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天之聪教育 2014-10-23 网络 355次

BRUSSELS — Russian and Ukrainian officials meeting here on Tuesday failed to reach a deal that would restart Russian deliveries of natural gas during the coming winter.


The dispute, which focuses on how much and how soon Ukraine should pay Russia for gas it has already consumed, and the terms for future deliveries, has raised concerns in Europe that supplies of energy from Russia that are piped through Ukraine could be interrupted this winter.


Günther H. Oettinger, the European Union energy commissioner who has already brokered several rounds of talks, told a news conference that he aimed to sign a final agreement next Wednesday.

已经主持了若干轮会谈的欧盟(European Union)能源专员金特·H·厄廷格(Günther H. Oettinger)在记者招待会上表示,他的目标是在下周三签署最终协议。

During the coming days "everyone has got some homework to do," Mr. Oettinger said late Tuesday, after talks that lasted most of the day. But "we have some prospects of a secure supply situation this winter for all European citizens," he said.


The standoff between Russia and Ukraine is delicate for the European Union, which is reliant on the shipment of gas through Ukraine for about a fifth of its gas supplies. Gazprom, Russia's natural-gas giant, shut the taps in 2006 and 2009 because of disputes with Ukraine, leaving many homes in Central and Eastern Europe without heat.


Russia raised its gas prices to Ukraine early this year, and Gazprom halted exports in June because of the size of Ukraine's outstanding bills. But the Ukrainians have accused the Russians of deliberately setting unfair terms to penalize the government in Kiev for tying itself more closely to the West.


The gas feud represents another front between Ukraine and Russia. Skirmishing in eastern Ukraine has continued in recent weeks between pro-Russian rebels and forces allied with the government in Kiev despite a cease-fire.


Key sticking points in the gas talks have been how to calculate the size of Ukraine's debt and how quickly it should be repaid. One remaining question is whether the European Union will step in to help Ukraine pay its bills.


Of the $3.1 billion that Ukraine was agreeing to pay toward settling its debt, an amount of $1.6 billion "is still lacking," Alexander Novak, the Russian energy minister, told reporters.

俄罗斯能源部长亚历山大·诺瓦克(Alexander Novak)告诉记者,乌克兰同意支付31亿美元结清债务,“目前尚缺”16亿美元。

"This cash gap requires funding," said Mr. Novak, who suggested that the European Union "should examine the situation and share some of that burden."


For the Ukrainian energy minister, Yuri Prodan, the main contention appeared to be the terms on which it had agreed to buy further supplies of gas, at $385 per 1,000 cubic meters.

乌克兰已经同意以每立方千米385美元的价格购买俄罗斯今后供应的天然气,对该国能源部长尤里·普罗丹(Yuri Prodan)而言,争论的关键似乎是其所附带的条件。

"The situation needs to be regulated in a fashion so as to continue until spring of next year," said Mr. Prodan, who called for a binding agreement locking in that price.



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