设海洋强国 move faster to develop China into a strong maritime country
577. 坚决维护国家海洋权益 be resolute in safeguarding China's maritime rights and interests
578. 深化户籍制度改革 deepen the reform of the household registration system
579. 居住证制度 urban residence card system
580. 推动一批具备条件的县和特大镇有序设市 We will help a number of counties and very large towns that meet the criteria to steadily develop into cities
581. 提升城市规划设计水平
raise the standard of municipal planning and design
582. 推进建筑业改革发展 take more steps to reform and develop the construction industry
583. 统筹城市地上地下建设 promote coordinated urban development above and below the ground
584. 加强城市地质调查 strengthen geological surveying
585. 再开工建设城市地下综合管廊2000公里以上 begin construction on at least another 2,000 kilometers of underground utility tunnels in cities
586. 启动消除城区重点易涝区段三年行动 A three-year initiative will be launched to remove the risk of flooding in highly vulnerable urban areas
587. 推进海绵城市建设 further progress will be made in the development of sponge cities
588. 有效治理交通拥堵等“城市病” effective steps will be taken to address traffic congestion and other urban maladies
589. 使城市既有“面子”、更有“里子” All these efforts will make our cities more attractive and function better
590. 实体经济从来都是我国发展的根基 The real economy has always been the foundation of China's development
591. 要深入实施创新驱动发展战略 We will do more to implement the strategy of innovation-driven development
592. 提升科技创新能力 We will strengthen our capability for making technological innovations
593. 完善对基础研究和原创性研究的长期稳定支持机制 We will improve mechanisms for providing continued long-term support for fundamental research and original research
594. 建设国家重大科技基础设施和技术创新中心 build major national infrastructure projects for science and technology and set up technological innovation hubs
595. 打造科技资源开放共享平台 establish platforms for sharing R&D resources
596. 推进全面创新改革试验 We will continue piloting reforms for all-around innovation
597. 改革科技评价制度 We will reform the system for assessing scientific and technological achievements
598. 切实落实高校和科研院所自主权 We will see our universities and research institutes truly operate with autonomy
599. 落实股权期权和分红等激励政策 ensure that incentive policies like stocks, options, and dividends are implemented
600. 落实科研经费和项目管理制度改革 implement the reform of the systems for managing research funding and projects
601. 让科研人员不再为杂事琐事分心劳神
keep our scientists and engineers from being distracted and allow them to focus on their research
602. 开展知识产权综合管理改革试点 We will begin piloting reforms to conduct integrated management of intellectual property rights
603. 完善知识产权创造、保护和运用体系 improve the system for creating, protecting, and applying intellectual property rights
604. 深化人才发展体制改革 We will deepen reform of China's systems for cultivating talent
605. 实施更加有效的人才引进政策 introduce more effective policies for bringing in talent from overseas
606. 广聚天下英才,充分激发科研人员积极性,定能成就创新大业 By welcoming the world's brightest minds to China and fully motivating our scientists and engineers, we will use innovation to accomplish great things
607. 加快培育壮大新兴产业 We will accelerate the development of emerging industries
608. 全面实施战略性新兴产业发展规划 fully implement our plan for developing strategic emerging industries
609. 加快集成电路、生物制药、第五代移动通信等技术研发和转化 accelerate R&D on and commercialization of integrated circuits, bio-pharmacy, 5G mobile communications, and other technologies
610. 做大做强产业集群 develop industrial clusters in these fields
611. 深化统计管理体制改革 deepen reform of the statistics management system
612. 健全新兴产业统计 improve statistics on emerging industries
613. 今年网络提速降费要迈出更大步伐 This year, we will do more to increase broadband speed and lower rates for Internet services
614. 年内全部取消手机国内长途和漫游费 Mobile rates for domestic roaming and long-distance calls will be cancelled
615. 大幅降低中小企业互联网专线接入资费 rates for broadband services for small and medium enterprises will be slashed
616. 降低国际长途电话费 rates for international calls will be lowered
617. 深入实施《中国制造2025》 We will intensify efforts to implement the Made in China 2025 initiative
618. 国家智能制造示范区 national smart manufacturing demonstration zones
619. 制造业创新中心 manufacturing innovation centers
