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WSJ 2013-01-06 WSJ 706次


The low-budget Chinese hit 'Lost in Thailand' steamrolled its competition this week to become the highest-grossing mainland film ever and the first local production to break through the one-billion-yuan ($160.4-million) mark at the box office.

小成本影片《人再囧途之泰囧》(Lost in Thailand)本周一举成为票房收入最高的中国内地影片,它也是中国第一部票房突破人民币10亿元(1.604亿美元)的国产电影。

The 30-million-yuan comedy overtook last year's 'Painted Skin: The Resurrection' which earned about 726 million yuan -- as China's top-earning movie in the domestic market, the state-run Xinhua news agency said.

据中国国有媒体新华社报道,这部投资人民币3,000万元的喜剧片票房超过了去年上映的《画皮2》(Painted Skin: The Resurrection),成为最卖座的华语电影。去年上映的《画皮2》获得了大约人民币7.26亿元的票房收入。

'Lost in Thailand' also sailed past James Cameron's 'Titanic 3D,' which had been 2012's top-earning film at 935 million yuan, according to Xinhua. 'Avatar,' another Cameron blockbuster, still holds the record for the top-grossing movie ever in China at roughly 1.4 billion yuan, Xinhua said.

据新华社报道,《泰囧》的票房还超过了《泰坦尼克号3D》(Titanic3D)。卡梅隆(James Cameron)执导的《泰坦尼克号3D》是2012年中国最卖座的影片,票房成绩为人民币9.35亿元。卡梅隆执导的另一部大片《阿凡达》(Avatar)仍然在中国保持着人民币14亿元的最高票房纪录。

The 30 million yuan comedy -- which was released Dec. 12 and stars Xu Zheng, Wang Baoqiang and Huang Bo -- is about a pair of co-workers competing to find their company's largest shareholder in Thailand to secure a contract approval.


The film's success has shaken up the landscape of the movie industry in China, where big-budget historical epics and martial-arts and action films often dominate the box office.


Over the past month, 'Lost in Thailand' has pushed aside several big-name and big-budget movies, including director Feng Xiaogang's 'Back to 1942,' about the Henan province famine that killed up to three million people; Lu Chuan's 'The Last Supper,' an epic drama set at the beginning of the Han Dynasty; 'The Last Tycoon' starring Chow Yun-fat as a gangster in 1930s Japanese-occupied Shanghai; the adventure movie 'CZ12' (also known as 'Chinese Zodiac 12'), with Jackie Chan trying to rescue stolen Chinese art treasures; and director Andrew Lau's 3-D action film 'The Guillotines.'

过去的一个月里,泰囧击败了多部高调的大制作电影,其中包括:冯小刚的《一九四二》(Back to 1942),这部电影讲述的是导致300万人被饿死的河南大饥荒;陆川执导的以汉代初期为背景的历史片《王的盛宴》(The Last Supper);周润发主演的《大上海》(The Last Tycoon),他在片中饰演上世纪30年代日军占领上海时期的黑帮老大;成龙的新片《十二生肖》(Chinese Zodiac 12),他此次在片中竭力寻回遭窃的中国艺术珍宝;以及导演刘伟强的3D动作电影《血滴子》(The Guillotines)。

The success of 'Lost in Thailand' has sparked debate in China over the kinds of entertainment people should be watching: inconsequential lighter fare versus historical dramas. 'We need popcorn, but we also need bitter pills,' the People's Daily said recently on its Sina Weibo microblog.


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