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外交部 2024-10-05 17次



Position Paper of the People’s Republic of China for the Summit of the Future and the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly


Today, changes unseen in a century are unfolding at an accelerated pace, and the world has entered a new period of turbulence and transformation. With intertwined traditional and non-traditional security issues, and sluggish world economic recovery, humanity is facing unprecedented challenges. Yet the overall direction of human development and progress will not change, the overall dynamics of world history moving forward amid twists and turns will not change, and the overall trend toward a shared future for the international community will not change. The tide of the times toward peace, development, cooperation and mutual benefit is unstoppable, and the historical current of world multipolarity and economic globalization is irreversible.


This year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Over the past 75 years, China has unswervingly pursued peaceful development and made important contributions to world peace and development. Upholding independence and seeking peaceful coexistence with all countries, China has proposed the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence that have been widely recognized and observed by the international community, and have become basic norms of international relations and fundamental principles of international law. Committed to its foreign policy goal of safeguarding world peace and promoting common development, China has actively advanced world multipolarity and democracy in international relations, unequivocally opposed hegemonism and power politics, and worked to make the international order more just and equitable.


In the new era, faced with the major question of our times, i.e. what kind of world to build and how to build it, China has given its answer – building a community with a shared future for mankind. The goal of building a community with a shared future for mankind is to build an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world of lasting peace, universal security and shared prosperity; the pathway is promoting global governance that features extensive consultation and joint contribution for shared benefit; the guiding principle is to apply the common values of humanity; the basic underpinning lies in building a new type of international relations; the strategic guidance comes from the implementation of the Global Development Initiative (GDI), the Global Security Initiative (GSI), and the Global Civilization Initiative (GCI); and the platform for action is high-quality Belt and Road cooperation. On this basis, China will work with countries of the world to meet challenges, achieve prosperity for all and facilitate the move toward a brighter future of peace, security, prosperity and progress in the world.


China is building a great modern socialist country in all respects and advancing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on all fronts through the Chinese path to modernization. China will continue to uphold the independent foreign policy of peace, strive for building a community with a shared future for mankind, champion the common values of humanity, and implement the GDI, the GSI, and the GCI. It will advocate for an equal and orderly multipolar world and universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization, and work with all countries to realize global modernization following the principles of self-confidence and self-reliance, openness and inclusiveness, fairness and justice, and win-win cooperation.


China supports the U.N. Summit of the Future, and calls on the international community to take this opportunity to focus on the common well-being of humanity, build consensus and synergy, and support the central role of the U.N. in international affairs. China supports efforts of true multilateralism that is based on international law, in accordance with the principle of equity and justice, in pursuit of win-win cooperation and effective action-oriented, so as to jointly build a better future for mankind.


I. With the future in mind, China stays committed to being a staunch force for safeguarding world peace and stability. 


China firmly chooses peace over war, and will work with all countries to implement the GSI following the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security. China respects the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries, abides by the purposes and principles of the U.N. Charter, and takes the legitimate security concerns of all countries seriously. China will promote peaceful settlement of differences and disputes among countries through dialogue and consultation, maintain security in both traditional and non-traditional domains, and shoulder its due responsibility as a major country in tackling global security challenges.


China has stayed an important and constructive force for peace and stability in the Middle East. It has pushed for the historic reconciliation between Saudi Arabia and Iran, facilitated the internal reconciliation among Palestinian factions, and worked tirelessly to stop the fighting in Gaza. China firmly supports the Palestinian people’s just cause of regaining their legitimate national rights and supports the Palestinian people’s pursuit of greater internal unity and an independent State of Palestine that enjoys full sovereignty based on the 1967 borders and with East Jerusalem as its capital. China supports Palestine’s full U.N. membership and calls for the convening of a more broad-based, authoritative and effective international peace conference to work out a detailed timetable and roadmap for implementing the two-State solution and to push for a comprehensive, just and lasting settlement of the Palestinian question at an early date, so that Palestine and Israel can live side by side in peace.


On Ukraine, China has followed an objective and impartial position and maintained that the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries should be respected, the purposes and principles of the U.N. Charter observed, the legitimate security concerns of all sides taken seriously and that all efforts conducive to a peaceful settlement of the crisis should be supported. China has issued its Position on the Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis and carried out shuttle diplomacy to promote peace talks. China and Brazil have jointly issued a six-point consensus, calling on all relevant parties to observe the principles for deescalating the situation, create conditions for the resumption of direct talks until the realization of a comprehensive ceasefire, increase humanitarian assistance, oppose the use of weapons of mass destruction, oppose attacks on nuclear power plants and other peaceful nuclear facilities, and protect the stability of global industrial and supply chains. China will continue to work in its own way and play a constructive role for the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis.