620. 深入实施工业强基、重大装备专项工程 We will work hard on the implementation of projects to build a robust foundation for industrial development and projects to develop and make major equipment
621. 完善制造强国建设政策体系
We will improve policies designed to turn China into a manufacturer of quality
622. 促进传统产业焕发新的蓬勃生机 re-energize traditional industries
623. 设立专业化众创空间 establish specialized spaces for crowd innovation
624. 打造面向大众的“双创”全程服务体系 we will develop a full range of services that are accessible to the general public for the entire business startup and innovation process
625. 使小企业铺天盖地、大企业顶天立地 see small enterprises burgeoning nationwide, and large enterprises growing mighty
626. 市场活力和社会创造力竞相迸发 market dynamism and social creativity are fully unleashed
627. 广泛开展质量提升行动
We will take a broad range of actions to raise quality
628. 夯实质量技术基础 build firm technological foundations for product quality
629. 健全优胜劣汰质量竞争机制 improve the competitive mechanism that links a firm's fate in business to the quality of its products
630. 质量之魂,存于匠心 Quality is born of workmanship
631. 要大力弘扬工匠精神 We will promote workmanship
632. 厚植工匠文化,恪尽职业操守,崇尚精益求精 foster a culture of workmanship where workers have a strong work ethic and tirelessly seek improvement
633. 完善激励机制 refine our incentive mechanisms
634. 培育众多“中国工匠”,打造更多享誉世界的“中国品牌” see great numbers of Chinese workers exemplify workmanship and more Chinese brands enjoy international recognition
635. 推动中国经济发展进入质量时代 We will usher in an era of quality for economic development in China
636. 完善强农惠农政策 improve policies to boost agriculture and benefit farmers
637. 拓展农民就业增收渠道 create more channels for rural residents to find employment and increase their incomes
638. 加快培育农业农村发展新动能 speed up efforts to foster new drivers powering agricultural and rural development
639. 适度调减玉米种植面积 make appropriate reductions to the amount of land devoted to growing corn
640. 粮改饲试点面积扩大到1000万亩以上 We will expand trials to replace grain crop with feed crop cultivation to cover over 667,000 hectares
641. 鼓励多渠道消化玉米库存 We will encourage the use of multiple channels to reduce excess stockpiles of corn
642. 发展农产品精深加工 develop intensive processing of agricultural products
643. 发展观光农业、休闲农业 develop farm-based recreation or agritourism
644. 打造农村一二三产业融合发展新格局 step up the integrated development of primary, secondary, and tertiary industries in rural areas
645. 加快推进农产品标准化生产 We will work faster to see due standards are followed in agricultural production
646. 大力改造中低产田 upgrade low- and medium-yield cropland
647. 推广旱作技术 spread dry-farming techniques
648. 新增高效节水灌溉面积2000万亩 add 1.33 million hectares of farmland under highly water-efficient irrigation
649. 改进占补平衡 improve work to offset cultivated land used for other purposes
650. 发展多种形式适度规模经营,是中国特色农业现代化的必由之路 Developing appropriately scaled, diversified farming operations is vital for Chinese-style agricultural modernization
651. 对适度规模经营农户实施大灾保险 we will provide catastrophe insurance for farmers engaging in appropriately scaled farming operations
652. 财政救灾资金 budgetary disaster relief funds
653. 提高保险覆盖面和理赔标准 expand the coverage and raise the benefits of the insurance scheme
654. 完善农业再保险体系 We will improve the agricultural reinsurance system
655. 稳步推进农村集体产权制度改革 We will take steady steps to reform the rural collective property rights system
656. 深化农村土地制度改革试点 deepen the pilot reform of the rural land system
657. 完善粮食等重要农产品价格形成机制和收储制度 We will improve pricing mechanisms for grain and other important agricultural products as well as the system for their purchase and storage
658. 推进农业水价综合改革 We will carry out comprehensive reform of the pricing for water used in agriculture
659. 深化集体林权、国有林区林场、农垦、供销社等改革 We will deepen reforms related to collective forest tenure, state forestry areas and farms, state-owned farms, and rural supply and marketing cooperatives
660. 加强农村基层组织建设 We will strengthen the development of rural community-level organizations
661. 培养更多新型职业农民 train more professional farmers of new kinds
662. 支持农民工返乡创业 support migrant workers in starting businesses in their hometowns and villages
663. 进一步采取措施鼓励高校毕业生、退役军人、科技人员到农村施展才华 take further measures to encourage college graduates, demobilized military personnel, and scientists and engineers to work in rural areas
664. 加强农村公共设施建设 We will step up the development of public facilities in rural areas
665. 新建改建农村公路20万公里 A total of 200,000 kilometers of roads will be upgraded or built in rural areas
666. 实现农村稳定可靠供电服务 We will see that all rural areas have a steady and reliable supply of power
667. 实现平原地区机井通电全覆盖 see that all electric pumpsets on rural flatlands are connected
668. 完成3万个行政村通光纤 Fiber-optic broadband will be extended to 30,000 administrative villages
669. 提高农村饮水安全供水保证率 We will increase water supply to better ensure access to safe drinking water
670. 加大农村危房改造力度 We will intensify efforts to renovate dilapidated houses
671. 深入推进农村人居环境整治 improve rural living environments
672. 建设既有现代文明、又具田园风光的美丽乡村 Our goal is to develop rural China into a place where people can enjoy both the beauty of the countryside and the conveniences of modern living
673. 积极主动扩大对外开放 actively expand China's opening up to the world
674. 要进一步完善对外开放战略布局 we need to further refine our strategic plan for opening up
675. 加快构建开放型经济新体制 work faster to build new systems for an open economy
676. 推动更深层次更高水平的对外开放 drive China toward both deeper and higher level opening up
677. 扎实推进“一带一路”建设 We will make solid efforts to pursue the Belt and Road Initiative
678. 陆上经济走廊 overland economic corridors
679. 构建沿线大通关合作机制 establish cooperative mechanisms for achieving compatibility in customs clearance procedures along the routes
680. 深化国际产能合作 We will deepen international industrial-capacity cooperation
681. 优势互补 draw on each other's strengths
682. “一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛 the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation
683. 促进外贸继续回稳向好 We will ensure that foreign trade continues to pick up and register steady growth
684. 落实和完善进出口政策,推动优进优出 We will implement and improve our import and export policies and optimize imports and exports
685. 扩大出口信用保险覆盖面 expand the coverage of export credit insurance
686. 对成套设备出口融资应保尽保 provide export financing insurance for all insurable complete sets of large equipment
687. 推进服务贸易创新发展试点 move ahead with trials to develop services trade through innovation
688. 设立服务贸易创新发展引导基金 establish a seed fund to encourage innovation to develop services trade
689. 市场采购贸易 market procurement trade
690. 外贸综合服务企业 integrated foreign trade service firms
691. 促进加工贸易向产业链中高端延伸、向中西部地区梯度转移 facilitate the extension of processing trade to the medium-high end of industrial chains and its relocation to central and western regions
692. 推广国际贸易“单一窗口” extend the practice of processing international trade through a single window
693. 实现全国通关一体化 achieve nationwide integration of customs clearance procedures
694. 大力优化外商投资环境 make big moves to improve the environment for foreign investors
695. 修订外商投资产业指导目录 revise the catalog of industries open to foreign investment
696. 进一步放宽服务业、制造业、采矿业外资准入 make service industries, manufacturing, and mining more open to foreign investment
697. 高标准高水平建设11个自贸试验区 build 11 high-standard pilot free trade zones
698. 引导对外投资健康规范发展 guide the sound and standardized development of Chinese overseas investment
699. 提升风险防范能力 increase the ability to hedge against risks
700. 中国开放的大门会越开越大 China's door is going to keep on opening wider
701. 推进国际贸易和投资自由化便利化 promote the liberalization and facilitation of international trade and investment
702. 经济全球化符合世界各国的根本利益 Economic globalization is in the fundamental interests of all countries
703. 中国将坚定不移推动全球经济合作 China will not shift in its commitment to promoting global economic cooperation
704. 维护多边贸易体制主渠道地位 uphold the multilateral trading regime as the main channel of international trade
705. 积极参与多边贸易谈判 play an active part in multilateral trade negotiations
706. 推动中国-东盟自贸区升级议定书全面生效实施 put into force and implement the Protocol to Amend the Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Cooperation between China and ASEAN
707. 推进亚太自贸区建设 advance the development of the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific
708. 中国是负责任的国家,作出的承诺一直认真履行,应有的权益将坚决捍卫。 China is a responsible country. We have always striven to honor the commitments we have made, and we will firmly defend our due rights and interests.