China has remained committed to preserving the peace, stability and lasting security on the Korean Peninsula and worked actively to maintain stability, encourage talks, and establish a peace mechanism on the Peninsula. The root cause of the intractable situation on the Korean Peninsula is the Cold War vestiges and the lack of trust among parties. Maintaining peace and stability on the Peninsula serves the shared interests of all parties and meets the wide expectation of the international community. China values the U.N.’s role on this issue and will work with the international community to play a constructive role in the political settlement of the issue with a dual-track approach and under the principle of phased and synchronized steps.


China supports Afghanistan in following sound policies, prioritizing development, combating terrorism resolutely and developing friendly relations with its neighbors. China will work with the international community, on the basis of respecting Afghanistan’s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity and upholding the “Afghan-led, Afghan-owned” principle, to increase engagement and dialogue with Afghanistan in a constructive way, provide more humanitarian and development assistance to Afghanistan, and support Afghanistan in independently exploring a development path that meets its people’s expectation and the call of the times and in achieving peace, stability and development at an early date.  


China strongly condemns terrorism and extremism in all their forms. It supports the U.N.’s central role in coordinating international counter-terrorism cooperation and supports the full implementation of the U.N. Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy. China opposes associating terrorism and extremism with any particular country, ethnic group or religion, opposes applying double standards on counter-terrorism, and opposes using the issue of counter-terrorism as a political tool. The international community should join forces to address the new threats and challenges posed by the abuse of emerging technologies by terrorists and support developing countries in building their capacity to fight terrorism and radicalization, so as to eradicate the breeding ground of terrorism.


China maintains that nuclear-weapon states should abandon nuclear deterrence policies based on first-use of nuclear weapons. China commits to the policy of no-first-use of nuclear weapons, supports negotiating and signing a treaty or issuing a political statement on mutual no-first-use of nuclear weapons, and strongly calls for the conclusion of an international legal instrument on assurances for not using or threatening to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear weapon states and nuclear-weapon-free zones. Nuclear disarmament should follow the principles of “maintaining global strategic stability” and “undiminished security for all” and proceed in a gradual manner. Countries with the largest nuclear arsenals should earnestly fulfill their special and primary responsibilities in nuclear disarmament, and continue to make further substantial and substantive cuts to their nuclear arsenals in a verifiable, irreversible and legally binding manner, so as to create conditions for achieving the ultimate goal of general and complete nuclear disarmament.


China stands ready to work with the international community to jointly strengthen global biosecurity governance, improve international institutions and rules on biosecurity, in particular, enhance the universality, authority and effectiveness of the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC), and ensure the compliance of countries’ biological activities with the BWC through concrete measures while, at the same time, effectively safeguarding the legitimate rights of developing countries to peaceful use of biological technologies. China is committed to upholding the authority and effectiveness of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), and urges Japan to speed up the destruction of abandoned chemical weapons in China in order to achieve the goal of a world free of chemical weapons at an early date. China upholds the CWC as a guideline for properly settling hotspot issues concerning chemical weapons, opposes politicization, and promotes international cooperation on peaceful uses of chemistry.


II. With the future in mind, China stays committed to providing impetus for common development.


China is committed to its fundamental policy of opening to the outside world and pursues a mutually beneficial strategy of opening up. It strives to create new opportunities for the world with its own development and to contribute its share to building an open global economy that delivers greater benefits to all peoples. China works together with countries around the world to implement the GDI under the principles of development as a priority, a people-centered approach, benefits for all, innovation-driven development, harmony between man and nature, and results-oriented actions, in an effort to create a bright future of peace and prosperity for all.


China advocates placing development at the heart of the global agenda. With the aim of delivering the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, China calls for efforts to broaden the financing channels, innovate the models of cooperation, strengthen capacity building, expand the network of partners, and promote the building of a global community of development. China is ready to work with other countries to fully leverage the role of the Group of Friends of the GDI, promote the building of cooperation platforms and networks, deepen practical cooperation, constantly expand the GDI project pool and capital pool, revitalize partnerships and foster new driving forces for global development, and speed up the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.