709. 加快改善生态环境特别是空气质量,是人民群众的迫切愿望 Faster progress in work to improve the environment, particularly air quality, is what people are desperately hoping for
710. 是可持续发展的内在要求 be critical to sustainable development
711. 必须科学施策、标本兼治、铁腕治理,努力向人民群众交出合格答卷。 We must adopt well-designed policies, tackle both symptoms and root causes, and take tough steps to make the grade in responding to the people.
712. 坚决打好蓝天保卫战 We will make our skies blue again
713. 今年二氧化硫、氮氧化物排放量要分别下降3% This year, we will see that sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions are both cut by 3 percent
714. 重点地区细颗粒物(PM2.5)浓度明显下降 fine particulate matter (PM2.5) density in key areas falls markedly
715. 加快解决燃煤污染问题 work faster to address pollution caused by coal burning
716. 全面实施散煤综合治理 take comprehensive steps to reduce non-centralized coal burning operations
717. 推进北方地区冬季清洁取暖 promote clean winter heating in the northern region
718. 完成以电代煤、以气代煤300万户以上 replace the use of coal with electricity and natural gas in more than 3 million households
719. 全部淘汰地级以上城市建成区燃煤小锅炉 shut down all small coal-fired furnaces in established districts of cities at the prefectural level and above
720. 加大燃煤电厂超低排放和节能改造力度 step up work on upgrading coal-fired power plants to achieve ultra-low emissions and energy conservation
721. 优先保障清洁能源发电上网 prioritize the integration of clean energy sources into the electric grid
722. 有效缓解弃水、弃风、弃光状况 effectively address wasted hydro-, wind- and solar-power generation capacities
723. 安全高效发展核电 develop nuclear power in a safe and highly efficient way
724. 加快秸秆综合利用 work faster to make comprehensive use of straw
725. 全面推进污染源治理 take a full range of measures to tackle the sources of pollution
726. 开展重点行业污染治理专项行动 take focused actions to curb pollution in key industries
727. 对所有重点工业污染源实行24小时在线监控,确保监控质量 place all key sources of industrial pollution under round-the-clock online monitoring, and ensure the quality of monitoring
728. 明确排放不达标企业最后达标时限 set a clear deadline by which enterprises must meet required discharge standards
729. 到期不达标的坚决依法关停 take resolute law-based action to close down all those that still fail to meet standards after the deadline.
730. 强化机动车尾气治理 strengthen control over exhaust emitted by motor vehicles
731. 基本淘汰黄标车 We will see that basically all higher-emission vehicles are scrapped
732. 加快淘汰老旧机动车 work faster to take old vehicles off the roads
733. 对高排放机动车进行专项整治 carry out dedicated initiatives to deal with high-emission vehicles
734. 鼓励使用清洁能源汽车 encourage the use of clean-energy cars
735. 提高燃油品质 improve the quality of fuels
736. 在重点区域加快推广使用国六标准燃油 move faster to promote the use of those that meet National-VI emission standards in key areas
737. 有效应对重污染天气 take effective steps to tackle heavy air pollution
738. 加强对大气污染的源解析和雾霾形成机理研究 strengthen analysis of sources of air pollution and research on the causes of smog
739. 提高应对的科学性和精准性 improve the scientific basis and precision of the steps taken
740. 强化预警和应急措施 enhance early warning and emergency response measures
741. 严格环境执法和督查问责 strictly enforce environmental laws and regulations, conduct inspections, and hold violators accountable
742. 对偷排、造假的,必须依法惩治 Illegal dischargers and fraud must be punished in accordance with law
743. 对执法不力、姑息纵容的,必须严肃追究;对空气质量恶化、应对不力的,必须严格问责 Officials who do a poor job in enforcing the law, knowingly allow environmental violations, or respond inadequately to worsening air quality will be held fully accountable
744. 治理雾霾人人有责,贵在行动、成在坚持 Tackling smog is down to every last one of us, and success depends on action and commitment
745. 全社会不懈努力,蓝天必定会一年比一年多起来 As long as the whole of our society keeps trying, we will have more and more blue skies with each passing year
746. 强化水、土壤污染防治 strengthen the prevention and control of water and soil pollution
747. 今年化学需氧量、氨氮排放量要分别下降2% This year, chemical oxygen demand and ammonia nitrogen emissions should both drop by 2 percent.
748. 抓好重点流域、区域、海域水污染和农业面源污染防治 effectively prevent and control water pollution in key drainage basins, regions, and sea areas and agricultural pollution from non-point sources
749. 开展土壤污染详查 undertake rigorous investigations on soil pollution
750. 分类制定实施治理措施 develop and implement category-based measures to tackle this problem
751. 加强城乡环境综合整治 take comprehensive measures to improve both urban and rural environments
752. 倡导绿色生活方式 advocate green living
753. 普遍推行垃圾分类制度 promote waste sorting
754. 培育壮大节能环保产业 strengthen energy conservation and environmental protection industries
755. 发展绿色再制造和资源循环利用产业 develop green remanufacturing and circular industries
756. 使环境改善与经济发展实现双赢 ensure both environmental improvement and economic growth
757. 抓紧划定并严守生态保护红线 act promptly to set redlines for ecological conservation and hold firm to these lines
758. 启动森林质量提升、长江经济带重大生态修复、第二批山水林田湖生态保护工程试点 begin to pilot projects to improve the quality of our forests and restore ecosystems along the Yangtze Economic Belt, and launch the second group of trial projects to conserve the ecosystems of mountains, forests, farmland, rivers, and lakes
759. 完成退耕还林还草1200万亩以上 turn more than 800,000 hectares of marginal farmland into forests or grassland
760. 加强荒漠化、石漠化治理 address the spread of desertification and stony deserts
761. 构筑可持续发展的绿色长城 build a green Great Wall of sustainable development
762. 民生是为政之要 The wellbeing of the people is at the center of governance
763. 必须时刻放在心头、扛在肩上 it must be always on our minds and the responsibility for it must never leave our shoulders
764. 该办能办的实事要竭力办好 spare no effort to deliver benefit to them wherever possible
765. 基本民生的底线要坚决兜牢 ensure people’s basic living needs are met
766. 加强对灵活就业、新就业形态的支持 increase support for flexible employment and new forms of employment
767. 今年高校毕业生795万人,再创历史新高 This year, 7.95 million students will graduate from college, the highest number on record
768. 要实施好就业促进、创业引领、基层成长等计划 effectively implement initiatives to promote their employment, to guide them in starting businesses, and to encourage them to work at the community level
769. 促进多渠道就业创业 provide our college graduates with multiple channels to find jobs or start their own businesses.