China has proposed the initiative of high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, and established the largest platform for international cooperation with the most extensive coverage in the world. The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) champions the Silk Road spirit of peace and cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual benefit, focuses on enhancing connectivity, and promotes policy, infrastructure, trade, financial and people-to-people connectivity, with a view to delivering development and prosperity for all countries. High-quality Belt and Road cooperation has become an international consensus, and the building of a Health Silk Road, a Green Silk Road, a Digital Silk Road and a Silk Road of Innovation have become new growth areas for cooperation. China stands ready to work with all sides to enhance the complementarity and synergy between high-quality Belt and Road cooperation and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and make greater contributions to global development.


China is committed to building an open world economy, and calls on the international community to meet the common needs of all countries, especially the developing countries, and address properly the development imbalances between and within countries resulting from the global allocation of resources to achieve mutual benefit, win-win outcomes and common prosperity. Countries should respect each other’s legitimate interests and concerns, oppose the attempt to roll back globalization and abuse the concept of security, and oppose all forms of unilateralism and protectionism. It is necessary to promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, keep global industrial and supply chains stable and unimpeded, overcome the structural problems hindering the healthy development of the world economy, and make economic globalization more open, inclusive, balanced and beneficial to all.


Adhering to the principle of sincerity, real results, amity and good faith, the right approach to friendship and interests, and the spirit of China-Africa friendship and cooperation, China is committed to strengthening solidarity and cooperation with African countries, and supporting them in seeking African solutions for African problems and speaking in one voice to play a bigger role in international affairs. China firmly supports African countries in independently exploring paths to modernization suited to their respective national conditions and keeping their future firmly in their own hands. China is ready to join hands with Africa to advance a just, equitable, open, win-win and eco-friendly modernization that puts people first and features diversity, inclusiveness, peace and security, and spearhead the Global South modernization through China-Africa cooperation. China will work with African countries to implement the outcomes of the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, deepen experience sharing on national governance, improve Africa’s capacity to independently safeguard peace and achieve development, further deliver on the Outlook on Peace and Development in the Horn of Africa, and jointly build an all-weather China-Africa community with a shared future for the new era.


China is a doer when it comes to climate governance. As the largest developing country, China has adopted a national strategy of meeting the climate challenge despite all difficulties in its economic and social development. China is working toward the goals of carbon peak and carbon neutrality with a “1+N” policy framework. China is boosting new energy and has established the world’s largest clean power supply system. China’s clean technologies and products have enriched global supplies, and made it possible for renewable energy to be used on a large scale worldwide, making significant contributions to the global efforts against climate change and green and low-carbon transition. China is ready to work with all parties to further deepen green and low-carbon cooperation, facilitate the full and effective implementation of the Paris Agreement, and jointly contribute to global sustainable development.


China supports U.N. agencies in leveraging their professional expertise and coordinating role in food security to mobilize scaled-up assistance from the international community, developed countries in particular, to meet the pressing needs of people in relevant countries. The international community needs to step up cooperation to establish a fair, equitable, sustainable and stable order for agricultural trade, and avoid politicizing and weaponizing food security issues. Greater support should be given to developing countries, especially the most vulnerable countries, to help them advance capacity for food security.


III. With the future in mind, China stays committed to advancing interactions among civilizations for their greater progress. 


China advocates that all countries champion humanity’s common values of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy and freedom, jointly implement the GCI, respect the diversity of civilizations, value the inheritance and innovation of civilizations, and let cultural exchange transcend estrangement, mutual learning transcend clashes, and coexistence transcend feelings of superiority for further progress of civilizations.


The 78th Session of the U.N. General Assembly adopted by consensus the China-tabled resolution on the International Day for Dialogue among Civilizations, aimed at raising global awareness of the value of diversity of civilizations and exchange and cooperation among civilizations, encouraging more exchange and mutual learning among civilizations, promoting solidarity, and jointly finding solutions to global challenges. China is ready to implement the U.N. General Assembly resolution together with the international community, strengthen international people-to-people and cultural exchange and cooperation, and make unremitting efforts for further exchange, mutual learning and common progress of civilizations.