770. 切实做好退役军人安置工作 see that demobilized military personnel are settled into new jobs
771. 加大就业援助力度,扶持城镇困难人员、残疾人就业 step up employment assistance to help vulnerable urban residents and people with disabilities find employment
772. 确保零就业家庭至少有一人稳定就业 ensure that at least one member in every family currently with zero employment secures a stable job
773. 办好公平优质教育 work to ensure that our people have access to equitable and quality education
774. 统一城乡义务教育学生“两免一补”政策 combine the separate policies for rural and urban students receiving compulsory education that waive tuition and miscellaneous fees, supply free textbooks, and grant living allowances for boarders from financially disadvantaged families
775. 加快实现城镇义务教育公共服务常住人口全覆盖 make compulsory education accessible as a public service to all permanent urban residents, with and without local urban household registration
776. 持续改善薄弱学校办学条件 continue to improve conditions in badly built and poorly operated schools
777. 扩大优质教育资源覆盖面 expand the reach of quality educational resources
778. 不断缩小城乡、区域、校际办学差距 narrow the gap in the quality of education between urban and rural areas, different regions, and different schools
779. 继续扩大重点高校面向贫困地区农村招生规模 continue to expand the enrollment of students from poor rural areas at key colleges and universities
780. 提高博士研究生国家助学金补助标准 increase government grants for PhD students
781. 推进世界一流大学和一流学科建设 strengthen efforts to develop more world-class universities and first-class fields of discipline
782. 继续推动部分本科高校向应用型转变 continue to encourage some undergraduate institutions to shift their focus toward providing applied education
783. 深化高考综合改革试点 pilot comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination system
784. 加快发展现代职业教育 accelerate the development of modern vocational education
785. 加强民族教育 ensure ethnic minorities improve their education
786. 办好特殊教育、继续教育、学前教育和老年教育 make sure that we have good special needs education, continuing education, preschool education, and education for senior citizens
787. 支持和规范民办教育发展 support the development of private education and work to ensure it meets all relevant standards
788. 加强教师队伍建设 work to improve teacher performance
789. 我们要发展人民满意的教育 We will develop education that satisfies the needs of our people
790. 以教育现代化支撑国家现代化 make the modernization of education underpin the modernization of our country
791. 使更多孩子成就梦想、更多家庭实现希望 see that more children realize their dreams and more families have their hopes fulfilled
792. 推进健康中国建设 We will make continued progress in building a Healthy China
793. 城乡居民医保财政补助由每人每年420元提高到450元, 同步提高个人缴费标准 increase both government subsidies for basic health insurance for rural and nonworking urban residents from 420 to 450 yuan per person per annum personal contributions
794. 扩大用药保障范围 expand the scope of this insurance to cover more medicines
795. 在全国推进医保信息联网 accelerate the building of a nationwide information network for basic health insurance
796. 实现异地就医住院费用直接结算 healthcare costs can be settled directly where incurred
797. 完善大病保险制度,提高保障水平 improve the major disease insurance system and increase insurance benefits for subscribers
798. 全面启动多种形式的医疗联合体建设试点 launch nationwide trials to establish partnerships of different forms between medical institutions operating at different levels
799. 三级公立医院要全部参与并发挥引领作用 All municipal-level public hospitals will be expected to participate and play a leading role in this initiative
800. 建立促进优质医疗资源上下贯通的考核和激励机制,增强基层服务能力,方便群众就近就医 establish performance evaluation and incentive mechanisms that encourage the coordinated use of quality medical resources with a view to improving the capacity of community hospitals and conveniencing people by enabling access to medical services closer to home
801. 分级诊疗 tiered diagnosis and treatment
802. 构建和谐医患关系 ensure that interactions between doctor and patient are amicable
803. 保护和调动医务人员积极性 work to ensure that medical practitioners remain motivated
804. 织密扎牢民生保障网 We will weave a strong safety net to ensure people's wellbeing
805. 确保基本养老金按时足额发放 see basic pension payments are paid on time and in full
806. 稳步提高优抚、社会救助标准 Standards for benefits for entitled groups and social assistance benefits will be steadily raised
807. 关心帮助军烈属和孤寡老人 We will provide care and assistance to the families of military personnel and revolutionary martyrs and elderly people who live alone