China has actively participated in global human rights governance, launched a series of initiatives in such fora as the Human Rights Council, and conducted constructive exchanges and cooperation with the U.N. human rights mechanisms, including the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the special procedures and human rights treaty bodies. Human rights for all is the shared pursuit of humanity. The right to development is the basic human right of paramount importance, and economic, social and cultural rights should be accorded enough attention. People’s happiness is the biggest human right. In advancing human rights, countries should put the people front and center, make the protection of people’s rights and interests their starting point and ultimate goal, and keep making efforts to resolve the most practical problems that are of the greatest and most direct concern to the people, so that the people can lead a good life. We must ensure our people’s right to run the country, safeguard people’s democratic rights, fully inspire their motivation, initiative and creativity, so that the people are the chief participants, promoters and beneficiaries in human rights advancement.


Promoting and protecting human rights requires concerted effort of the international community. China believes that human rights should be safeguarded through enhancing security. It is important to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries, jointly follow a path of peaceful development, and create a peaceful environment for the realization of human rights. Human rights should be advanced through development. It is important to make development more inclusive, universally beneficial and sustainable, and make sure that development is for the people and by the people, and that its fruits are shared among the people. Human rights should be facilitated through cooperation. It is important to engage in human rights exchange and cooperation on the basis of mutual respect, inclusiveness and equality, learn from each other, build consensus and jointly pursue human rights progress.


Promoting and protecting human rights is the shared cause of all humanity. International human rights affairs should be handled through joint consultations by all countries. The global human rights governance system should be jointly developed by all countries. And the achievements of human rights development should be shared by all people around the world. The Human Rights Council and other U.N. human rights bodies should be platforms for dialogue and cooperation, not places for confrontation and pressuring. The U.N. human rights bodies should adhere to the purposes and principles of the U.N. Charter, uphold the principles of impartiality, objectivity, non-selectivity and non-politicization, conduct constructive dialogue and cooperation with Member States, respect the sovereignty of all countries, and perform within their mandate in an objective and impartial manner. The underrepresentation of developing countries in the staff composition of the U.N. human rights bodies should be changed as soon as possible.


There is no one-size-fits-all model for promoting and protecting human rights. Countries vary in historical background, cultural heritage, social system and level of socio-economic development. Their paths of human rights advancement can have inevitable differences. They need to combine the principle of universality of human rights with their national conditions and fine traditional culture, and advance human rights in light of national realities and the needs of their people. Human rights issues should not be politicized or used as a tool, double standard should be rejected, and still less should human rights be used as an excuse to interfere in other countries’ internal affairs or encircle and contain other countries as they pursue development.


China is committed to protecting the rights and interests of women and children, and to promoting their development. The Fourth World Conference on Women held in Beijing in 1995 was a milestone in the promotion of gender equality around the world. The Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action adopted at the conference have become guiding documents for the global cause of promoting women’s development. China has proposed that a Global Leaders’ Meeting on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment be convened in 2025 upon the 30th anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women, to rally global efforts for continuously implementing the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, and placing the protection of the rights and interests of women and children high on the agenda. National strategies for the development of women and children should be formulated and improved, comprehensive measures taken to ensure that women and children enjoy the various benefits of development, and the development of women and children kept in step with socio-economic progress. We should support the U.N. in its leading and coordinating role and strengthen international cooperation on the cause of women and children.


Protection for the rights of people with disabilities and the elderly is an important indicator of social civilization and progress. China attaches great importance to protecting the rights of people with disabilities and the elderly. Relevant issues are covered in its overall development plan, and laws have been formulated and implemented including the Law on the Protection of Persons with Disabilities, the Law on the Building of a Barrier-free Environment and the Law on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of the Elderly, which contain clear provisions regarding the rights and dignity of people with disabilities and the elderly and better social services for them. Committed to a people-centered development approach and to ensuring and enhancing people’s well-being in the course of development, China will make continuous efforts to improve its social security system and build a society that is friendly to people with disabilities and the elderly, so that they can also share in the benefits of China’s economic and social development.


IV. With the future in mind, China stays committed to playing a constructive role in the development and reform of global governance. 


China advocates an equal and orderly multipolar world and a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization. It believes in equality between countries big or small, and opposes hegemonism and power politics. It works for greater democracy in international relations, follows the vision of global governance featuring extensive consultation and joint contribution for shared benefit, upholds true multilateralism, and defends firmly the U.N.-centered international system, the international order based on international law and the basic norms of international relations underpinned by the purposes and principles of the U.N. Charter. China responds to the common needs of countries in general and developing countries in particular, supports all countries in pursuing development paths suited to their respective national realities, and strives to make global governance more just and equitable.