808. 加强教师队伍建设 work to improve teacher performance
809. 切实做好托底工作 make sure there is a social cushion in place
810. 使困难群众心里有温暖、生活有奔头 let those in real need feel support is there and see hope up ahead
811. 锲而不舍解决好农民工工资拖欠问题 continue resolving the problem of wage arrears for migrant workers
812. 决不允许他们的辛勤付出得不到应有回报 never allow their hard work to go unpaid
813. 坚定文化自信 strengthen our people's confidence in Chinese culture
814. 大力推动全民阅读 work hard to foster a love of reading in our people
815. 加强科学普及 enable people to learn more about science
816. 提高基本公共文化服务均等化水平 make basic public cultural services more equitable
817. 推动中华文化走出去 do more to share Chinese culture with other countries
818. 广泛开展全民健身 launch extensive Fitness-for-All initiatives
819. 推动社会治理创新 explore new forms of social governance
820. 健全基层群众自治制度 improve the system of primary level self-governance
821. 严格规范公正文明执法
see that law is enforced in a strict, standardized, fair, and civil way
822. 大力整治社会治安突出问题 address prominent problems that endanger public security
823. 全方位提高人民群众安全感 take comprehensive measures to ensure the security of our people
824. 人命关天,安全至上 ensure workplace safety and protect people's lives
825. 重特大事故 serious and major accidents
826. 严格安全生产责任制 strictly enforce the workplace safety responsibility system
827. 全面加强政府自身建设 Strengthen the all-around improvement of government
828. 加大政务公开力度 make government operations more transparent
829. 坚持科学决策、民主决策、依法决策 ensure that policies are made in a sound and democratic way on the basis of law
830. 广泛听取各方面意见包括批评意见 widely solicit input and criticism from all interested parties in policy making
831. 全面从严治党 fully strengthen Party self-governance
832. 把党风廉政建设和反腐败工作不断引向深入 improve Party conduct and moral integrity, and effectively combat corruption
833. 党中央八项规定 the Party Central Committee's eight-point decision on improving Party and government conduct
834. 纠正“四风” correct formalism, bureaucratism, hedonism, and extravagance
835. 加强行政监察和审计监督 strengthen administrative supervision and auditing-based oversight
836. 保持惩治腐败高压态势 maintain a tough stance against corruption
837. 广大公务员要持廉守正 all public servants must have integrity and be upright
838. 干干净净为人民做事 get on honestly with their jobs of serving the people
839. 勤勉尽责干事创业 perform with a strong work ethic, sense of responsibility, and enterprising spirit
840. 结合实际创造性地干 be innovative as actual conditions allow
841. 不能纸上谈兵、光说不练 It's no good to just push paper and pay lip service
842. 严厉整肃庸政懒政怠政行为 take tough steps to address incompetence, inertia, and negligence
843. 坚决治理政务失信 resolvedly address failures to act in good faith in government work
844. 健全激励机制和容错纠错机制 improve mechanisms that give incentives and allow for and address mistakes
845. 给干事者鼓劲,为担当者撑腰 support those who are dedicated to their work and stand behind those who live up to their responsibilities
846. 我国是统一的多民族国家 China is a unified country of many ethnic groups
847. 要坚持和完善民族区域自治制度 We will uphold and improve the system of regional ethnic autonomy
848. 加大对民族地区发展支持力度 We will increase support for development in areas inhabited mainly by ethnic minorities
849. 深入实施兴边富民行动 We will deepen efforts to boost development in the border regions to benefit the people living there
850. 和衷共济 share in a common cause
851. 认真落实侨务政策 fully implement government policies related to overseas Chinese nationals
852. 保障海外侨胞和归侨侨眷合法权益 protect the legitimate rights and interests of overseas Chinese nationals and Chinese nationals who have returned from overseas
853. 海内外中华儿女的凝聚力和向心力必将不断增强 all the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation, both in and outside China, will forge stronger bonds of attachment
854. 国防和军队改革取得重大突破 we achieved major breakthroughs in the reform of national defense and the armed forces
855. 军队革命化现代化正规化建设取得新进展新成就 We have made fresh progress and new achievements in our work to make the military more revolutionary, modern, and well-structured
856. 推进政治建军、改革强军、依法治军 work to build armed forces through political work, strengthen them through reform, and ensure they are run by law
857. 坚持党对军队的绝对领导 uphold the Party's absolute leadership over the armed forces
858. 强化练兵备战 boost military training and preparedness
859. 远海护航 escort in high seas
860. 推动军民融合深度发展 intensify military-civilian integration
861. 加强全民国防教育、国防动员和后备力量建设 We will strengthen national defense education among the general public, and step up national defense mobilization and readiness of reserve forces
862. 研究制定粤港澳大湾区城市群发展规划 draw up a plan for the development of a city cluster in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area
863. 确保“一国两制”在香港、澳门实践不动摇、不走样、不变形 ensure that the principle of "one country, two systems" is steadfastly applied in Hong Kong and Macao without being bent or distorted
864. “港独”是没有出路的 The notion of Hong Kong independence will lead nowhere
865. 绝不允许任何人以任何形式、任何名义把台湾从祖国分裂出去 We will never allow any person to separate Taiwan from the motherland in any form or name
866. 要深入贯彻对台工作大政方针 thoroughly implement the policies on our work related to Taiwan
867. 两岸同胞要共担民族大义 People on both sides of the Taiwan Straits should keep in mind the greater interests of the nation
868. 世界政治经济格局的深刻变化 profound changes in the international political and economic landscape
869. 中国将始终站在和平稳定一边 China will always stand on the side of peace and stability
870. 中国将始终站在公道正义一边 China will forever be committed to equity and justice
871. 做世界和平的建设者 work for world peace
872. 做全球发展的贡献者 contribute to global development
873. 做国际秩序的维护者 uphold the international order
874. 坚定不移走和平发展道路 keep to the path of peaceful development
875. 坚决维护多边体制的权威性和有效性 firmly uphold the authority of the multilateral architecture and see that it works effectively
876. 反对各种形式的保护主义 oppose protectionism in its different forms
877. 深入参与全球治理进程 become more involved in global governance
878. 引导经济全球化朝着更加包容互惠、公正合理的方向发展 steer economic globalization to see it become more inclusive, mutually beneficial, and equitable
879. 推动构筑总体稳定、均衡发展的大国关系框架 We will contribute to a framework that ensures the overall stability and balanced development of relations between major countries
880. 着力营造睦邻互信、共同发展的周边环境 We will endeavor to foster a neighboring environment that enhances mutual trust and common development between China and its neighbors
881. 全面提升同发展中国家合作水平 upgrade cooperation with all other developing countries in all fields
882. 积极提供解决全球性和地区热点问题的建设性方案 offer constructive proposals for addressing global and regional hotspot issues
883. 加快完善海外权益保护机制和能力建设 We will intensify efforts to improve our mechanisms and capacity for protecting China's rights and interests overseas
884. 我们愿与国际社会一道,致力构建以合作共赢为核心的新型国际关系 China is ready to join hands with the international community and build a new type of international relations based on cooperation and mutual benefit
885. 持续推进两岸经济社会融合发展 continue to advance integrated economic and social development between the two sides of the Straits
886. 为台湾同胞尤其是青年在大陆学习、就业、创业、生活提供更多便利 make it more convenient for our fellow countrymen and women in Taiwan, particularly young people, to study, work, and live on the mainland
887. 提高国防科技自主创新能力 enhance our capacity for innovation in defense-related science and technology
888. 加快现代后勤建设和装备发展 step up the development of advanced logistics and equipment
889. 强化海空边防管控 strengthen maritime and air defense as well as border control
890. 持续深化国防和军队改革 continue to deepen reforms in national defense and the armed forces
891. 组织好内蒙古自治区成立70周年庆祝活动 We will make sure celebrations to mark the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region are a great success
892. 强化督查问责 strengthen oversight and accountability
893. 所有工作都要体现人民意愿 all of our work must reflect people’s will
894. 必须持之以恒抓好安全生产 We must work with tireless dedication to ensure workplace safety
895. 严厉打击暴力恐怖活动 crack down hard on violent terrorist activities
896. 盗窃、抢劫、电信网络诈骗、侵犯个人信息等多发性犯罪 common crimes like theft, robbery, telecommunications and online fraud
897. 使命重在担当,实干铸就辉煌 A new historical mission awaits us, and with hard work we will achieve great success
898. 同心同德,开拓进取 work hard with one mind and an enterprising spirit
899. 建设富强民主文明和谐的社会主义现代化国家 build China into a modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, and harmonious
900. 中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦 the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation
国新办&CGTN 2025-01-06 14:49:40
Greetings to everybody! Time flies fast, and the new year will be with us shortly. I extend my best wishes to you all from Beijing.
CGTN 2024-12-31 21:46:41
国新办 2024-12-31 09:06:35
驻美使馆 2024-12-30 17:17:47