China holds that countries, regardless of size and strength, should be enabled to take part in decision-making, enjoy their rights and play their roles as equals in the process toward multipolarity. It calls for more efforts to promote democracy in international relations, increase the representation and voice of developing countries, and reject hegemonism and power politics. China stands firm against Cold War mentality, opposes ideological bias, rejects unilateralism and protectionism, and objects to bloc formation, fragmentation and disorder.


China is always a member of the Global South and always stands with all countries of the South through thick and thin. China believes that it is important for the Global South to maintain independence which is their defining political feature, undertake the historical mission of development and revitalization, and work together to uphold international fairness and justice, safeguard world peace, and promote common development. China is actively carrying out open and inclusive cooperation with other Global South countries as President Xi Jinping proposed, and will stay committed to the development and revitalization of the Global South and join other Global South countries in a common pursuit of modernization.


China believes that the reform of the U.N. should be conducted in a way that is conducive to upholding multilateralism and the role of the U.N., increasing the voice of developing countries in international affairs, and boosting the enforcement capacity and management efficiency of the U.N. agencies. It is important to follow the basic principle of equal-footed consultation at the U.N., and encourage the U.N. to stand firm for justice, uphold the rule of law, promote cooperation and focus on real action. China calls for more efforts to improve the international rule of law and give developing countries a greater say in the development, interpretation and application of international rules.


China supports carrying out necessary and reasonable reform to the Security Council to increase its authority and efficiency, enhance its capacity to tackle global threats and challenges, and enable it to better fulfill its mandate given by the U.N. Charter. The Security Council should not become a club of the big and the rich. Its reform should help increase the representation and voice of developing countries, redress the historical injustices done to Africa, and give more developing countries with independent foreign policies and just positions the opportunity to sit on the Security Council and participate in its decision-making. China supports making special arrangements to address Africa’s concerns as a priority. The Security Council reform bears on the future of the U.N. and the fundamental interests of the entire membership. All parties should uphold the role of the intergovernmental negotiations on Security Council reform as the main channel, follow the membership-driven principle, reach the most extensive political consensus through full and democratic consultation, and seek a package solution to the five clusters of key issues related to the reform, one that accommodates the interests and concerns of all parties.


China calls on U.N. Member States to earnestly fulfill their financial obligations stipulated in the U.N. Charter and pay assessments for both regular budgets and peacekeeping operations in full in accordance with the “capacity to pay” principle set forth in the U.N. General Assembly resolution to support the U.N. in effectively carrying out its functions. More importance should be attached to the regional representation of the staff of U.N. Secretariat and specialized agencies, and effective measures should be taken to further improve the regional balance of U.N. staff structure, so as to reflect the needs and interests of developing countries and respond fully to the expectations of the international community.


China supports comprehensively reforming the international financial architecture and increasing the voice and representation of developing countries in international financial institutions, so as to better reflect the changes in the world economic landscape. The international financial system should substantially increase funding support to help developing countries and emerging markets alleviate poverty and address global challenges, and make utmost efforts to promote development. China supports the New Development Bank, the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank and other multilateral financial institutions and international organizations in playing a constructive role in enhancing the synergy of macroeconomic policies and preventing systemic economic and financial risks. China calls for strengthening communication and cooperation among mechanisms such as the U.N., the G20, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank and enhancing macroeconomic policy coordination. China supports boosting the operation and financing capacity and efficiency of international financial institutions, and raising the efficiency of using Special Drawing Rights and other reserve assets, and maintains that multilateral creditors should also participate in debt treatments.


China actively participates in global health affairs, supports the World Health Organization in playing a central and coordinating role in global health governance and in strengthening cooperation on public health with all sides in an objective, just and science-based manner. China supports necessary and equitable reform of the global health governance system in order to raise the efficiency of the system, better respond to global public health crisis, and build a global community of health for all. China welcomes the adoption of a package of amendments to the International Health Regulations at the 77th World Health Assembly, and will continue to play a constructive part in the negotiations of a Pandemic Agreement with all sides toward the goal of concluding an international instrument that demonstrates equity and solidarity on the basis of respect for sovereignty and consensus. China will continue to support and participate in science-based global origins-tracing, and firmly opposes political manipulation of any form.


V. With the future in mind, China stays committed to harnessing the power of science, technology and innovation to the benefit of all humanity.


The progress and development of science and technology has enriched the denotations and connotations of the concept of international peace and security. China calls on the international community to enhance open cooperation in science and technology, shape the vision of science and technology for good, strengthen global science and technology governance, and jointly explore ways and methods for resolving major global issues in order to address the challenges of our times and improve the well-being of humanity.


China calls for the implementation of the U.N. General Assembly resolution entitled Promoting International Cooperation on Peaceful Use in the Context of International Security to safeguard the right to peaceful use of science and technology of all countries, developing countries in particular. China will submit the above resolution once again to the 79th General Assembly.


China supports advancing global digital governance with the U.N. as the main channel and supports the U.N. in reaching a Global Digital Compact and upholding principles of development as the orientation, inclusive participation and digital benefits for all, innovation-driven development, protection of cultural diversity in the digital space, and an open, fair, inclusive and nondiscriminatory digital environment. China supports the Compact in taking actions such as establishing common standards on global data security, and initiating a global dialogue and intergovernmental negotiations on AI governance, which are in line with the GDI, the GCI, the Global AI Governance Initiative, and the Global Initiative on Data Security. China is ready to work with the international community to jointly advance global digital governance and build a community with a shared future in the digital world.


China has put forth the Global AI Governance Initiative, advocating that in terms of AI development, countries should promote a people-centered approach and the vision of AI for good, uphold the principle of prioritizing both development and security, and make sure that AI always works to advance human civilization. China calls on all parties to effectively implement the resolution Enhancing International Cooperation on Capacity-Building of Artificial Intelligence adopted by consensus at the 78th Session of the U.N. General Assembly. In particular, all parties should help the Global South to benefit equally from AI development and close the AI gap. China is committed to having dialogue and cooperation with all parties and building AI governance frameworks based on full respect for policies and practices of different countries and broad consensus. China stands for greater representation and voice of developing countries, supports the U.N. as the main channel in global AI governance, and supports the establishment of an international AI governance agency under the U.N. framework to coordinate major issues of AI development, security and governance.


China takes a constructive part in the U.N. cybersecurity process, and contributes to and advocates international rules and systems in cyberspace. China supports the formulation of international rules on cyberspace that are acceptable to all countries with the U.N. as the main channel, defends the common rules governing cyberspace, and works for a community with a shared future in cyberspace. All countries should fully abide by and implement the framework for responsible state behavior in cyberspace, and set and improve new rules worldwide on cybersecurity and digital security in light of the latest developments and technologies.


Oceans are the common home of humanity, whose development and preservation require our joint efforts. With the vision of building a maritime community with a shared future in mind, China stays committed to dialogue and consultation and safeguarding maritime peace and tranquility; upholds fairness and justice to improve the ocean governance system; prioritizes ecological conservation to preserve clean and beautiful oceans; pursues mutually beneficial cooperation for maritime prosperity.


China has all along championed peaceful use of outer space and upheld the principle of exploration and use of outer space for the well-being of the entire humanity. On the basis of equality, mutual respect, peaceful use and inclusive development, China carries out international cooperation on outer space and opposes weaponization of and an arms race in outer space. China will continue to firmly uphold the international order in outer space with the Outer Space Treaty of 1967 as the cornerstone, and work with peace-loving countries to explore and use outer space resources in a healthy and orderly manner, to promote enduring and sustainable outer space activities and to build a community with a shared future for mankind in outer space. China supports the U.N. in giving full play to its role as the main platform for global governance and international cooperation on outer space, participates actively in the work of the Group of Governmental Experts on the prevention of an arms race in outer space, and supports an international legal instrument on arms control in outer space through negotiations.


Youths account for one-sixth of the global population. They are a driving force for sci-tech innovation and sustainable development, and a bridge of international solidarity and cooperation. China upholds the vision of prioritizing youth development, believes that it is necessary to act in a responsible manner toward future generations and strengthen solidarity and cooperation, supports the U.N. in playing a positive role, and is jointly promoting the Action Plan for Global Youth Development to pool strength of youths across the world for sustainable development. China advocates the vision of putting children first, and supports the establishment of a global alliance for child health and development to jointly meet the pressing challenges to children’s health, so as to enable a safe, fair and healthy life for future generations and ensure every child’s access to sound opportunities for subsistence and development.


There are always obstacles on a long and great journey, but we are confident in a future full of glory and hope. China stands ready to work with all countries to deliver on the GDI, the GSI and the GCI together, and realize an equal and orderly multipolar world and a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization to usher in a brighter tomorrow in building a community with a shared future for mankind.

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